839 resultados para End-Notched Flexure
The Ottoman Empire’s status as a full member of the international community of civilized states, which was bound by the rules of international law, had been challenged again and again during the formative period of the international law in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. When the First World War began, it was the first global military conflict, in which these rules of international law were put to the test. In the case of the Ottoman Empire quite a few questions were not yet settled, not least because the country was still bound by unequal treaties and because it had never ratified the renewed Hague Rules of Land Warfare of 1907, which it had only signed under reservations. Against this background the contribution will therefore focus on the debate amongst legal scholars on violations of the laws of war (and humanity) in regard to the Ottoman Empire during the First World War.
INTRODUCTION Proangiogenic prolyl hydroxylase (PHD) inhibitors represent a novel approach to stimulate tissue regeneration. Diabetes mellitus involves the accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Here we evaluated the impact of AGEs on the response of human pulp tissue to the PHD inhibitor L-mimosine (L-MIM) in monolayer cultures of dental pulp-derived cells (DPCs) and tooth slice organ cultures. METHODS In monolayer cultures, DPCs were incubated with L-MIM and AGEs. Viability was assessed based on formazan formation, live-dead staining, annexin V/propidium iodide, and trypan blue exclusion assay. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), interleukin (IL)-6, and IL-8 production was evaluated by quantitative polymerase chain reaction and immunoassays. Furthermore, expression levels of odontoblast markers were assessed, and alizarin red staining was performed. Tooth slice organ cultures were performed, and VEGF, IL-6, and IL8 levels in their supernatants were measured by immunoassays. Pulp tissue vitality and morphology were assessed by MTT assay and histology. RESULTS In monolayer cultures of DPCs, L-MIM at nontoxic concentrations increased the production of VEGF and IL-8 in the presence of AGEs. Stimulation with L-MIM decreased alkaline phosphatase levels and matrix mineralization also in the presence of AGEs, whereas no significant changes in dentin matrix protein 1 and dentin sialophosphoprotein expression were observed. In tooth slice organ cultures, L-MIM increased VEGF but not IL-6 and IL-8 production in the presence of AGEs. The pulp tissue was vital, and no signs of apoptosis or necrosis were observed. CONCLUSIONS Overall, in the presence of AGEs, L-MIM increases the proangiogenic capacity, but decreases alkaline phosphatase expression and matrix mineralization.
We have analysed the extent of base-pairing interactions between spacer sequences of histone pre-mRNA and U7 snRNA present in the trans-acting U7 snRNP and their importance for histone RNA 3' end processing in vitro. For the efficiently processed mouse H4-12 gene, a computer analysis revealed that additional base pairs could be formed with U7 RNA outside of the previously recognised spacer element (stem II). One complementarity (stem III) is located more 3' and involves nucleotides from the very 5' end of U7 RNA. The other, more 5' located complementarity (stem I) involves nucleotides of the Sm binding site of U7 RNA, a part known to interact with snRNP structural proteins. These potential stem structures are separated from each other by short internal loops of unpaired nucleotides. Mutational analyses of the pre-mRNA indicate that stems II and III are equally important for interaction with the U7 snRNP and for processing, whereas mutations in stem I have moderate effects on processing efficiency, but do not impair complex formation with the U7 snRNP. Thus nucleotides near the processing site may be important for processing, but do not contribute to the assembly of an active complex by forming a stem I structure. The importance of stem III was confirmed by the ability of a complementary mutation in U7 RNA to suppress a stem III mutation in a complementation assay using Xenopus laevis oocytes. The main role of the factor(s) binding to the upstream hairpin loop is to stabilise the U7-pre-mRNA complex. This was shown by either stabilising (by mutation) or destabilising (by increased temperature) the U7-pre-mRNA base-pairing under conditions where hairpin factor binding was either allowed or prevented (by mutation or competition). The hairpin dependence of processing was found to be inversely related to the strength of the U7-pre-mRNA interaction.
We have studied the requirements for efficient histone-specific RNA 3' processing in nuclear extract from mammalian tissue culture cells. Processing is strongly impaired by mutations in the pre-mRNA spacer element that reduce the base-pairing potential with U7 RNA. Moreover, by exchanging the hairpin and spacer elements of two differently processed H4 genes, we find that this difference is exclusively due to the spacer element. Finally, processing is inhibited by the addition of competitor RNAs, if these contain a wild-type spacer sequence, but not if their spacer element is mutated. Conversely, the importance of the hairpin for histone RNA 3' processing is highly variable: A hairpin mutant of the H4-12 gene is processed with almost wild-type efficiency in extract from K21 mouse mastocytoma cells but is strongly affected in HeLa cell extract, whereas an identical hairpin mutant of the H4-1 gene is affected in both extracts. The hairpin defect of H4-12-specific RNA in HeLa cells can be overcome by a compensatory mutation that increases the base complementarity to U7 snRNA. Very similar results were also obtained in RNA competition experiments: processing of H4-12-specific RNA can be competed by RNA carrying a wild-type hairpin element in extract from HeLa, but not K21 cells, whereas processing of H4-1-specific RNA can be competed in both extracts. With two additional histone genes we obtained results that were in one case intermediate and in the other similar to those obtained with H4-1. These results suggest that hairpin binding factor(s) can cooperatively support the ability of U7 snRNPs to form an active processing complex, but is(are) not directly involved in the processing mechanism.
