999 resultados para Edema de pulmó, Insuficiència respiratoria


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Pós-graduação em Biologia Geral e Aplicada - IBB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Campos R, Shimizu MH, Volpini RA, de Bragan a AC, Andrade L, Lopes FD, Olivo C, Canale D, Seguro AC. N-acetylcysteine prevents pulmonary edema and acute kidney injury in rats with sepsis submitted to mechanical ventilation. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 302: L640-L650, 2012. First published January 20, 2012; doi: 10.1152/ajplung.00097.2011.-Sepsis is a common cause of acute kidney injury (AKI) and acute lung injury. Oxidative stress plays as important role in such injury. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects that the potent antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC) has on renal and pulmonary function in rats with sepsis. Rats, treated or not with NAC (4.8 g/l in drinking water), underwent cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) 2 days after the initiation of NAC treatment, which was maintained throughout the study. At 24 h post-CLP, renal and pulmonary function were studied in four groups: control, control + NAC, CLP, and CLP + NAC. All animals were submitted to low-tidal-volume mechanical ventilation. We evaluated respiratory mechanics, the sodium cotransporters Na-K-2Cl (NKCC1) and the alpha-subunit of the epithelial sodium channel (alpha-ENaC), polymorphonuclear neutrophils, the edema index, oxidative stress (plasma thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and lung tissue 8-isoprostane), and glomerular filtration rate. The CLP rats developed AKI, which was ameliorated in the CLP + NAC rats. Sepsis-induced alterations in respiratory mechanics were also ameliorated by NAC. Edema indexes were lower in the CLP + NAC group, as was the wet-to-dry lung weight ratio. In CLP + NAC rats, alpha-ENaC expression was upregulated, whereas that of NKCC1 was downregulated, although the difference was not significant. In the CLP + NAC group, oxidative stress was significantly lower and survival rates were significantly higher than in the CLP group. The protective effects of NAC (against kidney and lung injury) are likely attributable to the decrease in oxidative stress, suggesting that NAC can be useful in the treatment of sepsis.


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Purpose: To evaluate the effect of a single intravitreal bevacizumab injection on visual acuity, contrast sensitivity and optical coherence tomography-measured central macular thickness in eyes with macular edema from branch retinal vein occlusion. Methods: Seventeen eyes of 17 patients with macular edema from unilateral branch retinal vein occlusion were treated with a single bevacizumab injection. Patients were submitted to a complete evaluation including best corrected visual acuity, contrast sensitivity and optical coherence tomography measurements before treatment and one and three months after injection. Visual acuity, contrast sensitivity and optical coherence tomography measurements were compared to baseline values. Results: Mean visual acuity measurement improved from 0.77 logMAR at baseline to 0.613 logMAR one month after injection (P=0.0001) but worsened to 0.75 logMAR after three months. Contrast sensitivity test demonstrated significant improvement at spatial frequencies of 3, 6, 12 and 18 cycles/degree one month after injection and at the spatial frequency of 12 cycles/degree three months after treatment. Mean +/- standard deviation baseline central macular thickness (552 +/- 150 mu m) reduced significantly one month (322 +/- 127 mu m, P=0.0001) and three months (439 perpendicular to 179 mu m, P=0.01) after treatment. Conclusions: Bevacizumab injection improves visual acuity and contrast sensitivity and reduces central macular thickness one month after treatment. Visual acuity returns to baseline levels at the 3-month follow-up, but some beneficial effect of the treatment is still present at that time, as evidenced by optical coherence tomography-measured central macular thickness and contrast sensitivity measurements.


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Purpose: To investigate macular thickness and visual acuity changes after 1 intravitreal injection of 0.5-mg ranibizumab during phacoemulsification cataract surgery in eyes with diabetic macular edema refractory to laser treatment. Methods: Eleven eyes of 11 patients with diabetic macular edema refractory to modified Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study laser therapy received intravitreal during phacoemulsification cataract surgery. Comprehensive ophthalmic evaluation was performed preoperatively and at 1, 4, 8 +/- 1, and 12 +/- 2 weeks postoperatively. Main outcome measures included central subfield thickness and best-corrected Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study visual acuity. Results: Eleven patients completed the 12-week study visit. Mean central subfield thickness (+/- SEM) was 399.82 +/- 29.50 mu m at baseline and did not change significantly at any postoperative study visit (P > 0.05). Mean (+/- SEM) best-corrected Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study visual acuity was 0.95 +/- 0.13 logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution (20/200) at baseline and was significantly improved at Weeks 1 (0.38 +/- 0.13), 4 (0.38 +/- 0.11), 8 (0.35 +/- 0.08), and 12 (0.46 +/- 0.12) after treatment (P < 0.05). Conclusion: In this case series of patients with diabetic macular edema refractory to laser therapy, intravitreal ranibizumab administered during cataract surgery was associated with no significant change in central subfield thickness postoperatively. Significant improvement in best-corrected Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study visual acuity was observed after treatment, likely because of cataract removal. RETINA 32:1799-1803, 2012


