Concerns of Thai consumers on food safety have been recently increasing, especially in urban areas and for fresh produce because food safety scandals, such as chemical residues on fresh produce (e.g., cabbage) still frequently occur. The Thai government tried to meet consumer needs by imposing in the domestic market a stronger regulation aimed at increasing the baseline level of food safety assurance and by introducing a voluntary standard (based on Good Agricultural Practices or GAPs and known as Q-GAP) and the related food safety label (i.e., Q mark). However, since standards and regulations are weakly implemented in the domestic market compared to exported products, there is still a lack of Thai consumers’ confidence in the safety of local food products. In this work the current situation of GAPs adoption in Thai fresh produce production is analysed. Furthermore, it is studied whether Thai consumers place value on food safety labels available on the market, to know whether consumer demand could drive the market of certified safer products. This study contains three essays: 1) a review of the literature, 2) a qualitative study on stakeholders' perception toward GAPs adoption and 3) a quantitative study, aimed at analysing consumers' preferences and willingness-to-pay for food safety labels on fresh produce using a discrete choice experiment. This dissertation contributes to the economics of quality assurance and labelling, specifically addressing GAPs and food safety label in the fresh produce supply chain. Results show that Q-GAP could be effectively used to improve food safety in Thai domestic market, but its credibility should be improved. Stakeholder’s awareness toward food safety issues and the delivery of reliable and sound information are crucial. Thai consumers are willing to pay a premium price for food safety labelled produce over unlabelled ones. Implications for both government and business decision-makers are discussed.
Negli ultimi anni lo spreco alimentare ha assunto un’importanza crescente nel dibattito internazionale, politico ed accademico, nel contesto delle tematiche sulla sostenibilità dei modelli di produzione e consumo, sull’uso efficiente delle risorse e la gestione dei rifiuti. Nei prossimi anni gli Stati Membri dell’Unione Europea saranno chiamati ad adottare specifiche strategie di prevenzione degli sprechi alimentari all’interno di una cornice di riferimento comune. Tale cornice è quella che si va delineando nel corso del progetto Europeo di ricerca “FUSIONS” (7FP) che, nel 2014, ha elaborato un framework di riferimento per la definizione di “food waste” allo scopo di armonizzare le diverse metodologie di quantificazione adottate dai paesi membri. In questo scenario, ai fini della predisposizione di un Piano Nazionale di Prevenzione degli Sprechi Alimentari per l’Italia, il presente lavoro applica per la prima volta il “definitional framework” FUSIONS per l’analisi dei dati e l’identificazione dei principali flussi nei diversi anelli della filiera e svolge un estesa consultazione degli stakeholder (e della letteratura) per identificare le possibili misure di prevenzione e le priorità di azione. I risultati ottenuti evedenziano (tra le altre cose) la necessità di predisporre e promuovere a livello nazionale l’adozione di misure uniformi di quantificazione e reporting; l’importanza del coinvolgimento degli stakeholder nel contesto di una campagna nazionale di prevenzione degli sprechi alimentari; l’esigenza di garantire una adeguata copertura economica per le attività di pianificazione e implementazione delle misure di prevenzione da parte degli enti locali e di un coordinamento a livello nazionale della programmazione regionale; la necessità di una armonizzazione/semplificazione del quadro di riferimento normativo (fiscale, igienico-sanitario, procedurale) che disciplina la donazione delle eccedenze alimentari; l’urgenza di approfondire il fenomeno degli sprechi alimentari attraverso la realizzazione di studi di settore negli stadi a valle della filiera.
