989 resultados para FREQUENCIES


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The departures of the operational amplifiers (OA's) from the ideal performance and their effect on VCV's in the inverting and noninverting mode are discussed. It is found that for the same ideal gain, the bandwidths for the inverting and noninverting modes are different, the former being less. Complete equivalent circuits describing the frequency dependance of the input and output impedances for both modes are given. In particular, the output impedance is shown to be inductive for the frequencies of interest, and this is also confirmed by experimental results.


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Investigations have been carried out of some aspects of the fine-scale structure of turbulence in grid flows, in boundary layers in a zero pressure gradient and in a boundary layer in a strong favourable pressure gradient leading to relaminarization. Using a narrow-band filter with suitable mid-band frequencies, the properties of the fine-scale structure (appearing as high frequency pulses in the filtered signal) were analysed using the variable discriminator level technique employed earlier by Rao, Narasimha & Badri Narayanan (1971). It was found that, irrespective of the type of flow, the characteristic pulse frequency (say Np) defined by Rao et al. was about 0·6 times the frequency of the zero crossings. It was also found that, over the small range of Reynolds numbers tested, the ratio of the width of the fine-scale regions to the Kolmogorov scale increased linearly with Reynolds number in grid turbulence as well as in flat-plate boundarylayer flow. Nearly lognormal distributions were exhibited by this ratio as well as by the interval between successive zero crossings. The values of Np and of the zero-crossing rate were found to be nearly constant across the boundary layer, except towards its outer edge and very near the wall. In the zero-pressure-gradient boundary-layer flow, very near the wall the high frequency pulses were found to occur mostly when the longitudinal velocity fluctuation u was positive (i.e. above the mean), whereas in the outer part of the boundary layer the pulses more often occurred when u was negative. During acceleration this correlation between the fine-scale motion and the sign of u was less marked.


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The paper furnishes a review and air ovendepr "f radio noise *om lightning as rr so~irce of interference to analogue and digital Corn?tunicatioiz. The parameters of fhe different fornls < f, noise necessary .for pssessigth e interfering effect of the rloise are described. 4railublr irfjrncroiun thrr tndevstor71zs, thunder-clouds, convecrion cells and lightning are er ieveadn d their liizitatimsp ointed oui. Thew fol101r.s a descripiicn of how the source, popugafiona nd receiver chaacteristidse termine the sfrticture qf a/rnosplro.ic noise as receiwd at a point of observation. The tratrrral unit for this noise i.s the mise burst rtrising from o w complete lightning.flas4. The pmuneters of the nrise birrst as a 11.hole and its structure ctetennine the inrqfflrrence enrirnniient. A hisforic reriel$. qf t2sophericii oke .studies sho1(5 that it i. wrreirt(v of importance oldy in thc ropicarl egions of' the wr ldf i>rs hichf hc neailable data are wry defective. New data are ficnrished. The contribution of atmospheric noise for backgrouzd interference even in remote places ,for r.adicj astronomy at VHF is firrnished. The imporlance of aimcspizeric nctise cceurring ;vporadiea@ in high values fur slzort inier.als at VHF and higher frequencies in the tropics is brought out.


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Genetic studies on phylogeography and adaptive divergence in Northern Hemisphere fish species such as three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) provide an excellent opportunity to investigate genetic mechanisms underlying population differentiation. According to the theory, the process of population differentiation results from a complex interplay between random and deterministic processes as well historical factors. The main scope in this thesis was to study how historical factors like the Pleistocene ice ages have shaped the patterns molecular diversity in three-spined stickleback populations in Europe and how this information could be utilized in the conservation genetic context. Furthermore, identifying footprints of natural selection at the DNA level might be used in identifying genes involved in evolutionary change. Overall, the results from phylogeographic studies indicate that the three-spined stickleback has colonized the Atlantic basin relatively recently but constitutes three major evolutionary lineages in Europe. In addition, the colonization of freshwater appears to result from multiple and independent invasions by the marine conspecifics. Molecular data together with morphology suggest that the most divergent freshwater populations are located in the Balkan Peninsula and these populations deserve a special conservation genetic status without warranting further taxonomical classification. In order to investigate the adaptive divergence in Fennoscandian three-spined stickleback populations several approaches were used. First, sequence variability in the Eda-gene, coding for the number of lateral plates, was concordant with the previously observed global pattern. Full plated allele is in high frequencies among marine populations whereas low plated allele dominates in the freshwater populations. Second, a microsatellite based genome scan identified both indications of balancing and directional selection in the three-spined stickleback genome, i.e. loci with unusually similar or unusually different allele frequencies over populations. The directionally selected loci were mainly associated with the adaptation to freshwater. A follow up study conducting a more detailed analysis in a chromosome region containing a putatively selected gene locus identified a fairly large genomic region affected by natural selection. However, this region contained several gene predictions, all of which might be the actual target of natural selection. All in all, the phylogeographic and adaptive divergence studies indicate that most of the genetic divergence has occurred in the freshwater populations whereas the marine populations have remained relatively uniform.


