960 resultados para Cesalpino, Andrea, 1524 or 5-1603.
Endonuclease III from Escherichia coli, yeast (yNtg1p and yNtg2p) and human and E.coli endonuclease VIII have a wide substrate specificity, and recognize oxidation products of both thymine and cytosine. DNA containing single dihydrouracil (DHU) and tandem DHU lesions were used as substrates for these repair enzymes. It was found that yNtg1p prefers DHU/G and exhibits much weaker enzymatic activity towards DNA containing a DHU/A pair. However, yNtg2p, E.coli and human endonuclease III and E.coli endonuclease VIII activities were much less sensitive to the base opposite the lesion. Although these enzymes efficiently recognize single DHU lesions, they have limited capacity for completely removing this damaged base when DHU is present on duplex DNA as a tandem pair. Both E.coli endonuclease III and yeast yNtg1p are able to remove only one DHU in DNA containing tandem lesions, leaving behind a single DHU at either the 3′- or 5′-terminus of the cleaved fragment. On the other hand, yeast yNtg2p can remove DHU remaining on the 5′-terminus of the 3′ cleaved fragment, but is unable to remove DHU remaining on the 3′-terminus of the cleaved 5′ fragment. In contrast, both human endonuclease III and E.coli endonuclease VIII can remove DHU remaining on the 3′-terminus of a cleaved 5′ fragment, but are unable to remove DHU remaining on the 5′-terminus of a cleaved 3′ fragment. Tandem lesions are known to be generated by ionizing radiation and agents that generate reactive oxygen species. The fact that these repair glycosylases have only a limited ability to remove the DHU remaining at the terminus suggests that participation of other repair enzymes is required for the complete removal of tandem lesions before repair synthesis can be efficiently performed by DNA polymerase.
Clustered damages are formed in DNA by ionising radiation and radiomimetic anticancer agents and are thought to be biologically severe. 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG), a major DNA damage resulting from oxidative attack, is highly mutagenic leading to a high level of G·C→T·A transversions if not previously excised by OGG1 DNA glycosylase/AP lyase proteins in eukaryotes. However, 8-oxoG within clustered DNA damage may present a challenge to the repair machinery of the cell. The ability of yeast OGG1 to excise 8-oxoG was determined when another type of damage [dihydrothymine, uracil, 8-oxoG, abasic (AP) site or various types of single-strand breaks (SSBs)] is present on the complementary strand 1, 3 or 5 bases 5′ or 3′ opposite to 8-oxoG. Base damages have little or no influence on the excision of 8-oxoG by yeast OGG1 (yOGG1) whereas an AP site has a strong inhibitory effect. Various types of SSBs, obtained using either oligonucleotides with 3′- and 5′-phosphate termini around a gap or through conversion of an AP site with either endonuclease III or human AP endonuclease 1, strongly inhibit excision of 8-oxoG by yOGG1. Therefore, this large inhibitory effect of an AP site or a SSB may minimise the probability of formation of a double-strand break in the processing of 8-oxoG within clustered damages.
Ligands acting at the benzodiazepine (BZ) site of γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptors currently are the most widely used hypnotics. BZs such as diazepam (Dz) potentiate GABAA receptor activation. To determine the GABAA receptor subtypes that mediate the hypnotic action of Dz wild-type mice and mice that harbor Dz-insensitive α1 GABAA receptors [α1 (H101R) mice] were compared. Sleep latency and the amount of sleep after Dz treatment were not affected by the point mutation. An initial reduction of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep also occurred equally in both genotypes. Furthermore, the Dz-induced changes in the sleep and waking electroencephalogram (EEG) spectra, the increase in power density above 21 Hz in non-REM sleep and waking, and the suppression of slow-wave activity (SWA; EEG power in the 0.75- to 4.0-Hz band) in non-REM sleep were present in both genotypes. Surprisingly, these effects were even more pronounced in α1(H101R) mice and sleep continuity was enhanced by Dz only in the mutants. Interestingly, Dz did not affect the initial surge of SWA at the transitions to sleep, indicating that the SWA-generating mechanisms are not impaired by the BZ. We conclude that the REM sleep inhibiting action of Dz and its effect on the EEG spectra in sleep and waking are mediated by GABAA receptors other than α1, i.e., α2, α3, or α5 GABAA receptors. Because α1 GABAA receptors mediate the sedative action of Dz, our results provide evidence that the hypnotic effect of Dz and its EEG “fingerprint” can be dissociated from its sedative action.
