948 resultados para Corp - livestock integration system


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Effective and efficient implementation of intelligent and/or recently emerged networked manufacturing systems require an enterprise level integration. The networked manufacturing offers several advantages in the current competitive atmosphere by way to reduce, by shortening manufacturing cycle time and maintaining the production flexibility thereby achieving several feasible process plans. The first step in this direction is to integrate manufacturing functions such as process planning and scheduling for multi-jobs in a network based manufacturing system. It is difficult to determine a proper plan that meets conflicting objectives simultaneously. This paper describes a mobile-agent based negotiation approach to integrate manufacturing functions in a distributed manner; and its fundamental framework and functions are presented. Moreover, ontology has been constructed by using the Protégé software which possesses the flexibility to convert knowledge into Extensible Markup Language (XML) schema of Web Ontology Language (OWL) documents. The generated XML schemas have been used to transfer information throughout the manufacturing network for the intelligent interoperable integration of product data models and manufacturing resources. To validate the feasibility of the proposed approach, an illustrative example along with varied production environments that includes production demand fluctuations is presented and compared the proposed approach performance and its effectiveness with evolutionary algorithm based Hybrid Dynamic-DNA (HD-DNA) algorithm. The results show that the proposed scheme is very effective and reasonably acceptable for integration of manufacturing functions.


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The rise in population growth, as well as nutrient mining, has contributed to low agricultural productivity in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). A plethora of technologies to boost agricultural production have been developed but the dissemination of these agricultural innovations and subsequent uptake by smallholder farmers has remained a challenge. Scientists and philanthropists have adopted the Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM) paradigm as a means to promote sustainable intensification of African farming systems. This comparative study aimed: 1) To assess the efficacy of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS) in East (Kenya) and West (Ghana) Africa in the communication and dissemination of ISFM (Study I); 2) To investigate how specifically soil quality, and more broadly socio-economic status and institutional factors, influence farmer adoption of ISFM (Study II); and 3) To assess the effect of ISFM on maize yield and total household income of smallholder farmers (Study III). To address these aims, a mixed methodology approach was employed for study I. AKIS actors were subjected to social network analysis methods and in-depth interviews. Structured questionnaires were administered to 285 farming households in Tamale and 300 households in Kakamega selected using a stratified random sampling approach. There was a positive relationship between complete ISFM awareness among farmers and weak knowledge ties to both formal and informal actors at both research locations. The Kakamega AKIS revealed a relationship between complete ISFM awareness among farmers and them having strong knowledge ties to formal actors implying that further integration of formal actors with farmers’ local knowledge is crucial for the agricultural development progress. The structured questionnaire was also utilized to answer the query pertaining to study II. Soil samples (0-20 cm depth) were drawn from 322 (Tamale, Ghana) and 459 (Kakamega, Kenya) maize plots and analysed non-destructively for various soil fertility indicators. Ordinal regression modeling was applied to assess the cumulative adoption of ISFM. According to model estimates, soil carbon seemed to preclude farmers from intensifying input use in Tamale, whereas in Kakamega it spurred complete adoption. This varied response by farmers to soil quality conditions is multifaceted. From the Tamale perspective, it is consistent with farmers’ tendency to judiciously allocate scarce resources. Viewed from the Kakamega perspective, it points to a need for farmers here to intensify agricultural production in order to foster food security. In Kakamega, farmers with more acidic soils were more likely to adopt ISFM. Other household and farm-level factors necessary for ISFM adoption included off-farm income, livestock ownership, farmer associations, and market inter-linkages. Finally, in study III a counterfactual model was used to calculate the difference in outcomes (yield and household income) of the treatment (ISFM adoption) in order to estimate causal effects of ISFM adoption. Adoption of ISFM contributed to a yield increase of 16% in both Tamale and Kakamega. The innovation affected total household income only in Tamale, where ISFM adopters had an income gain of 20%. This may be attributable to the different policy contexts under which the two sets of farmers operate. The main recommendations underscored the need to: (1) improve the functioning of AKIS, (2) enhance farmer access to hybrid maize seed and credit, (3) and conduct additional multi-locational studies as farmers operate under varying contexts.


