870 resultados para Electrochemistry impedance spectroscopy


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The emerging application of long-term and high-quality ECG recording requires alternative electrodes to improve the signal quality and recording capability of surface skin electrodes. The esophageal ECG has the potential to overcome these limitations but necessitates novel recorder and lead designs. The electrode material is of particular interest, since the material has to ensure conflicting requirements like excellent biopotential recording properties and inertness. To this end, novel electrode materials like PEDOT and silver-PDMS as well as established electrode materials such as stainless steel, platinum, gold, iridium oxide, titanium nitride, and glassy carbon were investigated by long-term electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and model-based signal analysis using the derived in vitro interfacial properties in conjunction with a dedicated ECG amplifier. The results of this novel approach show that titanium nitride and iridium oxide featuring microstructured surfaces did not degrade when exposed to artificial acidic saliva. These materials provide low electrode potential drifts and insignificant signal distortion superior to surface skin electrodes making them compatible with accepted standards for ambulatory ECG. They are superior to the noble and polarizable metals such as platinum, silver, and gold that induced more signal distortions and are superior to esophageal stainless steel electrodes that corrode in artificial saliva. The study provides rigorous criteria for the selection of electrode materials for prolonged ECG recording by combining long-term in vitro electrode material properties with ECG signal quality assessment.


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CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO) was prepared by a conventional synthesis (CS) and through reaction sintering, in which synthesis and sintering of the material take place in one single step. The microstructure and the dielectric properties of CCTO have been studied by XRD, FE-SEM, EDS, AFM, and impedance spectroscopy to correlate structure, microstructure, and electrical properties. Samples prepared by reactive sintering show very similar dielectric behavior to those prepared by CS. Therefore, it is possible to prepare CCTO by means of a single-step processing method.


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CaCu3(Ti4xHfx)O12 ceramics (JC = 0.04, 0.1 and 0.2) were prepared by conventional synthesis (CS) and through reactive sintering (RS), in which synthesis and sintering of the material take place in one single step. The microstructure and the dielectric properties of Hf-doped CCTO (CCTOHf) have been studied by XRD, FE-SEM, AFM, Raman and impedance spectroscopy (IS) in order to correlate the structure, microstructure and the electrical properties. Samples prepared by reactive sintering show slightly higher dielectric constant than those prepared by conventional synthesis in the same way than the pure CCTO. Dielectric constant and dielectric losses decrease slightly increasing Hf content. For CCTOHf ceramics with x> 0.04 for CS and x> 0.1 for RS, a secondary phase HfTi04 appears. As expected, the reactive sintering processing method allows a higher incorporation of Hf in the CCTO lattice than the conventional synthesis one.


