979 resultados para Co-regulated chromosomal domains


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The actin cytoskeleton is essential for many cellular processes, including motility, morphogenesis, endocytosis and signal transduction. Actin can exist in monomeric (G-actin) or filamentous (F-actin) form. Actin filaments are considered to be the functional form of actin, generating the protrusive forces characteristic for the actin cytoskeleton. The structure and dynamics of the actin filament and monomer pools are regulated by a large number of actin-binding proteins in eukaryotic cells. Twinfilin is an evolutionarily conserved small actin monomer binding protein. Twinfilin is composed of two ADF/cofilin-like domains, separated by a short linker and followed by a C-terminal tail. Twinfilin forms a stable, high affinity complex with ADP-G-actin, inhibits the nucleotide exchange on actin monomers, and prevents their assembly into filament ends. Twinfilin was originally identified from yeast and has since then been found from all organisms studied except plants. Not much was known about the role of twinfilin in the actin dynamics in mammalian cells before this study. We set out to unravel the mysteries still covering twinfilins functions using biochemistry, cell biology, and genetics. We identified and characterized two mouse isoforms for the previously identified mouse twinfilin-1. The new isoforms, twinfilin-2a and -2b, are generated from the same gene through alternative promoter usage. The three isoforms have distinctive expression patterns, but are similar biochemically. Twinfilin-1 is the major isoform during development and is expressed in high levels in almost all tissues examined. Twinfilin-2a is also expressed almost ubiquitously, but at lower levels. Twinfilin-2b turned out to be a muscle-specific isoform, with very high expression in heart and skeletal muscle. It seems all mouse tissues express at least two twinfilin isoforms, indicating that twinfilins are important regulators of actin dynamics in all cell and tissue types. A knockout mouse line was generated for twinfilin-2a. The mice homozygous for this knockout were viable and developed normally, indicating that twinfilin-2a is dispensable for mouse development. However, it is important to note that twinfilin-2a shows similar expression pattern to twinfilin-1, suggesting that these proteins play redundant roles in mice. All mouse isoforms were shown to be able to sequester actin filaments and have higher affinity for ADP-G-actin than ATP-G-actin. They are also able to directly interact with heterodimeric capping protein and PI(4,5)P2 similar to yeast twinfilin. In this study we also uncovered a novel function for mouse twinfilins; capping actin filament barbed ends. All mouse twinfilin isoforms were shown to possess this function, while yeast and Drosophila twinfilin were not able to cap filament barbed ends. Twinfilins localize to the cytoplasm but also to actin-rich regions in mammalian cells. The subcellular localizations of the isoforms are regulated differently, indicating that even though twinfilins biochemical functions in vitro are very similar, in vivo they can play different roles through different regulatory pathways. Together, this study show that twinfilins regulate actin filament assembly both by sequestering actin monomers and by capping filament barbed ends, and that mammals have three biochemically similar twinfilin isoforms with partially overlapping expression patterns.


