956 resultados para Culture populaire--Influence américaine--Aspect sociologique--Histoire--20e siècle


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Ce mémoire propose un regard transdisciplinaire : historique, sociologique et musical sur Harmonium, un groupe culte de folk-rock progressif québécois des années 1970. Y sont étudiées la révolution musicale engendrée par l’arrivée du folk et du rock progressif au Québec ainsi que la mise en récit de l’œuvre et de l’histoire d’Harmonium. Les œuvres du groupe, les sources écrites d’époque (articles de journaux et de revues), l’histoire documentaire et l’histoire et la mémoire publiques y sont confrontées pour analyser les processus narratifs. D’abord, l’essor du groupe est situé dans les transformations de la scène musicale québécoise au cours des années 1960-1970. L’histoire d’Harmonium, entre 1972 et 1978, est ensuite reconstituée au travers des sources d’époque, articles scientifiques et biographies. Par la suite, les caractéristiques musicales des œuvres ainsi que les thèmes, valeurs et messages véhiculés par le groupe sont examinés. L’essor et le succès d’Harmonium sont ainsi réinterprétés au travers du développement de la scène musicale progressive internationale et de la popularisation de la contre-culture. Finalement, en regard de l’ambiguïté politique d’Harmonium dans les sources historiques, la prédominance des réinterprétations néonationalistes de son œuvre et de son histoire sont analysées selon un processus de mise en récit de l’histoire nationale. Il en ressort que la narration prédominante au sein de l’histoire et de la mémoire publiques semble assimiler le destin des artistes québécois à celui du peuple et de la nation. Dans le cas d’Harmonium, ce récit qui s’appuie principalement sur le nationalisme de Serge Fiori, la figure de proue du groupe, contribue à l’occultation du projet artistique spirituel, progressif, contre-culturel et « authentique » du groupe.


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La pensée de Nietzsche a joué un rôle déterminant et récurrent dans les discours et les débats qui ont formé et continuent de façonner le domaine de l’histoire de l’art, mais aucune analyse systématique de cette question n’a encore vu le jour. L’influence de Nietzsche a été médiée par divers interlocuteurs, historiens de l’art et philosophes, qui ont encadré ces discussions, en utilisant les écrits du philosophe comme toile de fond de leurs propres idées. Ce mémoire souhaite démontrer que l’impact de Nietzsche dans le champ de l’histoire de l’art existe mais qu’il fut toujours immergé ou éclipsé, particulièrement dans le contexte anglo-américain, l’emphase étant placée sur les médiateurs de ses idées en n’avouant que très peu d’engagement direct avec son œuvre. En conséquence, son importance généalogique pour certains fondateurs de la discipline reste méconnue; sa présence réellement féconde se traduit plutôt comme une absence ou une présence masquée. En vue de démontrer ce propos, nous regardons donc le contexte nietzschéen qui travaille les écrits de certains historiens de l’art, comme Jacob Burckhardt et Aby Warburg, ou des philosophes et d’écrivains ayant marqué la discipline de l’histoire de l’art (plus particulièrement dans le cadre de l’influence de la « French Theory » sur l’histoire de l’art anglo-américaine depuis la fin des années 1970) : Martin Heidegger, Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Gilles Deleuze et Georges Bataille. Nous examinons certaines voies par lesquelles ses idées ont acquis une pertinence pour l’histoire de l’art avant de proposer les raisons potentielles de leur occlusion ultérieure. Nous étudions donc l’évolution des discours multiples de l’histoire comme domaine d’étude afin de situer la contribution du philosophe et de cerner où et comment ses réflexions ont croisé celles des historiens de l’art qui ont soit élargi ou redéfini les méthodes et les structures d’analyse de leur discipline. Ensuite nous regardons « l’art » de Nietzsche en le comparant avec « l’art de l’histoire de l’art » (Preziosi 2009) afin d’évaluer si ces deux expressions peuvent se rejoindre ou s’il y a fondamentalement une incompatibilité entre les deux, laquelle pourrait justifier ou éclairer la distance entre la pensée nietzschéenne sur l’art et la discipline de l’histoire de l’art telle qu’elle s’institutionnalise au moment où le philosophe rédige son œuvre.


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- Thèse réalisée en cotutelle entre les Université de Montréal et Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense. -Thèse construite à partir de logiciels libres et gratuits : Ubuntu, Lyx, LibreOffice, Zotero, The Gimp.


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Projet de stage présenté à la Faculté des Arts et des Sciences en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en criminologie option stage en intervention.


