985 resultados para Fluvial morphometry
Mercury distribution and fractionation were determined in sediments from the Paraíba do Sul River – RJ, Brazil. Total mercury concentration ranged from 1 to 158 ng g-1. Hg associated with the weakly bound fraction was dominant in the estuarine areas (main - 60% and secondary - 55%); followed by fluvial end member (48%) and mangrove (18%). These results reinforce the mercury availability to fluvial and estuarine areas and emphasize the key role played by mangroves as an efficient biogeochemical barrier. In conclusion, the continuous reduction of the mangrove ecosystem around the world can exacerbate the damage resulting from the mercury accumulation.
Hip fractures are associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Cervical and trochanteric fractures have a different morphometry, surgical treatment, and outcome. Polypharmacy, common in older people, is associated with increased mortality. The risk factors for mortality can be identified based on cause-of-death analysis. In this population-based study, 461 older, surgically in 1999-2000 treated hip fracture patients were enrolled. Incidence, morphometry, medication, mortality, and cause-of-death were analysed. Hip fractures were most commonly sustained by women, occurred mostly indoors, and often in institutions. One in four patients had sustained a previous fracture. Routine clinical radiographs revealed no differences in the hip geometry between hip fracture types. Age-adjusted mortality was higher in men than in women during the follow-up. Chronic lung disease and male sex were predictors of mortality after cervical fracture. In men, potent anticholinergics were associated with excess age-adjusted mortality. Men were more likely to die from circulatory disease and dementia after hip fracture than women. Mortality after hip fracture was 3-fold higher than that of the general population, including every cause-of-death class. Fracture prevention in institutions and homes, indoor safety measures, and treatment of chronic lung diseases should be encouraged. Hip morphometry analyses require more accurate measures than that provided by routine radiographs. Careful use of potent anticholinergics may reduce mortality. Compared to the general population, excess mortality after hip fracture was evident up to 9 years after hip fracture. Cause-of-death analysis indicates that all major comorbidities require optimal treatment after hip fracture surgery.
Dentre as paisagens do médio rio Araguaia, destacam-se as extensas planícies e depressões sazonalmente alagadas. Nelas se inserem formações florestais higrófilas denominadas Ipucas, como enclaves peculiares pela sua fitossociologia e ambiente pedogeomorfológico. Esses fragmentos florestais naturais ocorrem na planície fluvial, em região de ecótono entre o Cerrado e a Floresta Amazônica. Neste estudo, foi selecionada uma área de 8.200 ha, situada no Município de Lagoa da Confusão, TO, sendo caracterizados nove perfis de solos em diferentes pedoambientes e suas inter-relações nas paisagens da planície do Araguaia, com ênfase nas áreas de Ipucas. Os pedoambientes apresentam grande diversidade, com amplo domínio de solos gleizados, pobres em nutrientes e com plintita em subsuperfície, com teores variáveis de carbono orgânico. Excetuando as áreas de calcário aflorante na borda elevada da planície, onde predominam Cambissolos Háplicos eutróficos com acentuada riqueza química, os solos predominantes no interior da planície do Médio Araguaia, dominantemente Plintossolos e Gleissolos, são acentuadamente pobres em nutrientes e ácidos, mesmo sob formações florestais de Ipucas. Nessas últimas, há um acúmulo de matéria orgânica pelo ambiente hidromórfico redutor e ácido. Por serem áreas extremamente frágeis a intervenções antrópicas, e pouco interligadas, as Ipucas devem ser consideradas áreas de preservação permanente, sendo estreitamente ligadas ao ciclo hidrológico da planície do Araguaia.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as características morfométricas das microbacias (2ª, 3ª, 4ª e 5ª ordens de magnitude) da bacia hidrográfica do córrego Rico, sub-bacia do Rio Mogi-Guaçu, localizada na região administrativa de Ribeirão Preto, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Para tanto, foram determinados os parâmetros físicos e a configuração topográfica natural do sistema de drenagem. Os procedimentos para a obtenção dos dados foram fundamentados em técnicas de sensoriamento remoto e geoprocessamento. A partir da vetorização das cartas topográficas correspondentes à área de estudo, realizou-se a análise morfométrica quanto às características dimensionais, do padrão de drenagem e do relevo no sistema de informação geográfica ArcView. A microbacia é considerada de sexta ordem de magnitude, com área estimada de 542 km², com 85 microbacias de segunda ordem, 22 de terceira, sete de quarta ordem e duas de quinta. Utilizando o critério geométrico, na disposição fluvial das sub-bacias de cabeceiras observou-se a predominância dos modelos dendríticos e subdendríticos, enquanto a jusante predominava o modelo subparalelo, respectivamente, nas áreas de ocorrências dos arenitos Bauru e rochas efusivas básicas.