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The Golgi complex is a central organelle of the secretory pathway, responsible for a range of post-translational modifications, as well as for membrane traffic to the plasma membrane and to the endosomal-lysosomal pathway. In addition, this organelle has roles in cell migration, in the regulation of traffic, and as a mitotic check point. The structure of the Golgi complex is highly dynamic and able to respond to the amount of cargo being transported and the stage of the cell cycle. The Golgi proteome reflects the functions and structure of this organelle, and can be divided into three major groups: the Golgi resident proteins (e.g. modification enzymes), the Golgi matrix proteins (involved in structure and tethering events), and trafficking proteins (e.g. vesicle coat proteins and Rabs). The Golgi proteome has been studied on several occasions, from both rat liver and mammary gland Golgi membranes using proteomic approaches, but still little more than half of the estimated Golgi proteome is known. Nevertheless, methodological improvements and introduction of shotgun proteomics have increased the number of identified proteins, and especially the number of identified transmembrane proteins. Cartilage, even though not a typical tissue in which to study membrane traffic, secretes large amounts of extracellular matrix proteins that are extensively modified, especially by amino acid hydroxylation, glycosylation and sulfation. Furthermore, the cartilage ECM contains several, large oligomeric proteins (such as collagen II) that are difficult to assemble and transport. Indeed, cartilage has been shown to be susceptible to changes both in secretory pathway (e.g. the COPII coat assembly) and in post-translational modifications (e.g. heparan sulfate formation). Dental follicle, and the periodontal ligament (PDL) that it forms, are another type of connective tissue, and they have a role in anchoring teeth to bone. This anchorage is achieved by numerous matrix fibres that connect the bone matrix with the cementum. These tissues have in common the secretion of large matrix molecules. In this study the Golgi proteome was analysed from purified, stacked Golgi membranes isolated from rat liver. The identified, extensive proteome included a protein similar to Ab2-095, or Golgi protein 49kDa (GoPro49), which was shown to localise to the Golgi complex as an EGFP fusion protein. Surprisingly, in situ hybridisation showed the GoPro49 expression to be highly restricted to different mesenchymal tissues, especially in cartilage, and this expression pattern was clearly developmentally regulated. In addition to cartilage, GoPro49 was also expressed in the dental follicle, but was not observed in the mature PDL. Importantly, GoPro49 is the first specific marker for the dental follicle. Endogenous GoPro49 protein co-localised with β-COP in both chondrosarcoma and primary dental follicle cell lines. The COPI staining in these cells was highly dynamic, showing a number of tubules. This may reflect the type of secretory cargo they secrete. Currently GoPro49 is the only Golgi protein with such a restricted expression pattern.


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The actin cytoskeleton is required, in all eukaryotic organisms, for several key cellular functions such as cell motility, cytokinesis, and endocytosis. In cells, actin exists either in a monomeric state (G-actin) or in a filamentous form (F-actin). F-actin is the functional form, which can assemble into various structures and produce direct pushing forces that are required for different motile processes. The assembly of actin monomers into complicated three-dimensional structures is tightly regulated by a large number of actin regulating proteins. One central actin regulating protein is twinfilin. Twinfilin consists of two actin depolymerizing-factor homology (ADF-H) domains, which are capable of binding actin, and is conserved from yeast to mammals. Previously it has been shown that twinfilin binds to and sequesters G-actin, and interacts with the heterodimeric capping protein. More recently it has been found that twinfilin also binds to the fast growing actin filament ends and prevents their growth. However, the cellular role of twinfilin and the molecular mechanisms of these interactions have remained unclear. In this study we characterized the molecular mechanisms behind the functions of twinfilin. We demonstrated that twinfilin forms a high-affinity complex with ADP-bound actin monomers (ADP-G-actin). Both ADF-H domains are capable of binding G-actin, but the C-terminal domain contains the high-affinity binding site. Our biochemical analyses identified twinfilin s C-terminal tail region as the interaction site for capping protein. Contrary to G-actin binding, both ADF-H domains of twinfilin are required for the actin filament barbed end capping activity. The C-terminal domain is structurally homologous to ADF/cofilin and binds to filament sides in a similar manner, providing the main affinity for F-actin during barbed end capping. The structure of the N-terminal domain is more distant from ADF/cofilin, and thus it can only associate with G-actin or the terminal actin monomer at the filament barbed end, where it regulates twinfilin s affinity for barbed ends. These data suggest that the mechanism of barbed end capping is similar for twinfilin and gelsolin family proteins. Taken together, these studies revealed how twinfilin interacts with G-actin, filament barbed ends, and capping protein, and also provide a model for how these activities evolved through a duplication of an ancient ADF/cofilin-like domain.