Since product take-back is mandated in Europe, and has effects for producers worldwide including the U.S., designing efficient forward and reverse supply chain networks is becoming essential for business viability. Centralizing production facilities may reduce costs but perhaps not environmental impacts. Decentralizing a supply chain may reduce transportation environmental impacts but increase capital costs. Facility location strategies of centralization or decentralization are tested for companies with supply chains that both take back and manufacture products. Decentralized and centralized production systems have different effects on the environment, industry and the economy. Decentralized production systems cluster suppliers within the geographical market region that the system serves. Centralized production systems have many suppliers spread out that meet all market demand. The point of this research is to help further the understanding of company decision-makers about impacts to the environment and costs when choosing a decentralized or centralized supply chain organizational strategy. This research explores; what degree of centralization for a supply chain makes the most financial and environmental sense for siting facilities; and which factories are in the best location to handle the financial and environmental impacts of particular processing steps needed for product manufacture. This research considered two examples of facility location for supply chains when products are taken back; the theoretical case involved shoe resoling and a real world case study considered the location of operations for a company that reclaims multiple products for use as material inputs. For the theoretical example a centralized strategy to facility location was optimal: whereas for the case study a decentralized strategy to facility location was best. In conclusion, it is not possible to say that a centralized or decentralized strategy to facility location is in general best for a company that takes back products. Each company’s specific concerns, needs, and supply chain details will determine which degree of centralization creates the optimal strategy for siting their facilities.
Along with the growing complexity of logistic chains the demand for transparency of informations has increased. The use of intelligent RFID-Technology offers the possibility to optimize and control all capacities in use, since it enables the identification and tracking of goods alongside the entire supply chain. Every single product can be located at any given time and a multitude of current and historical data can be transferred. The interaction of the flow of material and the flow of information between the various process steps can be optimized by using RFID-Technology since it guarantees that all required data is available at the right time and at the right place. The local accessibility and convertibility of data allows a flexible, decentralised control of logistic systems. As additional advantages of RFID-Components can be considered that they are individually writable and that their identification can be achieved over considerable distances even if there is no intervisibility between tag and reader. The use of RFID-Transponder opens up new potentials regarding process security, reduction of logistic costs or availability of products. These advantages depend on reliability of the identification processes. The undisputed potentials that are made accessible by the use of RFID-Elements can only be beneficial when the informations that are decentralised and attached to goods and loading equipment can be reliably retrieved at the required points. The communication between tag and reader can be influenced by different materials such as metal, that can disturbed or complicate the radio contact. The communications reliability is subject of various tests and experiments that analyse the effects of different filling materials as well as different alignments of tags on the loading equipment.
Stochastische Einflüsse wirken auf alle elementaren Prozesse einer Lieferkette. Sie äußern sich in variablen Fertigungs-, Transport- oder Durchlaufzeiten sowie Lagerbeständen zur Prozessentkopplung. Die Auswirkungen auf Liefertreue, Vorlaufzeiten, Bestände oder Kos¬ten für die gesamte Supply Chain sind zurzeit nur simulativ abschätzbar. Das hier vorge¬stellte numerische Verfahren kann mit geringem Aufwand ähnliche, statistisch abgesicherte Kennzahlen für das Zeitverhalten liefern.
The automotive industry is confronted with increasing competition, leading to higher cost pressures and the demand to optimize production processes and value chains. Here the RFID technology promises to improve a range of processes in logistics and manufacturing. Despite its promising potential in the automotive industry, RFID has not yet made a decisive step from pilots to real-life implementations in the supply chain. Building on existing models of technology adoption, we analyze RFID adoption dynamics in the automotive industry. Building on existing IOS adoption models tailored to RFID specifics and based on ten semi-structured interviews with OEMs and suppliers, we evaluate main drivers of RFID adoption in the automotive industry. Our key findings are that the use of a coercive approach by the OEM could be redundant because of the market-driven RFID adoption among many suppliers. Furthermore, suppliers implementing RFID can now gain an early mover competitive advantage by developing higher trust in their relationship with the OEM as well as accumulating unique expertise in this area.
