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Long Stay Activity Report for 2006 This report presents data collected through a survey of long-stay units in 2006. The aim of the survey is to provide statistics on the number of beds available for long-term care, how the beds are used and the types of patients who occupy these beds. In order to present the data this report has been divided into a number of sections. This introductory section examines how data was collected and analysed and gives a summary of the results. Click here to download PDF 2mb


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Medical Card for Over 70s: Fees payable to General Practitioners (Sullivan Report) In the context of the Government decision to end the arrangements whereby medical cards are issued automatically, without a means test, to all those aged 70 and over, a new income threshold was set and the Government decided to introduce a new single capitation rate payable in respect of patients aged 70 and over. I was asked to recommend a new rate for consideration by the Minister for Health & Children and the Government. Click here to download PDF 58kb


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National Council on Ageing and Older People – Annual Report 2008 2008 was a year of change for the National Council on Ageing and Older People. In January the Government announced the establishment of the Office for Older People at the Department of Health and Children and that the Office would have a key role in progressing the Governmentâ?Ts agenda for older people. The decision provided that Council staff would be transferred to the Office and that the Council would be replaced by an Advisory Council. Although a sad day for the Council itself, we regard this as a significant step forward in bringing older peopleâ?Ts issues right to the centre of Government policy-making. Click here to download PDF 333kb


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24.6.2008 National Office of Suicide Prevention Annual Report 2007 Suicidal behaviour remains a significant public health problem in Ireland. Nearly 11,000 self harm presentations were made to our Emergency Departments in 2007. The latest year of occurrence data for 2005 shows the number of recorded suicides at 481, slightly lower than previous years. As our population has increased our overall rate of suicide has reduced, although our rate of youth suicide remains the 5th highest in Europe. However, we should be encouraged by the self harm and year of occurrence suicide data which although not yet indicating significant downward trends are perhaps beginning to reflect the impact of the work undertaken in the last few years. Click here to download PDF 1.8mb


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National Therapy Research Strategy The Expert Group Report on Various Health Professionals (2000) recommended that the Therapy Advisory Unit in the Department of Health and Children once established, take a lead role in determining how best to improve the quality of therapy services. The Therapy Advisory Unit was established in 2004 and advises the Minister on six therapy professions including; Dietetics, Orthoptics, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Podiatry/Chiropody and Speech and Language Therapy. Click here to download PDF 3.4mb


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Report of the Department of Health and Children to the Oireachtas Under Section 2 (5) of the European Union (Scrutiny) Act, 2002 – Jan to June 2008 Under the terms of the European Union (Scrutiny Act) 2002, Ministers submit reports to the Oireachtas every six months on developments at European Union level in their area of responsibility. This report summarises the key legislative and policy developments during the first six months of 2008. Slovenia held the Presidency of the European Union during this period. Information on the Slovenian Presidency can be accessed at: Click here to download PDF


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Report of the Implementation Group on Alcohol Misuse The Implementation Group was formed to monitor and report on progress on the implementation of the recommendations contained in the report â?oWorking Together to Reduce the Harms Caused by Alcohol Misuseâ?T. This report was produced by a Working Group established under the Sustaining Progress Special Initiative on Alcohol and Drugs Misuse. The Working Group, which comprised Social Partners and relevant Government Departments and Agencies, Click here to download PDF: 84kb


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Report of the Independent Body on Pharmacy Contract Pricing On 18 February 2008 the Minister for Health and Children announced the appointment of an Independent Body to recommend a new, interim community pharmacy dispensing fee for the General Medical Service (GMS), Drugs Payment Scheme (DPS) and other community drug schemes.The Terms of Reference for the Independent Body on Pharmacy Contract Pricing are as follows: â?oTo advise the Minister for Health and Children on the appropriate level of dispensing fee to be paid to community pharmacists for existing services provided under the GMS and community drug schemes having regard to: Click here to download PDF: 110kb


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Report of the Interdepartmental Working Group on Long Term Care, 2006 This report was finalised by the working group at the end of 2005 and submitted to Government in January 2006. While the reportâ?Ts proposals were not formally endorsed by Government, its analysis and recommendations have informed subsequent decisions, including the Fair Deal policy on Long-Term Nursing Home Care.The principles underpinning the report formed the basis for discussions about long term care with the Social Partners prior to the new national programme negotiations leading to a clear vision articulated in Towards 2016 on a number of priority actions to support older people to participate in society in a full and meaningful way. Click here to download PDF 693kb


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Report of the the National Health Consultative Forum 2008 The National Health Consultative Forum was convened by the Minister under Part 8 of The Health Act, 2004. This was the second National Health Consultative to be convened under the Act, to advise the Minister on matters relating to the provision of health and personal social services. The theme for the 2008 Forum, which was chaired by Dr. John Bowman was: Best practice in change programmes having particular regard to the move from hospital to community based health services, incorporating current thinking on innovative practices and flexible working ways. Click here to download PDF 1.7mb


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Report on the Independent Review of Symptomatic Breast Care Services at Barringtons Hospital, Limerick This independent review was established by Barringtons Hospital and the Department of Health and Children following concerns which had been raised about the standard of symptomatic breast care including cancer services at the Hospital. The terms of reference for the review are included at Appendix 1. An independent review team was established under the chairmanship of Dr Henrietta Campbell. The membership is listed at Appendix 2. Click here to download PDF 152kb


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SLÃÂÅN 2007: Dietary Habits of the Irish Population The third national Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition (SLÃÂÅN) was conducted in 2007, following previous surveys in 1998 and 2002. The 2007 SLÃÂÅN survey involved a nationally representative sample of 10,364 respondents (62% response rate), of whom 9,223 (89%) completed a standard Willett Food Frequency Questionnaire adapted for use in the Irish population. Click here to download PDF 4mb


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In December 2005, the Minister for Health and Children set up the Alcohol Marketing Communications Monitoring Body (the Monitoring Body) to oversee the implementation of and adherence to the Voluntary Codes of Practice to limit the exposure of young people to alcohol advertising. These Codes were agreed between the Department of Health and Children and representatives of the advertising, drinks and media communications industries. Click here to download PDF 146kb


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This is the third national Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition (SLÃÂÅN) in Ireland, conducted in 2007 using face-to-face interviews with adults aged 18 years or over, interviewed at home addresses. SLÃÂÅN 2007 follows on from two previous surveys using postal questionnaires in 1998, involving 6,539 respondents with a 62% response rate, and in 2002, involving 5,992 respondents with a 53% response rate. Click here to download PDF 875kb


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During the period covered by our last Statement of Strategy, fundamental changes were made to the structures and organisation of our health services. Most notably, the Health Service Executive (HSE) was established, and given statutory responsibility to use the resources available to it in the most beneficial, effective, and efficient manner to improve, promote and protect the health and welfare of the public. The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) was established to help drive continuous improvement in Ireland's health and social care services. Click here to download PDF 464kb