1000 resultados para EGPRS-136


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Este estudo clínico randomizado objetivou avaliar os níveis de estresse na equipe de Enfermagem de um hospital e analisar a efetividade da auriculoterapia com agulhas e sementes. 75 pessoas com escores médio (44/58,7%) e alto (31/41,3%) de acordo com a Lista de Sintomas de Estresse foram divididas em grupos (controle, agulhas e sementes), que receberam oito sessões nos pontos Shenmen, Rim e Tronco Cerebral e foram avaliados no início, com quatro, oito sessões e follow-up (15 dias). Na análise de variância (ANOVA), constataram-se diferenças entre os grupos, na 3ª avaliação (F=3,963/P=0,023) e follow-up (F=6,136/P=0,003). Tais diferenças foram entre o grupo controle e agulha. Os grupos de intervenção mostraram diferenças (P<0,05) a partir da segunda avaliação, quando comparados dentro do mesmo grupo. Concluiu-se que a auriculoterapia reduziu o estresse em profissionais de enfermagem, com melhores resultados para agulhas do que sementes, em escores altos, com manutenção de efeitos por 15 dias.


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OBJECTIVE: The "Pas à Pas" initiative aimed at evaluating the weekly physical activity (PA) and its determinants in a large cohort of dialysis patients. SETTING: Physical inactivity is a risk factor for mortality in maintenance dialysis patients and is still poorly documented in this population. DESIGN: A prospective national epidemiological study was performed. SUBJECTS: A total of 1,163 patients on maintenance dialysis (hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis) were included. INTERVENTION AND MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: PA was recorded during seven consecutive days using a pedometer to measure daily step numbers. RESULTS: Median age was 63 years (Q1 51-Q3 75). Sixty-three percent were sedentary (<5000 steps/day) with a median of 3,688 steps/day (1,866-6,271)]. PA level was similar between hemodialysis patients and those on peritoneal dialysis (3,693 steps [1,896-6,307] vs. 3,320 [1,478-5,926], P = .33). In hemodialysis patients, PA was lower on dialysis days compared with nondialysis days (2,912 [1,439-5,232] vs. 4,054 [2,136-7,108], respectively, P < .01). PA gradually decreased with age, 57% being sedentary between 50 and 65 years and 83% of patients after 80 years. Beyond this age effect, we identified, for the first time, specific phenotypes of patients with lower PA, such as inflammation, cardiovascular disease, protein energy wasting, obesity, and diabetes. By contrast, previous kidney transplantation and a higher muscle mass were associated with higher PA. CONCLUSIONS: Dialysis patients present a very low level of PA with high sedentary. Acting on patient's modifiable phenotypes may help to increase PA to improve morbidity, mortality, and quality of life.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar os sintomas referentes ao estado geral de saúde associado ao trabalho em turnos de enfermagem e relacioná-los com a qualidade do sono. O estudo foi realizado no Hospital da Irmandade da Santa Casa de Poços de Caldas, Minas Gerais. Participaram 136 profissionais de enfermagem, com média de idade de 33,1 anos, divididos nas seguintes categorias: enfermeiro (8,1%); técnico de enfermagem (80,9%); auxiliar de enfermagem dos turnos diurno e noturno (11%). Os sintomas de saúde foram identificados a partir do Inventário de Estado Geral de Saúde, e a qualidade do sono foi avaliada pelo Diário do Sono. Os dados foram estatisticamente significativos pelo Teste Qui-Quadrado (p=0,021) para a presença do sintoma de flatulência ou distensão abdominal no turno noturno. Constatou-se com a análise de regressão linear múltipla que os sujeitos do turno diurno que apresentaram os sintomas de má digestão (às vezes ou sempre) e irritabilidade (sempre) tiveram pior qualidade de sono noturno.


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Context.-Unlike the small bowel, the colorectal mucosa is seldom the site of metastatic disease. Objective.-To determine the incidence of truly colorectal metastases, and subsequent clinicopathologic findings, in a substantial colorectal cancer population collected from 7 European centers. Design.-During the last decade, 10 365 patients were identified as having colorectal malignant tumors, other than systemic diseases. Data collected included patient demographics, clinical symptoms, treatment, the presence of metastases in other sites, disease-free interval, follow-up, and overall survival. All secondary tumors resulting from direct invasion from malignant tumors of the contiguous organs were excluded, as well as those resulting from lymph node metastases or peritoneal seeding. Results.-Only 35 patients were included (10 men) with a median age of 59 years. They presented with obstruction, bleeding, abdominal pain, or perforation. The leading source of metastases was the breast, followed by melanoma. Metastases were synchronous in 3 cases. The mean disease-free interval for the remaining cases was 6.61 years. Surgical resection was performed in 28 cases. Follow-up was available for 26 patients; all had died, with a mean survival time of 10.67 months (range, 1-41 months). Conclusions.-Colorectal metastases are exceptional (0.338%) with the breast as a leading source of metastases; they still represent a late stage of disease and reflect a poor prognosis. Therefore, the pathologist should be alert for the possibility of secondary tumors when studying large bowel biopsies. Any therapy is usually palliative, but our results suggest that prolonged survival after surgery and complementary therapy can be obtained in some patients.


