805 resultados para Eckhart, Meister, -1327.
The Global River Discharge (RivDIS) data set contains monthly discharge measurements for 1018 stations located throughout the world. The period of record varies widely from station to station, with a mean of 21.5 years. These data were digitized from published UNESCO archives by Charles Voromarty, Balaze Fekete, and B.A. Tucker of the Complex Systems Research Center (CSRC) at the University of New Hampshire. River discharge is typically measured through the use of a rating curve that relates local water level height to discharge. This rating curve is used to estimate discharge from the observed water level. The rating curves are periodically rechecked and recalibrated through on-site measurement of discharge and river stage.
Ubaldi, Baldo degli, 1327-1400. Practica Baldi 1525 : perutilis ac vere aurea practica iuris vtriusq[ue] monarche ac luminis. Impressum Lugduni : in calcographia dilige[n]tissimi i[m]pressoris Iohannis Crespin, 1525, 17 Augusti. [12], XCVI h. Sign.: A8,
Pie de imp. tomado de colofón
Pie de imp. tomado del colofón en D10v y F6r
Pie de imprenta tomado del colofón
Pie de imp. tomado de colofón
We previously demonstrated that α1B-adrenergic receptor (AR) gene transcription, mRNA, and functionally coupled receptors increase during 3% O2 exposure in aorta, but not in vena cava smooth muscle cells (SMC). We report here that α1BAR mRNA also increases during hypoxia in liver and lung, but not heart and kidney. A single 2.7-kb α1BAR mRNA was detected in aorta and vena cava during normoxia and hypoxia. The α1BAR 5′ flanking region was sequenced to −2,460 (relative to ATG +1). Transient transfection experiments identify the minimal promoter region between −270 and −143 and sequence between −270 and −248 that are required for transcription of the α1BAR gene in aorta and vena cava SMC during normoxia and hypoxia. An ATTAAA motif within this sequence specifically binds aorta, vena cava, and DDT1MF-2 nuclear proteins, and transcription primarily initiates downstream of this motif at approximately −160 in aorta SMC. Sequence between −837 and −273 conferred strong hypoxic induction of transcription in aorta, but not in vena cava SMC, whereas the cis-element for the transcription factor, hypoxia-inducible factor 1, conferred hypoxia-induced transcription in both aorta and vena cava SMC. These data identify sequence required for transcription of the α1BAR gene in vascular SMC and suggest the atypical TATA-box, ATTAAA, may mediate this transcription. Hypoxia-sensitive regions of the α1BAR gene also were identified that may confer the differential hypoxic increase in α1BAR gene transcription in aorta, but not in vena cava SMC.