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O CERN - a Organização Europeia para a Investigação Nuclear - é um dos maiores centros de investigação a nível mundial, responsável por diversas descobertas na área da física bem como na área das ciências da computação. O CERN Document Server, também conhecido como CDS Invenio, é um software desenvolvido no CERN, que tem como objectivo fornecer um conjunto de ferramentas para gerir bibliotecas digitais. A fim de melhorar as funcionalidades do CDS Invenio foi criado um novo módulo, chamado BibCirculation, para gerir os livros (e outros itens) da biblioteca do CERN, funcionando como um sistema integrado de gestão de bibliotecas. Esta tese descreve os passos que foram dados para atingir os vários objectivos deste projecto, explicando, entre outros, o processo de integração com os outros módulos existentes bem como a forma encontrada para associar informações dos livros com os metadados do CDS lnvenio. É também possível encontrar uma apresentação detalhada sobre todo o processo de implementação e os testes realizados. Finalmente, são apresentadas as conclusões deste projecto e o trabalho a desenvolver futuramente. ABSTRACT: CERN - The European Organization for Nuclear Research - is one of the largest research centers worldwide, responsible for several discoveries in physics as well as in computer science. The CERN Document Server, also known as CDS Invenio, is a software developed at CERN, which aims to provide a set of tools for managing digital libraries. ln order to improve the functionalities of CDS Invenio a new module was developed, called BibCirculation, to manage books (and other items) from the CERN library, and working as an Integrated Library System. This thesis shows the steps that have been done to achieve the several goals of this project, explaining, among others aspects, the process of integration with other existing modules as well as the way to associate the information about books with the metadata from CDS lnvenio. You can also find detailed explanation of the entire implementation process and testing. Finally, there are presented the conclusions of this project and ideas for future development.


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The Charter of European Planning 2013 presents a Vision for the future of European cities and regions, highlighting the sustainability of cities and the preservation of urban ecosystems, integrating the man-made environment with the natural ecosystems and contribute to the well-being and quality of life of their inhabitants and other stakeholders. Thus, urban public policies are crucial to the improvement of the landscape ecological system, achievable by city planning and design. The paper aims to analyse if public urban policies in Portugal have been integrating strategies and/or guidelines to enhance the ecological system of the landscape. Then, which new perspectives are possible, framed by the recently approved law Bases of Public Policy of Soils, Land Management and Urban Planning (2014). This new law, in contrast with the previous ones, don’t allow reserving land to urbanize, in municipal master plans. Moreover, it is possible to revert land classified for urban purposes in those plans into rustic soils (when it is not yet infra-structured or built). It allows creating new planning and design dynamics, convert several areas and including them in the urban ecological structure, essential to the enhancement of landscape ecological system. This is a filed of work where landscape architecture has huge responsibilities, by associating and harmonize man-made environment with natural systems, enlightening sustainability consistent with conservation and improvement of Nature while contributing to the well-being and quality of life of Man. A sustainability that is ethical, aesthetic, ecological and cultural. The study is supported by a case study – the city of Évora. The ultimate goal is to propose measures to promote larger and better integration of ecological component in urban public policies, framed by the new territorial management law, taking into account and highlighting the specificities of the landscape system – Man and Nature – at the local level.


