998 resultados para Condições de saúde bucal
Dados demográficos confirmam o fenômeno do envelhecimento da população brasileira. Entretanto idosos que têm a ventura de desfrutar mais anos de vida, nem sempre conseguem fazê-lo com saúde. Isso é evidente, quando se analisa a condição de saúde bucal. Por várias razões, muitos idosos são institucionalizados para receberem a atenção e o auxílio de pessoal capacitado. Dentre os diversos serviços fornecidos, tanto hospitalares quanto de hotelaria, o cuidado odontológico não tem sido prioritário, e costumeiramente se observa flagrantes omissões. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar as características da provisão de cuidado odontológico proporcionado aos idosos residentes em instituições geriátricas de pequeno porte no município de Porto Alegre/RS, e estabelecer sua relação com as condições de higiene bucal deste grupo. Combinando métodos quantitativos e qualitativos de pesquisa, buscou-se coletar dados sobre a higiene bucal dos idosos institucionalizados e informações sobre cuidado odontológico com seus cuidadores e supervisores nas 12 casas geriátricas integrantes da amostra. A análise dos depoimentos dos supervisores e cuidadores demonstra que o cuidado odontológico não segue qualquer tipo de protocolo, padronização ou normatização, sendo realizado empiricamente e, em última análise, sob a responsabilidade e critério dos cuidadores. O índice de placa médio em dentes encontrado nos idosos resultou 2,24, segundo os parâmetros de Sillnes e Löe. No exame em próteses, segundo o índice de Ambjornsen, o resultado apurado atingiu 7,14. Embora os entrevistados considerem que o cuidado odontológico seja realizado com regularidade, questiona-se a sua eficácia diante dos altos níveis de placa observados. Os dados indicam que as características empíricas dos procedimentos de higiene bucal, desassociados de adequada orientação técnica, especialmente odontogeriátrica, ante o descompromisso organizacional privado, institucional público, e até familiar, implicam um cuidado odontológico bastante insatisfatório, sugerindo que os idosos institucionalizados estão sendo negligenciados permanentemente no âmbito odontológico.
A importância dos dentes é citada na literatura, porém a relevância deste tema para os idosos tem sido abordada quase que exclusivamente através de pesquisas quantitativas. O presente estudo, utilizando-se de métodos quantitativos e qualitativos, teve por objetivo identificar a importância de dentes e próteses para três grupos distintos de idosos, através de uma entrevista aberta associada a exames clínicos. Foram avaliados um grupo de idosos independentes, um grupo de idosos asilados em uma instituição filantrópica e um grupo institucionalizado em uma instituição particular. Em relação às características clínicas, o percentual de edentulismo é elevado nos grupos asilados, e a cárie permanece como um problema significativo na condição bucal dos idosos dos três grupos. O uso de próteses apresenta diferenças marcantes entre os grupos em relação ao tipo e quantidade. A importância dos dentes para os idosos sofre variações de indivíduo para indivíduo. Essas diferenças necessitam ser esclarecidas, verificando-se as situações e as condições de saúde que geram estes comportamentos e todas as variações intermediárias. A alimentação, mastigação, digestão, seleção de alimentos, prazer de comer, aparência, aspectos psicológicos, aspectos psicossociais, comunicação, sorrir, sexualidade, higiene oral, saúde geral e qualidade de vida são influenciados, segundo os idosos, pela presença e/ou ausência de dentes ou próteses, caracterizando a importância destes em seu cotidiano.