We have studied the HA1 domain of 254 human influenza A(H3N2) virus genes for clues that might help identify characteristics of hemagglutinins (HAs) of circulating strains that are predictive of that strain’s epidemic potential. Our preliminary findings include the following. (i) The most parsimonious tree found requires 1,260 substitutions of which 712 are silent and 548 are replacement substitutions. (ii) The HA1 portion of the HA gene is evolving at a rate of 5.7 nucleotide substitutions/year or 5.7 × 10−3 substitutions/site per year. (iii) The replacement substitutions are distributed randomly across the three positions of the codon when allowance is made for the number of ways each codon can change the encoded amino acid. (iv) The replacement substitutions are not distributed randomly over the branches of the tree, there being 2.2 times more changes per tip branch than for non-tip branches. This result is independent of how the virus was amplified (egg grown or kidney cell grown) prior to sequencing or if sequencing was carried out directly on the original clinical specimen by PCR. (v) These excess changes on the tip branches are probably the result of a bias in the choice of strains to sequence and the detection of deleterious mutations that had not yet been removed by negative selection. (vi) There are six hypervariable codons accumulating replacement substitutions at an average rate that is 7.2 times that of the other varied codons. (vii) The number of variable codons in the trunk branches (the winners of the competitive race against the immune system) is 47 ± 5, significantly fewer than in the twigs (90 ± 7), which in turn is significantly fewer variable codons than in tip branches (175 ± 8). (viii) A minimum of one of every 12 branches has nodes at opposite ends representing viruses that reside on different continents. This is, however, no more than would be expected if one were to randomly reassign the continent of origin of the isolates. (ix) Of 99 codons with at least four mutations, 31 have ratios of non-silent to silent changes with probabilities less than 0.05 of occurring by chance, and 14 of those have probabilities <0.005. These observations strongly support positive Darwinian selection. We suggest that the small number of variable positions along the successful trunk lineage, together with knowledge of the codons that have shown positive selection, may provide clues that permit an improved prediction of which strains will cause epidemics and therefore should be used for vaccine production.
Two distinct cDNA clones encoding for the glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) isoenzymes GAD1 and GAD2 from Arabidopsis (L.) Heynh. were characterized. The open reading frames for GAD1 and GAD2 were expressed in Escherichia coli and the recombinant proteins were purified by affinity chromatography. Analysis of the recombinant proteins by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblot analysis suggest that GAD1 and GAD2 encode for 58- and 56-kD peptides, respectively. The enzymatic activities of the pure recombinant GAD1 and GAD2 proteins were stimulated 35- and 13-fold, respectively, by Ca2+/calmodulin but not by Ca2+ or calmodulin alone. Southern-blot analysis of genomic DNA suggests that there is only one copy of each gene in Arabidopsis. The GAD1 transcript and a corresponding 58-kD peptide were detected in roots only. Conversely, the GAD2 transcript and a corresponding 56-kD peptide were detected in all organs tested. The specific activity, GAD2 transcript, and 56-kD peptide increased in leaves of plants treated with 10 mm NH4Cl, 5 mm NH4NO3, 5 mm glutamic acid, or 5 mm glutamine as the sole nitrogen source compared with samples from plants treated with 10 mm KNO3. The results from these experiments suggest that in leaves GAD activity is partially controlled by gene expression or RNA stability. Results from preliminary analyses of different tissues imply that these tendencies were not the same in flower stalks and flowers, suggesting that other factors may control GAD activity in these organs. The results from this investigation demonstrate that GAD activity in leaves is altered by different nitrogen treatments, suggesting that GAD2 may play a unique role in nitrogen metabolism.