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The studies were conducted in nine stations with varying ecological characteristics along Cochin backwaters and adjoining canals. Many workers opined that the distribution of rotifers is cosmopolitan. The significance of rotifers as first food for early larvae was indicated by Fujita. Aquaculture is a fast growing field in fisheries sector and it is gaining more importance as the fish landings and supply are getting irregular. A consistent supply of fish/shellfish can only be achieved through aquaculture. The success of any culture activity depends on the timely production of seeds of finfishes/shellfishes. The availability of wild seed is seasonal and erratic. So, a dependable source of seed of fishes and shellfishes is possible only through large scale production in hatchery. A successful seed production activity depends on the availability of a variety of suitable live feed organisms in sufficient quantities at the proper time for use in the larval stages. As the live feeds promote high growth rates, easy digestion, assimilation and the quality of not contaminating the culture water when compared to other artificial feeds, make the culture of live feed organisms the principal means of providing food for the larvae of finfishes and shellfishes. Rotifers are considered to be an excellent and indispensable food for larvae of many finfishes and crustaceans. It (1960) was the first to culture Brachionus plicatilis for feeding marine fish larvae, and now it is being extensively used as live feed in hatcheries all over the world. They are a group of microscopic organisms coming under the Phylum Rotifera which comprises of about 2000 species. Their slow swimming habits, ability to tolerate a wide range of salinities, parthenogenetic mode of reproduction and ability to get enriched easily, make rotifers an ideal live feed organism. The major factors such as temperature, salinity and food that influence the reproductive potential and thereby the population size of rotifer, Salinity is one of the most important aspect influencing the reproductive rate of rotifers. The feed type and feed concentration play a vital role in influencing the reproductive rate of rotifers. For culture of rotifers, the commonly used micro algae belong to Chlorella, Nannochloropsis, Isochrysis and Tetraselmis. While some studies have suggested that, algal diet has little effect on reproductive rates in 1979 while using the rotifer, Brachionus plicatilis as feed for the larvae of red sea bream, Pagrus major. It is generally accepted that rotifers play a pivotal role in the successful rearing of marine fish larvae.


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Prawn culture by traditional method forms an important occupation for the people in these areas, especially in the Vypeen island. Though short term studies have been made on various aspects of prawn culture field and its ecology, a study of detailed nature covering perennial, seasonal, fields and canals between coconut plantation is lacking from these areas. This study will also enable to assess the relative productivity of different systems during different seasons and the influence of the environment on the production potentials. Therefore the present study is taken upto throw more light on the ecological characteristics of these fields with special emphasis on its primary, secondary and tertiary production. The present area of investigation includes the prawn culture fields adjacent to Cochin backwater. The Cochin backwater (O9° 58'N 76° 28'E) is a shallow semi-enclosed body of water of tropical estuary. A narrow gut, about 450 M wide forms its main connection with the Arabian sea and this region is subjected to regular tidal influenceertiary production.


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The present study on naoplankton is based on the isolation and development of unialgai culturas from the inshore waters at Cochin. characterization of their growth assimilation products. ecophysioiogy and evaluation of nutritional quality. The work was carried out during the period 1980-1983. The nanoplankters were isolated and grown in the labratory as batch cultures to study the increase in cell population, the photosynthetic pigment: ana physioiogical activity. The chemical composition of these organisms and their rate of excretion were also determined. The environmental factors physical and chemical that influence the growth of these Cultures were defined by conducting independentexperiments. These cultures of the isolated nanoplankters have raised indoor and fed to the larvae of edible oyster to test their suitability as live-food.


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Existing method of culture were largely based on empirical knowledge. Lacking a scientific basis as such methods did, they were often wasteful and suffered severe limitation. Modern methods of fish and prawn culture based on scientific research, have revolutioned the industry in recent years and not only extended its scope to cover the whole country but led to increased fish and prawn production. An understanding of the biological capability of the water in the perennial and seasonal culture ponds, and the nature and extent of the influence of the abiotic factors on the production of organisms in the primary level of food chain would contribute to effectively implement management measures in the stocking strategies and in the evaluation of economics of production of prawns. It is against this background that the present topic of investigation "Studies on the ecology and production of algae in prawn culture systems” was selected.