O Rio Guandu é a principal fonte de abastecimento de água da região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, atendendo a, aproximadamente, nove milhões de pessoas. Este trabalho estratificou e caracterizou ambientalmente a Área de Preservação Permanente (APP) do Rio Guandu (faixa marginal de 100m), através da análise de aerofotos digitais não convencionais, obtidas a partir de uma câmera digital de pequeno formato, adaptada a um helicóptero (as aerofotos foram agrupadas em mosaicos para facilitar as etapas do geoprocessamento). A região correspondente a APP foi estratificada em quatro ambientes com características ecológicas distintas: Ambiente 1 (leito encaixado), Ambiente 2 (várzea fluvial), Ambiente 3 (planície aluvionar) e Ambiente 4 (fluviomarinho). A partir da sobreposição dos mapas de uso da terra, da proximidade da área urbano-industrial e da vegetação nativa, foi gerado um mapa do grau de degradação dos ambientes. Os usos predominantes foram pastagem (38%) e agricultura (18%). Os fragmentos florestais totalizaram apenas 11,6% da APP. Segundo a metodologia utilizada, o Ambiente 4 apresentou 51% de sua área, com um grau alto a muito alto de degradação, e o Ambiente 3 apresentou melhor estado de conservação em comparação aos demais. Os resultados sugeriram que a predominância das atividades agropecuárias, a proximidade de grandes centros urbanos e a área muito reduzida dos fragmentos florestais na APP do Rio Guandu podem comprometer a qualidade desse manancial.
Perfiladores acústicos Doppler de corrente são, na atualidade, a principal opção para medição de vazão e monitoramento hidrodinâmico de cursos d'água, em substituição aos métodos tradicionais. A disseminação desse tipo de equipamento deve-se, principalmente, às suas vantagens operativas, que vão da rapidez de medição até o maior detalhamento e quantidade de informações geradas sobre a hidrodinâmica das seções hidrométricas. Assim como no emprego de métodos e equipamentos tradicionais, o uso de perfiladores acústicos Doppler deve ser pautado pela busca da qualidade dos dados, uma vez que estes são a base para projetos e gestão de obras e sistemas de recursos hídricos. Nesse sentido, o trabalho apresenta uma análise das incertezas de medição de uma campanha hidrométrica realizada no Rio Sapucaí (Piranguinho-MG), utilizando dois perfiladores Doppler distintos: um ADCP Rio Grande 1.200 kHz e um Qmetrix Qliner. Foram realizadas 10 medições consecutivas com cada equipamento, seguindo-se os protocolos de qualidade existentes na literatura e, posteriormente, uma análise de incerteza do Tipo A (ou seja, análise estatística de várias observações independentes das grandezas de entrada sob as mesmas condições). As medições do ADCP e Qliner apresentaram, respectivamente, incertezas-padrão de 0,679% e 0,508% em relação às médias. Tais resultados são satisfatórios e aceitáveis quando comparados a referências da literatura, indicando a validade do uso de perfiladores Doppler para a expansão de redes fluviométricas e geração de dados hidrológicos.
A exploração de petróleo na Amazônia, em geral, implica na abertura de clareiras. No plantio tradicional de mudas de espécies arbóreas nessas áreas remotas degradadas, usam-se os transportes aéreo e fluvial de máquinas e insumos, o que encarece o processo de restauração. Objetivando o desenvolvimento de técnicas de nucleação de baixo custo baseadas na aplicação de elementos naturais disponíveis localmente, o que permite a regeneração natural de espécies pioneiras arbóreas, na região de Urucu, AM, foram testados cinco tratamentos com cinco repetições, distribuídos em quadrado latino de 25 x 25 m: T0 (controle), T1 (aplicação de "topsoil" sobre canteiros de solo escarificado manualmente, adubado e com laterais protegidas por troncos de Cecropia spp.), T2 (aplicação de "topsoil" sobre canteiros adubados e sem proteção lateral), T3 (aplicação de "topsoil" diretamente sobre a superfície adubada da área degradada) e T4 (aplicação de "topsoil" por hidrossemeadura sobre canteiros). Foram avaliados os efeitos sobre a densidade aparente e a fertilidade do solo e a densidade de plântulas emergidas e seu crescimento. Após 18 meses, os tratamentos T1, T2 e T3 apresentaram, respectivamente, o estabelecimento de 3, 1, 1 ind. m-2, com altura similar, provenientes do "topsoil". Os tratamentos T0 e T4 não apresentaram emergência de plântulas. A densidade do solo foi mais elevada nos tratamentos (>1,3 g cm-3) que na floresta (0,95 cm-3), enquanto a aplicação de fertilizante e calcário promoveu aumento na fertilidade do solo nos tratamentos, exceto de N e matéria orgânica, com teores mais elevados na floresta.
