998 resultados para Construction en bois -- Indonésie
A través de este proyecto final de carrera se pretende analizar la viabilidad técnica y económica para la puesta en marcha de un hotel de montaña en una comarca concreta del Pirineo Aragonés, como alternativa de negocio. Aunque no podemos olvidar que es un sector que puede parecer saturado, se tratará de buscar el elemento diferenciador para superar esta amenaza competitiva. Desde el año 2000, el número total de turistas que llegan a España, ha ido ascendiendo año a año, hasta alcanzar valores máximos en 2007 y de nuevo en 2013. Las estadísticas demuestran que es un sector al alza y en la comunidad aragonesa aporta al PIB aragonés, cerca de 3.000 millones de euros. Por otro lado, la crisis ha provocado una bajada importante en los precios de los inmuebles y parcelas, por lo que nos aprovecharemos de esta oportunidad de negocio. A través de otros estudios que implementan el trabajo, llegamos a los resultados del análisis que demuestran que la inversión es posible. La modalidad escogida para la construcción y diseño del hotel, el efecto diferenciador en los productos y servicios ofertados y la cercanía del hotel de las estaciones de esquí, hacen posible el sueño de los futuros promotores, que apuestan por un tipo de negocio sostenible e integrado en la naturaleza y que respete la autenticidad sociocultural de la comarca y el entono.
The bachelor’s thesis concentrates on the innovativeness in the construction industry. The purpose of the thesis is to define the innovation as a concept reflected on a context of the construction industry. The second objective is to examine how the construction companies could foster and increase the innovativeness. The third objective was to find out tools, methods and phases of the front-end of the innovation process. The construction industry is often considered as a traditional and an old-fashioned manufacturing industry. The innovation or the innovativeness rarely linked to the construction industry. Productivity is a common problem in the construction industry. The construction industry needs to increase the productivity to compete in a globalized world. The productivity can be increased by the innovation. The thesis based on a literature review. The findings from the literature include a description of the innovation as a concept, the innovative culture and the innovation process as a context of the construction industry. The phases of the front-end of the innovation process were explained. Customers centered approach was taken into account in the innovation process. The required tools and methods for managing the front-end of the innovation process were illustrated. The thesis ensures the importance of the innovation facing challenges of the construction industry. Managing the front-end of the innovation is the most important aspect to stand out from the less innovative companies. To take a full advantage of the innovation companies cannot fear of changes. The innovation process requires a full support of the top management of the company. Taking into consideration a theoretical aspect of the thesis a further research is required to respond practical needs of the company. Tools and methods should be considered according the company’s needs and activities. Company’s existing state and culture should be examined before implementing the front-end of the innovation process to ensure the functionality.
L’objecte del projecte és l’ampliació de la línia de producció d’una indústria farmacèutica dimensionant la fontaneria i instal•lant el reactor químic. Els antecedents són els seguents: en el Desembre de 2013,una indústria farmacèutica decideix ampliar la producciód’una línia existent de treball, instal•lant un reactor químic en paral•lel a la línia deproducció existent. Al Gener de 2014 es decideix adaptar una zona que s’utilitza com a magatzem per fer la nova producció. Per tant s’ha d’adaptar la zona com a Sala Blanca per complir amb la seva nova funcionalitat. A Febrer de 2014 es contracta un enginyer per redactar el projecte de l’adaptació de la Sala Blanca, així com les instal•lacions necessàries per posar en funcionament el Reactor químic adquirit pel client
A general method for instantaneous and time-dependent serviceability analysis of plane concrete frames is presented. The methodology is based in an extension of the classic matrix formulation for bars. The main aspects influencing the behaviour of the structural concrete are considered: cracking, creep, shrinkage or prestress losses. To simulate the effect of cracking a smeared model (developed in Part II) based on the modification of the tensile branch of the concrete stress-strain relationship is adopted. The general approach considered permits the application to different materials and constitutive laws. Sequential construction (sectional and structural), incorporation of reinforcement, consideration of the loads history; placing and removing shores, and restraining or releasing in boundary conditions are considered. Some examples are included to highlight the capabilities of the model
The objective of teaching the abilities of the thought one would not have to consider as something opposed to teach the conventional content but as a complement of this. People frequently reason from an inferior to the good one; therefore, they are important to develop methods that allow to improve the thought abilities. The authentic protagonism of the school has to go to help to think the person and to teach to learn. The teacher has to teach learning strategies and it should promote the student’s effort to propitiate the construction of outlines and to facilitate the permanent learning. Finally, one of the current and future high-priority areas in investigation is that of the interventions in strategies metacognitives, their impact in the development cognitive of the students and the transfer and the duration of their effects in the learning