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Effective solids-liquid separation is the basic concept of any wastewater treatment system. Biological treatment methods involve microorganisms for the treatment of wastewater. Conventional activated sludge process (ASP) poses the problem of poor settleability and hence require a large footprint. Biogranulation is an effective biotechnological process which can overcome the drawbacks of conventional ASP to a great extent. Aerobic granulation represents an innovative cell immobilization strategy in biological wastewater treatment. Aerobic granules are selfimmobilized microbial aggregates that are cultivated in sequencing batch reactors (SBRs). Aerobic granules have several advantages over conventional activated sludge flocs such as a dense and compact microbial structure, good settleability and high biomass retention. For cells in a culture to aggregate, a number of conditions have to be satisfied. Hence aerobic granulation is affected by many operating parameters. The organic loading rate (OLR) helps to enrich different bacterial species and to influence the size and settling ability of granules. Hence, OLR was argued as an influencing parameter by helping to enrich different bacterial species and to influence the size and settling ability of granules. Hydrodynamic shear force, caused by aeration and measured as superficial upflow air velocity (SUAV), has a strong influence and hence it is used to control the granulation process. Settling time (ST) and volume exchange ratio (VER) are also two key influencing factors, which can be considered as selection pressures responsible for aerobic granulation based on the concept of minimal settling velocity. Hence, these four parameters - OLR, SUAV, ST and VER- were selected as major influencing parametersfor the present study. Influence of these four parameters on aerobic granulation was investigated in this work


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Trade rules are suggested to be one of the reasons for the hunger in the world and environmental damage. As current trade rules encourage market orientation and therefore specialization and industrialization of agriculture, which has as side effects rural hunger and environmental damage, there is room for improvement in the international trade regime. One main finding of Nexus Foundations' work in Geneva is a possible new orientation for agricultural and food markets – an orientation on development, rather than purely on markets. This development orientation consists of several elements from development of soil fertility to local markets and consumer relatedness. Since the Bali Ministerial in 2013, the WTO has set up a four year work programme on the issue of food security related to food reserves. This opens the chance to discuss broader food security issues in the realm of trade negotiations.


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Vegetables represent a main source of micro-nutrients which can improve the health status of malnourished poor in the world. Spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) is a popular leafy vegetable in many countries which is rich with several important micro-nutrients. Thus, consuming Spinach helps to overcome micro-nutrient deficiencies. Pests and pathogens act as major yield constraints in food production. Root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne species, constitute a large group of highly destructive plant pests. Spinach is found to be highly susceptible for these nematode attacks. Though agricultural production has largely benefited from modern technologies and innovations, some important dimensions which can minimize the yield losses have been neglected by most of the growers. Pre-plant or initial nematode density in soil is a crucial biotic factor which is directly responsible for crop losses. Hence, information on preplant nematode densities and the corresponding damage is of vital importance to develop successful control procedures to enhance crop production. In the present study, effect of seven initial densities of M. incognita, i.e., 156, 312, 625, 1250, 2,500, 5,000 and 10,000 infective juveniles (IJs)/plant (equivalent to 1000cm3 soil) on the growth and root infestation on potted spinach plants was determined in a screen house. In order to ensure a high accuracy, root infestation was ascertained by the number of galls formed, the percentage galled-length of feeder roots and galled-feeder roots, and egg production, per plant. Fifty days post-inoculation, shoot length and weight, and root length were suppressed at the lowest IJs density. However, the pathogenic effect was pronounced at the highest density at which 43%, 46% and 45% reduction in shoot length and weight, and root length, respectively, was recorded. The highest reduction in root weight (26%) was detected at the second highest density. The Number of galls and percentage galled-length of feeder roots/per plant showed significant progressive increase across the increasing IJs density with the highest mean value of 432.3 and 54%, respectively. The two shoot growth parameters and root length showed significant inverse relationship with the increasing gall formation. Moreover, the shoot and root length were shown to be mutually dependent on each other. Suppression of shoot growth of spinach greatly affects the grower’s economy. Hence, control measures are essentially needed to ensure a better production of spinach via reducing the pre-plant density below the level of 0.156 IJs/cm3.


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In this paper, we consider the ATM networks in which the virtual path concept is implemented. The question of how to multiplex two or more diverse traffic classes while providing different quality of service requirements is a very complicated open problem. Two distinct options are available: integration and segregation. In an integration approach all the traffic from different connections are multiplexed onto one VP. This implies that the most restrictive QOS requirements must be applied to all services. Therefore, link utilization will be decreased because unnecessarily stringent QOS is provided to all connections. With the segregation approach the problem can be much simplified if different types of traffic are separated by assigning a VP with dedicated resources (buffers and links). Therefore, resources may not be efficiently utilized because no sharing of bandwidth can take place across the VP. The probability that the bandwidth required by the accepted connections exceeds the capacity of the link is evaluated with the probability of congestion (PC). Since the PC can be expressed as the CLP, we shall simply carry out bandwidth allocation using the PC. We first focus on the influence of some parameters (CLP, bit rate and burstiness) on the capacity required by a VP supporting a single traffic class using the new convolution approach. Numerical results are presented both to compare the required capacity and to observe which conditions under each approach are preferred


