982 resultados para D2 microfabrics


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Quantificar e caracterizar os dejetos gerados por cabras Saanen em quatro categorias de idade e alimentadas com três dietas e na seqüência, e promover a biodigestão anaeróbia dos dejetos constituíram os objetivos deste trabalho. Para a produção de dejetos, foram utilizadas 36 cabras Saanen, com idades entre 2 e 4 (C1), 4 e 8 (C2), 8 e 12 (C3) e acima de 12 meses (C4), alimentadas com as dietas 1 (D1: 80% volumoso (Vol) e 20% concentrado (Con)); 2 (D2: 60% Vol e 40% Con) e 3 (D3: 40% Vol e 20% Con). Foram quantificadas as produções diárias de fezes e urina e seus teores em N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Cu, Zn e Mn. Com a mistura das fezes e urina de todas as categorias, separadas segundo as dietas, foram abastecidos biodigestores batelada, com capacidade para 4 L de substrato em fermentação. A C1 apresentou menor (P<0,05) excreção de fezes (164,1 g de MS (massa seca)/animal por dia) e o menor consumo de alimento (362,2g MS (massa seca)/animal por dia). As maiores concentrações de N, P, K, Ca, Mg e K ocorreram nas fezes e urina geradas por cabras da C4 e alimentadas pela D3. O substrato preparado com dejetos oriundos da D3 apresentou 45% de redução nos teores de sólidos voláteis (SV). Os substratos preparados com dejetos obtidos de animais alimentados com a D3 produziram mais biogás (P<0,01) por kg de sólidos totais e SV adicionados.


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Alterações na densidade do substrato durante o cultivo das plantas modificam suas propriedades físicas. O trabalho teve como objetivos caracterizar fisicamente dois substratos hortícolas e avaliar o efeito da densidade na relação ar/água dos mesmos, elaborando funções matemáticas que permitam estimar tal relação a partir da densidade do substrato. Para tanto, determinou-se a distribuição do tamanho das partículas, a densidade e a curva de retenção de água. Procedeu-se o acondicionamento dos substratos em três valores de densidade: 10 (D1), 20 (D2) e 30% (D3) maior que a densidade (D) determinada na fase de caracterização. Partindo das amostras com diferentes densidades, determinou-se a curva de retenção de água dos substratos. A influência do aumento da densidade do substrato na porosidade total (PT), no espaço de aeração (EA), na água disponível (AD), na água facilmente disponível (AFD), na água tamponante (AT) e na água remanescente (AR) foi avaliada pela análise de regressão linear simples e análise polinomial. A composição granulométrica e a curva de retenção de água foram significativamente diferentes para os dois substratos. O aumento da densidade diminuiu a PT e o EA e aumentou a AT e AR. Os maiores valores de AD e AFD foram observados para D1. Foram obtidas equações de regressão que podem auxiliar na escolha da relação ar/água mais adequada para cada condição.


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Os comprimentos das peças que constituem o aparelho bucal, glossa, paraglossa, estipite, gálea, palpo labial, palpo maxilar, cardo, lorum, mento e pré-mento foram estudados a nível unidimensional em abelhas caucasianas, africanizadas e nos descendentes F1. Somente a paraglossa, estipite, gálea, palpo maxilar, mento e pré-mento mostraram ser diferentes entre esses 2 tipos de abelhas. Essas 6 variáveis foram estudadas nos descendentes F1, tendo sido utilizados 2 tipos de cruzamentos: rainhas caucasianas x machos africanizados (cruzamento 1) e rainhas africanizadas x machos caucasianos (cruzamento 2). Análises multidimensionais também foram realizadas, tendo sido obtidas as distâncias generalizadas de Mahalanobis (D2) entre os parentais e os descendentes F1. Tanto nas análises unidimensionais como nas multidimensionais houve aparente dominância das abelhas africanizadas, mas o número de genes não pôde ser conhecido porque só havia a geração F1 e não houve controle da heterozigosidade das 2 colônias parentais. Os cálculos dos coeficientes de correlações de Spearman mostraram que as abelhas com glossae mais longas coletaram mais xarope de açúcar e voaram mais lentamente da colônia para a fonte de alimento.


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To validate the use of the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System (CNCPS) under Brazilian conditions, the chemical composition, the potential and the effective degradabilities of the carbohydrate and protein subfractions, and the solid phase passage rate were determined for corn silage in diets with forage:concentrate ratios of 80:20 (DI) and 60:40 (D2) using Nellore cattle. The chromium mordant technique was used to determine the particulate passage rate of solids. For diet 2, there was a reduction in the potentially degradable dry matter (DM), and however not significant, a reduction in the degradation rates of neutral detergent Fiber (NDF, 49%) and neutral detergent insoluble nitrogen (NDIN, 32%), and an increase in the degradation rare of starch (ST, 25%). The use of lag time increased the effective DM degradation (EDDM) of corn silage in both diets (23% and 53% for D1 and D2, respectively). The concentrate ratios did not influence the particulate passage rate of the diets. The higher values related ro the availability of the protein subfractions may indicate a underestimation by CNCPS, Rnd(or) could be attributed to the Zebu animals used in this study.