No hace más de 3 años se podía leer en las revistas especializadas que España había pasado a ocupar el tercer puesto en el ranking mundial por potencia eólica instalada. La industria eólica española a su vez ha pasado a ocupar el tercer puesto en la fabricación e instalación de aerogeneradores, con una cuota de mercado del 13%, siendo así un sector con gran capacidad de exportación. Por otra parte, tras diez años de promulgación de la Ley 31/95, de 8 de noviembre, de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales, y después su desarrollo reglamentario, es un hecho incontestable que, pese a todo, y a los ingentes esfuerzos realizados por los distintos actores implicados en la prevención de riesgos laborales (Estado, Comunidades Autónomas, Agentes Sociales, Entidades especializadas, etcetera), existe un sector como el de la construcción que, constituyendo uno de los ejes del crecimiento económico de nuestro país, está sometido a unos riesgos especiales y continúa registrando una siniestralidad laboral muy notoria por sus cifras y gravedad. La legislación de prevención, los manuales sobre las distintas disciplinas preventivas, los libros especializados, los expertos... han abordado ya, con mayor o menor acierto, muchas de las cuestiones generales y específicas que afectan a la seguridad y salud: la evaluación de riesgos, las medidas higiénicas, los equipos de trabajo y equipos de protección individual, la planificación, la formación, los servicios de prevención , los sistemas de gestión de la prevención, las auditorías ... forman parte de los contenidos que se han ido creando en torno a este tema. No obstante, resulta de gran interés la elaboración de un estudio de Seguridad y Salud, en el que partiendo de un desarrollo técnico concreto, pero sobre todo integral, es decir, que comprenda todas las fases para el suministrp e instalación de aerogeneradores para un parque eólico, vayamos desgranando cada uno de los puntos desarrollados en su construcción. Entre las conclusiones más destacadas de este trabajo, se encuentra la definición de las condiciones relativas a la prevención de accidentes y enfermedades laborales durante la ejecución de los trabajos de suministro e instalación de un parque eólico y la gestión de su prevención, las características de las instalaciones preceptivas para higiene y bienestar de los trabajadores, así como directrices básicas mínimas, que deben reflejarse y desarrollarse en el Plan de Seguridad y Salud que las empresas contratistas deberán presentar para su aprobación por el director de obra, antes del comienzo de los trabajos, de forma que sea posible la disminución de accidentes laborales así como evitar las posibles sanciones administrativas y/o penales.
Introduction. This study presents the results of the implementation process of portfolio in the course of four consecutive years. The plan includes three phases (initiation, development and consolidation). The sample is 480 students studying the first year of nursing at the University of Girona. The objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of the instrument and achieve its construction in a self-regulated process. Subjects and methods. The proposed methodology is based on the sequential triangulation between methods. The study of the same empirical unit it’s used two investigation strategies, quantitative and qualitative. Study 1: quantitative, descriptive, longitudinal and prospective. The statistical analysis of paired data for continuous variables that follow a normaldistribution is made with t Student-Fisher test. The correlation between two numerical variables is used the Pearson correlation index. Study 2: qualitative, uses the discussion groups and topics. For textual data analysis is used Atlas.ti. Results. The final score for students who prepare the portfolio is higher (7.78) than the score who do not prepare (7) (p ≤ 0.001). A significant correlation exists between the portfolio score and final score (p ≤ 0.001). The trend study showsa greater sensitivity of the instrument assessment. Conclusion. The final design of the portfolio is characterized by mixed, flexible and encourages the student reflection and empowers the reflection on the continuum of learning
Educators who are currently beginning their professional career at any level of the educationalsystem and who will likely have to work during the next thirty to forty years will be takingpart in the education of individuals who, with the permission of prophets and doomsayers,will live part of their lives in the 22nd century. That long but simple statement causes a bit ofvertigo as well as a good amount of reflection on the part of we educators who were trainedin the 20th century, are working in the 21st century, and are responsible for preparing peopleto build a tomorrow that is already today (Millán and Sancho, 1995). This is the starting pointof our research groups’ interest in exploring how men and women who have graduated fromteacher education programs with specializations in infant and primary education learn to beteachers, and how they establish and position themselves as teachers during their university studies and the first years of their professional life...