An Advanced Planning System (APS) offers support at all planning levels along the supply chain while observing limited resources. We consider an APS for process industries (e.g. chemical and pharmaceutical industries) consisting of the modules network design (for long–term decisions), supply network planning (for medium–term decisions), and detailed production scheduling (for short–term decisions). For each module, we outline the decision problem, discuss the specifi cs of process industries, and review state–of–the–art solution approaches. For the module detailed production scheduling, a new solution approach is proposed in the case of batch production, which can solve much larger practical problems than the methods known thus far. The new approach decomposes detailed production scheduling for batch production into batching and batch scheduling. The batching problem converts the primary requirements for products into individual batches, where the work load is to be minimized. We formulate the batching problem as a nonlinear mixed–integer program and transform it into a linear mixed–binary program of moderate size, which can be solved by standard software. The batch scheduling problem allocates the batches to scarce resources such as processing units, workers, and intermediate storage facilities, where some regular objective function like the makespan is to be minimized. The batch scheduling problem is modelled as a resource–constrained project scheduling problem, which can be solved by an efficient truncated branch–and–bound algorithm developed recently. The performance of the new solution procedures for batching and batch scheduling is demonstrated by solving several instances of a case study from process industries.
This paper sheds light on the important role played by global supply chains in the adaptation to product-related environmental regulations imposed by importing countries, with a focus on chemicals management. By utilizing a unique data collected in Penang, Malaysia, we depict the supply chain structures and how differences among firms in participation to global supply chain link to differences in chemical management. We found that firms belonging to a supply chain are in a better position to comply with these regulations because information and requirements are transmitted through global supply chains. In contrast, those firms that are neither exporters nor a part of a global supply chain lack the knowledge and information channels relevant to chemical management in a product.
This paper proposes an alternative input-output based spatial-structural decomposition analysis to elucidate the role of domestic-regional heterogeneity and interregional spillover effects in determining China's regional CO2 emission growth. Our empirical results based on the 2007 and 2010 Chinese interregional input-output tables show that the changes in most regions' final demand scale, final expenditure structure and export scale give positive spatial spillover effects on other regions' CO2 emission growth, the changes in most regions' consumption and export preference help the reduction of other regions' CO2 emissions, the changes in production technology, and investment preference may give positive or negative impacts on other region's CO2 emission growth through domestic supply chains. For some regions, the aggregate spillover effect from other regions may be larger than the intra-regional effect in determining regional emission growth. All these facts can significantly help better and deeper understanding on the driving forces of China's regional CO2 emission growth, thus can enrich the policy implication concerning a narrow definition of "carbon leakage" through domestic-interregional trade, and relevant political consensus about the responsibility sharing between developed and developing regions inside China.
Esta Tesis realiza una contribución metodológica al estudio del impacto del cambio climático sobre los usos del agua, centrándose particularmente en la agricultura. Tomando en consideración su naturaleza distinta, la metodología aborda de forma integral los impactos sobre la agricultura de secano y la agricultura de regadío. Para ello incorpora diferentes modelos agrícolas y de agua que conjuntamente con las simulaciones de los escenarios climáticos permiten determinar indicadores de impacto basados en la productividad de los cultivos, para el caso de la agricultura de secano, e indicadores de impacto basados en la disponibilidad de agua para irrigación, para el caso de la agricultura de regadío. La metodología toma en consideración el efecto de la variabilidad climática en la agricultura, evaluando las necesidades de adaptación y gestión asociadas a los impactos medios y a la variabilidad en la productividad de los cultivos y el efecto de la variabilidad hidrológica en la disponibilidad de agua para regadío. Considerando la gran cantidad de información proporcionada por las salidas de las simulaciones de los escenarios climáticos y su complejidad para procesarla, se ha desarrollado una herramienta de cálculo automatizada que integra diferentes escenarios