684 resultados para DISCOMFORT


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Background: Cancer is a global public health challenge and how patients in countries with poor healthcare infrastructure experience cancer treatment is largely unknown. Purpose: The objective of this study was to describe adult Ugandan cancer patients’ experiences of undergoing chemotherapy treatment. Methodology: Using a qualitative descriptive design, seven in-patients with varying cancer diagnoses at the Uganda Cancer Institute were interviewed about their experiences of undergoing chemotherapy treatment; the interviews were transcribed and analysed thematically. Results: The analysis resulted in nine subthemes, which were categorized under three main themes: ‘experiences related to the body’, with the subthemes dry and sensitive skin, changes in eating and bowel habits, fever and feelings of abnormal body sensation; ‘thoughts and feelings’, with four subthemes reflecting the psychosocial impact of chemotherapy; and ‘actively dealing with discomfort’, with three subthemes describing how patients dealt with side effects, such as by sticking to a diet. Conclusion: Receiving chemotherapy treatment is difficult, and the side effects negatively influenced patients’ bodies and moods. Dealing actively with discomfort and accepting negative impacts in hope of a cure helped the participants manage the acute complications related to the treatment. We recommend the development of interventions to ease discomfort due to chemotherapy.


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O presente trabalho aborda as dificuldades sentidas pelos profissionais de saúde perante os doentes em fase terminal. É importante percebermos como é que os profissionais de saúde se preparam psicologicamente para tratar dos pacientes com o profissionalismo que lhes é pedido. O trabalho recai, na tentativa de verificar, a forma como conseguem “escapar” a esta ligação directa com a morte. Participaram neste estudo do tipo exploratório, 4 enfermeiras e 1 médica da Unidade da Dor do Hospital Garcia de Orta, que através de entrevistas semi-directivas, descreviam as suas experiências. Abordámos o percurso profissional, as dificuldades no dia-a-dia, as situações mais gratificantes, a função da equipa e o processo de luto. Nos resultados obtidos, utilizámos como método a análise de conteúdo. Os resultados destacaram a identificação, como a maior dificuldade, lembrando desta forma que os profissionais de saúde, também sofrem com a perda dos doentes, como se de alguém próximo se tratasse, complicando a relação profissional e levando a que normalmente se usem mecanismos do evitamento. Concluímos que é indispensável o apoio da equipa multidisciplinar, de forma a acolher todos os acontecimentos que provocam desconforto e angústia em relação à morte, por mais mecanismos utilizados é impossível dissociar a relação profissional da pessoal.


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Objective: Evaluate the validity, reliability, and factorial invariance of the complete Portuguese version of the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP) and its short version (OHIP-14). Methods: A total of 1,162 adults enrolled in the Faculty of Dentistry of Araraquara/UNESP participated in the study; 73.1% were women; and the mean age was 40.7 ± 16.3 yr. We conducted a confirmatory factor analysis, where χ2/df, comparative fit index, goodness of fit index, and root mean square error of approximation were used as indices of goodness of fit. The convergent validity was judged from the average variance extracted and the composite reliability, and the internal consistency was estimated by Cronbach standardized alpha. The stability of the models was evaluated by multigroup analysis in independent samples (test and validation) and between users and nonusers of dental prosthesis. Results: We found best-fitting models for the OHIP-14 and among dental prosthesis users. The convergent validity was below adequate values for the factors “functional limitation” and “physical pain” for the complete version and for the factors “functional limitation” and “psychological discomfort” for the OHIP-14. Values of composite reliability and internal consistency were below adequate in the OHIP-14 for the factors “functional limitation” and “psychological discomfort.” We detected strong invariance between test and validation samples of the full version and weak invariance for OHIP-14. The models for users and nonusers of dental prosthesis were not invariant for both versions. Conclusion: The reduced version of the OHIP was parsimonious, reliable, and valid to capture the construct “impact of oral health on quality of life,” which was more pronounced in prosthesis users.