Com esse estudo objetivou-se analisar a possibilidade da aplicação do conceito de integralidade da atenção para sujeitos portadores de necessidades especiais. Enfocou-se o conceito de integralidade da atenção, submetendo-o a esse recorte da realidade, tanto pelo fato dele ser central à contemporânea discussão do que fazer em saúde pública, face a Reforma Sanitária Brasileira, bem como, por entendermos que a integralidade é praticamente a única alternativa para atenção desses sujeitos, tanto no método clínico como no coletivo de intervenção. A população alvo constou da família de sujeitos portadores de necessidades especiais que freqüentam a APAE do município de Lajeado, bem como dos trabalhadores daquela instituição. Verificou-se o discurso da referida população alvo sobre etiologia e prevenção da cárie dentária, doença periodontal, câncer de boca, má-oclusão e fissuras de lábio e palato, tentando identificar hábitos, valores e dificuldades que possam intermediar a possibilidade da aplicação do conceito de integralidade da atenção para sujeitos portadores de necessidades especiais. Concluiu-se que : • A utilização do conceito de integralidade é intermediado pelo saber ou não saber, pela cultura somática dos indivíduos; • A falta de um saber sobre saúde bucal que melhore o cotidiano dos sujeitos impede que se trabalhe com o conceito ampliado de cura, 9 que é fundante da noção de autonomia, que se agrega à noção de integralidade; • A família do sujeito especial e a instituição que o mesmo freqüenta são um locus privilegiado para a práxis da noção de integralidade da atenção; • O sujeito especial se constitui como sujeito com inteireza, somente a partir da adoção intencional do conceito de integralidade, quer na instituição, quer na família; • O corpo de trabalhadores da instituição deveria contar com o trabalho de um cirurgião dentista com especialidade em saúde pública, ou com uma técnica em higiene dental, para atuar junto às famílias e com os trabalhadores de forma intra e interdisciplinar; • Há uma necessidade premente de ações de educação em saúde e capacitação para as famílias e trabalhadores da instituição, no que tange à saúde bucal, enfocando as 5 patologias bucais que são tidas como problemas de saúde pública.
Este trabalho busca problematizar a questão das formas de intervenção do Estado na sociedade, especificamente as realizadas através das políticas sociais voltadas para a saúde pública. Avaliando as possíveis razões da sua baixa efetividade na melhoria das condições da saúde da população em geral, um dos pontos importantes do trabalho está no desenvolvimento da questão do "subdesenvolvimento institucional". Este termo busca caracterizar a particularidade de formação dos próprios órgãos do Estado voltados para este tipo de intervenção, realizou-se para melhor ilustrar a questão, um estudo de caso onde se apresenta uma organização pública de assistência à saúde no estado de São Paulo
A saliva, secreção produzida pelas glândulas salivares, é de vital importância à manutenção da saúde bucal. Com o avançar da idade, as glândulas salivares sofrem mudanças estruturais e funcionais. A exposição das mesmas, durante tomadas radiográficas de interesse odontológico, também pode gerar algum tipo de alteração. Assim sendo, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as alterações morfológicas e morfométricas das glândulas parótidas de camundongos submetidos à radiação X ao longo do envelhecimento. Para tanto, selecionou-se 20 animais que posteriormente foram divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos, sendo um teste (10 animais) e outro controle (10 animais). Os camundongos do grupo teste foram expostos a 0,12Gy semanais durante 30 semanas, enquanto que os camundongos do grupo controle foram submetidos às mesmas condições, excetuando-se a exposição à radiação. Transcorridas as 30 semanas, os animais foram mortos, após a remoção das glândulas parótidas. Essas foram processadas, cortadas e coradas pela técnica histoquímica de H/E. Análises qualitativa e quantitativa foram realizadas para verificar a existência de possíveis diferenças entre as parótidas pertencentes aos animais do grupo teste em relação às mesmas do grupo controle. Através dos resultados obtidos, por meio da metodologia empregada neste estudo, concluiu-se que não houve alterações morfológicas e morfométricas substanciais nas glândulas parótidas de camundongos expostos à radiação X durante o envelhecimento.