In Xenopus egg extracts, DNA strand breaks (nicks) located 3' or 5' to a mismatch cause an overall 3-fold stimulation of the repair of the mismatch in circular heteroduplex DNA molecules. The increase in mismatch repair is almost entirely due to an increase in repair of the nicked strand, which is stimulated 5-fold. Repair synthesis is centered to the mismatch site, decreases symmetrically on both sides, and its position is not significantly altered by the presence of the nick. Therefore, it appears that in the Xenopus germ cells, the mismatch repair system utilizes nicks as signals for the induction and direction of mismatch repair, but not as the start or end point for excision and resynthesis.
A combination of psoralen and ultraviolet A radiation (PUVA) is widely used in the treatment of psoriasis. However, PUVA treatment increases the risk of developing skin cancer in psoriasis patients and induces skin cancer in mice. Since the DNA damage induced by PUVA is quite different from that induced by UV, we investigated whether PUVA-induced mouse skin cancers display carcinogen-specific mutations in the p53 tumor suppressor gene. The results indicated that 10 of 13 (77%) PUVA-induced skin tumors contained missense mutations predominantly at exons 6 and 7. In contrast, tumor-adjacent, PUVA-exposed skin from tumor-bearing animals did not exhibit p53 mutation in exons 4-8. Interestingly, about 40% of all mutations in PUVA-induced skin tumors occurred at 5'-TA sites, and an equal number of mutations occurred at one base flanking 5'TA or 5'-TAT sites. Since PUVA induces DNA cross-links exclusively at these sites and since UV "signature" mutations were rarely detected in PUVA-induced skin cancers, we can conclude that PUVA acts as a carcinogen by inducing unique PUVA signature mutations in p53. This finding may have implications for identifying the etiology of skin cancer in psoriasis patients who have undergone PUVA therapy.
The Mn K-edge x-ray absorption spectra for the pure S states of the tetranuclear Mn cluster of the oxygen-evolving complex of photosystem II during flash-induced S-state cycling have been determined. The relative S-state populations in samples given 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 flashes were determined from fitting the flash-induced electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) multiline signal oscillation pattern to the Kok model. The edge spectra of samples given 0, 1, 2, or 3 flashes were combined with EPR information to calculate the pure S-state edge spectra. The edge positions (defined as the zero-crossing of the second derivatives) are 6550.1, 6551.7, 6553.5, and 6553.8 eV for S0, S1, S2, and S3, respectively. In addition to the shift in edge position, the S0--> S1 and S1--> S2 transitions are accompanied by characteristic changes in the shape of the edge, both indicative of Mn oxidation. The edge position shifts very little (0.3 eV) for the S2--> S3 transition, and the edge shape shows only subtle changes. We conclude that probably no direct Mn oxidation is involved in this transition. The proposed Mn oxidation state assignments are as follows: S0 (II, III, IV, IV) or (III, III, III, IV), S1 (III, III, IV, IV), S2 (III, IV, IV, IV), S3 (III, IV, IV, IV).
A major goal of experimental and clinical hematology is the identification of mechanisms and conditions that support the expansion of transplantable hematopoietic stem cells. In normal marrow, such cells appear to be identical to (or represent a subset of) a population referred to as long-term-culture-initiating cells (LTC-ICs) so-named because of their ability to produce colony-forming cell (CFC) progeny for > or = 5 weeks when cocultured with stromal fibroblasts. Some expansion of LTC-ICs in vitro has recently been described, but identification of the factors required and whether LTC-IC self-renewal divisions are involved have remained unresolved issues. To address these issues, we examined the maintenance and/or generation of LTC-ICs from single CD34+ CD38- cells cultured for variable periods under different culture conditions. Analysis of the progeny obtained from cultures containing a feeder layer of murine fibroblasts engineered to produce steel factor, interleukin (IL)-3, and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor showed that approximately 20% of the input LTC-ICs (representing approximately 2% of the original CD34+ CD38- cells) executed self-renewal divisions within a 6-week period. Incubation of the same CD34+ CD38- starting populations as single cells in a defined (serum free) liquid medium supplemented with Flt-3 ligand, steel factor, IL-3, IL-6, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, and nerve growth factor resulted in the proliferation of initial cells to produce clones of from 4 to 1000 cells within 10 days, approximately 40% of which included > or = 1 LTC-IC. In contrast, in similar cultures containing methylcellulose, input LTC-ICs appeared to persist but not divide. Overall the LTC-IC expansion in the liquid cultures was 30-fold in the first 10 days and 50-fold by the end of another 1-3 weeks. Documentation of human LTC-IC self-renewal in vitro and identification of defined conditions that permit their extensive and rapid amplification should facilitate analysis of the molecular mechanisms underlying these processes and their exploitation for a variety of therapeutic applications.
