895 resultados para FETAL LAMB
Estudio descriptivo de cohorte único para por medio de la clínica (altura de fondo uterino) y del uso de la ecografía (longitud femoral y diámetro biparietal) elaborar curvas de crecimiento fetal y detectar posibles diferencias determinadas por el sexo en el mismo, estudiar la madurez placentaria ecográfica y la respuesta ftal al test de estimulación vibroacústica; en sesenta pacientes embarazadas que acudieron a la consulta externa del Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso durante el período comprendido entre Marzo de 1992 y julio de 1993, que cumplieron las siguientes características: embarazo de curso clínico normal menor de veinte semanas al momento de la inclusión, ciclos menstruales espontáneos y regulares y no haber usado métodos anticonceptivos tres meses previos al embarazo, luego del parto los criterios fueron: recién nacido normal, de peso adecuado para la edad gestacional y a término. Encontramos que la longitud femoral se inicia con valores de 1.63 centímetros a las doce semanas de gestación, teniendo un comportamiento lineal progresivamente ascendente, con aumento promedio de 0.21 centímetros por semana, para terminar en 7.4 centímetros a la semana 40. Se encuentra que la longitud femoral se inicia con valores de 1.83 centímetros a las doce semanas de gestación, teniendo un comportamiento lineal progresivamente ascendiente, con aumento promedio de 0.21 centímetros por semana, para terminar en 7.4 centímetros a la semana 40. El diámetro biparietal se inicia con valores de 2 centímetros a las doce semanas, tiene un trayecto progresivamente ascendente, iniciando un aplanamiento hacia las 30 semanas, que se acentúa en las últimas semanas del embarazo, terminando en 9.17 a las 40 semanas de gestación. La altura del fondo uterino describe una curva regular con ascenso inicial rápido y luego tendencia al aplanamiento. En los tres parámetros no se evidenciaron diferencias determinadas por el sexo. El grado de maduración placentaria es progresivo. Aparece el grado I a las 27 semanas, el grado II a las 35 semanas y el grado III a las 38 semanas. Se demuestra que la prueba de estimulación vibroacústica es eficiente para la valoración del bienestar fetal, observándose además que a una mayor edad gestacional el incremento de la frecuencia cardíaca fetal es también mayor
Introduction: Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease affecting mainly to low income human population. Acute leptospiral infection during pregnancy has been associated with spontaneous abortion and fetal death during the first trimester and the abortion may occur as consequence of systemic failure. Objective: To estimate the frequency of Leptospira interrogans infection in women with spontaneous abortion in the state of Yucatan, Mexico. Methods: A cross sectional study on women with spontaneous abortion was conducted. Serum samples were tested for Leptospirosis by the microaglutination test, to estimate the frequency of the infecting serovar. The indirect ELISA IgM was used to detect recent infection by L. interrogans. DNA was extracted from paraffin-embedded tissue of placenta for PCR detection of L. interrogans. Results: Overall frequency of infection with L. interrogans in the 81 women with abortion was 13.6%. Five of the 12 serovars evaluated were found and included. Two of the 11 women with abortion and positive to microaglutination test were also positive to the ELISA IgM test. None samples were positive for PCR Leptospira diagnosis. Conclusion: two women could be associated with spontaneous abortion due to leptospirosis, because they showed antibodies against L. interrogans in the microaglutination test and ELISA IgM assays. Differences between regions were found with respect to the prevalences of lesptospirosis.
Trabalho de Projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Especial – Domínio Cognitivo e Motor.