climáticos, métodos y modelos que permiten abordar el impacto del cambio climático sobre la agricultura, a escala de grandes extensiones. El procedimiento metodológico parte del análisis de los escenarios climáticos en situación actual (1961-1990) y futura (2071-2100) para determinar su fiabilidad y conocer qué dicen exactamente las proyecciones climáticas a cerca de los impactos esperados en las principales variables que intervienen en el ciclo hidrológico. El análisis hidrológico se desarrolla en los ámbitos territoriales de la planificación hidrológica en España, considerando la disponibilidad de información para validar los resultados en escenario de control. Se utilizan como datos observados las series de escorrentía en régimen natural estimadas el modelo hidrológico SIMPA que está calibrado en la totalidad del territorio español. Al trabajar a escala de grandes extensiones, la limitada disponibilidad de datos o la falta de modelos hidrológicos correctamente calibrados para obtener los valores de escorrentía, muchas veces dificulta el proceso de evaluación, por tanto, en este estudio se plantea una metodología que compara diferentes métodos de interpolación y alternativas para generar series anuales de escorrentía que minimicen el sesgo con respecto a los valores observados. Así, en base a la alternativa que genera los mejores resultados, se obtienen series mensuales corregidas a partir de las simulaciones de los modelos climáticos regionales (MCR). Se comparan cuatro métodos de interpolación para obtener los valores de las variables a escala de cuenca hidrográfica, haciendo énfasis en la capacidad de cada método para reproducir los valores observados. Las alternativas utilizadas consideran la utilización de la escorrentía directa simulada por los MCR y la escorrentía media anual calculada utilizando cinco fórmulas climatológicas basadas en el índice de aridez. Los resultados se comparan además con la escorrentía global de referencia proporcionada por la UNH/GRDC que en la actualidad es el “mejor estimador” de la escorrentía actual a gran escala. El impacto del cambio climático en la agricultura de secano se evalúa considerando el efecto combinado de los riesgos asociados a las anomalías dadas por los cambios en la media y la variabilidad de la productividad de los cultivos en las regiones agroclimáticas de Europa. Este procedimiento facilita la determinación de las necesidades de adaptación y la identificación de los impactos regionales que deben ser abordados con mayor urgencia en función de los riesgos y oportunidades identificadas. Para ello se utilizan funciones regionales de productividad que han sido desarrolladas y calibradas en estudios previos en el ámbito europeo. Para el caso de la agricultura de regadío, se utiliza la disponibilidad de agua para irrigación como un indicador del impacto bajo escenarios de cambio climático. Considerando que la mayoría de estudios se han centrado en evaluar la disponibilidad de agua en régimen natural, en este trabajo se incorpora el efecto de las infraestructuras hidráulicas al momento de calcular el recurso disponible bajo escenarios de cambio climático Este análisis se desarrolla en el ámbito español considerando la disponibilidad de información, tanto de las aportaciones como de los modelos de explotación de los sistemas hidráulicos. Para ello se utiliza el modelo de gestión de recursos hídricos WAAPA (Water Availability and Adaptation Policy Assessment) que permite calcular la máxima demanda que puede atenderse bajo determinados criterios de garantía. Se utiliza las series mensuales de escorrentía observadas y las series mensuales de escorrentía corregidas por la metodología previamente planteada con el objeto de evaluar la disponibilidad de agua en escenario de control. Se construyen proyecciones climáticas utilizando los cambios en los valores medios y la variabilidad de las aportaciones simuladas por los MCR y también utilizando una fórmula climatológica basada en el índice de aridez. Se evalúan las necesidades de gestión en términos de la satisfacción de las demandas de agua para irrigación a través de la comparación entre la disponibilidad de agua en situación actual y la disponibilidad de agua bajo escenarios de cambio climático. Finalmente, mediante el desarrollo de una herramienta de cálculo que facilita el manejo y automatización de una gran cantidad de información compleja obtenida de las simulaciones de los MCR se obtiene un proceso metodológico que evalúa de forma integral el impacto del cambio climático sobre la agricultura a escala de grandes extensiones, y a la vez permite determinar las necesidades de adaptación y gestión en función de las prioridades identificadas. ABSTRACT This thesis presents a methodological contribution for studying the impact of climate change on water use, focusing particularly on agriculture. Taking into account the different nature of the agriculture, this methodology addresses the impacts on rainfed and irrigated agriculture, integrating agricultural and water planning models with climate change simulations scenarios in order to determine impact indicators based on crop