956 resultados para GUIDE-O (Information retrieval system)


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The basal forebrain complex, which includes the nucleus basalis magnocellularis (NBM), provides widespread cholinergic and γ-aminobutyric acid-containing projections throughout the brain, including the insular and pyriform cortices. A number of studies have implicated the cholinergic neurons in the mediation of learning and memory processes. However, the role of basal forebrain activity in information retrieval mechanisms is less known. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effects of reversible inactivation of the NBM by tetrodotoxin (TTX, a voltage-sensitive sodium channel blocker) during the acquisition and retrieval of conditioned taste aversion (CTA) and to measure acetylcholine (ACh) release during TTX inactivation in the insular cortex, by means of the microdialysis technique in free-moving rats. Bilateral infusion of TTX in the NBM was performed 30 min before the presentation of gustative stimuli, in either the CTA acquisition trial or retrieval trial. At the same time, levels of extracellular ACh release were measured in the insular cortex. The behavioral results showed significant impairment in CTA acquisition when the TTX was infused in the NBM, whereas retrieval was not affected when the treatment was given during the test trial. Biochemical results showed that TTX infusion into the NBM produced a marked decrease in cortical ACh release as compared with the controls during consumption of saccharin in the acquisition trial. Depleted ACh levels were found during the test trial in all groups except in the group that received TTX during acquisition. These results suggest a cholinergic-dependent process during acquisition, but not during memory retrieval, and that NBM-mediated cholinergic cortical release may play an important role in early stages of learning, but not during recall of aversive memories.


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This guide is written for Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH) employees assigned to the Public Lands team who may have some National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) knowledge, possibly have experience with writing Environmental Impact Statements (EIS), and with little or no experience writing programmatic EIS documents. The guide contains information encompassing the preparation of a complete Resource Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement (RMP/EIS) for the Bureau of Land Management. The RMP/EIS is a programmatic NEPA document which has many differences and nuances distinct from a typical project type EIS. This guide provides the information necessary for a BAH Public Lands team member to understand the project process and the RMP/EIS document to successfully maneuver through the entire project from beginning to end.


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In this paper, the new features that IR-n system applies on the topic processing for CL-SR are described. This set of features are based on applying logic forms to topics with the aim of incrementing the weight of topic terms according to a set of syntactic rules.


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This paper describes a CL-SR system that employs two different techniques: the first one is based on NLP rules that consist on applying logic forms to the topic processing while the second one basically consists on applying the IR-n statistical search engine to the spoken document collection. The application of logic forms to the topics allows to increase the weight of topic terms according to a set of syntactic rules. Thus, the weights of the topic terms are used by IR-n system in the information retrieval process.


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Este trabajo presenta el uso de una ontología en el dominio financiero para la expansión de consultas con el fin de mejorar los resultados de un sistema de recuperación de información (RI) financiera. Este sistema está compuesto por una ontología y un índice de Lucene que permite recuperación de conceptos identificados mediante procesamiento de lenguaje natural. Se ha llevado a cabo una evaluación con un conjunto limitado de consultas y los resultados indican que la ambigüedad sigue siendo un problema al expandir la consulta. En ocasiones, la elección de las entidades adecuadas a la hora de expandir las consultas (filtrando por sector, empresa, etc.) permite resolver esa ambigüedad.


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Los sistemas de búsqueda de respuestas (BR) se pueden considerar como potenciales sucesores de los buscadores tradicionales de información en la Web. Para que sean precisos deben adaptarse a dominios concretos mediante el uso de recursos semánticos adecuados. La adaptación no es una tarea trivial, ya que deben integrarse e incorporarse a sistemas de BR existentes varios recursos heterogéneos relacionados con un dominio restringido. Se presenta la herramienta Maraqa, cuya novedad radica en el uso de técnicas de ingeniería del software, como el desarrollo dirigido por modelos, para automatizar dicho proceso de adaptación a dominios restringidos. Se ha evaluado Maraqa mediante una serie de experimentos (sobre el dominio agrícola) que demuestran su viabilidad, mejorando en un 29,5% la precisión del sistema adaptado.


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En este artículo se presenta un método para recomendar artículos científicos teniendo en cuenta su grado de generalidad o especificidad. Este enfoque se basa en la idea de que personas menos expertas en un tema preferirían leer artículos más generales para introducirse en el mismo, mientras que personas más expertas preferirían artículos más específicos. Frente a otras técnicas de recomendación que se centran en el análisis de perfiles de usuario, nuestra propuesta se basa puramente en el análisis del contenido. Presentamos dos aproximaciones para recomendar artículos basados en el modelado de tópicos (Topic Modelling). El primero de ellos se basa en la divergencia de tópicos que se dan en los documentos, mientras que el segundo se basa en la similitud que se dan entre estos tópicos. Con ambas medidas se consiguió determinar lo general o específico de un artículo para su recomendación, superando en ambos casos a un sistema de recuperación de información tradicional.