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The Western European house mouse, Mus musculus domesticus, is well-known for the high frequency of Robertsonian fusions that have rapidly produced more than 50 karyotipic races, making it an ideal model for studying the mechanisms of chromosomal speciation. The mouse mandible is one of the traits studied most intensively to investigate the effect of Robertsonian fusions on phenotypic variation within and between populations. This complex bone structure has also been widely used to study the level of integration between different morphogenetic units. Here, with the aim of testing the effect of different karyotypic assets on the morphology of the mouse mandible and on its level of modularity, we performed morphometric analyses of mice from a contact area between two highly metacentric races in Central Italy. We found no difference in size, while the mandible shape was found to be different between the two Robertsonian races, even after accounting for the genetic relationships among individuals and geographic proximity. Our results support the existence of two modules that indicate a certain degree of evolutionary independence, but no difference in the strength of modularity between chromosomal races. Moreover, the ascending ramus showed more pronounced interpopulation/race phenotypic differences than the alveolar region, an effect that could be associated to their different polygenic architecture. This study suggests that chromosomal rearrangements play a role in the house mouse phenotypic divergence, and that the two modules of the mouse mandible are differentially affected by environmental factors and genetic makeup.


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This paper presents a new numerical integration technique oil arbitrary polygonal domains. The polygonal domain is mapped conformally to the unit disk using Schwarz-Christoffel mapping and a midpoint quadrature rule defined oil this unit disk is used. This method eliminates the need for a two-level isoparametric mapping Usually required. Moreover, the positivity of the Jacobian is guaranteed. Numerical results presented for a few benchmark problems in the context of polygonal finite elements show that the proposed method yields accurate results.


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The neuroectodermal tissue close to the midbrain hindbrain boundary (MHB) is an important secondary organizer in the developing neural tube. This so-called isthmic organizer (IsO) regulates cellular survival, patterning and proliferation in the midbrain (Mb) and rhombomere 1 (R1) of the hindbrain. Signaling molecules of the IsO, such as fibroblast growth factor 8 (FGF8) and WNT1 are expressed in distinct bands of cells around the MHB. It has been previously shown that FGF-receptor 1 (FGFR1) is required for the normal development of this brain region in the mouse embryo. In the present study, we have compared the gene expression profiles of wild-type and Fgfr1 mutant embryos. We show that the loss of Fgfr1 results in the downregulation of several genes expressed close to the MHB and in the disappearance of gene expression gradients in the midbrain and R1. Our microarray screen identified several previously uncharacterized genes which may participate in the development of midbrain R1 region. Our results also show altered neurogenesis in the midbrain and R1 of the Fgfr1 mutants. Interestingly, the neuronal progenitors in midbrain and R1 show different responses to the loss of signaling through FGFR1. As Wnt1 expression at the MHB region requires the FGF signaling pathway, WNT target genes, including Drapc1, were also identified in our screen. The microarray data analysis also suggested that the cells next to the midbrain hindbrain boundary express distinct cell cycle regulators. We showed that the cells close to the border appeared to have unique features. These cells proliferate less rapidly than the surrounding cells. Unlike the cells further away from the boundary, these cells express Fgfr1 but not the other FGF receptors. The slowly proliferating boundary cells are necessary for development of the characteristic isthmic constriction. They may also contribute to compartmentalization of this brain region.


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Plants constantly face adverse environmental conditions, such as drought or extreme temperatures that threaten their survival. They demonstrate astonishing metabolic flexibility in overcoming these challenges and one of the key responses to stresses is changes in gene expression leading to alterations in cellular functions. This is brought about by an intricate network of transcription factors and associated regulatory proteins. Protein-protein interactions and post-translational modifications are important steps in this control system along with carefully regulated degradation of signaling proteins. This work concentrates on the RADICAL-INDUCED CELL DEATH1 (RCD1) protein which is an important regulator of abiotic stress-related and developmental responses in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plants lacking this protein function display pleiotropic phenotypes including sensitivity to apoplastic reactive oxygen species (ROS) and salt, ultraviolet B (UV-B) and paraquat tolerance, early flowering and senescence. Additionally, the mutant plants overproduce nitric oxide, have alterations in their responses to several plant hormones and perturbations in gene expression profiles. The RCD1 gene is transcriptionally unresponsive to environmental signals and the regulation of the protein function is likely to happen post-translationally. RCD1 belongs to a small protein family and, together with its closest homolog SRO1, contains three distinguishable domains: In the N-terminus, there is a WWE domain followed by a poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-like domain which, despite sequence conservation, does not seem to be functional. The C-terminus of RCD1 contains a novel domain called RST. It is present in RCD1-like proteins throughout the plant kingdom and is able to mediate physical interactions with multiple transcription factors. In conclusion, RCD1 is a key point of signal integration that links ROS-mediated cues to transcriptional regulation by yet unidentified means, which are likely to include post-translational mechanisms. The identification of RCD1-interacting transcription factors, most of whose functions are still unknown, opens new avenues for studies on plant stress as well as developmental responses.