The role of basolateral membrane Na+/H+ exchange in transepithelial HCO3- absorption (JHCO3) was examined in the isolated, perfused medullary thick ascending limb (MTAL) of the rat. In Na(+)-free solutions, addition of Na+ to the bath resulted in a rapid, amiloride-sensitive increase in intracellular pH. In MTALs perfused and bathed with solutions containing 146 mM Na+ and 25 mM HCO3-, bath addition of amiloride (1 mM) or 5-(N-ethyl-N-isopropyl) amiloride (EIPA, 50 microM) reversibly inhibited JHCO3 by 50%. Evidence that the inhibition of JHCO3 by bath amiloride was the result of inhibition of Na+/H+ exchange included the following: (i) the IC50 for amiloride was 5-10 microM, (ii) EIPA was a 50-fold more potent inhibitor than amiloride, (iii) the inhibition by bath amiloride was Na+ dependent, and (iv) significant inhibition was observed with EIPA as low as 0.1 microM. Fifty micromolar amiloride or 1 microM EIPA inhibited JHCO3 by 35% when added to the bath but had no effect when added to the tubule lumen, indicating that addition of amiloride to the bath did not directly inhibit apical membrane Na+/H+ exchange. In experiments in which apical Na+/H+ exchange was assessed from the initial rate of cell acidification following luminal EIPA addition, bath EIPA secondarily inhibited apical Na+/H+ exchange activity by 46%. These results demonstrate basolateral membrane Na+/H+ exchange enhances transepithelial HCO3- absorption in the MTAL. This effect appears to be the result of cross-talk in which an increase in basolateral membrane Na+/H+ exchange activity secondarily increases apical membrane Na+/H+ exchange activity.
The bithorax complex (BX-C) of Drosophila, one of two complexes that act as master regulators of the body plan of the fly, has now been entirely sequenced and comprises approximately 315,000 bp, only 1.4% of which codes for protein. Analysis of this sequence reveals significantly overrepresented DNA motifs of unknown, as well as known, functions in the non-protein-coding portion of the sequence. The following types of motifs in that portion are analyzed: (i) concatamers of mono-, di-, and trinucleotides; (ii) tightly clustered hexanucleotides (spaced < or = 5 bases apart); (iii) direct and reverse repeats longer than 20 bp; and (iv) a number of motifs known from biochemical studies to play a role in the regulation of the BX-C. The hexanucleotide AGATAC is remarkably overrepresented and is surmised to play a role in chromosome pairing. The positions of sites of highly overrepresented motifs are plotted for those that occur at more than five sites in the sequence, when < 0.5 case is expected. Expected values are based on a third-order Markov chain, which is the optimal order for representing the BXCALL sequence.
