835 resultados para Food diet
Background Little progress has been made to identify the central neuroendocrine pathway involved in the energy intake control in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) patients. Objective To assess the influence of orexigenic neuropeptides in the nutritional aspects of NAFLD obese adolescents submitted to a long-term interdisciplinary approach. Methods Fifty adolescents aged 15-19 years, with body mass index at least 95th percentile, consisting of 25 patients without NAFLD and 25 with NAFLD. The NAFLD diagnosis was determined by ultrasonography. Blood samples were collected to analyze glycemia, hepatic transaminases, and lipid profile. Insulin resistance was estimated by Homeostasis Model Assessment Insulin Resistance Index. Neuropeptide Y (NPY) and agouti related protein concentrations were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Analyses of food intake were made by 3 days recordatory inquiry. Results At baseline conditions, the patients with NAFLD had significantly higher values of body mass, body mass index, visceral fat, triglycerides, VLDL-C, and hepatic transaminases. After the long-term intervention, they presented a significant reduction in these parameters. In both the groups, it was observed a significant decrease in energy intake, macronutrients and dietetic cholesterol. Only the patients with NAFLD presented a positive correlation between the saturated fatty acids intake and the orexigenic neuropeptides NPY and agouti related protein, and carbohydrate with NPY. Indeed, it was observed a positive correlation between energy intake, lipid (%) and saturated fatty acids with visceral fat accumulation. Conclusion Our findings showed an important influence of diet composition in the orexigenic system, being essential consider that the excessive saturated fatty acids intake could be a determinant factor to increase nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 22:557-563 (C) 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Methionine-choline-deficient diet represents a model for the study of the pathogenesis of steatohepatitis. Male rats were divided into three groups, the first group receiving a control diet and the other two groups receiving a methionine-choline-deficient diet for 1 month (MCD1) and for 2 months (MCD2), respectively. The livers of the animals were collected for the determination of vitamin E, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), GSH concentration, DNA damages, and for histopathological evaluation. The hepatic TBARS and GSH content was higher (P < 0.05) in the groups receiving the experimental diet (MCD1 and MCD2) compared to control diet, and hepatic vitamin E concentration differed (P < 0.05) between the MCD1 and MCD2 groups, with the MCD2 group presenting a lower concentration. Damage to hepatocyte DNA was greater (P < 0.05) in the MCD2 group (262.80 DNA injuries/100 hepatocytes) compared to MCD1 (136.4 DNA injuries/100 hepatocytes) and control diet (115.83 DNA injuries/100 hepatocytes). Liver histopathological evaluation showed that steatosis, present in experimental groups was micro- and macro-vesicular and concentrated around the centrolobular vein, zone 3, with preservation of the portal space. The inflammatory infiltrate was predominantly periductal and the steatosis and inflammatory infiltrate was similar in the MCD1 and MCD2 groups, although the presence of Mallory bodies was greater in the MCD2 group. The study describes the contribution of a methionine-choline-deficient diet to the progression of steatosis, lipid peroxidation and hepatic DNA damage in rats, serving as a point of reflection about the role of these nutrients in the western diet and the elevated non-alcoholic steatohepatitis rates in humans.
Caloric intake reduction has been considered as the major experimental manipulation able to increase longevity in experimental models. Therefore, its effects upon cognition and mood like behavior are poorly explored. On the other hand, Li(+) is a re-emergent therapeutic drug used to treat mood disorders, mainly bipolar disorder, with antipanic and antidepressant actions. On the hypothesis that lithium treatment could attenuate the negatives effects of stress on Central Nervous Systems (CNS), we evaluated the role of chronic lithium treatment on anxiety-like behaviors in animals submitted to stress by chronic moderated feed restriction (FR). Male wistar rats were divided into four groups (n = 7-8/group) according to dietary and drug manipulation: ad libitum (AL) with unlimited access to standard rat diet, lithium treatment ( AL + Li) which received approximately 50 mg/Kg animal/day of LiCl solved in water and ad libitum diet, FR that were fed with equivalent to 70% of total rat diet consumed by AL group, and FR + Li which received diet corresponding to FR and Li administration. After 12 weeks of drug and FR manipulation, anxiety like behavior was evaluated in elevated plus mazes (EPM). Chronic lithium treatment prevent the anxiogenic like effect of FR ( open time, F(3,30) = 3.588; P = 0.0265; percentage of open entries, F(3,30) = 6.004; P= 0.00029; and open time at the first min, 2.35; F(3,30) = 4.937; P = 0.0073, Duncan test P < 0.05) compared to AL diet. Ours results adding to evidences that moderate feed restriction my increase anxiety-like behavior; also suggest that chronic lithium treatment may be attenuated this effects.
