738 resultados para Distance Passerine Migrant
The efficient collection of solar energy relies on the design and construction of well-organized light-harvesting systems. Herein we report that supramolecular phenanthrene polymers doped with pyrene are effective collectors of light energy. The linear polymers are formed through the assembly of short amphiphilic oligomers in water. Absorption of light by phenanthrene residues is followed by electronic energy transfer along the polymer over long distances (>100 nm) to the accepting pyrene molecules. The high efficiency of the energy transfer, which is documented by large fluorescence quantum yields, suggests a quantum coherent process.
The understanding of molecular mechanisms requires the elucidation of protein-protein interaction in vivo. For large multi-factor complexes like those assembling on mRNA, co-immunoprecipitation assays often identify many peripheral interactors that complicate the interpretation of such results and that might conceal other insightful mechanistic connections. Here we address the protein-protein interaction network for key factors in the nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) pathway in a distant-dependent manner using BioID1,2. In this novel approach, the mutant E. coli biotin-protein ligase BirAR118G is fused to the bait protein and biotinylates proximal proteins promiscuously. Hence, interactors positioned close to the bait in vivo are enriched by streptavidin purification and identified by mass spectrometry or western blotting. We present a validation of the BioID assay and preliminary results for close interactors of UPF1 and other key players in NMD.
The understanding of molecular mechanisms requires the elucidation of protein-protein interaction in vivo. For large multi-factor complexes like those assembling on mRNA, co-immunoprecipitation assays often identify many peripheral interactors that complicate the interpretation of such results and that might conceal other insightful mechanistic connections. Here we address the protein-protein interaction network for key factors in the nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) pathway in a distant-dependent manner using BioID1,2. In this novel approach, the mutant E. coli biotin-protein ligase BirAR118G is fused to the bait protein and biotinylates proximal proteins promiscuously. Hence, interactors positioned close to the bait in vivo are enriched by streptavidin purification and identified by mass spectrometry or western blotting. We present a validation of the BioID assay and preliminary results for close interactors of UPF1 and other key players in NMD.
In combined clinical optoacoustic (OA) and ultrasound (US) imaging, epi-mode irradiation and detection integrated into one single probe offers flexible imaging of the human body. The imaging depth in epi-illumination is, however, strongly affected by clutter. As shown in previous phantom experiments, the location of irradiation plays an important role in clutter generation. We investigated the influence of the irradiation geometry on the local image contrast of clinical images, by varying the separation distance between the irradiated area and the acoustic imaging plane of a linear ultrasound transducer in an automated scanning setup. The results for different volunteers show that the image contrast can be enhanced on average by 25% and locally by more than a factor of two, when the irradiated area is slightly separated from the probe. Our findings have an important impact on the design of future optoacoustic probes for clinical application.
The rate constants of simple electron transfer (ET) reactions in room temperature ionic liquids (ILs) available now are rather high, typically at the edge of experimental accuracy. To consider ET phenomena in these media in view of theory developed earlier for molecular solvents, it is crucial to provide quantitative comparison of experimental kinetic data for certain reactions. We report this comparison for ferrocene/ferrocenium reaction. The ET distance is fixed by Au surface modification by alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers, which were characterized by in situ scanning tunneling microscopy. The dependence of ln kapp on barrier thickness in the range of ca. 6–20 Å is linear, with a slope typical for the same plots in aqueous media. This result confirms diabatic mode of Fc oxidation at long distance. The data for shorter ET distances point to the adiabatic regime of ET at a bare gold surface, although more detailed computational studies are required to justify this conclusion.
Transversale Politiken. Gleichheit und Differenz in antirassistischen migrantische Selbst-organisationen - Veronika Siegl Meine Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit transversalen Politiken in antirassistischen migrantischen Selbstorganisationen. Transversale Politik bezeichnet dabei eine Praxis der Zusammen-arbeit, die identitäre Kategorien zu überwinden versucht, aber Unterschiede zwischen einzelnen Personen oder Gruppen dennoch nicht negiert. Ausgangspunkt für meine Forschung ist insofern die Frage, wie MigrantInnen und MehrheitsösterreicherInnen gemeinsam über eine antirassistische Politik diskutieren und diese praktizieren können, ohne durch das Betonen von Differenz oder von Gleichheit rassistische Strukturen zu reproduzieren. Welche Strategien werden entwickelt? Wie wird mit Repräsentationsverhältnissen umgegangen? Gibt es ein kollektives „Wir“? Und: Was kann der Begriff MigrantIn für die politische Arbeit bedeuten? In Bezug auf die Fragen, die in der Ankündigung des Workshops aufgeworfen wurden, kann ich nach meinen Recherchen sagen, dass es in diesem Bereich noch relativ wenig Forschungen gibt. Schon allein zur antirassistischen Bewegung in Österreich gibt es sehr wenig Literatur, zu migrantischen Selbstorganisierungen noch weniger und zu Strategien transversaler Politik eigentlich gar nichts. Fragen der Differenz und Gleichheit werden im Allgemeinen oft nur auf einem sehr abstrakten Niveau geführt, empirische Erfahrungs-berichte, die einen Einblick geben, wie die Theorie in die Praxis umgesetzt werden kann, scheint es sehr wenig zu geben.
Plants mediate interactions between insects, including leaf- and root-feeders; yet the underlying mechanisms and connection with ecological theory remain unresolved. In this review, based on novel insights into long-distance (i.e., leaf–leaf, root–shoot) defence signalling, we explore the role of phytohormones in driving broad-scale patterns of aboveground–belowground interactions that can be extrapolated to general plant–insect relationships. We propose that the outcome of intra-feeding guild interactions is generally negative due to induction of similar phytohormonal pathways, whereas between-guild interactions are often positive due to negative signal crosstalk. However, not all outcomes could be explained by feeding guild; we argue that future studies should target ecologically representative plant–insect systems, distinguish subguilds, and include plant growth hormones to improve our understanding of plant-mediated interactions.