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El artículo presenta la génesis, proceso e implicaciones de la expansión estratégica de la República Popular China hacia el Sudeste asiático. En ese sentido, la hipótesis que se presenta es que Beijing aspira a un renacer pacífico en el Sur con objetivos en el campo económico, estratégico y político. En el plano de la economía lo que se pretende es la estabilidad en el vecindario, condición fundamental para el éxito de su modelo económico, financiero y comercial. En el ámbito estratégico se busca un acceso a fuentes de energía alternativas al carbón, y en lo político, China ha buscado reducir la influencia americana y disminuir el margen de maniobra de Taiwán. En una primera parte se presenta un análisis histórico para introducir al lector en las variables históricas más relevantes para la comprensión del tema en cuestión. En la segunda se estudia el litigio del Mar del Sur de China y la importancia que éste posee política y geoestratégicamente. Finalmente, se examina la influencia china en el Sudeste asiático en tres campos: el cultural, el económico del cual hace parte el financiero y comercial y por último en el geoestratégico.-----L’article illustre la genèse, le processus et les implications de l’expansion stratégique de la République Populaire Chine dans le Sud-est Asiatique. De ce fait, l’hypothèse qui nous présenterons demeure Sur l’idée que Pékin cherche une renaissance pacifique vers le Sud en vue des objectifs économiques, stratégiques et politiques. En ce qui concerne l’économie, la Chine veux la stabilité dans la région, car ceci est une condition essentielle pour la réussite du modèle économique, financer et commercial. Quant à la question stratégique, elle cherche l’accès aux sources alternatives d’énergie. Dans le domaine politique, Pékin aspire à réduire l’influence américaine et à isoler le Taiwan. Dans une première partie, nous introduirons les variables historiques les plus essentielles afin d’expliquer les racines de la problématique en question. Dans la deuxième, le contentieux pour la Mer du Sud de Chine sera analysé ainsi que son importance politique et geoestratégique. Finalement, nous étudierons le processus de l’influence chinoise dans le Sud-est Asiatique. Cela sera divisé en trois domaines, le culturel, l’économique dont le commercial et financière, et le geostratégique.-----This article illustrates the genesis, the process and the implications of the strategic expansion of the People’s Republic of China towards South East Asia. Therefore, the hypothesis that we present is that Beijing is pursuing a Pacific rise in the South aiming for economic, strategic and political goals. Regarding the subject of economy, China seeks stability in the region, due to the fact that it has become essential in the success of its economic, financial and commercial model. Regarding the strategic field China is looking for a way to access alternative energy sources. Politically speaking, Beijing has sought to reduce American influence in the region as well as the isolation of Taiwan. In the first part of the article the reader will find a historical introduction for a better understanding of the subject here treated. In the second part, the litigation of the South China Sea is analyzed due to its political and geostrategical importance. Finally, Chinese influence on South East Asia is examined in three fields: cultural, economic, including financial and commercial aspects as well as the geostrategic field.


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En aras de contener el comunismo y expandir la cultura norteamericana y los valores de democracia y libertad, Estados Unidos lanzó una estrategia de política exterior denominada la Diplomacia del Jazz, que consistía en promocionar internacionalmente el jazz mediante dos artificios: primero, la celebración de conciertos de los intérpretes más representativos de este género en diferentes partes del mundo; y segundo, la trasmisión de programas radiales sobre jazz en emisoras de difusión internacional y así poder mostrar la “superioridad” cultural de su país en detrimento de la otra superpotencia, la Unión Soviética. De este modo, la presente monografía tiene como fin estudiar de qué manera se instrumentalizó dicha estrategia como un medio para proyectar positivamente la imagen de los EEUU durante la Guerra Fría, concretamente entre 1954 y 1968, a partir de la teoría del realismo progresivo de Joseph Nye.


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El emprendimiento es una característica del liderazgo que puede contribuir al progreso económico de un país. Para que el emprendimiento como habilidad se presente en los individuos, debe existir una serie de variables relacionadas con factores internos y externos que impulsen su desarrollo. Con base en lo anterior, con este trabajo se pretende analizar el efecto que tienen los factores culturales en el emprendimiento, como característica de los líderes, a través de una revisión de la literatura, que permita, por medio de la exposición de sus hallazgos comprender estos fenómenos de manera más integral.