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This thesis presents advances in integration of photovoltaic (PV) power and energy in practical systems, such as existing power plants in buildings or directly integrated in the public electrical grid. It starts by providing an analyze of the current state of PV power and some of its limitations. The work done in this thesis begins by providing a model to compute mutual shading in large PV plants, and after provides a study of the integration of a PV plant in a biogas power plant. The remainder sections focus on the work done for project PVCROPS, which consisted on the construction and operation of two prototypes composed of a PV system and a novel battery connected to a building and to the public electrical grid. These prototypes were then used to test energy management strategies and validate the suitability of the two advanced batteries (a lithium-ion battery and a vanadium redox ow battery) for households (BIPV) and PV plants. This thesis is divided in 7 chapters: Chapter 1 provides an introduction to explain and develop the main research questions studied for this thesis; Chapter 2 presents the development of a ray-tracing model to compute shading in large PV elds (with or without trackers); Chapter 3 shows the simulation of hybridizing a biogas plant with a PV plant, using biogas as energy storage; Chapters 4 and 5 present the construction, programming, and initial operation of both prototypes (Chapter 4), EMS testing oriented to BIPV systems (Chapter 5). Finally, Chapters 6 provides some future lines of investigation that can follow this thesis, and Chapter 7 shows a synopsis of the main conclusions of this work; Resumo: Avanços na integracão de potência fotovoltaica e producão de energia em sistemas práticos Esta tese apresenta avanços na integração de potência e energia fotovoltaica (PV) em sistemas práticos, tais como centrais existentes ou a rede eléctrica pública. Come ça por analisar o estado corrente do fotovoltaico no mundo e aborda algumas das suas limitações. O trabalho feito para esta tese de doutoramento começou pelo desenvolvimento de um modelo para calcular os sombreamentos que ocorrem em grandes campos fotovoltaicos, e depois apresenta um estudo sobre a integração um sistema fotovoltaico em uma central eléctrica a bióg as. As ultimas secções da tese focam-se no trabalho feito para o projecto PVCROPS, que consistiu na construção e operação de dois demonstratores, cada um formado por um sistema fotovoltaico e bateria conectados a um edíficio e a rede eléctrica pública. Estes protótipos foram posteriormente utilizados para testar estratégias de gestão de energia (EMS) e para validar a operação de duas baterias avançadas (bateria de Iões de Li tio e bateria de Fluxo Redox de Van adio) e a sua utiliza ção para habitações e centrais PV. A tese está dividida em 7 capitulos: O capitulo 1 apresenta uma introdução para explicar e desenvolver as principais questões que foram investigadas nesta tese; O capitulo 2 mostra o desenvolvimento de um modelo baseado em traçados de raios para calcular sombreamentos mútuos em grandes centrais PV (com e sem seguidores); O capitulo 3 mostra a simulação da hibridização de uma central electrica a biogas com uma central PV, e utilizando o biógas como armazenamento de energia. Os capitulos 4 e 5 apresentam a construção, programação e operação inicial dos dois demonstradores (Capitúlo 4), o teste de EMS orientadas para sistemas PV em habitações (Capítulo 5). Finalmente, o capítulo 6 sugere algumas futuras linhas de investigação que poderão seguir esta tese, e o Capítulo 7 faz uma sinopse das principais conclusões deste trabalho.


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O Montado, em Portugal, é um complexo sistema silvopastoril de uso da terra, tipicamente Mediterrânico, com diversos estratos de vegetação, incluindo sobreiro e azinheira em várias densidades, onde é frequente a criação de gado. Esta actividade pecuária beneficia das pastagens no sob-coberto, de algumas espécies arbustivas e também das bolotas que caem do coberto arbóreo, contribuindo para evitar a invasão da pastagem por matos. No entanto, dependendo da sua gestão, este gado pode comprometer a regeneração do sistema. Nos últimos 20 anos, os subsídios no âmbito da Política Agrícola Comum da União Europeia têm promovido a criação de gado bovino em detrimento de outras espécies e raças mais leves, bem como a intensificação desta produção. Esta intensificação pode impossibilitar a regeneração natural das árvores ameaçando o equilíbrio do Montado. Por esta razão é necessária uma avaliação focada na criação de gado bovino e nos seus impactos sobre o sistema. O objectivo deste estudo foi obter uma melhor compreensão do funcionamento de uma exploração silvopastoril num sistema de Montado, através da aplicação do Método de Avaliação Emergética e do cálculo de índices emergéticos. Pretende-se assim compreender a melhor forma de o gerir, bem como conceber estratégias que maximizem o fluxo de emergia na exploração. Uma comparação deste método com a avaliação económica permitiu perceber em que aspectos esta pode ser complementada pelo método da avaliação emergética. O método da avaliação emergética permite a avaliação de sistemas multifuncionais complexos à escala de uma exploração individual, fornecendo informação extra em relação à avaliação económica como a renovabilidade dos inputs do sistema, ou a quantidade de fluxos livres da natureza que é valorada por preços de mercado. Este método permite a integração das emternalidades e das externalidades à contabilização económica, transformando uma avaliação tendencialmente separada do seu sistema mais vasto, numa avaliação de um sistema em conexão com aqueles mais vastos nos quais se integra; Abstract: The Montado, in Portugal, is a complex silvo-pastoral system of land use, typically Mediterranean, with different strata of vegetation, including cork and holm oaks in various densities, and where cattle rearing is common. This stockfarm benefits from the herbaceous layer under the trees, as well as from some species in the shrub layer, and also from the acorns faling down from the tree cover, while contributing to prevent the invasion of pastures by shrubs. Nevertheless, depending on its management, livestock can affect the system regeneration. Over the past 20 years, subsidies of the European Union's common agricultural policy have promoted the cattle rearing at expense of other lighter species and breeds, as well as its intensification. This intensification may impair the natural regeneration of trees threatening the balance of the Montado. Therefore an assessment focused on cattle and their impact on the system is required. The purpose of this study was to obtain a better understanding of the functioning of a silvo-pastoral farm in a Montado system, by applying the emergy evaluation method and through the calculation of emergy indices. It is intended to understand the best way to manage and design strategies that maximize the emergy flow on the farm. A comparison of this method with the economic evaluation allowed to realize in what aspects it can be complemented by the emergy evaluation method. The emergy evaluation method alows the assessment of complex multi-functional systems at the scale of an individual farm, providing extra information in relation to economic avaluation as the renewability of the inputs to a system and the amount of free flows of nature that is valued by market prices. This method allows the integration of the emternalities and the externalities to the economic accounting, transforming an evaluation tended separated from its wider system, in an evaluation of a system in connection with the larger ones on which it is incorporated.