O tecido desta pesquisa se guiou pelo olhar da Psicologia Social, ‘par e passo’ com a busca pela análise histórica. A perspectiva da Psicologia aqui considerada entende que os processos sociais e os sujeitos nesses inseridos, são destes produtores e produzidos, e os critérios da verdade são construídos a partir das convenções sociais e dos regimes de poder presentes nas relações humanas. O interesse na pesquisa e intervenção em Saúde do Trabalhador, e a percepção da pertinência social que a atividade em teleatendimento tem atualmente no setor produtivo instigaram essa investigação. Considera as modificações do trabalho com o advento de novas tecnologias no contexto de globalização do capital, e as formas que o a atividade de trabalho em telefonia tomou. Há uma pluralidade de intercruzamentos que essa atividade profissional têm apresentado através das problemáticas a respeito das condições e da organização do trabalho e das queixas de saúde que chegam aos sindicatos dos trabalhadores (o SINTTELRS ), e que outros estudos já têm apontado. O objetivo do estudo foi apontar as relações entre os modos de gestão e o processo saúde-doença de teleoperadores, buscando investigar como se configura a organização do trabalho (modos de gestão) no campo das telecomunicações, identificar como essas características se expressam nas condições de saúde dos trabalhadores e trabalhadoras, e visibilizar as políticas de recursos humanos prevalecentes. Baseou-se no aporte metodológico da produção de sentidos no cotidiano, no âmbito da Psicologia Social, a análise das práticas discursivas (SPINK; FREZZA, 2000). A pesquisa empírica foi realizada buscando os dados dos quatro maiores ‘call centers’ sediados no Rio Grande do Sul. A coleta de dados foi realizada com entrevistas e textos da página eletrônica de uma instituição de referência no setor, visita às empresas e diário de campo. A partir das análises um outro olhar permitiu narrar outra história sobre políticas de gestão e saúde em teleatendimentos. A constituição e a caracterização do trabalho nos ‘call centers’ descritos apresentam organizações que se estruturam no perfil dos modelos flexíveis, e os modos de gestão ilustram esta bricolagem do ‘novo’ e do ‘velho’, quando encontra-se recolocado o receituário fordista/taylorista com as estratégias típicas da gestão da excelência. As políticas de recursos humanos se focam no estímulo e na manutenção da capacidade produtiva, e não há, efetivamente, uma política de saúde que atente para o componente organizacional na gênese dos sintomas de LER/DORT e de sofrimento psíquico, expressado com o termo genérico ‘estresse’. A concepção de saúde que embasa alguns programas de prevenção não ultrapassa a condição de saúde pensada como ausência de doença, apontando para a necessidade de expandir a discussão da regulamentação de parâmetros específicos para esta atividade, especialmente no que concerne reinvenção de uma saúde ocupacional na direção de uma saúde dos trabalhadores.
NORO, Luiz Roberto Augusto et al. Incidência de cárie dentária em adolescentes em município do Nordeste brasileiro, 2006, Cadernos de Saúde Pública, Rio de Janeiro, v. 25, n. 4, p. 783-790, abr. 2009.
The aims of this study were to analyze the access of dental services by child population, to determine the prevalence of dental caries, gingivitis and malocclusion in resident children from the municipal district of Sobral Ceará and to evaluate the incidence of the dental decay in adolescents associated with the factors related to socioeconomic condition, access to health services and self-perception. This study had as main factor the multidisciplinary represented by the participation of health professional (doctors, dentists, nurses) in the development of the survey's initial reference; student from Human Sciences area to apply the structured questionnaire in domiciliary visits; statistics professionals in the orientation of the analysis to be held and family health team (community health agents, dentists and dental clinic assistants) in the scheduling of domiciliary visits and the accomplishment of oral exam. The sample was determined from the domicile record that included children born between 1990 and 1994 to develop the research Children health conditions in the municipal district of Sobral Ceará . The first sample comprised 3425 parents of children from 5 to 9 years old, living in the urban area at the municipal district of Sobral Ceará, aiming at identifying the most important factors associated to the access to dental service. From this sample, 1021 children were selected in a systematic way, for the accomplishment to the epidemiological study of decay, gingivitis and malocclusion. In the study's third phase, in order to arrange the group to be followed, 688 adolescents were examined and interviewed, by means of the active search from the 1021 individuals that had been previously examined. It was observed that 50.9% of the children had access to dental service at least once in a lifetime. Of this total, 65.3% accomplished it during the last year, and 85.4% of these did in public services, what allows to identify the importance of this sector in the access to dental services. It was observed that the factors that most affected the access to dental 129 services were related to socioeconomic condition, such as the access to health plan, the possession of toothbrush, garbage collecting, mother s schooling, sewerage treatment and malnutrition. In relation to oral diseases, an increase in the DMF-T index according the age was observed, from 0.10 in five years old to 1.66 in the nine years old, while with the dmf-t index, the inverse happened, since the index decreased from 3.59 in five years old to 2.69 in nine years old. In relation to gingivitis, an average 32.7% of the children presented gum bleeding. In what concerns malocclusion, it was observed that 60.3% of the children didn't present any problem, 30.17% had light malocclusion and 9.5% severe malocclusion. The average incidence of dental caries was 1.86 teeth per youngster. Among the studied variables, tooth pain in the last six months, mother's income and school snack, adjusted by the perception about the need of treatment, the mother's schooling and the dentist's appointment at least once in a lifetime, were the variables that presented positive relationship with the high incidence of dental caries on this population by logistic regression. Variables of socioeconomic nature, related to the access to health services and behavior and biological variables presented a relationship with the high caries incidence. The study point out to the need of developing health actions in a humanized way, by an oral health team effectively bound to the population's interest, with the great objective to provide, with the public health services managers, adequate conditions to improve oral health
