996 resultados para Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici
DEET (N,N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide) is nowadays the most effective mosquito repellent available, however, its use can present some topical and systemic side effects. Some botanical compositions, as Andiroba (Carapa guianensis), have been proved repellent properties at low cost and toxicity. An experimental study was driven involving four volunteers submitting their forearms covered with Andiroba oil at 100%, DEET 50%, refined soy oil, Andiroba oil 15% and in the absence of products, directly to healthy females of Aedes sp. The times of first and third bites were checked. The results showed that the median of the first bite without any product was 17.5s and the third bite, 40.0s. In the soy oil, the bites happened in 60.0s and 101.5s, in the presence of Andiroba oil 100%, in 56.0s and 142.5s and in Andiroba oil 15%, in 63.0s and 97.5s. The volunteers using DEET 50% had not received bites after 3600s in most of the experiments (p < 0.001 Wilcoxon). Pure Andiroba oil compared to the soy oil, forearm without product and Andiroba oil 15%, showed discreet superiority (p < 0.001 Wilcoxon). Our conclusion is that this study demonstrated that the pure Andiroba oil presents discreet repellent effect against bite of Aedes sp., being significantly inferior to DEET 50%.
Giardia and Cryptosporidium have caused several outbreaks of gastroenteritis in humans associated with drinking water. Contaminated sewage effluents are recognized as a potential source of waterborne protozoa. Due to the lack of studies about the occurrence of these parasites in sewage samples in Brazil, we compared the efficiency of two procedures for concentrating cysts and oocysts in activated sludge samples of one sewage treatment plant. For this, the samples were submitted to i) concentration by the ether clarification procedure (ECP) and to ii) purification by sucrose flotation method (SFM) and aliquots of the pellets were examined by immunofluorescence. Giardia cysts were present in all samples (100.0%; n = 8) when using ECP and kit 1 reagents, while kit 2 resulted in six positive samples (85.7%; n = 7). As for SFM, cysts were detected in 75.0% and 100.0% of these samples (for kit 1 and 2, respectively). Regarding Cryptosporidium, two samples (25.0%; kit 1 and 28.5% for kit 2) were detected positive by using ECP, while for SFM, only one sample (examined by kit 1) was positive (12.5%). The results of the control trial revealed Giardia and Cryptosporidium recovery efficiency rates for ECP of 54.5% and 9.6%, while SFM was 10.5% and 3.2%, respectively. Considering the high concentration detected, a previous evaluation of the activated sludge before its application in agriculture is recommended and with some improvement, ECP would be an appropriate simple technique for protozoa detection in sewage samples.
A plant growth-promoting bacterial (PGPB) strain SC2b was isolated from the rhizosphere of Sedum plumbizincicola grown in lead (Pb)/zinc (Zn) mine soils and characterized as Bacillus sp. based on (1) morphological and biochemical characteristics and (2) partial 16S ribosomal DNA sequencing analysis. Strain SC2b exhibited high levels of resistance to cadmium (Cd) (300 mg/L), Zn (730 mg/L), and Pb (1400 mg/L). This strain also showed various plant growth-promoting (PGP) features such as utilization of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate, solubilization of phosphate, and production of indole-3-acetic acid and siderophore. The strain mobilized high concentration of heavy metals from soils and exhibited different biosorption capacity toward the tested metal ions. Strain SC2b was further assessed for PGP activity by phytagar assay with a model plant Brassica napus. Inoculation of SC2b increased the biomass and vigor index of B. napus. Considering such potential, a pot experiment was conducted to assess the effects of inoculating the metal-resistant PGPB SC2b on growth and uptake of Cd, Zn and Pb by S. plumbizincicola in metal-contaminated agricultural soils. Inoculation with SC2b elevated the shoot and root biomass and leaf chlorophyll content of S. plumbizincicola. Similarly, plants inoculated with SC2b demonstrated markedly higher Cd and Zn accumulation in the root and shoot system, indicating that SC2b enhanced Cd and Zn uptake by S. plumbizincicola through metal mobilization or plant-microbial mediated changes in chemical or biological soil properties. Data demonstrated that the PGPB Bacillus sp. SC2b might serve as a future biofertilizer and an effective metal mobilizing bioinoculant for rhizoremediation of metal polluted soils.
