931 resultados para Discourse analysis, Narrative
The present article aims at reflecting about the discursive practices of writing and reading on the net, more specifically about the writing and reading methods used by the undergraduate and graduated teachers, based on an internet search engine. It’s of interest to investigate: i) the (hyper) textual relations established in the context thought as permitted by the electronic resources; ii) the discursive marks that arise (are arisen) in a singular way of reading (and/or writing). The set of material was produced during a university extension course about reading and cyberspace, whose context consisted of a drawing production of the reading process on an internet search engine, on the basis of the signifier “apple”. Based on the French Discourse Analysis and assumptions from the New Literacy Studies, we intended to discuss the operating procedures of the internet search and the effects of meanings produced by the subject during his/her reading/writing process.
In the current context of Metalexicography several types of studies have been conducted in order to better understand the organization of existing dictionaries and, thus, constitute a knowledge base that would support the development of new works. Regarding specifically the dictionaries of Phraseology, although there are many researchers who engage in this domain, there is still much to study in order to optimize and boost production as much monolingual as bilingual works. The aim of this paper is to present a brief discursive analysis of three phraseological dictionaries considering the pedagogical aspect.
Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The present work has as object of study the writing practices of emergent writers on the internet, more precisely their blogs and websites. Literary blogs came up as an option so that emergent writers could make public their works more easily, since the process of publishing books through publishing houses is lengthy e more limited. Through readings of Bakhtin and The Circle texts, we used some concepts, such as discourse genres and dialog, to make a dialogical analysis of the corpus. The main focus of this work are the dialog relations found in blogs and the different ways they appear, for instance the dialog established between writer and reader and the dialog between the discourse genres found in the blogs and other genres. The study of the relation writer/reader is very important, because there is a change in the way the reader receives the text depending on the support through which it is diffused, just like there is a change in the relation between reader and writer, who become closer
The female identity in relation to the multiplicity of roles of contemporary women and their evolution in the labor market is the focus of the work that is developed from studies of French line Discourse Analysis refered to Michel Pêcheux and Michel Foucault. The objective is to reflect on the discursive mechanisms of print media, focusing on Veja magazines covers, which, by its verbal and visual language, constructs meaning effects and disseminates certain social thruths about the female changes. Considering that this media aspect plays an important role on society's opinion formation, it is worth to investigate, analyse and describe the elements present on the covers, as seduction and persuasion objects. The work analysis material is formed by six covers published by Veja magazine in the period of 1968-2012, which raise the theme of women in the labor market and show us their evolution and the changes in the representations about the female universe and the work in society
We know that studies on reading and writing take place within the Linguistic for several decades and, with de computer, the language entered the network and this is opening a learning space for writing classes, no more reduced to a classroom but expanded to a universe that has no geographical boundaries, namely de Internet. Our research fits into this context and is part of the project The discourse on writing practices in contemporary Brazilian media: the art making, the pedagogical practice, and the production of meaning to develop discourse analysis on the practice of writing on sites dedicated to teaching and learning of this practice. The main objective of this research is to investigate the relationship between school attendance of redaction - made here as discourse gender, as you know Bakhtin - and the discourse of the sites that constitute our corpus. We set out the hypothesis that the sites are intended for the teaching/learning of writing seeking to create virtually teaching imaginarily conditions similar to those that exist in school attendance of the Portuguese language. We are interested in, therefore, observe, discursively, as the image is created of the interlocutors to which they are intended considering that the enunciators are not in front of those who occupy the place of real students, because they are virtual students. We, too, to know as the gender class manifested itself in those sites, as these sites dialogue with the face-to-face class in relation to ideology, the function of the teacher, the conception of language and writing. The constitution of the corpus was from search tools on the internet. The sites that we analyzed were: alunosonline.com.br, brasilescola.com.br, coladaweb.com.br, guiadoestudante.com.br, infoescola.com.br, mundoeducação.com.br, mundovestibular.com.br, português.com.br, professorjuscelino.com.br and redaçãodissertativa.com.br. The selection was qualitative, considering the...
The process of inclusion of deaf students at regular and specialized educational institution is a complex issue, which has the main point of discussion its specificity linguistic represented by Brazilian Sign Language. Whereupon, this research analyzed how the discourses of young students with deafness on this type of education at regular and specialized educational institution from a city situated in the State of São Paulo. The aim of this study was analyze the relations between the discourses of deaf students and their production conditionals, using the dimension of Discourse Analysis and the historical-cultural psychology. As parts of this research, were used four deaf students enrolled in schools belong in the city of São Paulo, which two schools are regular and two are specialized to deaf people. The collection instruments build themselves in observation of dialogue situations in classroom and interview semistructured. The interviews were made by video recording, researcher and an interpreter. The results showed that discourse of the student enrolled in the specialized school differs in relation to the ideals of bilingual education, in this case defended by users of the Brazilian Sign Language, fact not observed in the context of the regular school.