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The Mediterranean silvo-pastoral system known as Montado, in Portugal, is a complex land use system composed of an open tree stratum in various densities and an herbaceous layer, used for livestock grazing. Livestock also profit from the acorns, and the grazing contributes to avoid shrub encroachment. In the last 20 years, subsidies from the European Union have greatly promoted cattle rearing in this system and the introduction of heavy breeds, at the expense of sheep, goats or the native cattle breeds. The balance of the traditional system is thus threatened, and a precise assessment of the balance between the different components of the system, therefore is highly needed. The goal of this study was to gain a better under- standing of a Montado farm system with cattle rearing as the major economic activity by applying the emergy evaluation method to calculate indices of yield, investment, environmental loading and sustainability. By integrating different ecosystem components, the emergy evaluation method allows a comprehensive evaluation of this complex and multifunctional system at the scale of an individual farm. This method provides a set of indices that can help us understand the system and design management strategies that maximize emergy flow in the farm. In this paper, we apply the emergy evaluation method to a Montado farm with cattle rearing, as a way to gain a better understanding of this system at the farm scale. The value for the transformity of veal (2.66E?06 sej J-1) is slightly higher, when compared to other systems producing protein. That means that the investment of nature and man in this product was higher and it requires a premium price on the market. The renewa- bility for Holm Oaks Farm (49 %), lower than for other similar systems, supports the assumption that this is a farm in which, comparing with others, the number of purchased inputs in relation to renewable inputs provided by nature, is higher. The Emergy Investment Ratio is 0.91 for cattle rearing compared to a value of 0.49 for cork and 0.43 for firewood harvesting, making it clear that cattle rearing is a more labor demanding activity comparing with extractive activities as cork and firewood harvesting.


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The degree to which pruning helps reestablish balance in agroforestry was assessed in a system established in São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil, in 2008. Seven native tree species were planted at a density of 600 trees/ha in five strips of three rows each, and annual crops were cultivated in the 17-m crop strips between the tree strips. Competition was established after 35 months, decreasing the aboveground biomass production of corn planted close to the trees. An assessment of black oats in the dry season following tree pruning showed that the proximity of trees caused reductions in plant and panicle density, aboveground biomass production, number of grains per panicle and grain weight. Because pruning was not sufficient to maintain crop yields, tree thinning is recommended in order to minimize competition and restore conditions for adequate crop production.