The aim of this study was to learn about the social representations of the care provided by the Family Health Program (FHP) in the city of Natal, Brazil and determine how these representations guide the daily actions of doctors, dentists, nurses, nurse s assistants and oral health assistants during the work process. In this sense, we used the theoreticalmethodological approach to the Theory of Social Representations. For data collection, we used the following instruments: a two-part questionnaire, where the first part recorded sociodemographic data and the second part was adapted to the free word association technique (FWAT), which was applied to 90 professionals belonging to 18 FHP units. Interviews were also used as collection instruments. These were based on inductive stimuli and on direct observations of 30 of these professionals. After a superficial reading of the material, we constructed a corpus from which ten categories emerged. To analyze FWAT we used lexicographic analysis, combining frequency and the mean order of responses. The interviews and sociodemographic variables were analyzed using content analysis and descriptive statistical analysis, respectively. The study showed that the central nucleus of the social representation in question is composed of the elements attention, receptivity and love, revealing that the subjects have different understandings of the FHP care process and that the knowledge accumulated in this respect is supported by an approximate vision of the meaning of care. However, traditional elements with trivializing connotations about care predominate, which compromises the development of strategies to overcome traditional practices. In the set of analyses, we were able to capture the invariance of a contradiction: on one hand, professionals know and affirm the importance of providing care for FHP patients; on the other, the experience of daily practice translates into the negation of this concept. In this contradictory context, professionals build gradual and successive syntheses that allow them to act and affirm themselves by associating information from their academic formation, structured knowledge acquired in other experiences, values and symbols of their daily routine. Thus, they shape and reshape themselves, according to what is concretely and specifically required, at the same time both plural and multiple. The composition of the central nucleus indicates that any measure that intends to modify attitudes that is, the daily actions of FHP professionals with respect to care must take into account and give priority to the debate about the redefining of the semantic fields of the central nucleus (love/attention/receptivity and humanization), especially those of love and attention
The identification of the factors that interfere in the decline of functional conditions is useful in the planning of actions addressing the improvement in the conditions of the lives of elderly people. The purpose of this investigation was to analyze the relationship between social demographics and health aspects of the functional condition in elderly women of low income of the Brazilian northeast. This crosssectional study involved a representative sample of 222 women with an average age of 70 years (± 7.1), belonging to coexisting groups and that were resident in the urban area of the municipal district of Jequié /Bahia. In order to achieve this objective, a battery of physical tests of functional aptitude was carried out previously tested in pilot study, anthropometric measurements collected with a comparison of the measures referred to the reported weight and height as well as the application of an interview with questions containing subjects related to social demographic variables, clinical conditions and health, physical conditions and behaviors. Descriptive statistics Proceedings (frequency, average, standard deviation and percent distribution) were used for statistic analysis, and the calculation of the respective odds ratio by binary logistics regression, for the analysis of factors hierarchically grouped; p<0.05. The prevalence of 56% (n=122) of women considered with moderated or serious type of functional limitations was found, In which from multi-varied hierarchical analysis, significant association was verified with the age group over 80 years (p=0.02), conditions of widowhood (p=0.04), presence of arterial hypertension (p=0.001), and physical inactivity during leisure time (p=0.03). On the other hand for functional incapacities the prevalence was of 46.8% (n=104) being associated to the increase of the age (p=0.01), hospitalization (p=0.02), absence of physical activities along their lives (p=0.001) and the occurrence of alterations in the cognitive function (p=0.001). The normative table for the parameters of physical fitness generated conducive to health professionals in the diagnosis of health conditions and the prescription of physical exercises. The identified characteristics that are associated with the functional limitations / functional incapacities suggest a complex causal net in the determination of the functional condition in elderly women. However, actions addressed to the incentive of the practice of physical activities in the leisure time and the preservation of the cognitive function can contribute to a life with more quality for these people. This research was multidisciplinary approach to involve elements of psychology, nutrition and Physical Education in the elucidation of the object of study related to the functional condition of elderly women
