1000 resultados para Face.


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In recent decades, intuitions' role in philosophy has been hotly debated. Many claim intuitions play an important role. Others, some armed with data, challenge the use of intuitions. This thesis reflects on this debate and advances the debate in two main ways. Having a clear understanding of the challenge which intuition-use in philosophy faces is important. Part I focuses on this. Chapters 1-2 introduce the topic of intuitions, motivate the methodological study of intuitions, and present the historical background to recent empirical challenges to intuition-use. Chapters 3-5 concern the contemporary challenge. I present the empirical evidence the challenge uses, present what I argue to be the strongest version of the challenge, and defend that challenge against some objections. How one characterises intuitions is incredibly important in philosophical methodology. If we are to properly evaluate philosophical methods vis-a-vis their use of something called intuitions { if we are to assess the empirical challenge { it is important to be clear exactly what we mean by `intuitions'. Part II focuses on this. Chapter 6 argues there is little consensus among philosophers as to what intuitions are and their role in philosophy. Chapter 7 questions whether philosophers have developed an idiolect in which `intuition' has distinctive meaning | as frequently supposed. Chapter 8 points out a common misunderstanding about intuitions in philosophy; using quantitative tools to challenge the idea that an increased use of `intuition' in philosophy is the result of an increased use of intuition. So, the developing picture is one of confusion, without a clear idea of what sense of `intuition' is important. Fortunately, Chapter 9 sets us back on the right track. It sets out a positive programme for evaluative methodology: methodologists should adopt a permissive conception of intuitions and make fine distinctions between different intuitions, so long as we can track those distinctions while philosophising.


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Anti-spoofing is attracting growing interest in biometrics, considering the variety of fake materials and new means to attack biometric recognition systems. New unseen materials continuously challenge state-of-the-art spoofing detectors, suggesting for additional systematic approaches to target anti-spoofing. By incorporating liveness scores into the biometric fusion process, recognition accuracy can be enhanced, but traditional sum-rule based fusion algorithms are known to be highly sensitive to single spoofed instances. This paper investigates 1-median filtering as a spoofing-resistant generalised alternative to the sum-rule targeting the problem of partial multibiometric spoofing where m out of n biometric sources to be combined are attacked. Augmenting previous work, this paper investigates the dynamic detection and rejection of livenessrecognition pair outliers for spoofed samples in true multi-modal configuration with its inherent challenge of normalisation. As a further contribution, bootstrap aggregating (bagging) classifiers for fingerprint spoof-detection algorithm is presented. Experiments on the latest face video databases (Idiap Replay- Attack Database and CASIA Face Anti-Spoofing Database), and fingerprint spoofing database (Fingerprint Liveness Detection Competition 2013) illustrate the efficiency of proposed techniques.


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This paper reports the results of a study comparing the interactional dynamics of face-to-face and on-line peer-tutoring in writing by university students in Hong Kong. Transcripts of face-to-face tutoring sessions, as well as logs of on-line sessions conducted by the same peer-tutors, were coded for speech functions using a system based on Halliday's functional-semantic view of dialogue. Results show considerable differences between the interactional dynamics in on-line and face-to-face tutoring sessions. In particular, face-to-face interactions involved more hierarchal encounters in which tutors took control of the discourse, whereas on-line interactions were more egalitarian, with clients controlling the discourse more. Differences were also found in the topics participants chose to focus on in the two modes, with issues of grammar, vocabulary, and style taking precedence in face-to-face sessions and more “global” writing concerns like content and process being discussed more in on-line sessions.


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This article discusses planning in the global South-East while focusing on the specific context of social divides, political turmoil and conflict situations. The article proposes a five-way framework based on political science and planning to theory to analyse such contexts. The article explores the case of Beirut, Lebanon that has undergone several episodes of internal and external conflicts resulting in a society splintered along sectarianism. Three Two case studies of open urban spaces and their public activities are analysed using the five-way framework The discussion indicates how economic liberalism that is prevalent in countries of the South-East, along with place-based identities, interest-based identities, consensus orientated processes and institutionalism might facilitate a cultivation of deep values away from a narrowly constructed identity. The article argues that planners should understand the options for positive action that aim to bridge deep divisions and suggests that the five-way framework provides a reference for contextualising in different ways to suit particular contexts. Therefore, the framework is not necessarily restricted to the South-East but could be applicable to any context which manifests deep divisions.


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In this paper, we present a 3D face photography system based on a facial expression training dataset, composed of both facial range images (3D geometry) and facial texture (2D photography). The proposed system allows one to obtain a 3D geometry representation of a given face provided as a 2D photography, which undergoes a series of transformations through the texture and geometry spaces estimated. In the training phase of the system, the facial landmarks are obtained by an active shape model (ASM) extracted from the 2D gray-level photography. Principal components analysis (PCA) is then used to represent the face dataset, thus defining an orthonormal basis of texture and another of geometry. In the reconstruction phase, an input is given by a face image to which the ASM is matched. The extracted facial landmarks and the face image are fed to the PCA basis transform, and a 3D version of the 2D input image is built. Experimental tests using a new dataset of 70 facial expressions belonging to ten subjects as training set show rapid reconstructed 3D faces which maintain spatial coherence similar to the human perception, thus corroborating the efficiency and the applicability of the proposed system.