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O aumento no consumo energético e a crescente preocupação ambiental frente à emissão de gases poluentes criam um apelo mundial favorável para pesquisas de novas tecnologias não poluentes de fontes de energia. Baterias recarregáveis de lítio-ar em solventes não aquosos possuem uma alta densidade de energia teórica (5200 Wh kg-1), o que as tornam promissoras para aplicação em dispositivos estacionários e em veículos elétricos. Entretanto, muitos problemas relacionados ao cátodo necessitam ser contornados para permitir a aplicação desta tecnologia, por exemplo, a baixa reversibilidade das reações, baixa potência e instabilidades dos materiais empregados nos eletrodos e dos solventes eletrolíticos. Assim, neste trabalho um modelo cinético foi empregado para os dados experimentais de espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica, para a obtenção das constantes cinéticas das etapas elementares do mecanismo da reação de redução de oxigênio (RRO), o que permitiu investigar a influência de parâmetros como o tipo e tamanho de partícula do eletrocatalisador, o papel do solvente utilizado na RRO e compreender melhor as reações ocorridas no cátodo dessa bateria. A investigação inicial se deu com a utilização de sistemas menos complexos como uma folha de platina ou eletrodo de carbono vítreo como eletrodos de trabalho em 1,2-dimetoxietano (DME)/perclorato de lítio (LiClO4). A seguir, sistemas complexos com a presença de nanopartículas de carbono favoreceu o processo de adsorção das moléculas de oxigênio e aumentou ligeiramente (uma ordem de magnitude) a etapa de formação de superóxido de lítio (etapa determinante de reação) quando comparada com os eletrodos de platina e carbono vítreo, atribuída à presença dos grupos laterais mediando à transferência eletrônica para as moléculas de oxigênio. No entanto, foi observada uma rápida passivação da superfície eletrocatalítica através da formação de filmes finos de Li2O2 e Li2CO3 aumentando o sobrepotencial da bateria durante a carga (diferença de potencial entre a carga e descarga > 1 V). Adicionalmente, a incorporação das nanopartículas de platina (Ptnp), ao invés da folha de platina, resultou no aumento da constante cinética da etapa determinante da reação em duas ordens de magnitude, o qual pode ser atribuído a uma mudança das propriedades eletrônicas na banda d metálica em função do tamanho nanométrico das partículas, e estas modificações contribuíram para uma melhor eficiência energética quando comparado ao sistema sem a presença de eletrocatalisador. Entretanto, as Ptnp se mostraram não específicas para a RRO, catalisando as reações de degradação do solvente eletrolítico e diminuindo rapidamente a eficiência energética do dispositivo prático, devido ao acúmulo de material no eletrodo. O emprego de líquido iônico como solvente eletrolítico, ao invés de DME, promoveu uma maior estabilização do intermediário superóxido formado na primeira etapa de transferência eletrônica, devido à interação com os cátions do líquido iônico em solução, o qual resultou em um valor de constante cinética da formação do superóxido de três ordens de magnitude maior que o obtido com o mesmo eletrodo de carbono vítreo em DME, além de diminuir as reações de degradação do solvente. Estes fatores podem contribuir para uma maior potência e ciclabilidade da bateria de lítio-ar operando com líquidos iônicos.


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Entre os inibidores de corrosão clássicos que já são utilizados na indústria do petróleo, foram estudadas a imidazolina oleica e a quaternária através de técnicas eletroquímicas, gravimétrica e analíticas, para avaliar a eficiência de inibição e como esses inibidores atuam em meio ácido. O meio agressivo foi uma solução de NaCl 3,5% em massa acidificada com ácido clorídrico até atingir um pH=2 com o objetivo de simular o ambiente de extração petrolífera. O substrato empregado foi o aço carbono 1020. As técnicas eletroquímicas utilizadas foram: monitoramento do potencial de circuito aberto, medidas de resistência de polarização linear, espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica (EIE ) e curvas de polarização. Os valores das componentes real e imaginária de impedância indicam uma resistência maior aos processos de transferência de carga com o aumento da concentração dos inibidores e os Diagramas de Bode de ângulo de fase, revelaram a presença de uma camada de inibidor adsorvida sobre o metal com uma constante de tempo em altas frequências observada para a imidazolina oleica e quaternária. Para a imidazolina quaternária, verificou-se que só para tempos maiores de imersão é que o filme se adsorve de forma eficiente demonstrando uma cinética mais lenta de adsorção. Nos ensaios gravimétricos, os resultados de taxa de corrosão em m/ano foram decrescentes com o tempo após período de imersão de 30 dias, para ambas as imidazolinas. O uso das técnicas analíticas foi necessário a fim de se compreender melhor o comportamento das imidazolinas sobre o aço no meio estudado. Os resultados da análise de íons férricos em solução, por emissão atômica, foram obtidos durante várias amostragens durante o período do ensaio de perda de massa, e foi possível verificar um processo de inibição da corrosão até doze dias de imersão do metal, depois disto ocorre um disparo na quantidade de ferro liberado em solução, sugerindo que pode estar ocorrendo uma degradação do inibidor após 12 dias de imersão. Para esclarecer esse ponto, análises por espectroscopia Raman dos produtos de fundo formados durante os ensaios de perda de massa indicaramm que a degradação pode realmente estar ocorrendo. Foi confirmado, também por espectroscopia Raman sobre a superfície do aço após imersão prévia em solução contendo a imidazolina oleica, que há uma película adsorvida que protege o metal do meio agressivo. Técnica de microscopia eletrônica de varredura foi utilizada para caracterizar os corpos de prova na ausência e presença do inibidor, depois dos ensaios eletroquímicos e foi possível caracterizar, através dessa técnica a maior eficiência inibidora do filme de imidazolina quaternária. Dois tipos de nanoconatiners foram avaliados para o encapsulamento das duas imidazolinas estudadas: nanocontainers a base do argilomineral haloiista e sílica mesoporosa tipo SBA 15. Resultados de impedância eletroquímica mostraram a liberação dos inibidores de corrosão encapsulados com o tempo de imersão. Análise na região do infravermelho por sonda de fibra ótica foi utilizada para comprovar química e qualitativamente a liberação do inibidor a partir dos nanorreservatórios, no meio agressivo.