A perda gestacional é uma experiência dolorosa e complexa para a mãe/casal. O enfermeiro surge como promotor da adaptação á perda. Com esta intervenção, pretendo assegurar boas práticas de enfermagem na assistência às mulheres/casais em situação de perda gestacional. Foi realizado um estudo qualitativo em que se realizaram entrevistas a mulheres que vivenciaram perda gestacional e aos Enfermeiros Especialistas de Saúde Materna e Obstétrica como prestadores de cuidados. Os resultados mostram que os enfermeiros consideram a perda gestacional uma experiência difícil de vivenciar, identificando necessidades de formação. As mulheres referem diferenças na abordagem por parte dos enfermeiros aquando dos cuidados recebidos, falta de apoio e necessidade de encaminhamento após a alta hospitalar. Efetuou-se formação aos enfermeiros com peritos da área e desenvolveram-se procedimentos para uniformizar os cuidados. Foi criado um procedimento para uniformizar a prática e materiais de suporte para o apoio na prestação de cuidados de enfermagem; WHEN THE DEATH ANTECIPATES THE BIRTH: MIDWIVES' ROLE IN ASSISTANCE TO WOMENWHO EXPERIENCE FETAL DEATH. ABSTRACT: Pregnancy loss is a painful and complex experience to the mother/couple. The nurse is the promoting agent to the loss adaptation. With this project, I intend to ensure good nursing practices in assisting women/couples who experience a pregnancy loss. A qualitative study was performed, in which interviews were conducted to women who experienced a pregnancy loss and to nurse-midwives who provided care. Results demonstrated that nurse-midwives find pregnancy loss as a difficult experience, identifying educational needs. Women relate differences in the nurse-midwives’ approach during care, lack of support and the need of follow-up after hospital discharge. Nurse-midwives were subjected to training with experts and procedures were developed in order to standardize care. A practice standardizing procedure and educational materials were created to support nursing practice.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari hubungan antara konsentrasi progesteron dan estrogen selama kebuntingan dengan bobot lahir pada domba ekor tipis. Tiga puluh sembilan domba bunting digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Domba percobaan disuntik PGF2α dua kali secara intra muskuler dengan interval sebelas hari. Satu-dua hari setelah penyuntikan terakhir domba percobaan dikawinkan secara alami melalui perkawinan kelompok. Sampel darah diambil setiap bulan (0 – 5 bulan) selama periode kebuntingan untuk menentukan konsentrasi progesterone dan estrogen. Bobot lahir anak ditimbang sekitar 12 jam setelah kelahiran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah anak sekelahiran, konsentrasi progesterone dan estradiol serum induk pada bulan kedua kebuntingan secara positif berkorelasi dengan bobot lahir anak. Disimpilkan bahwa semakin tinggi konsentrasi progesterone dan estradiol selama kebuntingan akan semakin tinggi total bobot lahir anak. Disarankan bahwa peningkatan konsentrassi progesterone dan estradiol selama kebuntingan dapat memperbaiki pertumbuhan prenatal dan bobot lahir. (Animal Production 6(1): 49-55 (2004) Key Words: Progesteron, Estradiol, Bobot Lahir, Kebuntingan, Domba
A study on  restructurization of lamb meat using several binding agents were conducted. Objectives of the study were evaluate  effectivity of Ca–alginate, salt and phosphate as binding agent and their effect on physical properties of the restructured meat stored at -20â°C for up to 12 weeks. Three binding agents were added to the restructured products, which include NaCl 0.3 %/ NTPP 0.3 %; alginate 0.5 %/Ca-lactate 0.5%; NaCl 0.3 % / NTPP 0.5 %/alginate 0.5% and no binding agent as a control. The products were evaluated at 0, 4, 8 and 12 weeks of storage. The result showed that treatment with alginate 0.5%/Ca-lactate 0.5% had the least purge loss value of 4.3±0.2%. The least cooking losses of 30.2±3.79% and the highest shear force 61.6±13.77 N. (Animal Production 3(1): 20-25 (2001)Key Words: Alginate/Ca-lactate, purge loss, cooking losses, shear force.
Maternal obesity is an important aspect of reproductive care. It is the commonest risk factor for maternal mortality in developed countries and is also associated with a wide spectrum of adverse pregnancy outcomes. Maternal obesity may have longer-term implications for the health of the mother and infant, which in turn will have economic implications. Efforts to prevent, manage and treat obesity in pregnancy will be costly, but may pay dividends from reduced future economic costs, and subsequent improvements to maternal and infant health. Decision-makers working in this area of health services should understand whether the problem can be reduced, at what cost; and then, what cost savings and health benefits will accrue in the future from a reduction of the problem.
This paper does two things. Firstly, it examines the literature that coalesces around theoretical models of teacher professional development (PD) within a professional learning community (PLC). Secondly, these models are used to analyse support provided to two year 3 teachers, while implementing the draft Queensland mathematics syllabus. The findings from this study suggest that the development of this small PLC extended the teachers’ Zone of Enactment which in turn led to teacher action and reflection. This was demonstrated by the teachers leading their own learning as well as that of their students.
Lamb waves propagation in composite materials has been studied extensively since it was first observed in 1982. In this paper, we show a procedure to simulate the propagation of Lamb waves in composite laminates using a two-dimensional model in ANSYS. This is done by simulating the Lamb waves propagating along the plane of the structure in the form of a time dependent force excitation. In this paper, an 8-layered carbon reinforced fibre plastic (CRFP) is modelled as transversely isotropic and dissipative medium and the effect of flaws is analyzed with respect to the defects induced between various layers of the composite laminate. This effort is the basis for the future development of a 3D model for similar applications.