The National School Nutrition Program is the oldest program in the country directed at food and nutrition safety. Its aims are to offer nutritional food as a supplement to students of public and philanthropic schools. Studying school nutrition transcends the investigation as a purely social program, given that it reaches the fields of public health, nutrition and food, using a wide variety of approaches. Thus, it is characterized by a multidisciplinary study, where the disciplines work side by side in distinct aspects of a single problem. Aim: This study aims to assess hygiene practices during the preparation of meat-based meals in public schools in the city of Natal, Brazil. Methods: A list was applied at 27 schools to identify the procedures of good food preparation practices. In addition, cooking and meal distribution temperature were measured and a microbiological analysis of the final preparation and of the water used in preparing it was performed. For microbiological analyses of the food, we analyzed coliforms at 45°C, coliforms at 35°C and Enterococcus, and for the water, we analyzed thermotolerant coliforms and total coliforms, using the methods recommended by APHA, 1995. Results: Most of the schools did not meet the required standards in all the variables related to good food preparation practices, except for the time spent preparing the meat, in which 89% were within the norm. Cooking temperature of the meals was within the standard; however, the temperature at distribution and the time spent dispensing the meals were inadequate. Of the 27 schools, 22 (81.5%) showed the presence of coliforms at 35° C in at least one meal sample and 18 (66.7%) had values above the recommended limit for coliforms at 45°C. The presence of E. coli was identified in 6.1% of the samples analyzed. The presence of Enterococcus was not found at any of the schools. With respect to the water, the North district of the city was the only one that did not meet the standards for the two indicators evaluated. The contamination found was not associated with the hygiene or food storage problems observed. Conclusions: The results show that the hygiene-sanitary conditions of meat-based public school meals were unsatisfactory, demonstrating the need for improvements in the production process to preserve the health of the student population. Multidisciplinarity: Researchers from the areas of food microbiology, nutrition, public health and statistics took part in this study, a decisive factor for characterizing the research as multidisciplinary
Resilience consists of a capacity to adapt and overcome situations of risk, from the aid of protective factors. This construct constitutes a process of preventive and multidimensional present in all stages of human development. During this development, it has been immersed in the elderly biopsychosocial changes resulting from the aging process. In this sense, there was a need for a multidisciplinary study, combining psychology, medicine, nursing, social work and gerontology in order to check the resilience, its risk factors, such as life events and health, and protection, such as self-esteem and social support. For this, we performed a descriptive exploratory study of cross-sectional nature, along with a convenience sample consisting of 65 elderly users of the public health of the district east of the city of Natal/RN, Brazil. This research allowed the collection of socio-demographic, economic, relational, physical, biological and psychological in understanding the aging process. It is observed that the studied sample socio-economic status and chronic health conditions in their own lives and their families, that demand for care and attention every day, are resilient, have faced significant losses, have positive self-esteem and social support perceived as external satisfactory. Given this multidimensional nature, the aging process deserves the attention of many professionals and health policies, seeking provide to the elderly a better living conditions and mechanisms that promote well-being and health
condições de saúde são questões que precisam ser investigadas na nossa sociedade. Diante da inexistência de estudos que abordem os aspectos psicológicos e físicos desses profissionais, tornou-se necessário e relevante esta investigação para a área de segurança pública num contexto multidisciplinar. O estudo objetivou verificar as características da aptidão física e psicológica relacionada à saúde de policiais militares do Batalhão de Atividades Policiais Especiais (BOPE), da Polícia Militar do Rio Grande do Norte. A amostra selecionada de forma aleatória foi composta de 64 militares de diferentes graduações, do sexo masculino com idade média de 26,2±2,6 anos. Foram utilizados como instrumentos de medida o Questionário de Saúde Geral de Goldberg para avaliar a saúde geral; uma balança digital da marca Techline®, e estadiômetro portátil da marca Sanny® para avaliar a massa corporal e a estatura; fita antropométrica metálica Sanny® para avaliar a perimetria (circunferência do braço contraído, circunferência da panturrilha); paquímetro Sanny® para avaliar os diâmetros ósseos (bi-epicondilar umeral e bi-epicodilar femural); adipômetro Harpender® para avaliar a espessura das dobras cutâneas; dinamômetro manual Jamar para avaliar a força de preensão manual; flexímetro Sanny®, fotocélulas CEFISE modelo Speed Test Fit e o YoYo Intermitent Recovery Test para avaliar o desempenho físico ( flexibilidade, agilidade, velocidade e endurance anaeróbica). Os participantes apresentaram valores elevados para risco de distúrbio ou mesmo a presença de distúrbio, no que se refere à saúde geral; o grupo estudado é classificado como mesoendomorfico, predominando características de endurance aeróbico e anaeróbico e força que foram relacionadas com os aspectos psicológicos. O perfil somatotípico meso-endomorfo parece interferir nos elevados riscos de distúrbios psicológicos advindos da atividade laboral exigida, apesar dos mesmos apresentarem um bom desempenho físico