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Decision support systems (DSS) support business or organizational decision-making activities, which require the access to information that is internally stored in databases or data warehouses, and externally in the Web accessed by Information Retrieval (IR) or Question Answering (QA) systems. Graphical interfaces to query these sources of information ease to constrain dynamically query formulation based on user selections, but they present a lack of flexibility in query formulation, since the expressivity power is reduced to the user interface design. Natural language interfaces (NLI) are expected as the optimal solution. However, especially for non-expert users, a real natural communication is the most difficult to realize effectively. In this paper, we propose an NLI that improves the interaction between the user and the DSS by means of referencing previous questions or their answers (i.e. anaphora such as the pronoun reference in “What traits are affected by them?”), or by eliding parts of the question (i.e. ellipsis such as “And to glume colour?” after the question “Tell me the QTLs related to awn colour in wheat”). Moreover, in order to overcome one of the main problems of NLIs about the difficulty to adapt an NLI to a new domain, our proposal is based on ontologies that are obtained semi-automatically from a framework that allows the integration of internal and external, structured and unstructured information. Therefore, our proposal can interface with databases, data warehouses, QA and IR systems. Because of the high NL ambiguity of the resolution process, our proposal is presented as an authoring tool that helps the user to query efficiently in natural language. Finally, our proposal is tested on a DSS case scenario about Biotechnology and Agriculture, whose knowledge base is the CEREALAB database as internal structured data, and the Web (e.g. PubMed) as external unstructured information.


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The construction industry is characterised by fragmentation and suffers from lack of collaboration, often adopting adversarial working practices to achieve deliverables. For the UK Government and construction industry, BIM is a game changer aiming to rectify this fragmentation and promote collaboration. However it has become clear that there is an essential need to have better controls and definitions of both data deliverables and data classification. Traditional methods and techniques for collating and inputting data have shown to be time consuming and provide little to improve or add value to the overall task of improving deliverables. Hence arose the need in the industry to develop a Digital Plan of Work (DPoW) toolkit that would aid the decision making process, providing the required control over the project workflows and data deliverables, and enabling better collaboration through transparency of need and delivery. The specification for the existing Digital Plan of Work (DPoW) was to be, an industry standard method of describing geometric, requirements and data deliveries at key stages of the project cycle, with the addition of a structured and standardised information classification system. However surveys and interviews conducted within this research indicate that the current DPoW resembles a digitised version of the pre-existing plans of work and does not push towards the data enriched decision-making abilities that advancements in technology now offer. A Digital Framework is not simply the digitisation of current or historic standard methods and procedures, it is a new intelligent driven digital system that uses new tools, processes, procedures and work flows to eradicate waste and increase efficiency. In addition to reporting on conducted surveys above, this research paper will present a theoretical investigation into usage of Intelligent Decision Support Systems within a digital plan of work framework. Furthermore this paper will present findings on the suitability to utilise advancements in intelligent decision-making system frameworks and Artificial Intelligence for a UK BIM Framework. This should form the foundations of decision-making for projects implemented at BIM level 2. The gap identified in this paper is that the current digital toolkit does not incorporate the intelligent characteristics available in other industries through advancements in technology and collation of vast amounts of data that a digital plan of work framework could have access to and begin to develop, learn and adapt for decision-making through the live interaction of project stakeholders.


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This qualitative study focuses on what contributes to making a music information-seeking experience satisfying in the context of everyday life. Data were collected through in-depth interviews conducted with 15 younger adults (18 to 29 years old). The analysis revealed that satisfaction could depend on both hedonic (i.e., experiencing pleasure) and utilitarian outcomes. It was found that two types of utilitarian outcomes contributed to satisfaction: (1) the acquisition of music, and (2) the acquisition of information about music. Information about music was gathered to (1) enrich the listening experience, (2) increase one's music knowledge, and/or (3) optimize future acquisition. This study contributes to a better understanding of music information-seeking behavior in recreational contexts. It also has implications for music information retrieval systems design: results suggest that these systems should be engaging, include a wealth of extra-musical information, allow users to navigate among music items, and encourage serendipitous encountering of music.


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In the article relevance of system development for subject search using computational linguistics is considered. The basic principles of system functioning are defined. The principle of grammar development for information retrieval from the partially structured text in a natural language is considered. The ranging principle of results of information search is defined.


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This qualitative study focuses on what contributes to making a music information-seeking experience satisfying in the context of everyday life. Data were collected through in-depth interviews conducted with 15 younger adults (18 to 29 years old). The analysis revealed that satisfaction could depend on both hedonic (i.e., experiencing pleasure) and utilitarian outcomes. It was found that two types of utilitarian outcomes contributed to satisfaction: (1) the acquisition of music, and (2) the acquisition of information about music. Information about music was gathered to (1) enrich the listening experience, (2) increase one's music knowledge, and/or (3) optimize future acquisition. This study contributes to a better understanding of music information-seeking behavior in recreational contexts. It also has implications for music information retrieval systems design: results suggest that these systems should be engaging, include a wealth of extra-musical information, allow users to navigate among music items, and encourage serendipitous encountering of music.


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"February 1986."


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Document classification is a supervised machine learning process, where predefined category labels are assigned to documents based on the hypothesis derived from training set of labelled documents. Documents cannot be directly interpreted by a computer system unless they have been modelled as a collection of computable features. Rogati and Yang [M. Rogati and Y. Yang, Resource selection for domain-specific cross-lingual IR, in SIGIR 2004: Proceedings of the 27th annual international conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, ACM Press, Sheffied: United Kingdom, pp. 154-161.] pointed out that the effectiveness of document classification system may vary in different domains. This implies that the quality of document model contributes to the effectiveness of document classification. Conventionally, model evaluation is accomplished by comparing the effectiveness scores of classifiers on model candidates. However, this kind of evaluation methods may encounter either under-fitting or over-fitting problems, because the effectiveness scores are restricted by the learning capacities of classifiers. We propose a model fitness evaluation method to determine whether a model is sufficient to distinguish positive and negative instances while still competent to provide satisfactory effectiveness with a small feature subset. Our experiments demonstrated how the fitness of models are assessed. The results of our work contribute to the researches of feature selection, dimensionality reduction and document classification.