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A elevada dependência dos combustíveis fósseis é uma das principais dificuldades sentidas no actual sistema energético de Cabo Verde. O preço dos combustíveis constitui um peso significativo, representando cerca de 70%, da estrutura de custos do preço de energia eléctrica. Com este trabalho, pretende-se analisar o impacto das energias renováveis no sistema energético e na economia de Cabo Verde, destacando a sua contribuição para a formação do PIB, no Preço, na Balança de Pagamentos, no Emprego, e no Serviço da Dívida, e estabelecer uma comparação com as ilhas da Macaronésia, em particular a Região Autónoma dos Açores. Contribuindo assim, para a discussão que poderá demonstrar que o potencial de renováveis por explorar, trará benefícios económicos para o país, pois a expectativa é superar os 50% de taxa de penetração de Energias Renováveis na produção de electricidade em Cabo Verde até 2020. Prevê-se que o consumo de electricidade que em 2010 era de 335 MWh, duplique até o ano de 2020, atingindo os 670 GWh. Segundo estudos efectuados, o país possui um potencial estimado de 2.600 MW de Energias Renováveis, tendo sido analisados mais de 650 MW em projectos concretos com custos de produção possivelmente inferiores aos dos combustíveis fósseis. Cabo Verde goza de boas condições para o aproveitamento de Energias Renováveis, mas a contribuição desse potencial, sobretudo eólica e solar, continuam muito limitado, pelo que o país deverá apostar no incremento da utilização dessas formas de energia para reduzir a dependência externa em matéria de energia. The high dependence on fossil fuels is one of the main difficulties in the current energy system in Cape Verde. The price of fuel is a significant, accounting for about 70%, and the cost structure of the price of electricity. With this work, seeks to analyze the impact of renewable energy in the energy system and the economy of Cape Verde, highlighting their contribution to the formation of BIP, in the Balance of Payments, in Employment, and the Service of Debt, and to draw a comparison with the islands of Macaronésia, in particular the Autonomous Region of Azores. Thus contributing to the discussion that may show that the potential of renewable energy by exploring will bring economic benefits to the country, because the expectation is to exceed the 50% penetration rate of Renewable Energy in the production of electricity in Cape Verde until 2020. It is estimated that the consumption of electricity in 2010 was 335 MWh, will double by the year 2020, reaching the 670 GWh. According to studies carried out, the country has an estimated potential of 2,600 MW of Renewable Energy, having been analyzed more than 650 MW in concrete projects with production costs possibly less than the fossil fuels. Cape Verde enjoys good conditions for the use of renewable energy, but the contribution of this potential, especially wind and solar, are still very limited, so that the country should invest in increasing the use of these forms of energy to reduce the dependence on foreign sources of energy.


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Kirje 4.7.1972


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OBJECTIVE Investigating the association between quality of life with socio-demographic characteristics and the burden of caregivers for individuals with cerebrovascular accident sequelae. METHOD A descriptive, cross-sectional study with a sample composed of 136 caregivers. For data collection, a semi-structured questionnaire, the Barthel, Burden Interview and Short-Form-36 scales were used. Correlation analysis, t-Student test and F-test were used for the analysis in order to compare averages. RESULTS Significant averages in quality of life were demonstrated in association with female caregivers and those over 60 years in the field 'functional capacity,' and in the domains of 'mental health' and 'vitality' for those with higher income. Regarding burden association, the highlighted areas were 'functional capacity,' 'physical aspects,' 'emotional aspects' and 'pain.' CONCLUSION The creation of public policies and social support to effectively reduce the burden on caregivers is a necessity.


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Selection of action may rely on external guidance or be motivated internally, engaging partially distinct cerebral networks. With age, there is an increased allocation of sensorimotor processing resources, accompanied by a reduced differentiation between the two networks of action selection. The present study examines the age effects on the motor-related oscillatory patterns related to the preparation of externally and internally guided movements. Thirty-two older and 30 younger adults underwent three delayed motor tasks with S1 as preparatory and S2 as imperative cue: Full, laterality instructed by S1 (external guidance); Free, laterality freely selected (internal guidance); None, laterality instructed by S2 (no preparation). Electroencephalogram (EEG) was recorded using 64 surface electrodes. Motor-Related Amplitude Asymmetries (MRAA), indexing the lateralization of oscillatory activities, were analyzed within the S1-S2 interval in the mu (9-12 Hz) and low beta (15-20 Hz) motor-related frequency bands. Reaction times to S2 were slower in older than younger subjects, and slower in the Free than in the Full condition in older subjects only. In the Full condition, there were significant mu MRAA in both age groups, and significant low beta MRAA only in older adults. The Free condition was associated with large mu MRAA in younger adults and limited low beta MRAA in older adults. In younger subjects, the lateralization of mu activity in both Full and Free conditions indicated effective external and internal motor preparation. In older subjects, external motor preparation was associated with lateralization of low beta in addition with mu activity, compatible with an increase of motor-related resources. In contrast, absence of mu and limited low beta lateralization in internal motor preparation was concomitant with reaction time slowing and suggested less efficient cerebral processes subtending free movement selection in older adults, indicating reduced capacity for internally driven action with age.