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As chapas de ligas de alumínio trabalháveis são produzidas atualmente por dois processos, o método de vazamento contínuo conhecido TRC (Twin Roll Continous Casting) ou pelo método tradicional de vazamento de placas DC (Direct Chill). A fabricação de ligas de alumínio pelos dois processos confere características microestruturais diferentes quando comparadas entre si, o que se reflete em suas propriedades. Além disto, ocorrem variações microestruturais ao longo da espessura, especialmente nas chapas produzidas pelo processo TRC. Neste sentido, é importante estudar a evolução microestrutural que ocorre durante o seu processamento e sua influência com relação à resistência à corrosão. Dessa forma foi realizado neste trabalho um estudo comparativo do comportamento de corrosão, bem como das microestruturas do alumínio de alta pureza AA1199 (99,995% Al) e das ligas de alumínio AA1050 (Fe+Si0,5%) e AA4006 (Fe+Si1,8%) produzidas pelos processos industriais de lingotamento contínuo e semi-contínuo. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que as microestruturas das ligas AA4006 DC e AA4006 TRC são distintas, sendo observada maior fração volumétrica dos precipitados na liga fabricada pelo processo TRC comparativamente ao DC. Para caracterizar o comportamento de corrosão foram realizados ensaios de Espectroscopia de Impedância Eletroquímica e Polarização Potenciodinâmica, que mostraram a maior resistência à corrosão localizada para a liga fabricada pelo processo TRC em comparação ao processo DC. Além disso, foi verificada, em ordem decrescente, uma maior resistência à corrosão do alumínio AA1050, seguida pela superfície da liga AA4006 e por fim, pelo centro da chapa desta última. Os resultados obtidos por espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica para as ligas AA4006 fabricadas pelo processo TRC apresentaram melhor desempenho que o processo DC, principalmente em intervalos de 2 a 12 horas de imersão na solução de sulfato de sódio contaminada com íons cloreto. Para tempos de imersão acima de 4 horas foi observado comportamento indutivo em baixas frequências para os dois tipos de processamento investigados, o que foi associado à adsorção de espécies químicas, principalmente íons sulfato e oxigênio, na interface metal/óxido. As curvas de polarização anódica mostraram maior resistência à corrosão localizada para a liga fabricada pelo processo viii TRC em comparação ao processo DC. Este comportamento foi associado às diferentes características microestruturais, observadas para liga AA4006 obtida pelos dois processos.


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Heavy metal-based quantum dots (QDs) have demonstrated to behave as efficient sensitizers in QD-sensitized solar cells (QDSSCs), as attested by the countless works and encouraging efficiencies reported so far. However, their intrinsic toxicity has arisen as a major issue for the prospects of commercialization. Here, we examine the potential of environmentally friendly zinc copper indium sulfide (ZCIS) QDs for the fabrication of liquid-junction QDSSCs by means of photoelectrochemical measurements. A straightforward approach to directly adsorb ZCIS QDs on TiO2 from a colloidal dispersion is presented. Incident photon-to-current efficiency (IPCE) spectra of sensitized photoanodes show a marked dependence on the adsorption time, with longer times leading to poorer performances. Cyclic voltammograms point to a blockage of the channels of the mesoporous TiO2 film by the agglomeration of QDs as the main reason for the decrease in efficiency. Photoanodes were also submitted to the ZnS treatment. Its effects on electron recombination with the electrolyte are analyzed through electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and photopotential measurements. The corresponding results bring out the role of the ZnS coating as a barrier layer preventing electron leakage toward the electrolyte, as argued in other QD-sensitized systems. The beneficial effect of the ZnS coating is ultimately reflected on the power conversion efficiency of complete devices, reaching values of 2 %. In a more general vein, through these findings, we aim to call the attention to the potentiality of this quaternary alloy, virtually unexplored as a light harvester for sensitized devices.


