938 resultados para Early family.


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1. An elevation in blood pressure has been consistently observed 24 h after adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) administration and is caused by increased ACTH-stimulated cortisol secretion, in association with increased cardiac output. The aim of the present study was to investigate the previously undefined time of onset of this increase in blood pressure in normal humans. 2. Ten normal healthy volunteers received 250 mug ACTH-[1-24], in 500 mL normal saline, infused at a constant rate over 8 h. Six subjects also received a placebo infusion (normal saline only). Blood pressure, heart rate and cortisol levels were determined hourly. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH-[1-24] plus native ACTH) was measured at 0, 1, 7 and 8 h. 3. Infusion of ACTH-[1-24] produced maximal secretion rates of cortisol, resulting in a mean peak plasma level of 985 +/- 46 nmol/L at 8 h. In response, blood pressure and heart rate rose significantly by 2 h and remained generally elevated for the duration of the infusion. 4. The early onset of haemodynamic responses is consistent with classical steroid receptor-mediated genomic mechanisms, but could be due non-genomic mechanisms. 5. The cardiovascular consequences of therapeutic use of ACTH are well recognized. This results of the present study suggest that even diagnostic administration of ACTH, delivered over a few hours, may raise blood pressure.


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Despite the importance of congenital viral infections in both veterinary and human medicine, only limited experimental work has been carried out to elucidate the mechanisms involved in transplacental virus infections. To further an understanding of fetal infection with pestiviruses, the distribution of bovine pestivirus in the uterine and fetal tissues of ewes in early pregnancy, following a natural route of infection, was investigated. On the 18th day of pregnancy, nine ewes were inoculated by the intranasal route with 1 X 10(5) 50% tissue culture infective doses of an Australian isolate of noncytopathic bovine pestivirus (bovine viral diarrhea virus genotype 1). All ewes were ovariohysterectomized at approximately 100 hours postinfection. Samples from the reproductive tract and conceptus were examined histologically and tested for bovine pestivirus by nested reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and immunohistochemistry and for interferon-tau mRNA expression by nonnested RT-PCR. Although no histopathologic changes were observed in the maternal or fetal tissues, virus was detected in the reproductive tract of all nine ewes and in all of the conceptuses examined. Al; the time of surgery, only two of the nine ewes were demonstrably viremic. This study demonstrates that bovine pestivirus can spread from a natural site of infection to the ovine fetus within 4 days in the absence of maternal immunity and despite the presence of interferon expression in the reproductive tract.


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This paper aims to describe the historical outline and current development of the educational policy for students with learning difficulties in Australia, focusing especially on the state of Queensland. In order to develop educational policy of learning difficulities at the state level, the concept of learning difficulities had been discussed until the middle of the 1970's. Receiving the submissions which argued strongly against a diagnostically-oriented definition of learning disabilities, the Select Comittee concluded that there was much conceptual confusion regarding the definition and cause of learining difficulties that might take many years to resolve. Despite that it was recongnised that action was needed to assist children by looking at their "total learning environmerit", and recommended the development of an educational policy for students with learning difficulties. During 1980's, support teachers for students with learning difficulties were employed in many schools. Scince the early 1980's support teachers have been making their efforts in regular classrooms rather than in the resource rooms. Their roles have been to help students with learning difficulties using effective and specific skills, and to consult with the regular classroom teacher in solving the problems related to learning difficulties in regular classes. Currently, the support system for students with learning difficulties has been employed to organize a more systematic and broader approach in Queensland based on the accountability of schools. In the context of enphasizing literacy and numeracy, a systematic whole school approach and particular programs, such as the Year 2 Diagnostic Net and Reading Recovery, have been introduced into the educational system for early identification and early intervention.