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The objective of this thesis work, is to propose an algorithm to detect the faces in a digital image with complex background. A lot of work has already been done in the area of face detection, but drawback of some face detection algorithms is the lack of ability to detect faces with closed eyes and open mouth. Thus facial features form an important basis for detection. The current thesis work focuses on detection of faces based on facial objects. The procedure is composed of three different phases: segmentation phase, filtering phase and localization phase. In segmentation phase, the algorithm utilizes color segmentation to isolate human skin color based on its chrominance properties. In filtering phase, Minkowski addition based object removal (Morphological operations) has been used to remove the non-skin regions. In the last phase, Image Processing and Computer Vision methods have been used to find the existence of facial components in the skin regions.This method is effective on detecting a face region with closed eyes, open mouth and a half profile face. The experiment’s results demonstrated that the detection accuracy is around 85.4% and the detection speed is faster when compared to neural network method and other techniques.


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This paper presents the view that policymakers face scientific uncertainties in assessing the case for mandatory folate fortification as a policy response to epidemiological evidence of the relationship between folate and neural tube defects. Moreover, the resolution of these uncertainties is confounded by the under-resourced state of nutrition information systems in Australia and New Zealand. The uncertainties relate to potential risks and benefits associated with the intervention for the target group and the population in general. These risks and benefits reflect the mismatch between evidence and policy that arises when addressing a presumed genetic abnormality in at-risk individuals with an intervention that is population-wide in its scope. There is an urgent need to conduct ongoing national nutrition surveys and monitor and evaluate policy interventions to strengthen the capacity of nutrition information systems to inform decision-making for this current, and future, public health nutrition policy.


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There usually exist diverse variations in face images taken under uncontrolled conditions. Most previous work on face recognition focuses on particular variations and usually assume the absence of others. Such work is called controlled face recognition. Instead of the ‘divide and conquer’ strategy adopted by controlled face recognition, this paper presents one of the first attempts directly aiming at uncontrolled face recognition. The solution is based on Individual Stable Neural Network (ISNN) proposed in this paper. ISNN can map a face image into the so-called Individual Stable Space (ISS), the feature space that only expresses personal characteristics, which is the only useful information for recognition. There are no restrictions for the face images fed into ISNN. Moreover, unlike many other robust face recognition methods, ISNN does not require any extra information (such as view angle) other than the personal identities during training. These advantages of ISNN make it a very practical approach for uncontrolled face recognition. In the experiments, ISNN is tested on two large face databases with vast variations and achieves the best performance compared with several popular face recognition techniques.


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Videoconferencing provides access to essential training for probationary psychologists in rural areas. However the unique aspects of videoconferenced communication (Jerome & Zaylor, 2000) challenge an assumed equivalency of face-to-face and videoconferenced interactions. This study investigated the relevance of power, involvement, and an established model of supervision (Bernard, 1979, 1997) to the working relationship in videoconferenced supervision. Semistructured interviews were conducted with four supervisors, eighteen trainees experienced in videoconferenced supervision and four trainees experienced in face-to-face supervision. Data were analysed by qualitative content analysis, coding pertinent theoretical constructs. Results confirmed that the roles defined by Bernard's supervision model (teacher, counsellor and consultant) were relevant to videoconferenced supervision. However a further role emerged as well. Power and involvement dimensions also had relevance for videoconferenced interactions with some suggestion that the power discrepancy between trainee and supervisor was increased. Complexities arising from videoconferencing included some trainees avoiding involvement by blaming technical malfunctions, some reporting curtailed emotional expression and others reporting freer emotional expression due to the distal nature of the medium. The findings affirm some unique features to videoconferenced supervision and validate a framework to further explore the impact of videoconferencing upon supervisory relationships.


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The perspectives of instructors who teach both online and face-to-face in a higher education context have been compared in this study. The differences and similarities between their approaches, and the influences each modality has on the other have been explored, as well as possible differences in organizational cultures between the groups who were based in Canada and Australia. The trend to blended learning in higher education was an important outcome of the study.


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The relationship between social support and the mental health outcomes of chronic illness sufferers is regarded as complex with inconsistent findings across studies. More recently, researchers have argued that that these inconsistencies may be explained by attachment theory. In this preliminary study, we explored how attachment bonds with three distinct attachment figures – parents, best friends and romantic partners influenced arthritic young adults’ seeking of care. Forty-one arthritis sufferers aged between 18 and 33 years were administered an online questionnaire which included measures of attachment and the receipt of emotional and instrumental care. Significant differences were found in young adults’ attachment avoidance and anxiety ratings, and seeking of instrumental care across parents, best friends and romantic partners. These differences were associated with differences in the frequency and type of care received by young arthritis sufferers across the three attachment figures. Furthermore, arthritis severity was associated with the receipt of care from attachment figures however this relationship was partially mediated by attachment anxiety.