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Today, the use of micropiles for different applications has become very common. In Spain, the cement grouts for micropiles are prepared using ordinary Portland cement and w:c ratio 0.5, although the micropiles standards do not restrict the cement type to use, provided that it reaches a certain compressive strength. In this study, the influence of using slag cement on the microstructure and durability related properties of cement grouts for micropiles have been studied until 90 hardening days, compared to an ordinary Portland cement. Finally, slag cement grouts showed good service properties, better than ordinary Portland cement ones.


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Ordered mesoporous materials show great importance in energy, environmental, and chemical engineering. The diffusion of guest species in mesoporous networks plays an important role in these applications, especially for energy storage, such as supercapacitors based on ordered mesoporous carbons ( OMCs). The ion diffusion behavior in two different 2-D hexagonal OMCs was investigated by using cyclic voltametry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. In addition, transmission electron microscopy, small-angle X-ray diffraction, and nitrogen cryosorption methods were used to study the pore structure variations of these two OMCs. It was found that, for the OMC with defective pore channels ( termed as pore packing defects), the gravimetric capacitance was greatly decayed when the voltage scan rate was increased. The experimental results suggest that, for the ion diffusion in 2-D hexagonal OMCs with similar mesopore size distribution, the pore packing defect is a dominant dynamic factor.


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A novel apparatus, high-pressure/high-temperature nickel flow loop, was constructed to study the effect of the flow on the rate of erosion-corrosion of mild steel in hot caustic. It has been successfully used to measure the corrosion rate of 1020 steel in 2.75 M NaOH solution at a temperature of 160 degrees C and velocities of 0.32 and 2.5 m/s. In situ electrochemical methods were used to measure the corrosion rate such as the potentiodynamic sweep, the polarization resistance method, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Also used were the weight-loss method and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Eight electrodes/coupons were used to monitor the metal loss rate, four were placed at the low velocity section, while the other four were placed in the high velocity section. The first three coupons in each section were placed within the disturbed flow region, while the fourth was placed in a fully developed flow region. The corrosion rate of the coupons in the high velocity section was generally higher than that of the coupons in the low velocity section. One coupon in the disturbed flow region had a significantly higher corrosion rate than the others. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The dielectric behavior of polyacrylonitrile derived carbon nanofibers formed at different carbonization temperatures was investigated using impedance spectroscopy. The impedance data are presented in the form of Cole-Cole plots and four equivalent electrical circuits are derived. It is found that by increasing carbonization temperature from 500 to 800 °C, a strong capacitive element in the parallel equivalent circuit is transformed into an inductive element, while the contact resistance and parallel resistance are significantly decreased. Along with the morphological and chemical structural evolution, respectively witnessed by scanning electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy, the dielectric transition deduced from the transformation of electrical circuits can be correlated to the proposed microstructural changes of polyacrylonitrile derived carbon nanofibers and the interaction/interference among them.


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The reduction in the useful-service life of reinforced concrete construction in the Arabian Gulf is attributed to reinforcement corrosion. While this phenomenon is primarily related to chloride ions, the concomitant pressure of sulfate salts may accelerate the deterioration process. Another factor which might influence reinforcement corrosion is the elevated ambient temperature. While few studies have been conducted to evaluate the individual effect of sulfate contamination and temperature on chloride binding and reinforcement corrosion, the synergistic effect of these factors on concrete durability, viz.-a-viz., reinforcement corrosion, needs to be evaluated. Further, the environmental conditions of the Arabian Gulf are also conducive for accelerated carbonation. However, no data are available on the concomitant effect of chloride-sulfate contamination and elevated temperature on the carbonation behaviour of plain and blended cements.This study was conducted to evaluate the conjoint effect of chloride-sulfate contamination and temperature on the pore solution chemistry and reinforcement corrosion. The effect of chloride-sulfate contamination and elevated temperature on carbonation in plain and blended cements was also investigated. Pore solution extraction and analysis, X-ray diffraction, differential thermal analysis, scanning electron microscopy, DC linear polarization resistance and AC impedance spectroscopy techniques were utilized to study the effect of experimental parameters on chloride binding, reinforcement corrosion and carbonation.The results indicated that the concomitant presence of chloride and sulfate salts and temperature significantly influences the durability performance of concrete by: (i) decreasing the chloride binding, (ii) increasing reinforcement corrosion, and (iii) accelerating the carbonation process. To avoid such deterioration, it is advisable to minimize both chloride and sulfate contamination contributed by the mixture ingredients. Due to the known harmful role of sulfate ions in decreasing the chloride binding and increasing reinforcement corrosion, limits on allowable sulfate contamination in concrete should also be established.