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In the past two years we observed several changes in the diagnostic and therapeutic approach of patients with acute heart failure (acute HF), which led us to the need of performing a summary update of the II Brazilian Guidelines on Acute Heart Failure 2009. In the diagnostic evaluation, the diagnostic flowchart was simplified and the role of clinical assessment and echocardiography was enhanced. In the clinical-hemodynamic evaluation on admission, the hemodynamic echocardiography gained prominence as an aid to define this condition in patients with acute HF in the emergency room. In the prognostic evaluation, the role of biomarkers was better established and the criteria and prognostic value of the cardiorenal syndrome was better defined. The therapeutic approach flowcharts were revised, and are now simpler and more objective. Among the advances in drug therapy, the safety and importance of the maintenance or introduction of beta-blockers in the admission treatment are highlighted. Anticoagulation, according to new evidence, gained a wider range of indications. The presentation hemodynamic models of acute pulmonary edema were well established, with their different therapeutic approaches, as well as new levels of indication and evidence. In the surgical treatment of acute HF, CABG, the approach to mechanical lesions and heart transplantation were reviewed and updated. This update strengthens the II Brazilian Guidelines on Acute Heart Failure to keep it updated and refreshed. All clinical cardiologists who deal with patients with acute HF will find, in the guidelines and its summary, important tools to help them with the clinical practice for better diagnosis and treatment of their patients.


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Aim. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether an association of elastic stockings and walking for a short period in the late afternoon reduces leg edema. Methods. Volume changes of the legs of sixteen patients (32 limbs), who walked on a treadmill for 30 minutes using elastic compression stockings, were analyzed in a quantitative, cross-over randomized (in order of arrival at the clinic) study. They were submitted to volumetry using the water displacement technique and subsequently required to put on 20/30 made-to-measure compression stockings (Sigvaris). The patients walked on a treadmill for 30 minutes and after removing the stockings volumetry of the legs was again performed. Legs were assessed using the CEAP classification and divided into groups. Analysis of variance was used for statistical analysis with an alpha error of 5% being considered acceptable. Results. When participants walked wearing compression stockings, there was a reduction in leg volume. When the CEAP classification was evaluated, it was noted that there was a statistically significant difference for the CEAP C0, C1 and C2 categories of legs using stockings compared to those that did not use. Conclusion. Compression stockings have a synergistic effect with walking in the late afternoon thus reducing edema of the lower limbs. [Int Angiol 2012;31:490-3]


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O lupus eritematoso sistêmico (LES) é a mais comum das doenças auto-imunes sistêmicas, ocorrendo com maior freqüência no sexo feminino, usualmente na faixa etária entre 16 e 55 anos1,2. Embora os rins classicamente sejam os órgãos mais acometidos no LES, o coração e a circulação cardiopulmonar também podem ser afetados de forma significativa3. Nesse contexto, a ocorrência de edema agudo de pulmão associado à miocardite lúpica é rara e de tratamento imunossupressor específico ainda incerto.