Educators who are currently beginning their professional career at any level of the educationalsystem and who will likely have to work during the next thirty to forty years will be takingpart in the education of individuals who, with the permission of prophets and doomsayers,will live part of their lives in the 22nd century. That long but simple statement causes a bit ofvertigo as well as a good amount of reflection on the part of we educators who were trainedin the 20th century, are working in the 21st century, and are responsible for preparing peopleto build a tomorrow that is already today (Millán and Sancho, 1995). This is the starting pointof our research groups’ interest in exploring how men and women who have graduated fromteacher education programs with specializations in infant and primary education learn to beteachers, and how they establish and position themselves as teachers during their university studies and the first years of their professional life...
Educators who are currently beginning their professional career at any level of the educationalsystem and who will likely have to work during the next thirty to forty years will be takingpart in the education of individuals who, with the permission of prophets and doomsayers,will live part of their lives in the 22nd century. That long but simple statement causes a bit ofvertigo as well as a good amount of reflection on the part of we educators who were trainedin the 20th century, are working in the 21st century, and are responsible for preparing peopleto build a tomorrow that is already today (Millán and Sancho, 1995). This is the starting pointof our research groups’ interest in exploring how men and women who have graduated fromteacher education programs with specializations in infant and primary education learn to beteachers, and how they establish and position themselves as teachers during their university studies and the first years of their professional life...
Educators who are currently beginning their professional career at any level of the educationalsystem and who will likely have to work during the next thirty to forty years will be takingpart in the education of individuals who, with the permission of prophets and doomsayers,will live part of their lives in the 22nd century. That long but simple statement causes a bit ofvertigo as well as a good amount of reflection on the part of we educators who were trainedin the 20th century, are working in the 21st century, and are responsible for preparing peopleto build a tomorrow that is already today (Millán and Sancho, 1995). This is the starting pointof our research groups’ interest in exploring how men and women who have graduated fromteacher education programs with specializations in infant and primary education learn to beteachers, and how they establish and position themselves as teachers during their university studies and the first years of their professional life...
This study reports on the construction of a turbidimeter employing light emitting diodes as radiation source at a wavelength of 405 nm, a photodiode as detector, a temperature sensor and a microcontroller used for data acquisition and processing. The turbidimeter was applied to determine sulfate concentrations in natural water employing barium chloride as reagent. Potential interferences and recovery studies were performed and an interference of 3.5 % and a recovery between 97.8 and 108 % were estimated. The analytical performance of in situ turbidimeter for the determination of sulfate was evaluated and compared with two commercial spectrophotometers and a good agreement was obtained.
The purpose of the thesis is to study innovativeness in a context of the construction industry especially the front-end of the innovation process. The construction industry is often considered an old-fashioned manufacturing industry. Innovations and innovativeness are rarely linked to the industry. The construction industry, as well as other industries in Finland, is facing challenges such as productivity, the climate change and internationalization. The meaning of innovations is greater than ever in continuously changing markets, for standing out from competitors or increasing the competitiveness. Traditional production methods, tight building regulations, unique buildings, one-of-a-kind project organizations and highlighting the cheapest price in building contracts are particular challenges in the construction industry. The research questions of the thesis were: - What kind of factors shift the existing company culture towards innovativeness? - What are the phases of the front-end of the innovation process? - What kind of tools and methods enable managing the front-end of the innovation process? The theoretical part of the thesis bases on the literature review. The research methodology of the empirical part was the action research and qualitative approach. Empirical data was collected by the theme interviews from three companies. The results were practical methods and experiences from innovation activities of the companies. The results of the thesis can be clarified as follows: enhancement of the innovation activities requires support and commitment of the top management, innovative culture and innovation strategy. Innovativeness can be promoted by systematical methods for example collecting ideas from employees. Controlling and managing the front-end phase is essential to succeeding. Despite that managing the front-end is the most challenging part of the innovation process, development and management of that save companies’ money, resources and prevents useless investments. Further clarification and studies are needed to find out furthermore functional tools and methods to manage innovations and implementing them to the culture of the companies.
ABSTRACT This paper is an analysis of the manner Nishida Kitarô (1870-1945), in the process of construction of his own philosophy of religion, enters into dialogue with Leibniz's thought concerning Pre-established Harmony. Although the philosophy of religion is an important theme and Nishida goes back to Leibniz at some points in his textual career, there are relatively few studies that touch on the relationship between these two thinkers. I study Nishida's approach under three headings. The first section concerns ten main aspects of the world of pre-established harmony. The second tries to show the manner in which such a world becomes a guide towards a philosophy of religion, placing the emphasis on three characteristically Christian aspects: a created, fallen, and Trinitarian world. The third section includes some elements such as the entrance into religion, metanoia, satori and a comparison between Christian agape and Buddhist maha-kruna. These are themes on which Nishida elaborates in his 1945 masterpiece, The Logic of Basho and a Religious Worldview.