The aim of this study was to compare the hydrographically conditioned digital elevation models (HCDEMs) generated from data of VNIR (Visible Near Infrared) sensor of ASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer), of SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) and topographical maps from IBGE in a scale of 1:50,000, processed in the Geographical Information System (GIS), aiming the morphometric characterization of watersheds. It was taken as basis the Sub-basin of São Bartolomeu River, obtaining morphometric characteristics from HCDEMs. Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and cross validation were the statistics indexes used to evaluate the quality of HCDEMs. The percentage differences in the morphometric parameters obtained from these three different data sets were less than 10%, except for the mean slope (21%). In general, it was observed a good agreement between HCDEMs generated from remote sensing data and IBGE maps. The result of HCDEM ASTER was slightly higher than that from HCDEM SRTM. The HCDEM ASTER was more accurate than the HCDEM SRTM in basins with high altitudes and rugged terrain, by presenting frequency altimetry nearest to HCDEM IBGE, considered standard in this study.
Objective: to assess post-angioplasty myointimal hyperplasia in iliac artery of rabbits treated with extract of Moringa oleifera leaves. Methods : we conducted a randomized trial in laboratory animals for five weeks of follow-up, developed in the Vivarium of Pharmaceutical Technology Laboratory of the Universidade Federal da Paraíba. We used rabbits from the New Zealand breed, subjected to a hypercholesterolemic diet and angioplasty of the external iliac artery, randomized into two groups: M200 Group (n=10) - rabbits treated with 200mg/kg/day of Moringa oleifera leaves extract orally; SF group (n=10) - rabbits treated with 0.9% saline orally. After five weeks, the animals were euthanized and the iliac arteries prepared for histology. Histological sections were analyzed by digital morphometry. Statistical analysis was performed using the Student's t test. The significance level was 0.05. Results : there was no significant difference in myointimal hyperplasia between M200 and SF groups when comparing the iliac arteries submitted to angioplasty. Conclusion : there was no difference of myointimal hyperplasia between groups treated with saline and Moringa oleifera after angioplasty.
Morphometric, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural studies were carried out on the diffuse intimal thickening (DIT) in arteries of 7 sheep with clinical signs of naturally occurring enzootic calcinosis due to ingestion of the plant Nierembergia veitchii. Arterial lesions consisted of medial deposition of calcium salts and DIT. Calcification of the intima was rare, mild and located near the elastic lamina. By immunohistochemistry a-actin was detected in cells of the media and in cells forming the intimal thickening. Receptors for 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D3 were detected in nuclei of intimal, medial and endothelial cells. DIT was irregularly distributed and was neither proportionally related to the intensity of the underlying mineralization area nor to the thickening of the remaining media. Ultrastructural morphometry in smooth muscle cells (SMCs) of the media and thickened intima revealed, in the latter, an increase of 318% in the volumetric fraction of those organelles involved in synthesis and a proportional decrease in contractile elements when compared to normal values of media cells. There were histological and ultrastructural evidences of modification of SMCs and their migration to the intima, where they proliferated causing DIT. It was concluded that DIT is a consistent component of arteriosclerotic lesions in N. veitchii induced calcinosis of sheep and that the predominant cell in this process is the SMCs originated from its predecessors of the media. It is suggested that the inducing factor for the arterial changes is 1,25(OH)2 D3 present in N. veitchii.
Swine eperythrozoonosis is a haemotrophic disease caused by Eperythrozoon suis, actually called Mycoplasma suis, an extracellular bacterial organism that apparently adheres to pig erythrocyte membrane, inducing its deformation and damage. Since little is known about the ultrastructural and morphometrical aspects of this microorganism, the present work aimed to deal with these issues. The ultrastructural study revealed the presence of structures corresponding to tubules disseminated throughout the soma of M. suis. A variable separation between the microorganism membrane and that of the erythrocyte was also observed. The structural and positional attitude of M. suis could allow speculation about its mechanism of action.
In recent years some coccidian parasites of birds were recorded in Marambaia Island, which is a protected environment with a great biodiversity of birds, mainly tanagers. In this current study Isospora tiesangui, I. sepetibensis, I. ramphoceli, I. navarroi, I. cadimi and I. marambaiensis were identified according to their respective thraupid hosts of the Marambaia Island. These species were characterized with histograms, linear regression and analysis of variance (ANOVA). The main feature of identification was the morphology of the sporocyst, mainly Stieda and substieda bodies, since the morphometry did not provide sufficient differentiation. Besides, Dacnis cayana and Thraupis palmarum were reported as new hosts to I. sepetibensis and I. navarroi respectively.