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Educational services are essential to social and economical development of people, mainly to the progress of all sectors of society. Establishing actions that can promote the participation of various social groups is essential to improve their quality of life and building more respectful and fair human rights without any discrimination or exclusion. In recent years, the Costa Rican education system has undergone significant changes due to the pedagogical approach of inclusive education in which students with educational needs may require different support and specialized resources for training and development. For this, the Basic Educational Division of the Center for Teaching and Research in Education, generated a concern of investigating the participation of the Committee of Educational Support in the process of educational integration, thus, determine the functions performed in the educational context, under the rules of the 7600 Equal Opportunity Act for people with disabilities, which is the entity that corresponds to regulate access to education by identifying the support required for students with educational needs and, advice and trains, administrative staff in schools both public and private in the country. In addition, there is also a concern for exploring the role of the Special Education teacher for this Committee, as well as learning the perceptions of teachers and parents about the functions performed by the committee.


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The purpose of this paper is to share a proposal for teacher’s labor market integration in contexts of high social5 vulnerability. This paper is the result of a research conducted in a priority attention primary school6 of the central canton of Heredia7. It explored the labor market integration process of teachers, considering the community, family and student reality of a population social risk. The research that supports this proposal is based on a qualitative approach, since the diagnosis process is not intended to provide answers that could be commonly applied to other education centers in similar contexts, but to make an exploratory approach of teachers’ reality and their integration process into education institutions of high social vulnerability. Therefore, although this paper intends to share this experience, it does not aim to unify integration practices, but to be an input in carrying out similar processes.  (5) The concept of high social vulnerability is understood based on Sojo’s approach (2003), which defines it as marginal urban communities in areas considered by the Costa Rican government as priority areas with the greatest social, economic backwardness in the country, and high rates of violence, leisure, unemployment and drug addiction. (6) Translator’s note: The Costa Rican education system is composed of primary education (1st-6th grade) and secondary education (7th-11th grade). (7)A public primary school in the circuit 02 of the Province of Heredia.


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Psychological characterisation of the somatosensory system often focusses on minimal units of perception, such as detection, localisation, and magnitude estimation of single events. Research on how multiple simultaneous stimuli are aggregated to create integrated, synthetic experiences is rarer. This thesis aims to shed a light on the mechanisms underlying the integration of multiple simultaneous stimuli, within and between different sub-modalities of the somatosensory system. First, we investigated the ability of healthy individuals to perceive the total intensity of composite somatosensory patterns. We found that the overall intensity of tactile, cold, or warm patterns was systematically overestimated when the multiple simultaneous stimuli had different intensities. Perception of somatosensory totals was biased towards the most salient element in the pattern. Furthermore, we demonstrated that peak-biased aggregation is a genuine perceptual phenomenon which does not rely on the discrimination of the parts, but is rather based on the salience of each stimulus. Next, we studied a classical thermal illusion to assess participants’ ability to localise thermal stimuli delivered on the fingers either in isolation, or in uniform and non-uniform patterns. We found that despite a surprisingly high accuracy in reporting the location of a single stimulus, when participants were presented with non-uniform patterns, their ability to identify the thermal state of a specific finger was completely abolished. Lastly, we investigated the perceptual and neural correlates of thermo-nociceptive interaction during the presentation of multiple thermal stimuli. We found that inhibition of pain by warmth was independent from both the position and the number of thermal stimuli administered. Our results suggest that nonlinear integration of multiple stimuli, within and between somatosensory sub-modalities, may be an efficient way by which the somatosensory system synthesises the complexity of reality, providing an extended and coherent perception of the world, in spite of its deep bandwidth limitations.


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The research activities involved the application of the Geomatic techniques in the Cultural Heritage field, following the development of two themes: Firstly, the application of high precision surveying techniques for the restoration and interpretation of relevant monuments and archaeological finds. The main case regards the activities for the generation of a high-fidelity 3D model of the Fountain of Neptune in Bologna. In this work, aimed to the restoration of the manufacture, both the geometrical and radiometrical aspects were crucial. The final product was the base of a 3D information system representing a shared tool where the different figures involved in the restoration activities shared their contribution in a multidisciplinary approach. Secondly, the arrangement of 3D databases for a Building Information Modeling (BIM) approach, in a process which involves the generation and management of digital representations of physical and functional characteristics of historical buildings, towards a so-called Historical Building Information Model (HBIM). A first application was conducted for the San Michele in Acerboli’s church in Santarcangelo di Romagna. The survey was performed by the integration of the classical and modern Geomatic techniques and the point cloud representing the church was used for the development of a HBIM model, where the relevant information connected to the building could be stored and georeferenced. A second application regards the domus of Obellio Firmo in Pompeii, surveyed by the integration of the classical and modern Geomatic techniques. An historical analysis permitted the definitions of phases and the organization of a database of materials and constructive elements. The goal is the obtaining of a federate model able to manage the different aspects: documental, analytic and reconstructive ones.