This study involved a total of 116 samples, 79 taken from pigeon droppings and 37 of atmospheric air taken close to accumulations of excrement. Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii was isolated from 11 (13.9%) of these samples. Other species of Cryptococcus were also isolated from these samples, such as C. albidus (12.6%) and C. laurentii (8.9%). C. neoformans was not isolated from the air samples, though C. albidus (5.4%) was. All the strains of C. neoformans were found to belong to the A serotype (C. neoformans var. grubii). In regard to the studies with the antifungal agents 5-fluorocytosine, fluconazole, itraconazole, amphotericin B and voriconazole, by means of the microdilution method (EUCAST), we point out that one sample demonstrated resistance to fluconazole, this being especially significant because this is an environmental strain.
Toxocariasis is a zoonosis mainly caused by Toxocara canis, an intestinal nematode of dogs. Man acquires the infection through accidental ingestion of viable eggs, and the toxocariasis clinical manifestations may vary from an asymptomatic infection up to the Visceral Larva Migrans syndrome. Seventy eight public squares of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil, including Bonfim Paulista district were visited aiming to evaluate the soil contamination by Toxocara eggs. The squares were divided in five different areas corresponding to the Sanitary Districts of the city. From May to December 2003, soil samples weighting about 250 g each were collected from five distinct sites of each public square. The laboratorial analysis was done by centrifugal-flotation techniques in magnesium sulphate solutions with 5% of potassium iodide (d = 1.33) and zinc sulphate (d = 1.20), and by the sedimentation- flotation in conic chalices with zinc sulphate (d = 1.20). Toxocara sp. eggs were found on 16 (20.5%) squares, with the lowest prevalence (12%) at the central area. From these results, it is expected that the legal authority will adopt protection measures for the city public areas, reducing thus the contamination risk by Toxocara sp. eggs.
The frequency of intestinal infection by Cryptosporidium sp. was determined in 60 patients, attended at the Haematological and Haemotherapeutical Service of "Santa Casa de Misericórdia" of São Paulo, suffering lymphoproliferative diseases (Group 1). As control group (Group 2) 59 persons without haematological diseases, but with the same life time and living at the same place of that of haematological patients, had been examined. The stool parasitological tests performed disclosed Cryptosporidium sp. oocysts in six (10%) individuals belonging to Group 1, whereas, in Group 2, nobody showed infection by this coccidian. Among the patients infected by Cryptosporidium sp. only one showed diarrhoeal faeces.
The protozoan Cryptosporidium sp. has been frequently detected in faeces from children with persistent diarrhoea. This work achieved to investigate an outbreak of cryptosporidiosis, in a day care center, attending children of high socio-economic level, between 0 and six years old. The outbreak was detected through the network of public health, when stool samples, not diarrhoeic, were examined at the Parasitology Service of the Adolfo Lutz Institute. Among the 64 examined children, 13 (20.3%) showed oocysts of Cryptosporidium sp. in the faeces examined by Kinyoun technique: seven children one year old, three, two years old and three, three years old. Among the 23 examined adults, only a 22 years old woman, possibly having an immunocomprometiment, was positive. Clinical and epidemiological aspects were investigated by questionnaires, highlighting the occurrence of the outbreak in a very dry period.