productivity and water availability for irrigation, respectively. The methodology incorporates the effect of climate variability on agriculture, assessing adaptation and management needs associated with mean impacts, variability in crop productivity and the effect of hydrologic variability on water availability for irrigation. Considering the vast amount of information provided by the outputs of the regional climate model (RCM) simulations and also its complexity for processing it, a tool has been developed to integrate different climate scenarios, methods and models to address the impact of climate change on agriculture at large scale. Firstly, a hydrological analysis of the climate change scenarios is performed under current (1961-1990) and future (2071-2100) situation in order to know exactly what the models projections say about the expected impact on the main variables involved in the hydrological cycle. Due to the availability of information for validating the results in current situation, the hydrological analysis is developed in the territorial areas of water planning in Spain, where the values of naturalized runoff have been estimated by the hydrological model SIMPA, which are used as observed data. By working in large-scale studies, the limited availability of data or lack of properly calibrated hydrological model makes difficult to obtain runoff time series. So as, a methodology is proposed to compare different interpolation methods and alternatives to generate annual times series that minimize the bias with respect to observed values. Thus, the best alternative is selected in order to obtain bias-corrected monthly time series from the RCM simulations. Four interpolation methods for downscaling runoff to the basin scale from different RCM are compared with emphasis on the ability of each method to reproduce the observed behavior of this variable. The alternatives consider the use of the direct runoff of the RCMs and the mean annual runoff calculated using five functional forms of the aridity index. The results are also compared with the global runoff reference provided by the UNH/GRDC dataset, as a contrast of the “best estimator” of current runoff on a large scale. Secondly, the impact of climate change on rainfed agriculture is assessed considering the combined effect of the risks associated with anomalies given by changes in the mean and variability of crop productivity in the agro-climatic regions of Europe. This procedure allows determining adaptation needs based on the regional impacts that must be addressed with greater urgency in light of the risks and opportunities identified. Statistical models of productivity response are used for this purpose which have been developed and calibrated in previous European study. Thirdly, the impact of climate change on irrigated agriculture is evaluated considering the water availability for irrigation as an indicator of the impact. Given that most studies have focused on assessing water availability in natural regime, the effect of regulation is incorporated in this approach. The analysis is developed in the Spanish territory considering the available information of the observed stream flows and the regulation system. The Water Availability and Adaptation Policy Assessment (WAAPA) model is used in this study, which allows obtaining the maximum demand that could be supplied under certain conditions (demand seasonal distribution, water supply system management, and reliability criteria) for different policy alternatives. The monthly bias corrected time series obtained by previous methodology are used in order to assess water availability in current situation. Climate change projections are constructed taking into account the variation in mean and coefficient of variation simulated by the RCM. The management needs are determined by the agricultural demands satisfaction through the comparison between water availability under current conditions and under climate change projections. Therefore, the methodology allows evaluating the impact of climate change on agriculture to large scale, using a tool that facilitates the process of a large amount of complex information provided by the RCM simulations, in order to determine the adaptation and management needs in accordance with the priorities of the indentified impacts.
Increased globalization and outsourcing to developing countries is fostering the interest in supply chain sustainability. From the academic point of view, while environmental impacts of supply chains have been largely analysed, the research on social issues has been scattered and fragmented. This paper thereby sets out to close this gap. We have identified an emerging sphere of knowledge at the interface between sustainable supply chain management, business strategy and international development literature, which seeks to propose innovative strategies for poverty alleviation. The incorporation of impoverished farmers into supply chains is presented here as one of those strategies, and illustrated through a case study on the integration of these farmers in the Senegalese horticulture supply chain.