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Reef-building corals are renowned for their brilliant colours yet the biochemical basis for the pigmentation of corals is unknown. Here, we show that these colours are due to a family of GFP-like proteins that fluoresce under ultraviolet (UV) or visible light. Pigments from ten coral species were almost identical to pocilloporin (Dove et al. 1995) being dimers or trimers with approximately 28-kDa subunits. Degenerative primers made to common N-terminal sequences yielded a complete sequence from reef-building coral cDNA, which had 19.6% amino acid identity with green fluorescent protein (GFP). Molecular modelling revealed a 'beta -can' structure, like GFP, with 11 beta -strands and a completely solvent-inaccessible fluorophore composed of the modified residues Gln-61, Tyr-62 and Gly-63. The molecular properties of pocilloporins indicate a range of functions from the conversion of high-intensity UV radiation into photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) that can be regulated by the dinoflagellate peridinin-chlorophyll-protein (PCP) complex, to the shielding of the Soret and Q(x) bands of chlorophyll a and c from scattered high-intensity light. These properties of pocilloporin support its potential role in protecting the photosynthetic machinery of the symbiotic dinoflagellates of corals under high light conditions and in enhancing the availability of photosynthetic light under shade conditions.


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For species that form multi-generational and territorial family groups, resource-rich areas are predicted to support family dynasties in which one genetic lineage continuously occupies an area and may even expand to occupy surrounding areas. Data from a long-term study of Tasmanian native hens (Gallinula mortierii) support this prediction. The reproductive success and dispersal patterns of 18 hen lineages were monitored for seven breeding seasons and over several generations. The founder group with the highest average territory quality produced the highest total number of fledged young and the highest number of fledged linear descendants, accounting for 24% of the combined reproductive output of these 18 lineages. In the space of 6 years, this single genetic lineage expanded from one territory to occupy 12 of the 47 territories present in the population. This rate of expansion was over four times the population average for the same period. A multivariate analysis revealed that the success of a genetic lineage depended only on the number of high-quality territories surrounding the founder group. These results further demonstrate the resource-dependent nature of reproductive success in this species, and also highlight the potential importance of family dynasties in other cooperative species with complex social dynamics and dispersal patterns.


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Height, weight, and tissue accrual were determined in 60 male and 53 female adolescents measured annually over six years using standard anthropometry and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Annual velocities were derived, and the ages and magnitudes of peak height and peak tissue velocities were determined using a cubic spline fit to individual data. Individuals were rank ordered on the basis of sex and age at peak height velocity (PHV) and then divided into quartiles: early (lowest quartile), average (middle two quartiles), and late (highest quartile) maturers. Sex- and maturity-related comparisons in ages and magnitudes of peak height and peak tissue velocities were made. Males reached peak velocities significantly later than females for all tissues and had significantly greater magnitudes at peak. The age at PHV was negatively correlated with the magnitude of PHV in both sexes. At a similar maturity point (age at PHV) there were no differences in weight or fat mass among maturity groups in both sexes. Late maturing males, however, accrued more bone mineral and lean mass and were taller at the age of PHV compared to early maturers. Thus, maturational status (early, average, or late maturity) as indicated by age at PHV is inversely related to the magnitude and late maturers for weight and fat mass in boys and girls. Am. J. Hum. Biol. 13:1-8, 2001. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Background/Aims: Patients with chronic liver disease undergoing liver transplantation have reduced body fat and muscle mass. The extent to which nutritional indicators and Child-Pugh class are predictive of postoperative outcome in adults is unclear. The aims of this study were to determine in adult patients undergoing transplant 1) the influence of preoperative Child-Pugh class and nutritional indicators on early transplant outcomes and one-year survival, 2) the relationship between nutritional indicators and Child-Pugh class and disease type. This study included 80 patients (1990-1994). Methodology: The nutritional indicators utilized were grip strength, triceps skinfold thickness and uncorrected mid-arm muscle area. Measured outcomes were ventilator time, intensive care stay, postoperative hospital stay and one-year survival. Results: Early morbidity was determined in survivors. Child-Pugh class C patients required longer ventilation and spent more time in the intensive care unit than Child-Pugh classes A and B. No significant relationships were found length of hospital stay. Relationships between the nutritional indicators (when controlled for Child-Pugh class) and early morbidity could not be determined due;to insufficient data. No relationship was established between one-year survival and Child-Pugh class or the nutritional indicators. Grip strength and mid-arm muscle area were lower in the patients in Child-Pugh:classes B and C. Parenchymal liver disease was associated with lower grip strength and mid-arm muscle area when compared to cholestatic disease. Conclusions: Child-Pugh class C is associated with greater early postoperative morbidity. Advanced Child-Pugh class is also associated with diminished muscle status and parenchymal disease.