We report here on the ability of IDRA 21 and aniracetam, two negative allosteric modulators of glutamate-induced DL-alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptor desensitization, to attenuate alprazolam-induced learning deficit in patas monkeys working in a complex behavioral task. In one component of a multiple schedule (repeated acquisition or "learning"), patas monkeys acquired a different four-response chain each session by responding sequentially on three keys in the presence of four discriminative stimuli (geometric forms or numerals). In the other component (performance) the four-response chain was the same each session. The response chain in each component was maintained by food presentation under a fixed-ratio schedule. When alprazolam (0.1 or 0.32 mg/kg p.o.) was administered alone, this full allosteric modulator of gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptors produced large decreases in the response rate and accuracy in the learning component of the task. IDRA 21 (3 or 5.6 mg/kg p.o.) and aniracetam (30 mg/kg p.o.) administered 60 min before alprazolam, having no effect when given alone, antagonized the large disruptive effects of alprazolam on learning. From dose-response studies, it can be estimated that IDRA 21 is approximately 10-fold more potent than aniracetam in antagonizing alprazolam-induced learning deficit. We conclude that IDRA 21, a chemically unrelated pharmacological congener of aniracetam, improves learning deficit induced in patas monkeys by the increase of GABAergic tone elicited by alprazolam. Very likely IDRA 21 exerts its behavioral effects by antagonizing AMPA receptor desensitization.
The neural basis for perceptual grouping operations in the human visual system, including the processes which generate illusory contours, is fundamental to understanding human vision. We have employed functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate these processes noninvasively. Images were acquired on a GE Signa 1.5T scanner equipped for echo planar imaging with an in-plane resolution of 1.5 x 1.5 mm and slice thicknesses of 3.0 or 5.0 mm. Visual stimuli included nonaligned inducers (pacmen) that created no perceptual contours, similar inducers at the corners of a Kanizsa square that created illusory contours, and a real square formed by continuous contours. Multiple contiguous axial slices were acquired during baseline, visual stimulation, and poststimulation periods. Activated regions were identified by a multistage statistical analysis of the activation for each volume element sampled and were compared across conditions. Specific brain regions were activated in extrastriate cortex when the illusory contours were perceived but not during conditions when the illusory contours were absent. These unique regions were found primarily in the right hemisphere for all four subjects and demonstrate that specific brain regions are activated during the kind of perceptual grouping operations involved in illusory contour perception.
We report the long-term modulation of K+ channels by cAMP in cultured murine colliculi neurons. A short (1-2 s) application of 8-Br-cAMP induced a long-lasting broadening of the action potential, a loss of after-hyperpolarization, and a reduction in spike accommodation. In agreement with these changes, 8-Br-cAMP produced a long-lasting (2 hr) inhibition of a K+ current. These effects were also observed after a short activation of the pituitary adenylyl cyclase-activating polypeptide, beta-adrenergic, and 5-hydroxytryptamine type 4 (5-HT4) receptors, all known to increase cAMP. A transient activation of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase and a long-lasting inhibition of phosphatases (up to 2 hr) were detected. The blockade of the K+ current resulting from a brief application of 8-Br-cAMP or 5-hydroxytryptamine was prolonged from 2 to 4 hr when protein-serine/threonine phosphatases 1 and 2A were inhibited with 10 nM okadaic acid. The critical steps following the cAMP-dependent protein kinase activation and resulting in a long-term blockade of phosphatases are discussed in this report.
Structure and stability of a second molten globule intermediate in the apomyoglobin folding pathway.
Apomyoglobin folding proceeds through a molten globule intermediate (low-salt form; I1) that has been characterized by equilibrium (pH 4) and kinetic (pH 6) folding experiments. Of the eight alpha-helices in myoglobin, three (A, G, and H) are structured in I1, while the rest appear to be unfolded. Here we report on the structure and stability of a second intermediate, the trichloroacetate form of the molten globule intermediate (I2), which is induced either from the acid-unfolded protein or from I1 by > or = 5 mM sodium trichloroacetate. Circular dichroism measurements monitoring urea- and acid-induced unfolding indicate that I2 is more highly structured and more stable than I1. Although I2 exhibits properties closer to those of the native protein, one-dimensional NMR spectra show that it maintains the lack of fixed side-chain structure that is the hallmark of a molten globule. Amide proton exchange and 1H-15N two-dimensional NMR experiments are used to identify the source of the extra helicity observed in I2. The results reveal that the existing A, G, and H helices present in I1 have become more stable in I2 and that a fourth helix--the B helix--has been incorporated into the molten globule. Available evidence is consistent with I2 being an on-pathway intermediate. The data support the view that apomyoglobin folds in a sequential fashion through a single pathway populated by intermediates of increasing structure and stability.