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Quantifying nitrous oxide (N(2)O) fluxes, a potent greenhouse gas, from soils is necessary to improve our knowledge of terrestrial N(2)O losses. Developing universal sampling frequencies for calculating annual N(2)O fluxes is difficult, as fluxes are renowned for their high temporal variability. We demonstrate daily sampling was largely required to achieve annual N(2)O fluxes within 10% of the best estimate for 28 annual datasets collected from three continents, Australia, Europe and Asia. Decreasing the regularity of measurements either under- or overestimated annual N(2)O fluxes, with a maximum overestimation of 935%. Measurement frequency was lowered using a sampling strategy based on environmental factors known to affect temporal variability, but still required sampling more than once a week. Consequently, uncertainty in current global terrestrial N(2)O budgets associated with the upscaling of field-based datasets can be decreased significantly using adequate sampling frequencies.


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Lead contamination in the environment is of particular concern, as it is a known toxin. Until recently, however, much less attention has been given to the local contamination caused by activities at shooting ranges compared to large-scale industrial contamination. In Finland, more than 500 tons of Pb is produced each year for shotgun ammunition. The contaminant threatens various organisms, ground water and the health of human populations. However, the forest at shooting ranges usually shows no visible sign of stress compared to nearby clean environments. The aboveground biota normally reflects the belowground ecosystem. Thus, the soil microbial communities appear to bear strong resistance to contamination, despite the influence of lead. The studies forming this thesis investigated a shooting range site at Hälvälä in Southern Finland, which is heavily contaminated by lead pellets. Previously it was experimentally shown that the growth of grasses and degradation of litter are retarded. Measurements of acute toxicity of the contaminated soil or soil extracts gave conflicting results, as enchytraeid worms used as toxicity reporters were strongly affected, while reporter bacteria showed no or very minor decreases in viability. Measurements using sensitive inducible luminescent reporter bacteria suggested that the bioavailability of lead in the soil is indeed low, and this notion was supported by the very low water extractability of the lead. Nevertheless, the frequency of lead-resistant cultivable bacteria was elevated based on the isolation of cultivable strains. The bacterial and fungal diversity in heavily lead contaminated shooting sectors were compared with those of pristine sections of the shooting range area. The bacterial 16S rRNA gene and fungal ITS rRNA gene were amplified, cloned and sequenced using total DNA extracted from the soil humus layer as the template. Altogether, 917 sequenced bacterial clones and 649 sequenced fungal clones revealed a high soil microbial diversity. No effect of lead contamination was found on bacterial richness or diversity, while fungal richness and diversity significantly differed between lead contaminated and clean control areas. However, even in the case of fungi, genera that were deemed sensitive were not totally absent from the contaminated area: only their relative frequency was significantly reduced. Some operational taxonomic units (OTUs) assigned to Basidiomycota were clearly affected, and were much rarer in the lead contaminated areas. The studies of this thesis surveyed EcM sporocarps, analyzed morphotyped EcM root tips by direct sequencing, and 454-pyrosequenced fungal communities in in-growth bags. A total of 32 EcM fungi that formed conspicuous sporocarps, 27 EcM fungal OTUs from 294 root tips, and 116 EcM fungal OTUs from a total of 8 194 ITS2 454 sequences were recorded. The ordination analyses by non-parametric multidimensional scaling (NMS) indicated that Pb enrichment induced a shift in the EcM community composition. This was visible as indicative trends in the sporocarp and root tip datasets, but explicitly clear in the communities observed in the in-growth bags. The compositional shift in the EcM community was mainly attributable to an increase in the frequencies of OTUs assigned to the genus Thelephora, and to a decrease in the OTUs assigned to Pseudotomentella, Suillus and Tylospora in Pb-contaminated areas when compared to the control. The enrichment of Thelephora in contaminated areas was also observed when examining the total fungal communities in soil using DNA cloning and sequencing technology. While the compositional shifts are clear, their functional consequences for the dominant trees or soil ecosystem remain undetermined. The results indicate that at the Hälvälä shooting range, lead influences the fungal communities but not the bacterial communities. The forest ecosystem shows apparent functional redundancy, since no significant effects were seen on forest trees. Recently, by means of 454 pyrosequencing , the amount of sequences in a single analysis run can be up to one million. It has been applied in microbial ecology studies to characterize microbial communities. The handling of sequence data with traditional programs is becoming difficult and exceedingly time consuming, and novel tools are needed to handle the vast amounts of data being generated. The field of microbial ecology has recently benefited from the availability of a number of tools for describing and comparing microbial communities using robust statistical methods. However, although these programs provide methods for rapid calculation, it has become necessary to make them more amenable to larger datasets and numbers of samples from pyrosequencing. As part of this thesis, a new program was developed, MuSSA (Multi-Sample Sequence Analyser), to handle sequence data from novel high-throughput sequencing approaches in microbial community analyses. The greatest advantage of the program is that large volumes of sequence data can be manipulated, and general OTU series with a frequency value can be calculated among a large number of samples.