Estudo dos flebótomos (Diptera, Phlebotominae), vectores de Leishmania sp. no Concelho de Torres Novas, Portugal. Sofia Isabel Martins Branco PALAVRAS-CHAVE: flebótomos, bioecologia, Leishmania, Torres Novas, Portugal. Os flebótomos são insectos vectores de vários agentes patogénicos, dos quais se destacam os protozoários do Género Leishmania. Em Portugal, as leishmanioses, canina e humana, são causadas por L. infantum, sendo o cão o principal reservatório e Phlebotomus perniciosus e P. ariasi os vectores comprovados do parasita. São conhecidos três focos de doença, mas casos de leishmaniose canina têm sido reportados em outras regiões nas quais se desconhecem as espécies flebotomínicas presentes e respectivas taxas de infecção. Neste trabalho, efectuou-se a primeira prospecção flebotomínica no Concelho de Torres Novas, Distrito de Santarém, localizado na região Centro de Portugal. Os principais objectivos foram determinar a fauna flebotomínica do Concelho, os aspectos bioecológicos, as taxas de infecção por Leishmania e os factores de risco para a transmissão vectorial. De Junho a Novembro de 2010, 275 biótopos foram prospectados com armadilhas CDC. As capturas foram realizadas em 91 localidades, nas 17 freguesias do Concelho, e incluíram habitats domésticos, peridomésticos e silváticos. Os exemplares capturados foram identificados morfologicamente, as fêmeas utilizadas para detecção molecular de DNA de Leishmania e identificação das refeições sanguíneas. Análises de regressão simples e múltipla foram utilizadas para avaliação dos factores de risco para a presença das várias espécies flebotomínicas. Testes não paramétricos foram usados para comparar densidades. Dos 1262 flebótomos capturados, quatro espécies foram assinaladas com as seguintes abundâncias relativas: P. perniciosus 73,69%, P. ariasi 8,16%, P. sergenti 6,58% e Sergentomyia minuta 11,57%. Em 82% das localidades prospectadas foi detectada pelo menos uma espécie flebotomínica e em 71,4% destas foi capturada pelo menos uma das espécies comprovadamente vectoras de L. infantum. P. perniciosus foi assinalado em todas as 17 freguesias do Concelho. Os factores de risco identificados foram: temperaturas elevadas e humidades relativas baixas, locais abrigados e ausência de vento forte, presença de pinheiros como vegetação dominante, biótopos peridomésticos, particularmente currais de ovelhas e coelheiras, ou na proximidade de ovelhas, aves de capoeira e ninhos com andorinhas. A taxa de infecção flebotomínica por L. infantum foi de 4% para P. ariasi e de 0,32% para o total de fêmeas capturadas. A maioria das fêmeas para as quais se identificou a origem da refeição sanguínea pertencia a P. perniciosus. Esta espécie apresentou um comportamento oportunista, alimentando-se numa grande variedade de hospedeiros vertebrados. A elevada abundância e distribuição das espécies vectoras, juntamente com a seroprevalência de Leishmania nos cães do Distrito (5-10%), e a captura de uma fêmea grávida de P. ariasi (infectante), sugerem que o Concelho de Torres Novas é um foco de leishmaniose no país. A maior abundância relativa de P. sergenti, comparando com prospecções realizadas noutras áreas da região Centro de Portugal, sugere que este potencial vector esteja a expandir-se para latitudes mais elevadas, aumentando o risco de introdução de L. tropica no território, por contacto com imigrantes ou viajantes infectados de áreas endémicas. A monitorização flebotomínica, e dos hospedeiros vertebrados, deverá ser continuada no Concelho para que medidas eficazes de controlo possam ser definidas e implementadas.
Toxoplasmosis is one of the most common zoonoses worldwide. The seroprevalence for T. gondii in human population from Brazil might range from 40 to 80%. The aim of this paper was to study the seroprevalence of T. gondii infection in children from age one to 15 living in a low socioeconomic community, named community of Jardim São Remo in the year of 2002. The community is located in the West area of São Paulo municipality, São Paulo State, Brazil. Antibodies to T. gondii were found in 110 (32.4%, CI 95%: 27.5 - 37.7) of the 339 children tested with indirect immunofluorescent antibody test. The titration of the samples revealed 29 children with serum titer equal to 16, 14 children with 32, 18 children with 64, 21 children with 128, 20 children with 256 and eight children with serum titer > 512. The age dependence of the prevalence of T. gondii infection and the association between seroprevalence for T. gondii and seroprevalence for T. canis suggest that the infection is chiefly postnatal. Seroconversion in infant population of community Jardim São Remo occurs in children as young as two years old, earlier than in the children attended at health centers of São Paulo city. The seroprevalence of T. gondii in children from Jardim São Remo was compared to the prevalence in children from other urban centers of Brazil.
The occurrence of the enteroparasites was verified in 279 children (0 to 6 years) of four municipal day cares of Botucatu/SP. Three samples of each child's feces were collected and processed by the methods of Hoffman-Pons-Janner, Faust and Ritchie and subsequent coloration of the fecal smear by the methods of Auramina-O and Ziehl-Neelsen modified for diagnosis of Cryptosporidium sp. and Graham method for diagnosis of Enterobius vermicularis. Of the analyzed children we verified a prevalence of intestinal parasitism in 53.40%, and the most frequent parasite was Giardia duodenalis (26.88%). Significant association was verified among enteroparasitosis, family income, maternal education and age; the lowest enteroparasite frequency occurred in children of families with larger income and higher education. It was observed that G. duodenalis is more prevalent in children from 0 to 4 years and E. vermicularis is more frequent in children between three and four years old. The high enteroparasite prevalence in day cares suggests complex structure in its epidemiology, where factors beyond sanitation should be considered.