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Nanometer-scale diamonds formed using a detonation process are an interesting class of diamond materials. Commercially supplied material is highly aggregated with ~ 5 nm diamond crystals forming particles with micron sizes. Previous models have suggested that nondiamond carbon is incorporated between the crystals, which would reduce the electrical and chemical usefulness of this form of diamond. However, using impedance spectroscopy we have shown that at temperatures below 350?°C the form of detonation nanodiamond being studied is a near to ideal dielectric, implying a full sp3 form. At temperatures above this the surfaces of the diamond crystals may support some nondiamond carbon


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Impedance spectroscopy has been used to investigate conductivity within boron-doped diamond in an intrinsic/delta-doped/intrinsic (i-d-i) multilayer structure. For a 5 nm thick delta layer, three conduction pathways are observed, which can be assigned to transport within the delta layer and to two differing conduction paths in the i-layers adjoining the delta layer. For transport in the i-layers, thermal trapping/detrapping processes can be observed, and only at the highest temperature investigated (673 K) can transport due to a single conduction process be seen. Impedance spectroscopy is an ideal nondestructive tool for investigating the electrical characteristics of complex diamond structures.


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This thesis presented a detailed research work on diamond materials. Chapter 1 is an overall introduction of the thesis. In the Chapter 2, the literature review on the physical, chemical, optical, mechanical, as well as other properties of diamond materials are summarised. Followed by this chapter, several advanced diamond growth and characterisation techniques used in experimental work are also introduced. Then, the successful installation and applications of chemical vapour deposition system was demonstrated in Chapter 4. Diamond growth on a variety of different substrates has been investigated such as on silicon, diamond-like carbon or silica fibres. In Chapter 5, the single crystalline diamond substrate was used as the substrate to perform femtosecond laser inscription. The results proved the potentially feasibility of this technique, which could be utilised in fabricating future biochemistry microfluidic channels on diamond substrates. In Chapter 6, the hydrogen-terminated nanodiamond powder was studied using impedance spectroscopy. Its intrinsic electrical properties and its thermal stability were presented and analysed in details. As the first PhD student within Nanoscience Research Group at Aston, my initial research work was focused on the installation and testing of the microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition system (MPECVD), which will be beneficial to all the future researchers in the group. The fundamental of the on MPECVD system will be introduced in details. After optimisation of the growth parameters, the uniform diamond deposition has been achieved with a good surface coverage and uniformity. Furthermore, one of the most significant contributions of this work is the successful pattern inscription on diamond substrates by femtosecond laser system. Previous research of femtosecond laser inscription on diamond was simple lines or dots, with little characterisation techniques were used. In my research work, the femtosecond laser has been successfully used to inscribe patterns on diamond substrate and fully characterisation techniques, e.g. by SEM, Raman, XPS, as well as AFM, have been carried out. After the femtosecond laser inscription, the depth of microfluidic channels on diamond film has been found to be 300~400 nm, with a graphitic layer thickness of 165~190 nm. Another important outcome of this work is the first time to characterise the electrical properties of hydrogenterminated nanodiamond with impedance spectroscopy. Based on the experimental evaluation and mathematic fitting, the resistance of hydrogen-terminated nanodiamond reduced to 0.25 MO, which were four orders of magnitude lower than untreated nanodiamond. Meanwhile, a theoretical equivalent circuit has been proposed to fit the results. Furthermore, the hydrogenterminated nanodiamond samples were annealed at different temperature to study its thermal stability. The XPS and FTIR results indicate that hydrogen-terminated nanodiamond will start to oxidize over 100ºC and the C-H bonds can survive up to 400ºC. This research work reports the fundamental electrical properties of hydrogen-terminated nanodiamond, which can be used in future applications in physical or chemical area.