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L’isolement avec ou sans contention (IC) en milieu psychiatrique touche près d’un patient sur quatre au Québec (Dumais, Larue, Drapeau, Ménard, & Giguère-Allard, 2011). Il est pourtant largement documenté que cette pratique porte préjudice aux patients, aux infirmières et à l’organisation (Stewart, Van der Merwe, Bowers, Simpson, & Jones, 2010). Cette mesure posant un problème éthique fait l’objet de politiques visant à la restreindre, voire à l’éliminer. Les études sur l’expérience de l’isolement du patient de même que sur la perception des infirmières identifient le besoin d'un retour sur cet évènement. Plusieurs équipes de chercheurs proposent un retour post-isolement (REPI) intégrant à la fois l’équipe traitante, plus particulièrement les infirmières, et le patient comme intervention afin de diminuer l’incidence de l’IC. Le REPI vise l’échange émotionnel, l’analyse des étapes ayant mené à la prise de décision d’IC et la projection des interventions futures. Le but de cette étude était de développer, implanter et évaluer le REPI auprès des intervenants et des patients d’une unité de soins psychiatriques aigus afin d’améliorer leur expérience de soins. Les questions de recherche étaient : 1) Quel est le contexte d’implantation du REPI? 2) Quels sont les éléments facilitants et les obstacles à l’implantation du REPI selon les patients et les intervenants? 3) Quelle est la perception des patients et des intervenants des modalités et retombées du REPI?; et 4) L’implantation du REPI est-elle associée à une diminution de la prévalence et de la durée des épisodes d’IC? Cette étude de cas instrumentale (Stake, 1995, 2008) était ancrée dans une approche participative. Le cas était celui de l’unité de soins psychiatriques aigus pour premier épisode psychotique où a été implanté le REPI. En premier lieu, le développement du REPI a d’abord fait l’objet d’une documentation du contexte par une immersion dans le milieu (n=56 heures) et des entretiens individuels avec un échantillonnage de convenance (n=3 patients, n=14 intervenants). Un comité d’experts (l’étudiante-chercheuse, six infirmières du milieu et un patient partenaire) a par la suite développé le REPI qui comporte deux volets : avec le patient et en équipe. L’évaluation des retombées a été effectuée par des entretiens individuels (n= 3 patients, n= 12 intervenants) et l’examen de la prévalence et de la durée des IC six mois avant et après l’implantation du REPI. Les données qualitatives ont été examinées selon une analyse thématique (Miles, Huberman, & Saldana, 2014), tandis que les données quantitatives ont fait l’objet de tests descriptifs et non-paramétriques. Les résultats proposent que le contexte d’implantation est défini par des normes implicites et explicites où l’utilisation de l’IC peut générer un cercle vicieux de comportements agressifs nourris par un profond sentiment d’injustice de la part des patients. Ceux-ci ont l’impression qu’ils doivent se conformer aux attentes du personnel et aux règles de l’unité. Les participants ont exprimé le besoin de créer des opportunités pour une communication authentique qui pourrait avoir lieu lors du REPI, bien que sa pratique soit variable d’un intervenant à un autre. Les résultats suggèrent que le principal élément ayant facilité l’implantation du REPI est l’approche participative de l’étude, alors que les obstacles rencontrés relèvent surtout de la complexité de la mise en œuvre du REPI en équipe. Lors du REPI avec le patient, les infirmières ont pu explorer ses sentiments et son point de vue, ce qui a favorisé la reconstruction de la relation thérapeutique. Quant au REPI avec l’équipe de soins, il a été perçu comme une opportunité d’apprentissage, ce qui a permis d’ajuster le plan d’intervention des patients. Suite à l’implantation du REPI, les résultats ont d’ailleurs montré une réduction significative de l’utilisation de l’isolement et du temps passé en isolement. Les résultats de cette thèse soulignent la possibilité d’outrepasser le malaise initial perçu tant par le patient que par l’infirmière en systématisant le REPI. De plus, cette étude met l’accent sur le besoin d’une présence authentique pour atteindre un partage significatif dans la relation thérapeutique, ce qui est la pierre d’assise de la pratique infirmière en santé mentale. Cette étude contribue aux connaissances sur la prévention des comportements agressifs en milieu psychiatrique en documentant le contexte dans lequel se situe l’IC, en proposant un REPI comportant deux volets de REPI et en explorant ses retombées. Nos résultats soutiennent le potentiel du développement d’une prévention tertiaire qui intègre à la fois la perspective des patients et des intervenants.


