722 resultados para Chirp sonar
Comunicación presentada en el I Congrés Català d’Intel·ligència Artificial, Tarragona, Octubre de 1998.
East Lake, located at Cape Bounty (Melville Island, Canadian High Arctic), was mapped using a high-resolution swath bathymetric sonar and a 12 kHz sub-bottom profiler, allowing for the first time the imaging of widespread occurrence of mass movement deposits (MMDs) in a Canadian High Arctic Lake. Mass movements occurred mostly on steep slopes located away from deltaic sedimentation. The marine to lacustrine transition in the sediment favours the generation of mass movements where the underlying massive mud appears to act as a gliding surface for the overlying varved deposits. Based on acoustic stratigraphy, we have identified at least two distinct events that triggered failures in the lake during the last 2000 years. The synchronicity of multiple failures and their widespread distribution suggest a seismic origin that could be related to the nearby Gustaf-Lougheed Arch seismic zone. Further sedimentological investigations on the MMDs are however required to confirm their age and origin.
Based on data from R/V Polarstern multibeam sonar surveys between 1984 and 1997 a high resolution bathymetry has been generated for the central Fram Strait. The area ensonified covers approx. 36,500 sqkm between 78°N - 80°N and 0°E - 7.5°E. Basic outcome of the investigation is a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) with 100 m grid spacing which was utilized for contouring and generation of a new series of bathymetric charts at a scale of 1:100,000, the AWI Bathymetric Chart of the Fram Strait (AWI BCFS).
The research cruise SO79 with RV SONNE (April 18 to June 09 1992) aimed to assess the impact of a potential mining activity on the sensitive deep-sea ecosystem of the Peru Basin. Up to now only results of reconnaissance surveys of the extended manganese nodule field discovered in 1978 in the Peru Basin are available. The hydroacoustic, sedimentological, and geochemical studies on data and sample material of SO79 came to the following results: a small-scaled variation in thickness respectively type of surface sediments shown by the sediment echosounder respectively the side-scan-sonar is assumably due to variations in deposition or erosion. The composition of sediments is controlled by climatic cycles of different length which were caused by the variable influence of glaciation of the northern hemisphere. We think that during the quaternary a deep-water circulation reduced in intensity and O2-content may have produced a suboxic diagenetic environment which led to a remobilization and redeposition of Mn forming manganese nodules in the oxic surface sediments. Near the distinct redox boundary at about 10 cm depth the growth conditions for nodules are extremely favourable. Due to the great variability of sediments the impact of deep-sea mining will be highly variable and the disturbance of the seafloor will change the ecosystem considerably.
The flow of ice streams, which account for most discharge from large ice sheets, is controlled by processes operating at their bed. Data from modern ice stream beds are difficult to obtain, but where ice advanced onto continental shelves during glacial periods extensive areas of the former bed can be imaged using modern swath sonar tools. We present new multibeam swath bathymetry data analyzed alongside sparse pre-existing data from the Amundsen Sea Embayment. The compilation is the most extensive, continuous area of multibeam data coverage yet obtained on the inner continental shelf of Antarctica. The data reveal streamlined subglacial bedforms that define a zone of paleo-ice stream convergence but, in contrast to previous models, do not show a simple down-flow progression of bedform types along paleo-ice stream troughs. We interpret high spatial variability of bedforms as indicating a complex mechanical and hydrodynamic regime at the former ice stream beds, consistent with observations from some modern ice streams. We conclude that care must be taken when using bedforms to infer paleo-ice stream velocities.
First line: Il lugubre sonar d'una campana.
"Nobsr-93055. Project serial no. SF-101-03-21. Task 11353."
Mode of access: Internet.
Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445
Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445
La Sequenza Sismica Emiliana del 2012 ha colpito la zona compresa tra Mirandola e Ferrara con notevoli manifestazioni cosismiche e post-sismiche secondarie, soprattutto legate al fenomeno della liquefazione delle sabbie e alla formazione di fratturazioni superficiali del terreno. A fronte del fatto che la deformazione principale, osservata tramite tecniche di remote-sensing, ha permesso di individuare la posizione della struttura generatrice, ci si è interrogati sul rapporto tra strutture profonde e manifestazioni secondarie superficiali. In questa tesi è stato svolto un lavoro di integrazione di dati a varia scala, dalla superficie al sottosuolo, fino profondità di alcuni chilometri, per analizzare il legame tra le strutture geologiche che hanno generato il sisma e gli effetti superficiali percepiti dagli osservatori. Questo, non solo in riferimento allo specifico del sisma emiliano del 2012, ma al fine di trarre utili informazioni in una prospettiva storica e geologica sugli effetti di un terremoto “tipico”, in una regione dove le strutture generatrici non affiorano in superficie. Gli elementi analizzati comprendono nuove acquisizioni e rielaborazioni di dati pregressi, e includono cartografie geomorfologiche, telerilevamenti, profili sismici a riflessione superficiale e profonda, stratigrafie e informazioni sulla caratterizzazione dell’area rispetto al rischio sismico. Parte dei dati di nuova acquisizione è il risultato dello sviluppo e la sperimentazione di metodologie innovative di prospezione sismica in corsi e specchi d’acqua continentali, che sono state utilizzate con successo lungo il Cavo Napoleonico, un canale artificiale che taglia ortogonalmente la zona di massima deformazione del sisma del 20 Maggio. Lo sviluppo della nuova metodologia di indagine geofisica, applicata ad un caso concreto, ha permesso di migliorare le tecniche di imaging del sottosuolo, oltre a segnalare nuove evidenze co-sismiche che rimanevano nascoste sotto le acque del canale, e a fornire elementi utili alla stratigrafia del terreno. Il confronto tra dati geofisici e dati geomorfologici ha permesso di cartografare con maggiore dettaglio i corpi e le forme sedimentarie superficiali legati alla divagazione fluviale dall’VIII sec a.C.. I dati geofisici, superficiali e profondi, hanno evidenziato il legame tra le strutture sismogeniche e le manifestazioni superficiali seguite al sisma emiliano. L’integrazione dei dati disponibili, sia nuovi che da letteratura, ha evidenziato il rapporto tra strutture profonde e sedimentazione, e ha permesso di calcolare i tassi geologici di sollevamento della struttura generatrice del sisma del 20 Maggio. I risultati di questo lavoro hanno implicazioni in vari ambiti, tra i quali la valutazione del rischio sismico e la microzonazione sismica, basata su una caratterizzazione geomorfologico-geologico-geofisica dettagliata dei primi 20 metri al di sotto della superficie topografica. Il sisma emiliano del 2012 ha infatti permesso di riconoscere l’importanza del substrato per lo sviluppo di fenomeni co- e post-sismici secondari, in un territorio fortemente eterogeneo come la Pianura Padana.
We discuss the Application of TAP mean field methods known from Statistical Mechanics of disordered systems to Bayesian classification with Gaussian processes. In contrast to previous applications, no knowledge about the distribution of inputs is needed. Simulation results for the Sonar data set are given.
We propose a new type of fiber Bragg grating (FBG) with a V-shaped dispersion profile. We demonstrate that such V-shaped FBGs bring advantages in manipulation of optical signals compared to conventional FBGs with a constant dispersion, e.g., they can produce larger chirp for the same input pulsewidth and/or can be used as pulse shapers. Application of the proposed V-shaped FBGs for signal prechirping in fiber transmission is examined. The proposed design of the V-shaped FBG can be easily extended to embrace multichannel devices.
This thesis discusses the need for nondestructive testing and highlights some of the limitations in present day techniques. Special interest has been given to ultrasonic examination techniques and the problems encountered when they are applied to thick welded plates. Some suggestions are given using signal processing methods. Chapter 2 treats the need for nondestructive testing as seen in the light of economy and safety. A short review of present day techniques in nondestructive testing is also given. The special problems using ultrasonic techniques for welded structures is discussed in Chapter 3 with some examples of elastic wave propagation in welded steel. The limitations in applying sophisticated signal processing techniques to ultrasonic NDT~ mainly found in the transducers generating or receiving the ultrasound. Chapter 4 deals with the different transducers used. One of the difficulties with ultrasonic testing is the interpretation of the signals encountered. Similar problems might be found with SONAR/RADAR techniques and Chapter 5 draws some analogies between SONAR/RADAR and ultrasonic nondestructive testing. This chapter also includes a discussion on some on the techniques used in signal processing in general. A special signal processing technique found useful is cross-correlation detection and this technique is treated in Chapter 6. Electronic digital compute.rs have made signal processing techniques easier to implement -Chapter 7 discusses the use of digital computers in ultrasonic NDT. Experimental equipment used to test cross-correlation detection of ultrasonic signals is described in Chapter 8. Chapter 9 summarises the conclusions drawn during this investigation.