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Protein is one of the limiting factors in animal production, and the knowledge of protein requirements by livestock is crucial for the success of a commercial animal raising enterprise. Thirty-four castrated lambs, 17 of them F1 Ideal x lie de France wool lambs and the remaining ones were Santa Ines hair lambs, with homogeneous initial BW, were used in the experiment. Five animals from each genotype were slaughtered in the beginning of the experimental period and used as reference. Diets (D) were composed of concentrate mix (C) and Cynodon sp. c.v. Tifton 85 hay (R), combined in three different ratios: D1 =60CAOR; D2=40C:60R and D3=20C:80R. Animals of each group of three lambs, that showed simultaneously an initial BW of 20 +/- 0.14 kg at the beginning of the dietary regimen, were slaughtered when one of them reached 35 kg, what always happened to be the one fed with D1. Net requirements for BW gain in wool lamb, fleece-free, ranged from 101 to 110 g of protein/kg BW, and for hair lamb ranged from 1 10 to 118 g of protein/kg BW. Net protein requirements for wool production ranged from 634 to 642 g/kg of produced wool. Hair lambs presented a 7.8-9.5% higher estimated net protein requirements than wool lambs, according to BW and daily weight gain (DG). Total net protein requirements for Santa Ines and wool lambs, with 30 kg of initial B W and an approximate 200 g mean DG, were 48.5 and 45.4 g/day, respectively. Metabolizable protein requirements for Santa Ines and wool lambs, with 20 kg of initial BW and an approximate 200 g mean DG were 59.4 g and 76.5 -/day, respectively. Net protein requirements for wool production was 64g/100g of produced wool. Thus, under the conditions of this experiment, it is concluded that hair lambs showed a higher concentration of protein in the body, more efficient use of the ingested protein and a consequent additional BW gain when fed isoproteic diets as compared to F1 Ideal x Ile de France wool lambs. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the total endogenous N losses, and protein and energy net requirements for maintenance in growing lambs. Thirty-four castrated lambs, 17 F1 Ideal X Ile de France wool and 17 Santa Inas hair lambs, averaging 20 +/- 0.14 kg BW, were used in the experiment. Five animals from each genotype were slaughtered at the beginning of the experiment and taken as controls. Diets (D) were composed of concentrate mix (C) and Cynodon sp. c.v. Tifton 85 hay (R), combined in three different ratios: D1 = 60C:40R; D2 = 40C:60R and D3 = 20C:80R. Animals of each group of three lambs, that showed BW of 20 kg at the beginning of the dietary regimen, were slaughtered when one of them reached 35 kg, what always happened to be the one fed with D1. Total endogenous N losses estimated for wool lambs were 250 mg N/kg BW0.75. For hair lambs, total endogenous N losses reached 324 mg N/kg BW0.75 . Hair lambs showed higher (P < 0.01) (29.9%) net requirements of protein for maintenance than wool lambs. In contrast, net energy (NE) requirement for maintenance was similar (P > 0.05) for both genotypes (74.27 kcal/kg BW0.75 per day), the average of the antilog of the two intercept values obtained from the estimated regression equations of heat production for zero metabolizable energy (ME) consumption. Further studies should be done to check if this trend is also true for metabolizable energy and protein in animals exhibiting BW gains in tropical region. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The charged oscillator, defined by the Hamiltonian H = -d2/dr2+ r2 + lambda/r in the domain [0, infinity], is a particular case of the family of spiked oscillators, which does not behave as a supersingular Hamiltonian. This problem is analysed around the three regions lambda --> infinity, lambda --> 0 and lambda --> -infinity by using Rayleigh-Ritz large-order perturbative expansions. A path is found to connect the large lambda regions with the small lambda region by means of the renormalization of the series expansions in lambda. Finally, the Riccati-Pade method is used to construct an implicit expansion around lambda --> 0 which extends to very large values of Absolute value of lambda.


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The chemical composition of corn and cottonseed meal was determined in accordance with the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System (CNCPS) in diets with forage:concentrate ratios of 80:20 (D1) and 60:40(D2) using Nellore cattle. The potential and effective degradabilities of the carbohydrate and protein subfractions were also determined. For corn. diet 2 resulted in an increase for potentially degradable dry matter (DM). An increase was observed in the effective degradation of DM (EDDM) when lag time was not considered, however, the use of Eng time increased the EDDM for both diets, 23 and 18% for DI and D2. respectively. For cottonseed meal, diet 2 determined a reduction in the potentially degradable DM: therefore, the use of lag time increased the EDDM for bath diets, 14% for D1 and 15% for D2. The availability of corn starch (fraction B1) was lower than that determined by CNCPS. The higher values for the degradability of corn and cottonseed meal protein subfractions may indicate an underestimation by the model, and, or, could be attributed to the Zebu animals used in this study.


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Eleven 6-[omega-arylalkenyl]-5,6-dihydro-alpha-pyrones, cryptomoscatones D2, E1, E2, E3 and F1 and cryptopyranmoscatones A1, A2, A3, B1, B2 and B4, in addition to goniothalamin and cryptofolione, were isolated from branch and stem bark of Cryotocarya moschata, Lauraceae. Their structures were established by spectroscopic methods. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A variational analysis of the spiked harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian -d2/dr2 + r2 + lambda/r5/2, lambda > 0, is reported. A trial function automatically satisfying both the Dirichlet boundary condition at the origin and the boundary condition at infinity is introduced. The results are excellent for a very large range of values of the coupling parameter lambda, suggesting that the present variational function is appropriate for the treatment of the spiked oscillator in all its regimes (strong, moderate, and weak interactions).