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Frequencies of free vibration of rectangular plates of arbitrary thickness, with different support conditions, are calculated by using the Method of Initial Functions (MIF), proposed by Vlasov. Sixth and fourth order MIF theories are used for the solution. Numerical results are presented for three square plates for three thickness ratios. The support conditions considered are (i) three sides simply supported and one side clamped, (ii) two opposite sides simply supported and the other two sides clamped and (iii) all sides clamped. It is found that the results produced by the MIF method are in fair agreement with those obtained by using other methods. The classical theory gives overestimates of the frequencies and the departures from the MIF results increase for higher modes and larger thickness ratios.


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In this paper, we present the design and characterization of a vibratory yaw rate MEMS sensor that uses in-plane motion for both actuation and sensing. The design criterion for the rate sensor is based on a high sensitivity and low bandwidth. The required sensitivity of the yawrate sensor is attained by using the inplane motion in which the dominant damping mechanism is the fluid loss due to slide film damping i.e. two-three orders of magnitude less than the squeeze-film damping in other rate sensors with out-of-plane motion. The low bandwidth is achieved by matching the drive and the sense mode frequencies. Based on these factors, the yaw rate sensor is designed and finally realized using surface micromachining. The inplane motion of the sensor is experimentally characterized to determine the sense and the drive mode frequencies, and corresponding damping ratios. It is found that the experimental results match well with the numerical and the analytical models with less than 5% error in frequencies measurements. The measured quality factor of the sensor is approximately 467, which is two orders of magnitude higher than that for a similar rate sensor with out-of-plane sense direction.


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MEMS resonators are designed for a fixed resonant frequency. Therefore, any shift in the resonant frequency of the final fabricated structure can be a denting factor for its suitability towards a desired application. There are numerous factors which alter the designed resonant frequency of the fabricated resonator such as the metal layer deposited on top of the beam and the residual stresses present in the fabricated structure. While the metal coating, which acts as electrode, increases the stiffness and the effective mass of the composite structure, the residual stress increases or decreases the net stiffness if it is a tensile or compressive type respectively. In this paper, we investigate both these cases by taking two different structures, namely, the micro cantilever beam with gold layer deposited on its top surface and the MEMS gyroscope with residual stresses. First, we carry out experiments to characterize both these structures to find their resonant frequencies. Later, we analytically model those effects and compare them with the experimentally obtained values. Finally, it is found that the analytical models give an error of less than 10% with respect to the experimental results in both the cases.


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This paper presents a generalized approach to design an electromagnetically coupled microstrip ring antenna for dual-band operation. By widening two opposite sides of a square ring antenna, its fractional bandwidth at the primary resonance mode can be increased significantly so that it may be used for practical applications. By attaching a stub to the inner edge of the side opposite to the feed arm, some of the losses in electrical length caused by widening can be regained. More importantly, this addition also alters the current distribution on the antenna and directs radiations at the second resonant frequency towards boresight. It has also been observed that for the dual frequency configurations studied, the ratio of the resonant frequencies (center dot r(2)center dot center dot r(1)) can range between 1.55 and 2.01. This shows flexibility in designing dual frequency antennas with a desired pair of resonant frequencies.