The effects of six extruded diets with different starch sources (cassava flour, brewer`s rice, corn, sorghum, peas or lentils) on dog total tract apparent digestibility and glycemic and insulinemic response were investigated. The experiment was carried out on thirty-six dogs with six dogs per diet in a completely randomized design. The diets containing brewer`s rice and cassava flour presented the greatest digestibility of dry matter, organic matter and gross energy (p < 0.05), followed by corn and sorghum; pea and lentil diets had the lowest. Starch digestibility was greater than 98% in all diets and was greater for brewer`s rice and cassava flour than for lentils and peas diets (p < 0.05). Dogs` immediate post-prandial glucose and insulin responses (AUC <= 30 min) were greater for brewer`s rice, corn, and cassava flour diets (p < 0.05), and later meal responses (AUC >= 30 min) were greater for sorghum, lentil and pea diets (p < 0.05). Variations in diet digestibility and post-prandial response can be explained by differences in chemical composition of each starch source including fibre content and starch granule structure. The nutritional particularities of each starch ingredient can be explored through diet formulations designed to modulate glycemic response. However, more studies are required to support these.
The effects of diets with different starch sources on the total tract apparent digestibility and glucose and insulin responses in cats were investigated. Six experimental diets consisting of 35% starch were extruded, each containing one of the following ingredients: cassava flour, brewers rice, corn, sorghum, peas, or lentils. The experiment was carried out on 36 cats with 6 replications per diet in a completely randomized block design. The brewers rice diet offered greater DM, OM, and GE digestibility than the sorghum, corn, lentil, and pea diets (P < 0.05). For starch digestibility, the brewers rice diet had greater values (98.6%) than the sorghum (93.9%), lentil (95.2%), and pea (96.3%) diets (P < 0.05); however, starch digestibility was > 93% for all the diets, proving that despite the low carbohydrate content of carnivorous diets, cats can efficiently digest this nutrient when it is properly processed into kibble. Mean and maximum glucose concentration and area under the glucose curve were greater for the corn-based diet than the cassava flour, sorghum, lentil, and pea diets (P < 0.05). The corn-based diets led to greater values for the mean glucose incremental concentration (10.2 mg/dL), maximum glucose incremental concentration (24.8 mg/dL), and area under the incremental glucose curve (185.5 mg.dL(-1).h(-1)) than the lentil diet (2.9 mg/dL, 3.1 mg/dL, and -40.4 mg.dL(-1).h(-1), respectively; P < 0.05). When compared with baseline values, only the corn diet stimulated an increase in the glucose response, occurring at 4 and 10 h postmeal (P < 0.05). The corn-based diet resulted in greater values for maximum incremental insulin concentration and area under the incremental insulin curve than the lentil-based diet (P < 0.05). However, plasma insulin concentrations rose in relation to the basal values for cats fed corn, sorghum, pea, and brewers rice diets (P < 0.05). Variations in diet digestibility and postprandial response can be explained by differences in the chemical composition of the starch source, including fiber content and granule structure, and also differences in the chemical compositions of the diets. The data suggest that starch has less of an effect on the cat postprandial glucose and insulin responses than on those of dogs and humans. This can be explained by the metabolic peculiarities of felines, which may slow and prolong starch digestion and absorption, leading to the delayed, less pronounced effects on their blood responses.