Economic growth has traditionally been linked to road freight transport demand, leading to a steady rise in social and environmental impacts. Concern about this problem has caused the EU to promote a decoupling strategy aimed at boosting sustainable development in European countries by improving the efficiency of transport systems without curbing economic growth. Over the last few years empirical evidence in some countries such as the United Kingdom has shown an increase in GDP while the volume of road freight traffic has remained stable or even decreased. This paper compares recent decoupling trends by analyzing the evolution of road tonne-kms/GDP relationship in the United Kingdom and Spain from 1999 to 2007. This comparison seeks to identify the main differences and key drivers of decoupling in both countries. We first provide an overview of the divergences between both economic structures and levels of road transport intensity. Then we conduct a decomposition analysis in order to identify the variables that explain the evolution of truck traffic per unit of GDP in each country. The results show that the increasing share of services in GDP has substantially contributed to decreasing road transport demand in both cases. Changes in road transport intensity due to improvements in logistic and supply chain management have been more successful in the UK than in Spain.
El sector de la edificación es uno de los principales sectores económicos en España y, además, es un componente básico de la actividad económica y social, debido a su importante papel como generador de empleo, proveedor de bienes e incentivador del crecimiento. Curiosamente, es uno de los sectores con menos regulación y organización y que, además, está formado mayoritariamente por empresas de pequeña y mediana dimensión (pymes) que, por su menor capacidad, a menudo, se quedan detrás de las grandes empresas en términos de adopción de soluciones innovadoras. La complejidad en la gestión de toda la información relacionada con un proyecto de edificación ha puesto de manifiesto claras ineficiencias que se traducen en un gasto innecesario bastante representativo. La información y los conocimientos aprendidos rara vez son transmitidos de una fase a otra dentro del proyecto de edificación y, mucho menos, reutilizados en otros proyectos similares. De este modo, no sólo se produce un gasto innecesario, sino que incluso podemos encontrar información contradictoria y obsoleta y, por tanto, inútil para la toma de decisiones. A lo largo de los años, esta situación ha sido motivada por la propia configuración del sector, poniendo de manifiesto la necesidad de una solución que pudiera solventar este reto de gestión interorganizacional. Así, la cooperación interorganizacional se ha convertido en un factor clave para mejorar la competitividad de las organizaciones, típicamente pymes, que componen el sector de la edificación. La información es la piedra angular de cualquier proceso de negocio. Durante la última década, una amplia gama de industrias han experimentado importantes mejoras de productividad con la aplicación eficiente de las TIC, asociadas, principalmente, a incrementos en la velocidad de proceso de información y una mayor coherencia en la generación de datos, accesibilidad e intercambio de información. La aplicación eficaz de las TIC en el sector de la edificación requiere una combinación de aspectos estratégicos y tácticos, puesto que no sólo se trata de utilizar soluciones puntuales importadas de otros sectores para su aplicación en diferentes áreas, sino que se buscaría que la información multi-agente estuviera integrada y sea coherente para los proyectos de edificación. El sector de la construcción ha experimentado un descenso significativo en los últimos años en España y en Europa como resultado de la crisis financiera que comenzó en 2007. Esta disminución está acompañada de una baja penetración de las TIC en la interorganizacionales orientadas a los procesos de negocio. El descenso del mercado ha provocado una desaceleración en el sector de la construcción, donde sólo las pymes flexibles han sido capaces de mantener el ritmo a pesar de la especialización y la innovación en los servicios adaptados a las nuevas demandas del mercado. La industria de la edificación está muy fragmentada en comparación con otras industrias manufactureras. El alto grado de esta fragmentación está íntimamente relacionado con un impacto significativo en la productividad y el rendimiento. Muchos estudios de investigación han desarrollado y propuesto una serie de modelos de procesos integrados. Por desgracia, en la actualidad todavía no se está en condiciones para la formalización de cómo debe ser la comunicación y el intercambio de información durante el proceso de construcción. El paso del proceso secuencial tradicional a los procesos de interdependencia recíproca sin lugar a duda son una gran demanda asociada a la comunicación y el flujo de información en un proyecto de edificación. Recientemente se está poniendo mucho énfasis en los servicios para el hogar como un primer paso hacia esta mejora en innovación ya que la industria de los servicios digitales interactivos tiene un alto potencial para generar innovación y la ventaja estratégica para las empresas existentes. La