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High frequency, miniature, pulse tube cryocoolers are extensively used in space applications because of their simplicity. Parametric studies of inertance type pulse tube cooler are performed with different length-to-diameter ratios of the pulse tube with the help of the FLUENT (R) package. The local thermal non-equilibrium of the gas and the matrix is taken into account for the modeling of porous zones, in addition to the wall thickness of the components. Dynamic characteristics and the actual mechanism of energy transfer in pulse are examined with the help of the pulse tube wall time constant. The heat interaction between pulse tube wall and the oscillating gas, leading to surface heat pumping, is quantified. The axial heat conduction is found to reduce the performance of the pulse tube refrigerator. The thermal non-equilibrium predicts a higher cold heat exchanger temperature compared to thermal equilibrium. The pressure drop through the porous medium has a strong non-linear effect due to the dominating influence of Forchheimer term over that of the linear Darcy term at high operating frequencies. The phase angle relationships among the pressure, temperature and the mass flow rate in the porous zones are also important in determining the performance of pulse tuberefrigerator.


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A vibration isolator is described which incorporates a near-zero-spring-rate device within its operating range. The device is an assembly of a vertical spring in parallel with two inclined springs. A low spring rate is achieved by combining the equivalent stiffness in the vertical direction of the inclined springs with the stiffness of the vertical central spring. It is shown that there is a relation between the geometry and the stiffness of the individual springs that results in a low spring rate. Computer simulation studies of a single-degree-of-freedom model for harmonic base input show that the performance of the proposed scheme is superior to that of the passive schemes with linear springs and skyhook damping configuration. The response curves show that, for small to large amplitudes of base disturbance, the system goes into resonance at low frequencies of excitation. Thus, it is possible to achieve very good isolation over a wide low-frequency band. Also, the damper force requirements for the proposed scheme are much lower than for the damper force of a skyhook configuration or a conventional linear spring with a semi-active damper.


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In order to protect the critical electronic equipment/system against damped sine transient currents induced into its cables due to transient electromagnetic fields, switching phenomena, platform resonances, etc. it is necessary to provide proper hardening. The hardness assurance provided can be evaluated as per the test CS 116 of MIL STD 461E/F in laboratory by generating & inducing the necessary damped sine currents into the cables of the Equipment Under Test (EUT). The need and the stringent requirements for building a damped sine wave current generator for generation of damped sine current transients of very high frequencies (30 MHz & 100 MHz) have been presented. A method using LC discharge for the generation has been considered in the development. This involves building of extremely low & nearly loss less inductors (about 5 nH & 14 nH) as well as a capacitor & a switch with much lower inductances. A technique for achieving this has been described. Two units (I No for 30 MHz. & 100 MHz each) have been built. Experiments to verify the output are being conducted.


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The methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene codes for the MTHFR enzyme which plays a key role in the pathway of folate and methionine metabolism. Polymorphisms of genes in this pathway affect its regulation and have been linked to lymphoma. In this study we examined whether we could detect an association between two common non-synonomous MTHFR polymorphisms, 677C>T (rs1801133) and 1298A>C (rs1801131), and susceptibility to non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) in an Australian case-control cohort. We found no significant differences between genotype or allele frequencies for either polymorphisms between lymphoma cases and controls. We also explored whether epigenetic modification of MTHFR, specifically DNA methylation of a CpG island in the MTHFR promoter region, is associated with NHL using blood samples from patients. No difference in methylation levels was detected between the case and control samples suggesting that although hypermethylation of MTHFR has been reported in tumour tissues, particularly in the diffuse large B-cell lymphoma subtype of NHL, methylation of this MTHFR promoter CpG island is not a suitable epigenetic biomarker for NHL diagnosis or prognosis in peripheral blood samples. Further studies into epigenetic variants could focus on genes that are robustly associated with NHL susceptibility.


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This paper represents the effect of nonlocal scale parameter on the wave propagation in multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs). Each wall of the MWCNT is modeled as first order shear deformation beams and the van der Waals interactions between the walls are modeled as distributed springs. The studies shows that the scale parameter introduces certain band gap region in both flexural and shear wave mode where no wave propagation occurs. This is manifested in the wavenumber plots as the region where the wavenumber tends to infinite (or group speed tends to zero). The frequency at which this phenomenon occurs is called the ``Escape frequency''. The analysis shows that, for a given N-walled carbon nanotube (CNT). the nonlocal scaling parameter has a significant effect on the shear wave modes of the N - 1 walls. The escape frequencies of the flexural and shear wave modes of the N-walls are inversely proportionl to the nonlocal scaling parameter. It is also shown that the cut-off frequencies are independent of the nonlocal scale parameter. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.