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Introduction: Nonagenarian population, clearly increasing, shows different characteristics from the rest of elderly people. Health-related quality of life is a way to study population health in physical, psychological and social dimensions. Objectives: To examine the relationship between nutritional status and health-related quality of life in a group of free-living nonagenarians. Differences with octogenarians were also studied. Methods: Within Villanueva Older Health Study, 20 non-institutionalised people (92.5±3.5 years; 80% women) make the nonagenarian subsample. Nutritional risk was assessed by Mininutritional Assessment questionnaire, dietary intake by a 24-hour dietary recall and health-related quality of life by EuroQoL-5D questionnaire. SPSS was used for statistical analysis. Results: 40% nonagenarians were at risk of malnutrition. Dietary assessment showed magnesium, zinc, potassium, folic acid, vitamin D and vitamin E deficiencies. Problems in mobility were more frequently reported (80%). EQ-5Dindex was associated with MNA (p<0.05). Self-care dimension was associated with calcium and niacin (p<0.05), retinol and cholesterol (p<0.01) intake. Usual activities dimension was associated with niacin (p<0.01) and cholesterol(p<0.05) intake. Pain/discomfort dimension was associated with protein (p<0.01), energy, selenium and niacin (p<0.05) intake. Anxiety/depression was associated with protein(p<0.01) and selenium (p<0.05) intake. Conclusions: Risk of malnutrition is a factor associated to health-related quality of life. Results suggest that energy and some nutrient intakes could be possibly associated to health-related quality of life but further research on this influence is required.


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Background: There are limited data concerning endoscopist-directed endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography deep sedation. The aim of this study was to establish the safety and risk factors for difficult sedation in daily practice. Patients and methods: Hospital-based, frequency matched case-control study. All patients were identified from a database of 1,008 patients between 2014 and 2015. The cases were those with difficult sedations. This concept was defined based on the combination of the receipt of high-doses of midazolam or propofol, poor tolerance, use of reversal agents or sedation-related adverse events. The presence of different factors was evaluated to determine whether they predicted difficult sedation. Results: One-hundred and eighty-nine patients (63 cases, 126 controls) were included. Cases were classified in terms of high-dose requirements (n = 35, 55.56%), sedation-related adverse events (n = 14, 22.22%), the use of reversal agents (n = 13, 20.63%) and agitation/discomfort (n = 8, 12.7%). Concerning adverse events, the total rate was 1.39%, including clinically relevant hypoxemia (n = 11), severe hypotension (n = 2) and paradoxical reactions to midazolam (n = 1). The rate of hypoxemia was higher in patients under propofol combined with midazolam than in patients with propofol alone (2.56% vs. 0.8%, p < 0.001). Alcohol consumption (OR: 2.674 [CI 95%: 1.098-6.515], p = 0.030), opioid consumption (OR: 2.713 [CI 95%: 1.096-6.716], p = 0.031) and the consumption of other psychoactive drugs (OR: 2.015 [CI 95%: 1.017-3.991], p = 0.045) were confirmed to be independent risk factors for difficult sedation. Conclusions: Endoscopist-directed deep sedation during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography is safe. The presence of certain factors should be assessed before the procedure to identify patients who are high-risk for difficult sedation.


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This study compared the prevalence of vocal problems in two Portuguese groups: 73 teachers that use their voice as professional tool (teachers’ group) and 73 non-voice professionals (control group). It also identified the risk factors that contributed to teachers’ group voice problems. A questionnaire was applied to both goups in order to obtain information about vocal health, hygiene and behavior, professional activity and general physical health. Statistical results revealed that the teachers’ group presented a higher prevalence of vocal problems than the control group: 52% reported hoarseness, 46.6% vocal fatigue and 45.2% vocal discomfort compared with 31.5%, 20.5 % e 28.7%, respectively. Environmental factors (eg., smoke and cold temperatures), vocal abuse and upper respiratory pathologies (e.g., colds, laryngitis and pharyngitis) seemed to increase teachers’ voice disorders (p-value < .05). In conclusion, the absence of vocal pedagogy in the curricular plan of teachers’ higher education associated to poor working environmental conditions and professional voice demands explained the higher prevalence of vocal problems in teachers’ group.