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The characterization and properties of trans-(X)-[RuX2(CO)(2)(alpha/beta-NaiPy)] (1, 2) (alpha-NaiPy (a), beta-NaiPy (b); X = Cl (1), I (2)) are described in this work. The structures are confirmed by single crystal X-ray diffraction studies. Reaction of these compounds with Me3NO in MeCN has isolated monocarbonyl trans-(X)-RuX2(CO)(MeCN)(alpha/beta-NaiPy)] (3, 4). The complexes show intense emission properties. Quantum yields of 1 and 2 (phi= 0.02-0.08) are higher than 3 and 4 (phi = 0.006-0.015). Voltammogram shows higher Ru(III)/Ru(II) (1.3-1.5 V) potential of 1 and 2 than that of 3 and 4 (0.8-0.9 V) that may be due to coordination of two pi-acidic CO groups in former. The electronic spectra and redox properties of the complexes are compared with the results obtained by density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) using polarizable continuum model (CPCM).


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In the present study, we identified a novel asthma susceptibility gene, NPSR1 (neuropeptide S receptor 1) on chromosome 7p14.3 by the positional cloning strategy. An earlier significant linkage mapping result among Finnish Kainuu asthma families was confirmed in two independent cohorts: in asthma families from Quebec, Canada and in allergy families from North Karelia, Finland. The linkage region was narrowed down to a 133-kb segment by a hierarchial genotyping method. The observed 77-kb haplotype block showed 7 haplotypes and a similar risk and nonrisk pattern in all three populations studied. All seven haplotypes occur in all three populations at frequences > 2%. Significant elevated relative risks were detected for elevated total IgE (immunoglobulin E) or asthma. Risk effects of the gene variants varied from 1.4 to 2.5. NPSR1 belongs to the G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) family with a topology of seven transmembrane domains. NPSR1 has 9 exons, with the two main transcripts, A and B, encoding proteins of 371 and 377 amino acids, respectively. We detected a low but ubiquitous expression level of NPSR1-B in various tissues and endogenous cell lines while NPSR1-A has a more restricted expression pattern. Both isoforms were expressed in the lung epithelium. We observed aberrant expression levels of NPSR1-B in smooth muscle in asthmatic bronchi as compared to healthy. In an experimental mouse model, the induced lung inflammation resulted in elevated Npsr1 levels. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the activation of NPSR1 with its endogenous agonist, neuropeptide S (NPS), resulted in a significant inhibition of the growth of NPSR1-A overexpressing stable cell lines (NPSR1-A cells). To determine which target genes were regulated by the NPS-NPSR1 pathway, NPSR1-A cells were stimulated with NPS, and differentially expressed genes were identified using the Affymetrix HGU133Plus2 GeneChip. A total of 104 genes were found significantly up-regulated and 42 down-regulated 6 h after NPS administration. The up-regulated genes included many neuronal genes and some putative susceptibility genes for respiratory disorders. By Gene Ontology enrichment analysis, the biological process terms, cell proliferation, morphogenesis and immune response were among the most altered. The expression of four up-regulated genes, matrix metallopeptidase 10 (MMP10), INHBA (activin A), interleukin 8 (IL8) and EPH receptor A2 (EPHA2), were verified and confirmed by quantitative reverse-transcriptase-PCR. In conclusion, we identified a novel asthma susceptibility gene, NPSR1, on chromosome 7p14.3. NPS-NPSR1 represents a novel pathway that regulates cell proliferation and immune responses, and thus may have functional relevance in the pathogenesis of asthma.