multiplicidad de servicios para el hogar digital (HD) y los proveedores de servicios demandan, cada vez más, la aparición de una plataforma capaz de coordinar a todos los agentes del sector con el usuario final. En consecuencia, las estructuras organizacionales tienden a descentralizarse en busca de esa coordinación y, como respuesta a esta demanda, se plantea, también en este ámbito, el concepto de cooperación interorganizacional. Por lo tanto, ambos procesos de negocio -el asociado a la construcción y el asociado a la provisión de servicios del hogar digital, también considerado como la propia gestión de ese hogar digital o edificio, inteligente o no- deben de ser vistos en su conjunto mediante una plataforma tecnológica que les dé soporte y que pueda garantizar la agregación e integración de los diversos procesos, relacionados con la construcción y gestión, que se suceden durante el ciclo de vida de un edificio. Sobre esta idea y atendiendo a la evolución permanente de los sistemas de información en un entorno de interrelación y cooperación daría lugar a una aplicación del concepto de sistema de información interorganizacional (SIIO). El SIIO proporciona a las organizaciones la capacidad para mejorar los vínculos entre los socios comerciales a lo largo de la cadena de suministro, por lo que su importancia ha sido reconocida por organizaciones de diversos sectores. Sin embargo, la adopción de un SIIO en diferentes ámbitos ha demostrado ser complicada y con una alta dependencia de las características particulares de cada sector, siendo, en este momento, una línea de investigación abierta. Para contribuir a esta línea de investigación, este trabajo pretende recoger, partiendo de una revisión de la literatura relacionada, un enfoque en un modelo de adopción de un SIIO para el objeto concreto de esta investigación. El diseño de un SIIO está basado principalmente, en la identificación de las necesidades de información de cada uno de sus agentes participantes, de ahí la importancia en concretar un modelo de SIIO en el ámbito de este trabajo. Esta tesis doctoral presenta el modelo de plataforma virtual de la asociación entre diferentes agentes del sector de la edificación, el marco de las relaciones, los flujos de información correspondientes a diferentes procesos y la metodología que subyace tras el propio modelo, todo ello, con el objeto de contribuir a un modelo unificado que dé soporte tanto a los procesos relacionados con la construcción como con la gestión de servicios en el hogar digital y permitiendo cubrir los requisitos importantes que caracterizan este tipo de proyectos: flexibilidad, escalabilidad y robustez. El SIIO se ha convertido en una fuente de innovación y una herramienta estratégica que permite a las pymes obtener ventajas competitivas. Debido a la complejidad inherente de la adopción de un SIIO, esta investigación extiende el modelo teórico de adopción de un SIIO de Kurnia y Johnston (2000) con un modelo empírico para la caracterización de un SIIO. El modelo resultante tiene como objetivo fomentar la innovación de servicios en el sector mediante la identificación de los factores que influyen en la adopción de un SIIO por las pymes en el sector de la edificación como fuente de ventaja competitiva y de colaboración. Por tanto, esta tesis doctoral, proyectada sobre una investigación empírica, proporciona un enfoque para caracterizar un modelo de SIIO que permita dar soporte a la gestión integrada de los procesos de construcción y gestión de servicios para el hogar digital. La validez del modelo de SIIO propuesto, como fuente y soporte de ventajas competitivas, está íntimamente relacionada con la necesidad de intercambio de información rápido y fiable que demandan los agentes del sector para mejorar la gestión de su interrelación y cooperación con el fin de abordar proyectos más complejos en el sector de la edificación, relacionados con la implantación del hogar digital, y contribuyendo, así a favorecer el desarrollo de la sociedad de la información en el segmento residencial. ABSTRACT The building industry is the largest industry in the world. Land purchase, building design, construction, furnishing, building equipment, operations maintenance and the disposition of real estate have an unquestionable prominence not only at economic but also at social level. In Spain, the building sector is one of the main drivers of economy and also a basic component of economic activity and its role in generating employment, supply of goods or incentive for growth is crucial in the evolution of the economy. Surprisingly, it is one of the sectors with less regulation and organization. Another consistent problem is that, in this sector, the majority of companies are small and medium (SMEs), and often behind large firms in terms of their adoption of innovative solutions. The complexity of managing all information related to this industry has lead to a waste of money and time. The information and knowledge gathered is frequently stored in multiple locations, involving the work of thousands of people, and is rarely transferred on to the next phase. This approach is inconsistent and makes that incorrect information is used for decisions. This situation needs a viable solution for interorganizational