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Purpose.: To evaluate the levels of dinucleotides diadenosine tetraphosphate (Ap4A) and diadenosine pentaphosphate (Ap5A) in tears of patients wearing rigid gas permeable (RGP) contact lenses on a daily wear basis and of patients wearing reverse-geometry RGP lenses overnight for orthokeratology treatment. Methods.: Twenty-two young volunteers (10 females, 12 males; 23.47 ± 4.49 years) were fitted with an alignment-fit RGP lens (paflufocon B) for a month, and after a 15-day washout period they were fitted with reverse-geometry RGP lenses for corneal reshaping (paflufocon D) for another month. During each period, tears were collected at baseline day 1, 7, 15, and 28. Ap4A and Ap5A were measured by high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). Additionally, corneal staining, break-up time (BUT), Schirmer test, and dryness symptoms were evaluated. Results.: Ap4A concentrations increased significantly from baseline during the whole period of daily wear of RGP lenses (P < 0.001); concentration was also significantly higher than in the orthokeratology group, which remained at baseline levels during the study period except at day 1 (P < 0.001) and day 28 (P = 0.041). While BUT and Schirmer remained unchanged in both groups, discomfort and dryness were significantly increased during alignment-fit RGP daily wear but not during the orthokeratology period. Conclusions.: Daily wear of RGP lenses increased the levels of Ap4A due to mechanical stimulation by blinking of the corneal epithelium, and this is associated with discomfort. Also, orthokeratology did not produce symptoms or signs of ocular dryness, which could be a potential advantage over soft contact lenses in terms of contact lens-induced dryness.


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Nowadays, evaluation methods to measure thermal performance of buildings have been developed in order to improve thermal comfort in buildings and reduce the use of energy with active cooling and heating systems. However, in developed countries, the criteria used in rating systems to asses the thermal and energy performance of buildings have demonstrated some limitations when applied to naturally ventilated building in tropical climates. The present research has as its main objective to propose a method to evaluate the thermal performance of low-rise residential buildings in warm humid climates, through computational simulation. The method was developed in order to conceive a suitable rating system for the athermal performance assessment of such buildings using as criteria the indoor air temperature and a thermal comfort adaptive model. The research made use of the software VisualDOE 4.1 in two simulations runs of a base case modeled for two basic types of occupancies: living room and bedroom. In the first simulation run, sensitive analyses were made to identify the variables with the higher impact over the cases´ thermal performance. Besides that, the results also allowed the formulation of design recommendations to warm humid climates toward an improvement on the thermal performance of residential building in similar situations. The results of the second simulation run was used to identify the named Thermal Performance Spectrum (TPS) of both occupancies types, which reflect the variations on the thermal performance considering the local climate, building typology, chosen construction material and studied occupancies. This analysis generates an index named IDTR Thermal Performance Resultant Index, which was configured as a thermal performance rating system. It correlates the thermal performance with the number of hours that the indoor air temperature was on each of the six thermal comfort bands pre-defined that received weights to measure the discomfort intensity. The use of this rating system showed to be appropriated when used in one of the simulated cases, presenting advantages in relation to other evaluation methods and becoming a tool for the understanding of building thermal behavior


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A OA é a doença reumática mais comum no ser humano e uma doença crónica com impacto elevado na sociedade. Tem repercussões na saúde, ao nível da funcionalidade, comprometendo a realização das atividades da vida diária e a qualidade de vida dos indivíduos. Uma das articulações mais afetada pela OA é a articulação do joelho. O tratamento eficaz requer a combinação de tratamentos farmacológicos e não farmacológicos. Os tratamentos não farmacológicos, principalmente o exercício e a educação do doente têm vindo a ganhar importância, no que se refere ao controlo dos sintomas. A realização do estágio curricular surge no programa comunitário PLE²NO. O programa é considerado uma opção não farmacológica no tratamento e controlo dos sintomas da Osteoartrose (OA) no joelho. Os principais objetivos do estágio no PLE²NO consistiram: aquisição de conhecimentos teóricos relacionados com OA e práticos com vista ao aperfeiçoamento da prescrição do exercício; aquisição de competências essenciais à ótima liderança e comunicação com as pessoas e instituições envolvidas; prescrição de exercício a indivíduos com OA no joelho; cativar e motivar as pessoas para a prática de exercício; e determinar a eficácia de um programa de 3 meses de educação e exercício nos sintomas, aptidão física e qualidade de vida dos idosos com OA no joelho. Na aptidão física verificaram-se diferenças significativas na capacidade aeróbia, flexibilidade e velocidade da marcha. Nos indicadores de saúde houve melhoria em praticamente todos os parâmetros avaliados: mobilidade, cuidados pessoais, dor/mal-estar e sintomas de ansiedade/depressão. Assim, esta intervenção revelou-se ser uma mais-valia para o tratamento não farmacológico da osteoartrose do joelho a médio prazo.