This paper examines the development of student functional thinking during a teaching experiment that was conducted in two classrooms with a total of 45 children whose average age was nine years and six months. The teaching comprised four lessons taught by a researcher, with a second researcher and classroom teacher acting as participant observers. These lessons were designed to enable students to build mental representations in order to explore the use of function tables by focusing on the relationship between input and output numbers with the intention of extracting the algebraic nature of the arithmetic involved. All lessons were videotaped. The results indicate that elementary students are not only capable of developing functional thinking but also of communicating their thinking both verbally and symbolically.
A common problem in the design of tissue engineered scaffolds using electrospun scaffolds is the poor cellular infiltration into the structure. To tackle this issue, three approaches to scaffold design using electrospinning were investigated: selective leaching of a water-soluble fiber phase (poly ethylene oxide (PEO) or gelatin), the use of micron-sized fibers as the scaffold, and a combination of micron-sized fibers with codeposition of a hyaluronic acid-derivative hydrogel, Heprasil. These designs were achieved by modifying a conventional electrospinning system with two charged capillaries and a rotating mandrel collector. Three types of scaffolds were fabricated: medical grade poly(epsilon-caprolactone)/collagen (mPCL/Col) cospun with PEO or gelatin, mPCL/Col meshes with micron-sized fibers, and mPCL/Col microfibers cosprayed with Heprasil. All three scaffold types supported attachment and proliferation of human fetal osteoblasts. However, selective leaching only marginally improved cellular infiltration when compared to meshes obtained by conventional electrospinning. Better cell penetration was seen in mPCL/Col microfibers, and this effect was more pronounced when Heprasil regions were present in the structure. Thus, such techniques could be further exploited for the design of cell permeable fibrous meshes for tissue engineering applications.
Surveillance and tracking systems typically use a single colour modality for their input. These systems work well in controlled conditions but often fail with low lighting, shadowing, smoke, dust, unstable backgrounds or when the foreground object is of similar colouring to the background. With advances in technology and manufacturing techniques, sensors that allow us to see into the thermal infrared spectrum are becoming more affordable. By using modalities from both the visible and thermal infrared spectra, we are able to obtain more information from a scene and overcome the problems associated with using visible light only for surveillance and tracking. Thermal images are not affected by lighting or shadowing and are not overtly affected by smoke, dust or unstable backgrounds. We propose and evaluate three approaches for fusing visual and thermal images for person tracking. We also propose a modified condensation filter to track and aid in the fusion of the modalities. We compare the proposed fusion schemes with using the visual and thermal domains on their own, and demonstrate that significant improvements can be achieved by using multiple modalities.
Surveillance systems such as object tracking and abandoned object detection systems typically rely on a single modality of colour video for their input. These systems work well in controlled conditions but often fail when low lighting, shadowing, smoke, dust or unstable backgrounds are present, or when the objects of interest are a similar colour to the background. Thermal images are not affected by lighting changes or shadowing, and are not overtly affected by smoke, dust or unstable backgrounds. However, thermal images lack colour information which makes distinguishing between different people or objects of interest within the same scene difficult. ----- By using modalities from both the visible and thermal infrared spectra, we are able to obtain more information from a scene and overcome the problems associated with using either modality individually. We evaluate four approaches for fusing visual and thermal images for use in a person tracking system (two early fusion methods, one mid fusion and one late fusion method), in order to determine the most appropriate method for fusing multiple modalities. We also evaluate two of these approaches for use in abandoned object detection, and propose an abandoned object detection routine that utilises multiple modalities. To aid in the tracking and fusion of the modalities we propose a modified condensation filter that can dynamically change the particle count and features used according to the needs of the system. ----- We compare tracking and abandoned object detection performance for the proposed fusion schemes and the visual and thermal domains on their own. Testing is conducted using the OTCBVS database to evaluate object tracking, and data captured in-house to evaluate the abandoned object detection. Our results show that significant improvement can be achieved, and that a middle fusion scheme is most effective.
This paper presents findings from a study of an organisationally mandated assimilation process of an enterprise-wide information system in a radiology practice in Australia. A number of interviews with radiologists, radiographers and administrative staff are used to explore the impact of institutional structures on the assimilation process. The case study develops an argument that culture within and outside the Australian Radiology Practice (ARP), social structures within the ARP and organisational-level management mandates have impacted on the assimilation process. The study develops a theoretical framework that integrates elements of social actor theory (Lamb & Kling, 2003) to provide a more fine-grained analysis concentrating on the relationship among the radiology practitioners, the technology (an enterprise-wide Health Information System) and a larger social milieu surrounding its use. This study offers several theoretical and practical implications for technology assimilation in the health and radiology industry regarding the important roles social interactions, individual self-perceptions, organisational mandates and policies can play in assimilating new ICTs.