Aim. to characterize the mechanisms, patterns, and outcomes of nonfatal hunting-related injuries in patients presenting to Bern University Hospital, Switzerland, and compare these to reports of hunting injuries worldwide. Methods. patients presenting with hunting-related injuries to the Emergency Department at Bern University hospital from 2000 to 2014 were identified by retrospectively searching the department database using the keyword "hunt." Each case was analyzed in terms of the patient age and gender, the mechanism and pattern of injury, and management and patient follow-up. Results. 19 patients were identified. 16 were male with a mean age of 50 years (range: 16-74). Mechanisms of injury included firearm-related injuries, falls, and knife wounds. The most common patterns of injury were head injuries (7), followed by injuries to the upper (5) or lower limb (5) and trunk (2). Over half of the patients were admitted, and nine required emergency surgery. Conclusion. Nonfatal hunting accidents in Bern, Switzerland, are largely caused by firearms and falls and tend to occur in male hunters with a mean age of 50 years. The most common patterns of injury are orthopedic and head injuries, often requiring surgery. These findings are consistent with international studies of nonfatal hunting accidents.
INTRODUCTION The appearance of end-diastolic flow velocities (EDF) in the umbilical artery (UA), usually between 10 and 14 weeks of gestation, has been associated with the opening of the spiral arteries and consequently of the intervillous space. OBJECTIVES The aim of our study was to compare first trimester UA pulsatility index (PI) and EDF between women who developed preeclampsia (cases) and controls. METHODS Our database was searched for cases who had UA Doppler between 10-14 weeks. UA PI and EDF were compared between cases and two gestational age (GA) matched controls. RESULTS 15 cases with severe preeclampsia (PE) were matched to 30 controls. GA with negative EDF was lower than with positive EDF (12.1±0.79 vs. 12.8±0.34; p=0.001). UA PI in cases was higher than in controls, although not significant (cases: 2.18±0.6 vs. CONTROLS 1.92±0.48; p=0.12). However, comparing groups with negative EDF, the difference became significant (PI cases: 2.45±0.57 vs. PI controls: 1.94±0.56; p=0.038), while no difference was found comparing groups with positive EDF. CONCLUSION First trimester UA PI is significantly higher in women which will develop PE than in controls. Interestingly, the timing of screening for PE by UA Doppler seems to play an important issue.
Dieser Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit den Ausbildungs- und Erwerbsverläufen vom Ende der obligatorischen Schulzeit bis ins junge Erwachsenenalter. Als empirische Datengrundlage dient die Längsschnittstudie TREE („Transitionen von der Erstausbildung ins Erwerbsleben“). Die Auswertungen beruhen auf den Daten der ersten acht Befragungswellen von 2001 bis 2010.
FGFRL1 is a member of the fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) family. Similar to the classical receptors FGFR1-FGFR4, it contains three extracellular Ig-like domains and a single transmembrane domain. However, it lacks the intracellular tyrosine kinase domain that would be required for signal transduction, but instead contains a short intracellular tail with a peculiar histidine-rich motif. This motif has been conserved during evolution from mollusks to echinoderms and vertebrates. Only the sequences of FgfrL1 from a few rodents diverge at the C-terminal region from the canonical sequence, as they appear to have suffered a frameshift mutation within the histidine-rich motif. This mutation is observed in mouse, rat and hamster, but not in the closely related rodents mole rat (Nannospalax) and jerboa (Jaculus), suggesting that it has occurred after branching of the Muridae and Cricetidae from the Dipodidae and Spalacidae. The consequence of the frameshift is a deletion of a few histidine residues and an extension of the C-terminus by about 40 unrelated amino acids. A similar frameshift mutation has also been observed in a human patient with a craniosynostosis syndrome as well as in several patients with colorectal cancer and bladder tumors, suggesting that the histidine-rich motif is prone to mutation. The reason why this motif was conserved during evolution in most species, but not in mice, is not clear.
Number of days spent in acute hospitals (DAH) at the end of life is regarded as an important care quality indicator for cancer patients. We analysed DAH during 90 days prior to death in patients from four Swiss cantons. Claims data from an insurance provider with about 20% market share and patient record review identified 2086 patients as dying of cancer. We calculated total DAH per patient. Multivariable generalised linear modelling served to evaluate potential explanatory variables. Mean DAH was 26 days. In the multivariable model, using complementary and alternative medicine (DAH = 33.9; +8.8 days compared to non-users) and canton of residence (for patient receiving anti-cancer therapy, Zürich DAH = 22.8 versus Basel DAH = 31.4; for other patients, Valais DAH = 22.7 versus Ticino DAH = 33.7) had the strongest influence. Age at death and days spent in other institutions were additional significant predictors. DAH during the last 90 days of life of cancer patients from four Swiss cantons is high compared to most other countries. Several factors influence DAH. Resulting differences are likely to have financial impact, as DAH is a major cost driver for end-of-life care. Whether they are supply- or demand-driven and whether patients would prefer fewer days in hospital remains to be established.
Hipschman scul.