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Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are proving to have huge potential in road safety, comfort, and efficiency. In recent years, car manufacturers have equipped their high-end vehicles with Level 2 ADAS, which are, according to SAE International, systems that combine both longitudinal and lateral active motion control. These automated driving features, while only available in highway scenarios, appear to be very promising towards the introduction of hands-free driving. However, as they rely only on an on-board sensor suite, their continuative operation may be affected by the current environmental conditions: this prevents certain functionalities such as the automated lane change, other than requiring the driver to keep constantly the hands on the steering wheel. The enabling factor for hands-free highway driving proposed by Mobileye is the integration of high-definition maps, thus leading to the so-called Level 2+. This thesis was carried out during an internship in Maserati's Virtual Engineering team. The activity consisted of the design of an L2+ Highway Assist System following the Rapid Control Prototyping approach, starting from the definition of the requirements up to the real-time implementation and testing on a simulator of the brand new compact SUV Maserati Grecale. The objective was to enhance the current Level 2 highway driving assistance system with hands-free driving capability; for this purpose an Autonomous Lane Change functionality has been designed, proposing a Model Predictive Control-based decision-maker, in charge of assessing both the feasibility and convenience of performing a lane-change maneuver. The result is a Highway Assist System capable of driving the vehicle in a traffic scenario safely and efficiently, never requiring driver intervention.


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In recent years, IoT technology has radically transformed many crucial industrial and service sectors such as healthcare. The multi-facets heterogeneity of the devices and the collected information provides important opportunities to develop innovative systems and services. However, the ubiquitous presence of data silos and the poor semantic interoperability in the IoT landscape constitute a significant obstacle in the pursuit of this goal. Moreover, achieving actionable knowledge from the collected data requires IoT information sources to be analysed using appropriate artificial intelligence techniques such as automated reasoning. In this thesis work, Semantic Web technologies have been investigated as an approach to address both the data integration and reasoning aspect in modern IoT systems. In particular, the contributions presented in this thesis are the following: (1) the IoT Fitness Ontology, an OWL ontology that has been developed in order to overcome the issue of data silos and enable semantic interoperability in the IoT fitness domain; (2) a Linked Open Data web portal for collecting and sharing IoT health datasets with the research community; (3) a novel methodology for embedding knowledge in rule-defined IoT smart home scenarios; and (4) a knowledge-based IoT home automation system that supports a seamless integration of heterogeneous devices and data sources.


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An essential role in the global energy transition is attributed to Electric Vehicles (EVs) the energy for EV traction can be generated by renewable energy sources (RES), also at a local level through distributed power plants, such as photovoltaic (PV) systems. However, EV integration with electrical systems might not be straightforward. The intermittent RES, combined with the high and uncontrolled aggregate EV charging, require an evolution toward new planning and paradigms of energy systems. In this context, this work aims to provide a practical solution for EV charging integration in electrical systems with RES. A method for predicting the power required by an EV fleet at the charging hub (CH) is developed in this thesis. The proposed forecasting method considers the main parameters on which charging demand depends. The results of the EV charging forecasting method are deeply analyzed under different scenarios. To reduce the EV load intermittency, methods for managing the charging power of EVs are proposed. The main target was to provide Charging Management Systems (CMS) that modulate EV charging to optimize specific performance indicators such as system self-consumption, peak load reduction, and PV exploitation. Controlling the EV charging power to achieve specific optimization goals is also known as Smart Charging (SC). The proposed techniques are applied to real-world scenarios demonstrating performance improvements in using SC strategies. A viable alternative to maximize integration with intermittent RES generation is the integration of energy storage. Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) may be a buffer between peak load and RES production. A sizing algorithm for PV+BESS integration in EV charging hubs is provided. The sizing optimization aims to optimize the system's energy and economic performance. The results provide an overview of the optimal size that the PV+BESS plant should have to improve whole system performance in different scenarios.