Six of the short dietary questions used in the 1995 National Nutrition Survey (see box below) were evaluated for relative validity both directly and indirectly and for consistency, by documenting the differences in mean intakes of foods and nutrients as measured on the 24-hour recall, between groups with different responses to the short questions. 1. Including snacks, how many times do you usually have something to eat in a day including evenings? 2. How many days per week do you usually have something to eat for breakfast? 3. In the last 12 months, were there any times that you ran out of food and couldn’t afford to buy more? 4. What type of milk do you usually consume? 5. How many serves of vegetables do you usually eat each day? (a serve = 1/2 cup cooked vegetables or 1 cup of salad vegetables) 6. How many serves of fruit do you usually eat each day? (a serve = 1 medium piece or 2 small pieces of fruit or 1 cup of diced pieces) These comparisons were made for males and females overall and for population sub-groups of interest including: age, socio-economic disadvantage, region of residence, country of birth, and BMI category. Several limitations to this evaluation of the short questions, as discussed in the report, need to be kept in mind including: · The method for comparison available (24-hour recall) was not ideal (gold standard); as it measures yesterday’s intake. This limitation was overcome by examining only mean differences between groups of respondents, since mean intake for a group can provide a reasonable approximation for ‘usual’ intake. · The need to define and identify, post-hoc, from the 24-hour recall the number of eating occasions, and occasions identified by the respondents as breakfast. · Predetermined response categories for some of the questions effectively limited the number of categories available for evaluation. · Other foods and nutrients, not selected for this evaluation, may have an indirect relationship with the question, and might have shown stronger and more consistent responses. · The number of responses in some categories of the short questions eg for food security may have been too small to detect significant differences between population sub-groups. · No information was available to examine the validity of these questions for detecting differences over time (establishing trends) in food habits and indicators of selected nutrient intakes. By contrast, the strength of this evaluation was its very large sample size, (atypical of most validation studies of dietary assessment) and thus, the opportunity to investigate question performance in a range of broad population sub-groups compared with a well-conducted, quantified survey of intakes. The results of the evaluation are summarised below for each of the questions and specific recommendations for future testing, modifications and use provided for each question. The report concludes with some general recommendations for the further development and evaluation of short dietary questions.
Animals sensitized to allergens change their feeding behavior and avoid drinking the otherwise preferred sweetened solutions containing the allergens. This phenomenon, known as food aversion, appears to be mediated by allergen-specific IgE antibodies. Here we investigated food aversion in BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice, which differ in their allergic responses to the allergen ovalbumin as well as in their preference for sweet taste. BALB/c mice present higher levels of IgE and a natural lower preference for sweet flavors when compared to C57BL/6 mice. Specifically, we studied a conflicting situation in which animals simultaneously experienced the aversive contact with the allergen and the attractive sweet taste of increasing concentrations of sucrose. We found that BALB/c mice were more prone to develop food aversion than C57BL/6 mice and that this aversive behavior could be abolished in both strains by increasing the palatability of the solution containing the allergen. In both strains food aversion was positively correlated with the levels of allergen-specific IgE antibodies and inversely correlated with their preference for sucrose sweetened solutions. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Background: Mice allergic to ovalbumin (OVA) avoid drinking a solution containing this antigen. This was interpreted as related to IgE-dependent mast cell degranulation and sensory C fiber activation. Methods: We employed pharmacological manipulation to further investigate the mediators involved in immune-induced food aversion. Results: While nonimmunized rats preferred a sweetened OVA solution, immunized rats avoided it. We also employed a paradigm in which rats are conditioned to drink water for two 10-min sessions a day. Tolerant rats presented lower IgE titers, and this manipulation abrogated food aversion. Dexamethasone (1.0 mg/kg) prevented the aversion of OVA-immunized rats to the antigen-containing solution. Combined blockade of H(1) and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)(2) receptors by promethazine (3.0 mg/kg) plus methysergide (5.0 mg/kg) was unable to alter food aversion. Blockade of 5-HT(3) receptors by ondansetron (1.0 mg/kg) caused a twofold increase in the ingestion of the sweetened OVA solution by immunized rats, suggesting the involvement of 5-HT(3) receptors in food aversion. Finally, we showed that dexamethasone or promethazine plus methysergide, but not ondansetron, effectively prevented the IgE-dependent mast-cell-degranulation-induced increase in vascular permeability in rats. Conclusion: We suggest that regardless of whether or not they cause edema, IgE-mediated mast cell degranulation and consequent 5-HT(3) signaling are involved in the process that triggers avoidance to the source of the allergen in allergic rats. Copyright (C) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel
This study investigates the effect of cash cropping on food availability and examines the determinants of the proportion of income allocated for food expenditures in the Nyeri district in Kenya. Using a Tobit model, the results suggest that in general food expenditure allocations suffer due to cash cropping in Kenya as the lump-sum income flows from this may be used for purchases other than food. Food expenditure also suffers when remittances are irregular. On the other hand, earnings from outside employment for married women living with husbands are positively associated with food expenditure allocations. Amounts of non-cash food output as well as ownership of livestock are negatively associated with food expenditure allocations. These findings indicate that lump sum income may not lead to improved welfare of women and children. Thus, there may be social reasons for increasing non-cash food production especially by women, instead of over emphasizing cash cropping as now seems to be so in public policy.