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Irritable bowel syndrome and functional constipation represent a relevant and common health issue. However, real-world clinical practice includes patients with constipation who may or may not have other abdominal complaints (pain, bloating, abdominal discomfort) with variable frequency. The goal of the present study was to obtain information on the workload entailed by patients with constipation and associated abdominal complaints, predominant clinical behaviors, education needs, and potential daily practice aids both in Primary Care and gastroenterology settings. The clinical behavior of doctors is generally similar at both levels, despite differences in healthcare approach: use of empiric therapies and clinically guided diagnostic tests, with some differences in colonoscopy use (not always directly accessible from Primary Care). Regarding perceptions, general support and osmotic laxatives are most valued by PC doctors, whereas osmotic laxatives, combined laxatives, and linaclotide are most valued by GE specialists. Furthermore, over half of respondents considered differentiating both diagnoses as challenging. Finally, considerable education needs are self-acknowledged at both levels, as is a demand for guidelines and protocols to help in managing this issue in clinical practice. A strength of this study is its providing a joint photograph of the medical approach and the perceptions of constipation with abdominal discomfort from a medical standpoint. Weaknesses include self-declaration (no formal validation) and a response rate potentially biased by professional motivation.


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In this Clinical Practice Guideline we discuss the diagnostic and therapeutic approach of adult patients with constipation and abdominal complaints at the confluence of the irritable bowel syndrome spectrum and functional constipation. Both conditions are included among the functional bowel disorders, and have a significant personal, healthcare, and social impact, affecting the quality of life of the patients who suffer from them. The first one is the irritable bowel syndrome subtype, where constipation represents the predominant complaint, in association with recurrent abdominal pain, bloating, and abdominal distension. Constipation is characterized by difficulties with or low frequency of bowel movements, often accompanied by straining during defecation or a feeling of incomplete evacuation. Most cases have no underlying medical cause, and are therefore considered as a functional bowel disorder. There are many clinical and pathophysiological similarities between both disorders, and both respond similarly to commonly used drugs, their primary difference being the presence or absence of pain, albeit not in an "all or nothing" manner. Severity depends not only upon bowel symptom intensity but also upon other biopsychosocial factors (association of gastrointestinal and extraintestinal symptoms, grade of involvement, and perception and behavior variants). Functional bowel disorders are diagnosed using the Rome criteria. This Clinical Practice Guideline has been made consistent with the Rome IV criteria, which were published late in May 2016, and discuss alarm criteria, diagnostic tests, and referral criteria between Primary Care and gastroenterology settings. Furthermore, all the available treatment options (exercise, fluid ingestion, diet with soluble fiber-rich foods, fiber supplementation, other dietary components, osmotic or stimulating laxatives, probiotics, antibiotics, spasmolytics, peppermint essence, prucalopride, linaclotide, lubiprostone, biofeedback, antidepressants, psychological therapy, acupuncture, enemas, sacral root neurostimulation, surgery) are discussed, and practical recommendations are made regarding each of them.


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Owing to na intense process of urban development, urban uneasiness and discomfort in the daily life of populations have nowadays, especially in the big cities, become increasingly ordinary issues. Population density, degeneration of central areas and pollution are some of the environmental stressors the urban man is subjected to. The existence of open areas in the urban network contributes to a better movement of the air and transforms salubrity conditions. Yet, it has been noticed that parks and squares are disappearing from the heart of the city districts. In their place there are either unused plots of land where garbage has been dumped or nearly all-paved squares with meager or no vegetation at all. Such areas, when handled properly, play an important role in the city because in addition to being zones for rendering a mild climate they perform social, cultural and hygienic functions. Aiming at demonstrating that proper handling of green areas can favorably influence the local microclimate, we have attempted to develop analysis from the point of view of bioclimatizing attributes of urban form and their relationship to the local microclimate found in the eight open areas located in the Ponta Negra Housing Complex in the city of Natal/RN


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This paper presents a comparison among different consumer 3D display technologies by means of a subjective assessment test. Therefore, four 55-in displays have been considered: one autostereoscopic display, one stereoscopic with polarized passive glasses, and two with active shutter glasses. In addition, a high-quality 3D video database has been used to show diverse material with both views in high definition. To carry out the test, standard recommendations have been followed considering also some modifications looking for a test environment more similar to real home viewing conditions, with the objective of obtaining more representative conclusions. Moreover, several perceptual factors have been considered to study the performance of the displays, such as picture quality, depth perception, and visual discomfort. The obtained results show interesting issues, like the performance improvement of active shutter glasses technology, the high performance of the polarized glasses technology in terms of quality and comfort, and the need of improvement of the autostereoscopic displays to complement the visual comfort to reach a global high-quality visual experience.