This study aims to analyze and compare the opinion of professionals, managers and users about the mental health care in the Family Health Strategy (FHS). It is characterized as an Operations Research or Health System Research with a cross-sectional design and a descriptive quantitative nature. The study was developed from the application of the Opinion Measurement Scale allied to techniques of observation and structured interview in the city of Parnamirim / RN. The sample consists of 409 subjects, 209 professionals of the Family Health Strategy, 30 of the Oral Health Strategy, 19 of the Family Health Support Center, 24 directors of Basic Health Units, plus 68 users with mental disorders and 59 caregivers, respecting the ethical parameters of Resolution 196/96 of the National Health Council, trial registration number: CAAE 0003.0.051.000-11. Quantitative data were submitted to the Epi-info 3.5.2 for analysis. The network of mental health in Parnamirim involves the flow between the FHS, Psychosocial Care Centers, clinics and hospitals, having as main barriers the fragility of the referral and counter-referral system, of the municipal health conferences, of the FHS teams by the limitations in material and human resources as well as the population´s lack of acknowledge about the organization of the mental health network, issues that affect the integral attention. Even though the FHS professionals recognize the importance of their actions, they question their role in mental health care, experiencing difficulties in accessing psychiatric services (76.5%). Although most agree that the mentally ill is best treated in the family than in hospital (65.2%), the community health workers were the predominant category in the partial or total disagreement of this statement (40.8%), who is the professional in greater contact with the family. Nevertheless the caregivers miss the support of the FHS as the main focus of attention is on revenue control. The views of professionals, mental patients and caregivers converged in several statements, showing the main weaknesses to be focused by the mental health network of the city, as the perceptions that: (a) physical strength is needed to take care of mental patients for its tendency to aggression, requiring it to stay in the sanatorium for representing danger to society, (b) only a psychiatrist can help the person with emotional problems, (c) the user of alcohol and drugs does not necessarily develop mental illness, (d) the access barriers and doubts about the quality of psychiatric services, (e) caring of a mental health patient does not bring suffering to professionals. Therefore, the commitment to consensus building, monitoring and evaluation of the network are important mechanisms for an effective management system, reflecting in the importance of strengthening the health conferences and approximating different institutions. The results reinforce the importance of strengthening primary care through programs of continuing education focusing on the actions and functions of professionals in accordance with its competences and duties what contribute to the organization and response of mental health care, favoring user´s care and the promotion of family health
One of the Primary Health Care strategies for adolescent health is the growth and development follow-up and the early detection of overweight adolescents. Even though the School Health Program in Brazil proposes to evaluate the nutritional state of the school population in the corresponding community health units, not all cities have adhered to the Program and many nurses do not recognize overweight as a problem in their territory. The objective of the study was to identify the nurse´s participation in the screening of overweight adolescent students in their work territory. Cross sectional study conducted in eight state supported schools of the municipality of Natal/RN and in four Primary Health Units. The total student population was 27.277. A stratified sample was statistically calculated based on the student population of the four city geographical zones: 112 North , 74 West; 108 East; and 78 South, totalizing 372 adolescents. The students were selected by a probability process where eight schools were first selected, two per district, until the number per subsample in each district was reached. Four primary health nurses, responsible for the health units were included. Two instruments were used for data collection, a screening questionnaire and a semi-structured interview form for questioning of the nurses. The content of both instruments was validated. Anthropometric and health data were collected from the students and analyzed with descriptive and analytical statistics. Interview data were transcribed and submitted to content analysis. The nursing diagnosis of overweight was identified in 50 (13,5%) of the adolescents and its association with consumption of foods that have cardiovascular risk (canned foods, pasta and fried food). An association of the nursing diagnosis was identified with family history (diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and kidney disease). The nurses judged that care of overweight adolescents was important but noted difficulties because of the absence of this population in the health units, because of their work overload, and the lack of school articulation. The nurses do not have impacting actions with this population and delegate the responsibility to other professionals. It is concluded that overweight is a nutritional problem relevant to the adolescent school population in Natal/RN, with a 13,5% prevalence and that it is related to food consumption with cardiovascular risk and family health history. The nurses consider overweight as an important public health problem but do not envision ways to maintain linkage with adolescents and with the school to promote the needed care