819 resultados para Fiber nonlinear optics


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The influence of the fiber geometry on the point-by-point inscription of fiber Bragg gratings using a femtosecond laser is highlighted. Fiber Bragg gratings with high spectral quality and strong first-order Bragg resonances within the C-band are achieved by optimizing the inscription process. Large birefringence (1.2x10-4) and high degree of polarizationdependent index modulation are observed in these gratings. Potential applications of these gratings in resonators are further illustrated. © 2007 Optical Society of America.


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The statistics of the reflection spectrum of a short-correlated disordered fiber Bragg grating are studied. The averaged spectrum appears to be flat inside the bandgap and has significantly suppressed sidelobes compared to the uniform grating of the same bandwidth. This is due to the Anderson localization of the modes of a disordered grating. This observation prompts a new algorithm for designing passband reflection gratings. Using the stochastic invariant imbedding approach it is possible to obtain the probability distribution function for the random reflection coefficient inside the bandgap and obtain both the variance of the averaged reflectivity as well as the distribution of the time delay of the grating.


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We consider the random input problem for a nonlinear system modeled by the integrable one-dimensional self-focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE). We concentrate on the properties obtained from the direct scattering problem associated with the NLSE. We discuss some general issues regarding soliton creation from random input. We also study the averaged spectral density of random quasilinear waves generated in the NLSE channel for two models of the disordered input field profile. The first model is symmetric complex Gaussian white noise and the second one is a real dichotomous (telegraph) process. For the former model, the closed-form expression for the averaged spectral density is obtained, while for the dichotomous real input we present the small noise perturbative expansion for the same quantity. In the case of the dichotomous input, we also obtain the distribution of minimal pulse width required for a soliton generation. The obtained results can be applied to a multitude of problems including random nonlinear Fraunhoffer diffraction, transmission properties of randomly apodized long period Fiber Bragg gratings, and the propagation of incoherent pulses in optical fibers.


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linearity management is explored as a complete tool to obtain maximum transmission reach in a WDM fiber transmission system, making it possible to optimize multiple system parameters, including optimal dispersion pre-compensation, with fast simulations based on the continuous-wave approximation.


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The interactions of the core-propagating light with an intersecting microslit within a conventional single-mode fiber are investigated. Orientation-dependent out-coupling of core light was utilized to create side-detection, miniature fiber rotation sensors.


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The interactions of the core-propagating light with an intersecting microslit within a conventional single-mode fiber are investigated. Orientation-dependent out-coupling of core light was utilized to create side-detection, miniature fiber rotation sensors.


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Point-by-point inscription of sub-µm period fiber Bragg gratings with good spectral quality, first order Bragg resonances within the C-band is achieved. Distinct polarization characteristics are further observed in these fiber gratings.


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The development of new all-optical technologies for data processing and signal manipulation is a field of growing importance with a strong potential for numerous applications in diverse areas of modern science. Nonlinear phenomena occurring in optical fibres have many attractive features and great, but not yet fully explored, potential in signal processing. Here, we review recent progress on the use of fibre nonlinearities for the generation and shaping of optical pulses and on the applications of advanced pulse shapes in all-optical signal processing. Amongst other topics, we will discuss ultrahigh repetition rate pulse sources, the generation of parabolic shaped pulses in active and passive fibres, the generation of pulses with triangular temporal profiles, and coherent supercontinuum sources. The signal processing applications will span optical regeneration, linear distortion compensation, optical decision at the receiver in optical communication systems, spectral and temporal signal doubling, and frequency conversion. © Copyright 2012 Sonia Boscolo and Christophe Finot.


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Using a fiber laser system as a specific illustrative example, we introduce the concept of intermediate asymptotic states in finite nonlinear optical systems. We show that intermediate asymptotics of nonlinear equations (e.g., coherent structures with a finite lifetime or distance) can be used in applications similar to those of truly stable asymptotic solutions, such as, e.g., solitons and dissipative nonlinear waves. Applying this general idea to a particular, albeit practically important, physical system, we demonstrate a novel type of nonlinear pulse-shaping regime in a mode-locked fiber laser leading to the generation of linearly chirped pulses with a triangular distribution of the intensity.


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We propose a new method for the generation of both triangular-shaped optical pulses and flat-top, coherent supercontinuum spectra using the effect of fourth-order dispersion on parabolic pulses in a passive, normally dispersive highly nonlinear fiber. The pulse reshaping process is described qualitatively and is compared to numerical simulations.


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We propose and analyze a flat-top pulse generator based on a fiber Bragg grating (FBG) in transmission. As is shown in the examples, a uniform period FBG properly designed can exhibit a spectral response in transmission close to sinc function (in amplitude and phase) in a certain bandwidth, because of the logarithm Hilbert transform relations, which can be used to reshape a Gaussian-like input pulse into a flat-top pulse.


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We propose and analyze a first-order optical differentiator based on a fiber Bragg grating (FBG) in transmission. It is shown in the examples that a simple uniform-period FBG in a very strong coupling regime (maximum reflectivity very close to 100%) can perform close to ideal temporal differentiation of the complex envelope of an arbitrary-input optical signal.


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We demonstrate a simple technique for the implementation of an all-optical integrator based on a uniform-period fiber Bragg grating (FBG) in reflection that is designed to present a decreasing exponential impulse response. The proposed FBG integrator is readily feasible and can perform close to ideal integration of few-picosecond and subpicosecond pulses.