Soil contamination by embryonic eggs of Toxocara canis is the main source of human infection by this ascarid larvae resulting, sometimes, in the occurrence of visceral larva migrans syndrome. The objective of the present research is to determine the frequency of T. canis eggs in soil samples monthly collected in nine public places, located at the South Region of São Paulo municipality in a 18-month period, from February 2004 to July 2005. The soil samples collected were treated with a 30% antiformine solution and with a sodium dichromate solution (d = 1.40) and microscopic slides were prepared and examined under light microscopy for searching T. canis eggs. Two peaks of higher frequency had been found, one in February - May 2004 and the other in April - July 2005.
The transmission of malaria in Brazil is heterogeneous throughout endemic areas and the presence of asymptomatic Plasmodium sp. carriers (APCs) in the Brazilian Amazon has already been demonstrated. Malaria screening in blood banks is based on the selection of donors in respect to possible risks associated with travel or residence, clinical evidence and/or inaccurate diagnostic methods thereby increasing the probability of transfusion-transmitted infection. We evaluated the frequency of APCs in four blood services in distinct areas of the Brazilian Amazon region. DNA was obtained from 400 human blood samples for testing using the phenol-chloroform method followed by a nested-PCR protocol with species-specific primers. The positivity rate varied from 1 to 3% of blood donors from the four areas with an average of 2.3%. All positive individuals had mixed infections for Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum. No significant differences in the results were detected among these areas; the majority of cases originated from the transfusion centres of Porto Velho, Rondônia State and Macapá, Amapá State. Although it is still unclear whether APC individuals may act as reservoirs of the parasite, efficient screening of APCs and malaria patients in Brazilian blood services from endemic areas needs to be improved.
The authors report neuromuscular manifestations in a 45-year-old woman after consuming octopus meat (Octopus sp.). The patient presented malaise, paresthesias in perioral and extremity areas, intense muscular weakness and arterial hypotension, followed by severe itch and disseminated cutaneous rash. Gastrointestinal manifestations and fever were not observed, reducing the probability of alimentary poisoning. The presence of muscular and neurological symptoms suggests neurotoxin action, which could have been ingested by the victim from the octopus salivary glands or from an accumulation of toxins in the meat, or by an unknown mechanism. There is little known about toxins of the Octopus genus and this communication is important alert to the possibility of poisoning in humans that eat octopus and its differentiation from alimentary poisonings arising from incorrect conservation of seafood.
A case of subcutaneous phaeohyphomycosis caused by Cladophialophora sp. is reported. The patient, an immunosuppressed host presented a nodule on the dorsum of the right hand which relapsed four months after excision. Dematiaceous septate hyphal and yeast like elements were seen in mycological and histological examination. The isolated fungus was identified on the basis of micro-macromorphological and physiologic characteristics.
The phenolic profile and antioxidant activity of three endemic Laurus sp. from Portugal were analysed. Dried leaves of L. nobilis L., L. azorica (Seub.) Franco, and L. novocanariensis Rivas Mart., Lousã, Fern. Prieto, E. Días, J. C. Costa & C. Aguiar, collected in the mainland and in the Azores and Madeira archipelagos, respectively, were used to prepare different extracts (aqueous, ethanolic and hydroalcoholic). They were studied regarding their DPPH˙ scavenging activity, total phenolic and flavonoid contents, and the main phenolic compounds were identified by HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS. Total flavonoid contents were 30.1, 46.3, and 36.7 mg of epicatechin equivalents per g of sample (dry weight) for L. nobilis, L. azorica and L. novocanariensis, respectively. Epicatechin was the major compound, representing ∼12.1% of total flavan-3-ols in L. nobilis, ∼25.6% in L. azorica, and ∼19.9% in L. novocanariensis. Although all samples presented a similar phenolic profile, significant differences were observed in their total contents and antioxidant activity.