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Solvothermal treatment of an equimolar mixture of Co(NO3)(2)center dot 6H(2)O, HCONH2 and NaN3 in MeOH at 100 degrees C yielded a three-dimensional NaCl type network Co(HCOO)(2)(HCONH2)(2) center dot HCONH2 (1a) containing formamides in the pores of the structure. Solvated pink 1a undergoes single crystal-to-single crystal (SCSC) transformation at 215 degrees C to form the desolvated dark brown product Co(HCOO)(2)-( HCONH2)(2) (1b) with the retention of the original framework. Reversible single crystal-to-single crystal transformation of 1b (brown) to 1a (pink) in the presence of excess formamide was also established at room temperature. The coordination environment around Co(II) in both 1a and 1b is octahedral with a CoN2O4 coordination composition. A similar reaction replacing Co(II) by Cr(III) produced a heterometallic 3D extended network Na[Cr(HCOO)(4)(HCONH2)(2)]center dot 2H(2)O (2a) at 100 degrees C. An increase in reaction temperature to 150 degrees C produced a simple mononuclear complex Cr(HCOO)(3)(HCONH2)(3) center dot 3H(2)O (2b). Variable temperature magnetic studies revealed the presence of a canting phenomena in both 1a and 1b, and hysteresis loop in the field dependent magnetisation plot at 2 K whereas complex 2a is simply paramagnetic in nature.


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Hematopoietic malignancies like leukemia and lymphoma are characteristically associated with various chromosomal translocations. Follicular lymphoma (FL) and mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) are two subtypes of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma which possess t(14;18) and t(11;14) translocations, respectively. The incidence of FL and MCL is higher in the western countries as compared to India. Interestingly, the associated translocations are also found in healthy individuals in western population, which is 50-80% for t(14;18), whereas t(11;14) occurs at a very low frequency. However, there are no studies to explore thes translocations in healthy Indian population, which could explain the lower incidence of FL and MCL. We employed Southern hybridization following nested PCR to detect above translocations in healthy individuals from India. Our results suggest that this assay can detect one t(14;18) translocation event in up to 10(7) normal cells where as one t(11;14) in 10(8) normal cells. According to our results, 87 out of 253 individuals carry t(14;18) indicating 34% prevalence in the population. The presence of this translocation was also detectable at the transcript level. Although, no gender-based difference was observed, an age-dependent increase in the prevalence of translocation was found in adults. However, even after studying 210 people, we could not detect any t(11;14) translocation, indicating that it is uncommon in Indian population. These results suggest that lower incidence of FL and MCL in India could be attributed to lower prevalence of these translocations in healthy individuals.


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Parent involvement is widely accepted as being associated with children’s improved educational outcomes. However, the role of early school-based parent involvement is still being established. This study investigated the mediating role of self-regulated learning behaviors in the relationship between early school-based parent involvement and children’s academic achievement, using data from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (N = 2616). Family socioeconomic position, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status, language background, child gender and cognitive competence, were controlled, as well home and community based parent involvement activity in order to derive a more confident interpretation of the results. Structural equation modeling analyses showed that children’s self-regulated learning behaviors fully mediated the relationships between school-based parent involvement at Grade 1 and children’s reading achievement at Grade 3. Importantly, these relationships were evident for children across all socio-economic backgrounds. Although there was no direct relationship between parent involvement at Grade 1 and numeracy achievement at Grade 3, parent involvement was indirectly associated with higher children’s numeracy achievement through children’s self-regulation of learning behaviors, though this relationship was stronger for children from middle and higher socio-economic backgrounds. Implications for policy and practice are discussed, and further research recommended.