The aim of this study was to compare different staining methods for the evaluation of sperm morphology by light microscopy and also to describe the morphometry of the entire sperm in collared peccaries (Pecari tajacu). Semen from 10 males was obtained by electroejaculation and evaluated for sperm motility, vigor, and concentration. Semen smears were prepared through three different staining methods: Bengal rose, brome-phenol blue, and eosin-nigrosin. Smears were evaluated under light microscopy and sperm morphologic alterations were determined in percentage. In addition, sperm morphometric analysis was conducted by light microscopy coupled to image analyzer software. The smears stained with Bengal Rose provide the best results for the visualization of the sperm tail, midpiece, and head. The use of eosin-nigrosin stain did not allow an adequate impregnation, and some sperm presented a few contrasts with the background. A higher incidence of bent coiled tails was verified in the use of brome-phenol blue staining (P<0.05). Through morphometric evaluation, it was observed that the tail occupies the greatest proportion (89%) of the sperm which presents a discretely elongated head. According to the results, the use of the Bengal Rose stain is recommended for the morphologic evaluation of the collared peccary sperm.
The study aimed to quantify the concentrations of free IGF-I in serum and fluid of ovarian follicles in pre-pubertal gilts and describe the ovarian morphology by measuring the size of the ovaries and counting the number of surface follicles. Ovaries (n=1,000) from pre-pubertal gilts were obtained immediately after slaughter. A total of 10 samplings were performed, with ovaries obtained from 50 females for each collection. The follicles situated on the surface of each ovary were classified as small (SFs, 2 to 5mm in diameter) or large (LFs 6 to 10mm in diameter) and the follicular fluid was obtained by follicle aspiration. The collection of serum samples was performed after the gilts exsanguination using sterile tubes. From the pool of serum and follicular fluid obtained from 50 females, the concentration of free IGF-I was determined in each sample using an enzyme immunoassay kit (ELISA). The description of ovarian morphometry was performed in 100 ovaries from randomly selected gilts. The larger and smaller lengths of ovaries were measured, and the total number of SFs and LFs present on the surface of each ovary were also counted. The IGF-I concentration was greater (P<0.05) in LFs (170.92±88.29 ng/mL) compared with SFs (67.39±49.90ng/mL) and serum (73.48±34.63ng/mL). The largest and smallest length of the ovaries was 26.0±3.0 and 19.0mm ±2.0mm, respectively. The number of SFs (70.86±25.76) was greater (P<0.01) than LFs (6.54±5.26). The study concluded that LFs present greater levels of IGF-I when compared with SFs and blood, which is related to increased activity of the LFs and its differentiation to ovulation. In addition, ovaries of pre-pubertal gilts have a higher number of SFs compared to LFs. Therefore, our study demonstrated unique data regarding the physiological concentration of free IGF-I in ovarian follicles, that can be used in future research to evaluate the addition of this hormone in the in vitro production media of porcine embryos with the goal to improve the technique efficiency.
Studies are performed in developing techniques/procedures that provide greater reproductive performance in farm animals, including pigs. In this sense, the study of gilts reproductive organs at different oestrus cycle stages for assessing the presence of abnormalities and/or other parameters that may affect the future animal fertility is important. In order to evaluate the morphological, morphometric and histomorphometric features of ovaries, uterus and uterine tubes (UTs) characteristics of prepubertal gilts at different oestrus cycle stages, reproductive tracts from 48 animals immediately after slaughter were obtained. After, the structures were dissected and removed, and the ovaries were used for classification of oestrus cycle stage of each gilt in follicular phase (FP) and luteal phase (FL). Then, morphometric evaluations of ovaries, UTs, uterine horns and uterine body were performed. Besides that, medial segments of UTs and uterus were fixed in Bouin solution, processed and included in paraffin, when histological sections of 5.0 micrometers (µm) were obtained and stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin. Histomorphometric analyzes using image capture system and specific software were performed. Afterwards, data were submitted to Student's t test for assessment the statistical differences (P<0.05) between the two different oestrus cycle stages (FP × LP) and between the placement of reproductive structures (right × left antimer). Among the gilts evaluated, 35 were in the FP and 13 in LP. There was no difference (P>0.05) between morphometric parameters of ovaries, UTs and uterus of gilts in FP and LP. Likewise, in respect to the placement of reproductive structures, both in the oestrus cycle stages, as in the general average, there was no difference (P>0.05). Regarding the histomorphometric variables, gilts classified in FP presented a higher (P<0.05) height of glandular and UT epithelium compared to animals in LP. On the other hand, the diameter of endometrial glands was higher (P<0.05) in gilts at LP compared to FP. Furthermore, gilts in LP presented a higher (P<0.05) proportion of endometrium occupied by glands, whereas animals in FP had a higher (P<0.05) proportion of connective tissue and blood vessels. In conclusion, in prepubertal gilts, the histomorphometric parameters as endometrial glands diameter, the height of glandular epithelium and of UT epithelium and the proportion of endometrium occupied by connective tissue, besides the glands and blood vessels varies through the oestrus cycle, possibly under the influence of ovarian steroids.