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FUNDAMENTO: A avaliação clínico-hemodinâmica à beira do leito e o uso do cateter de artéria pulmonar para a estimativa de dados hemodinâmicos têm sido utilizados na insuficiência cardíaca descompensada. Entretanto, não existem dados com o uso da monitorização hemodinâmica contínua não invasiva. OBJETIVO: Comparar as medidas obtidas com a monitorização hemodinâmica não invasiva com as invasivas em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca descompensada e refratária ao tratamento. MÉTODOS: As medidas hemodinâmicas não invasivas foram obtidas através da monitorização contínua da pressão arterial sistêmica pelo modelo de ondas de pulso (modelflow) e foram comparadas com as medidas obtidas pela passagem do cateter de artéria pulmonar, simultaneamente. RESULTADOS: Foram realizadas 56 medidas em 14 pacientes estudados em dias e horários diferentes. O índice de correlação entre as medidas da pressão arterial sistólica foi de r = 0,26 (IC 95% = 0,00 a 0,49, p = 0,0492) e da diastólica de r = 0,50 (IC 95% = 0,27 a 0,67, p < 0,0001). A correlação foi de r = 0,55 (IC 95% = 0,34 a 0,71, p 0,0001) para o índice cardíaco e de r = 0,32 (IC 95% = 0,06 a 0,53, p = 0,0178) para a resistência vascular sistêmica. CONCLUSÃO: Houve correlação entre as medidas hemodinâmicas não invasivas quando comparadas às medidas do cateter de artéria pulmonar. A monitorização hemodinâmica contínua não invasiva pode ser útil para pacientes internados com insuficiência cardíaca descompensada.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Hipovitaminose D é bem documentada em pacientes portadores de doença renal crônica (DRC). Espera-se níveis inferiores em habitantes de regiões não tropicais em relação aos habitantes de regiões tropicais, pela inferição de uma maior exposição solar e maior produção de vitamina D. OBJETIVO: Analisar os níveis séricos de vitamina D, como 25-hidroxivitamina D - 25(OH)D, de 125 pacientes brasileiros portadores de DRC em fase pré-dialítica. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 125 pacientes (57,4 ± 16,2 anos, 78 brancos e 55,2% homens), com creatinina de 2,67 ± 1,73 mg/dL e o clearance estimado 43,7 ± 34,5 mL/min. O índice de massa corporal era de 27,4 ± 4,7 kg/m² e a circunferência abdominal de 95,0 ± 14,0 cm. O cálcio era de 9,3 ± 0,6 mg/dL, o paratormônio intacto (PTHi) 212,6 ± 221,2 pg/mL e a albumina sérica 4,2 ± 0,6 g/dL. A média de 25(OH)D era de 23,9 ± 10,7 ng/mL. RESULTADOS: Dos 125 pacientes, 92 (72,6%) apresentavam níveis de 25(OH)D < 30 ng/mL, sendo que 65 (52%) apresentavam insuficiência (15-29 ng/mL); 27 (21,5%) apresentavam deficiência (5-14 ng/mL) e apenas um paciente apresentava deficiência severa < 5 ng/mL. Não foram observadas diferenças entre os níveis de 25(OH)D nos pacientes estratificados quanto ao estágio de DRC. Os níveis de 25(OH)D foram maiores nos homens (38,1 ± 20,6 versus 22,4 ± 9,7 ng/ml; p < 0,0001), havendo também uma correlação inversa entre os níveis de 25(OH)D e de PTHi, proteinúria e circunferência abdominal, e uma correlação positiva entre 25(OH)D e cálcio total e albumina sérica. Na análise multivariada, encontrou-se apenas correlação inversa entre 25(OH)D e circunferência abdominal e PTHi. CONCLUSÃO: A despeito de a população do Brasil estar em um clima tropical, a maioria dos pacientes analisados apresentou níveis séricos subótimos de vitamina D, podendo este achado estar relacionado ao desenvolvimento de hiperparatireoidismo.


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OBJETIVO: Este estudo avaliou o desempenho hemodinâmico e as alterações miocárdicas decorrentes do emprego de dispositivos de assistência ventricular esquerda (DAVE), associado ou não à descompressão do ventrículo direito por meio de derivação cavo-pulmonar, sendo esses achados comparados ao emprego de assistência circulatória biventricular. MÉTODOS: Vinte e um suínos foram submetidos à indução de insuficiência cardíaca através de fibrilação ventricular, sendo a atividade circulatória mantida por DAVE durante 180 minutos. No grupo controle, foi apenas implantado o DAVE. No grupo derivação, além do DAVE foi realizada cirurgia de derivação cavo-pulmonar. No grupo biventricular, foi instituída assistência biventricular. Foram monitoradas as pressões intracavitárias por 3 horas de assistência e amostras do endocárdio dos dois ventrículos foram coletadas e analisadas à microscopia óptica e eletrônica. RESULTADOS: O lactato sérico foi significativamente menor no grupo biventricular (P=0,014). A diferença observada entre o fluxo do DAVE nos grupos derivação e controle (+55±14 ml/kg/min, P=0,072) não foi significativa, enquanto que o fluxo no grupo biventricular foi significativamente maior (+93±17 ml/kg/min, P=0,012) e se manteve estável durante o experimento. A pressão arterial média (PAM) se manteve constante apenas no grupo biventricular (P<0,001), que também apresentou diminuição significativa das pressões em câmaras direitas. Na análise ultraestrutural, notou-se menor presença edema miocárdico no ventrículo direito no grupo biventricular (P=0,017). CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados apresentados demonstram que o desempenho hemodinâmico da assistência ventricular esquerda associada à derivação cavo-pulmonar, neste modelo experimental, não foi superior ao observado com a assistência de ventrículo esquerdo isolada e não substituiu a assistência biventricular de maneira efetiva.