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This paper examines the psychometric quality of the Early/Late Preferences Scale (PS) relative to that of the Composite Morningness Scale (CS). Questionnaires were completed by 670 undergraduate students aged 16-37 years (mean 22.5), of whom 64% were female. Both scales displayed satisfactory inter-item correlations and similar total mean scores to those reported previously, although the CS had higher variability. Principal axis factor analysis produced single-factor solutions for both scales, although loadings for Items 7 and 9 on the PS were low. Internal consistencies for both scales were good (PS=0.86, CS=0.90) with only a small improvement achieved by deleting Items 7 and 9 from the PS. Test-retest reliability over 11 weeks was good for both scales (PS=0.92, CS=0.89). Differences between morning, evening and intermediate groups in self-rated alertness at different times of day, and significant correlations with other indices of morning-evening orientation, provided evidence of validity for both scales. These results indicate that PS is psychometrically comparable with CS. In view of its simpler format and lower cultural specificity, PS may be considered a preferable measure for most applications.


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Purpose: To assess the toxicity and the efficacy of preoperative radiotherapy with continuous infusion 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) for locally advanced adenocarcinoma of the rectum. Methods and Materials: Eligible patients had newly diagnosed localized adenocarcinoma of the rectum within 12 cm of the anal verge, Stage T3-4, and were suitable for curative resection. Eighty-two patients were treated with radiotherapy-50.4 Gy in 28 fractions in 5.6 weeks, given concurrently with continuous infusion 5-FU, using either 96-h/week infusion at 300 mg/m(2)/day or 7-days/week infusion at 225 mg/m(2)/day. Results: The median age was 59 years (range, 27-87), and 67% of patients were male. Pretreatment stages of the rectal cancer were T3, 89% and resectable T4, 11%, with endorectal ultrasound confirmation in 67% of patients. Grade 3 acute toxicity occurred in 5 of 82 patients (6%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2-14%). Types of surgical resection were anterior resection, 61%; abdominoperineal resection, 35%; and other procedures, 4%. There was no operative mortality. Anastomotic leakage after low anterior resection occurred in 3 of 50 patients (6%; 95% CI, 1-17%). The pathologic complete response rate was 16% (95% CI, 9-26%). Pathologic Stages T2 or less occurred in 51%. Conclusion: Preoperative radiotherapy with continuous infusion 5-FU for locally advanced rectal cancer is a safe regimen, with a significant downstaging effect. It does not seem to lead to a significant increase in serious surgical complications. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc.


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Primary immunodeficiency disorders in childhood usually present as unusual, recurrent or severe infections, symptomatic infections with organisms of low pathogenicity, or as recognizable syndromes which are known to have associated immunological abnormalities. In many of the primary immunodeficiency disorders, there are known patterns of inheritance, and other family members may be affected. Some primary immunodeficiency disorders are relatively common, such as selective IgA deficiency, and often do not lead to major morbidity. Others, such as the severe combined immune deficiency syndromes, are relatively rare, and are fatal in early life if not recognized and treated early. Diagnosis of a primary immunodeficiency disorder depends on appropriate use of laboratory investigations. Often there will be abnormalities detected on a complete blood film and measurement of immunoglobulin isotypes. More complex investigations should be undertaken in conjunction with a paediatric immunology service. In recent years, many of the clinically defined primary immunodeficiency disorders have been shown to have associated specific gene defects. For some, this has led to the identification and characterization of defective or absent gene products. The consequences of this new knowledge are more accurate diagnosis, early diagnosis including antenatal diagnosis, detection of undiagnosed disease in other family members, and the potential for new therapies including gene or gene product therapy.


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Early endosomal antigen I (EEAI) is known to be a marker of early endosomes and in cultured hippocampal neurons it preferentially localizes to the dendritic but not the axonal compartment. We show in cultured dorsal root ganglia and superior cervical ganglia neurons that EEAI localizes to the cell bodies and the neurites of both sensory and sympathetic neurons. We then show in vivo using a ligated rat sciatic nerve that EEAI significantly accumulates on the proximal side and not on the distal side of the ligation. This suggests that EEAI is transported in the anterograde direction in axons either as part of the homeostatic process or to the nerve ligation site in response to nerve injury. NeuroReport 12:281-284 (C) 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.