This paper presents the trajectory traced by the Literary Criticism on the poetry of Alfonsina Storni, an Argentine writer of the early twentieth century. The first literary production of Alfonsina Storni, called modernist or tardorromántica (SARLO, 1988), is produced in the period 1916-1925; from Ocre (1926), she marks a break, confirmed in their last two books of poetry, Mundo de siete Pozos (1935) and Mascarilla y Trébol (1938), with the label of vanguardism and new aesthetic experiences such as antisoneto. Regarding the Criticism built over the poetic work of Alfonsina Storni by his contemporaries, we have three positions of reading: approaches biographical criticism and proposals for readings of critics and poets linked to Vanguard Argentina and made some critical texts by women from the middle academic. According to Salomone (2006), the criticism made by third trend marks another landmark of the constitutive deed of Alfonsina Storni, show tensions and positions that differ from the hegemonic critical. Subsequently, there is setting up a Women's Literature, along with a normative critique, which will consider the production book produced by women as produced by a subject biological woman, and that represents certain textuality with naturalized features peculiar to women. Today, in light of the Critical Feminist and contributions of Discourse Analysis, especially on the concepts and the connections between language and power, a critical reading of the production female, consists of texts of women writers since the mid-nineteenth century, is focused as a result of an ideological perspective and typically androcentric patriarchal, for example, on poems by Alfonsina Storni. According to Alice Salomone (2006), from the 80s of last century, the look on the production literary Latin American writers has another approach, which she calls "critical current: feminist criticism and modernity cultural".
Building on some core concepts of dialogic discourse analysis, this article aims to discuss, through an examination of the bestseller lists in Brazil during the years 2000 to 2010, the central features of contemporary mass literature. By the evidence of the prevalence of self-help books, we examine how the phenomenon is consisting. The conclusion that we get is that self-help can be seen both as a discourse genre and as style.
This study aims to discuss, by assuming the perspective of the Discourse Analysis, the social and cultural implications of the process of teaching Portuguese to foreigners in the virtual context of Teletandem. It also intends to evaluate the levels of Critical Language Awareness presented by the participants, in relation to the linguistic, discursive and social dimensions of the analysis. The data were collected in 2011 in interactions between students from Unesp/Assis and students from North-American universities. The research has been guided by the following questions: (a) how social and historical changes are reflected in language uses; (b) how these implications appear in the context of Teletandem; (c) how is it possible to evaluate the levels of Critical Language Awareness between the participants related to the social dimension of the discourse.
This article proposes a reflection on a place for epistemological studies about the Bakhtin Circle, as well as it also reflects on the perspectives of Brazilian approaches to that. It also sheds light to the issues concerning the production, the circulation and the reception of works of the Russian Circle in order to understand why, in Brazil, we can speak of Dialogic Discourse Analysis (DDA), affiliating the so-called dialogical philosophy of language to an analytical theory, grounded in the relation between linguistics and cross-linguistics. In order to do that, this paper focuses on the notions of dialogue, ideological sign, subject and exotopia. The hypothesis put forward is that, unlike other Analyzes of Discourses, the theoretical-analytical method of the Circle is dialogical. This is the peculiarity of its proposal.
The project Teletandem, linked to the Centro de Línguas e Desenvolvimento de Professores UNESP/Assis, promotes the interaction between undergraduates students in Languages and undergraduates students from foreign universities in order to promote the teaching of Portuguese for those who do not speak Portuguese and give an opportunity to Brazilian students to learn a foreign language. Therefore there is a different context that can result in new forms of statements produced in this specific area of human activity. The present paper aims to present a description of Teletandem sessions as a discursive gender according to the gender theory, showing the multiplicity of discursive genders that emerge during an interaction. We also intend to verify the levels of Critical Language Awareness among Brazilian participants according to the Critical Discourse Analysis.
This article aims to analyses the anti-Communism in the period between 1955 and 1958 in Londrina, Paraná, from the event march of Production which was reported by Folha de Londrina in 1958. We’ll use as methodological the discourse analysis of French substantiated in studies of Pêcheux (1997) and the mechanisms for structuring of antiCommunism discourse of Catholic Londrina leaders from the 1950s. Starting on survey of documentary sources and bibliographical, specially texts produced by representatives of Catholic church in Northern Paraná during the period of proposed analysis. We intend to analyse Catholic anti-Communism from point of view of its elements. The complexity of the political historical period of reference of this article shows how about communism in Folha de Londrina is linked to a discourse on other prebuilt discourses. This article is built in three steps: the first one is JK Years: Anti-Communism while legitimizing the development policy that we will produce an analysis of JK government that stood against to communism while conception of society and economic and political structures. The second one is the multifaceted anti-Communism in Brazil. We focus on the theoretical discussion on the concept of anti-Communism pointing out many Brazilian facets interpretation. The last one , faith and power: Anti-Communism sense and Catholic church in Londrina (1955-1958) will systematize texts of Catholic leaders about communism and finally analyze them with the proposed theoretical framework of discourse analysis.