information management. So, interorganizational co-operation has become a key factor for organization competitiveness within the building sector. Information is the cornerstone of any business process. Therefore, information and communication technologies (ICT) offer a means to change the way business is conducted. During the last decade, significant productivity improvements were experienced by a wide range of industries with ICT implementation. ICT has provided great advantages in speed of operation, consistency of data generation, accessibility and exchange of information. The wasted money resulting from reentering information, errors and omissions caused through poor decisions and actions, and the delays caused while waiting for information, represent a significant percentage of the global benefits. The effective application of ICT in building construction sector requires a combination of strategic and tactical developments. The building sector has experienced a significant decline in recent years in Spain and in Europe as a result of the financial crisis that began in 2007. This drop goes hand in hand with a low penetration of ICT in inter-organizational-oriented business processes. The market decrease has caused a slowdown in the building sector, where only flexible SMEs have been able to keep the pace though specialization and innovation in services adapted to new market demands. The building industry is highly fragmented compared with other manufacturing industries. This fragmentation has a significant negative impact on productivity and performance. Many research studies have developed and proposed a number of integrated process models. Unfortunately, these studies do not suggest how communication and information exchange within the construction process can be achieved, without duplication or lost in quality. A change from the traditional sequential process to reciprocal interdependency processes would increase the demand on communication and information flow over the edification project. Focusing on home services, the digital interactive service industry has the potential to generate innovation and strategic advantage for existing business. Multiplicity of broadband home services (BHS) and suppliers suggest the need for a figure able to coordinate all the agents in sector with the final user. Consequently, organizational structures tend to be decentralized. Responding to this fact, the concept of interorganizational co-operation also is raising in the residential market. Therefore, both of these business processes, building and home service supply, must be complemented with a technological platform that supports these processes and guarantees the aggregation and integration of the several services over building lifecycle. In this context of a technological platform and the permanent evolution of information systems is where the relevance of the concept of inter-organizational information system (IOIS) emerges. IOIS improves linkages between trading partners along the supply chain. However, IOIS adoption has proved to be difficult and not fully accomplished yet. This research reviews the literature in order to focus a model of IOIS adoption. This PhD Thesis presents a model of virtual association, a framework of the relationships, an identification of the information requirements and the corresponding information flows, using the multi-agent system approach. IOIS has become a source of innovation and a strategic tool for SMEs to obtain competitive advantage. Because of the inherent complexity of IOIS adoption, this research extends Kurnia and Johnston’s (2000) theoretical model of IOIS adoption with an empirical model of IOIS characterization. The resultant model aims to foster further service innovation in the sector by identifying the factors influencing IOIS adoption by the SMEs in the building sector as a source of competitive and collaborative advantage. Therefore, this PhD Thesis characterizes an IOIS model to support integrated management of building processes and home services. IOIS validity, as source and holder of competitive advantages, is related to the need for reliable information interchanges to improve interrelationship management. The final goal is to favor tracking of more complex projects in building sector and to contribute to consolidation of the information society through the provision of broadband home services and home automation.
This paper groups recent supply chain management research focused on organizational design and its software support. The classification encompasses criteria related to research methodology and content. Empirical studies from management science focus on network types and organizational fit. Novel planning algorithms and innovative coordination schemes are developed mostly in the field of operations research in order to propose new software features. Operations and production management realize cost-benefit analysis of IT software implementations. The success of software solutions for network coordination depends strongly on the fit of three dimensions: network configuration, coordination scheme and software functionality. This paper concludes with proposals for future research on unaddressed issues within and among the identified research streams.