982 resultados para Central fiber tracker (CFT)
Redd counting is an integral part of most Fishery Officers duties. The number and distribution of salmonid redds throughout salmonid catchments provides invaluable information on the range and extent of spawning by both salmon and sea trout. A project was initiated by the Fisheries Science and Management Team of Central Area, North West Region in England in liaison with the Flood Defence function. The main objective of this project was to assess redd count data for Central Area and attempt to quantify these data in order to produce a grading system that would highlight key salmonid spawning areas. By showing which were the main areas for salmon and sea trout spawning, better informed decisions could be made on whether or not in-stream Flood Defence works should be given the go-ahead. The main salmonid catchments in Central Area were broken into individual reaches, approximately 1 km in length. The number of redds in these individual reaches were then calculated and a density per lkm value was obtained for each reach. A grading system was devised which involved looking at the range of density per km values and dividing this by five to produce 5 classes, A - E. A sixth class (F) was used where the density per Ion value was 0.00. This grading system was calculated at two levels of detail. Grades for salmon and sea trout were produced for each individual catchment and also on an Area-wide level. Maps were produced using a range of colours to represent the grade for each reach. These maps provide a highly useful overview of the status of salmonid spawning for each catchment over individual years and highlight the key salmon and sea trout spawning areas in each catchment. These maps and the associated summary data should now provide Flood Defence and Fisheries staff with a fairly detailed overview of the status of spawning in any location within the. main salmonid catchments in Central Area. Although these maps are very useful they should only be used as a guide. The current practice of consulting with the local Fishery Officer should be continued to ensure that expert local knowledge is taken into account.
The purpose of this report is to record key events/data and to outline the activities of the NRA Central Area Fisheries Function during 1994. The Rivers looked at include the Ribble, Lune, Hodder and Wyre. The issues that the report looks at includes Hydrological and meterological data, catch data for salmon and sea trout, fish kills, and fish stocking. It also lists the Micro-tag returns for 1994 and the six key objectives that the Central Area Fisheries Function has set itself for 1995. The report uses a range of different graphs and tables to display their data.
The purpose of this report is to record key events and achievements of the NRA Central Area Fisheries Function in 1995. Rivers include the Ribble, Hodder and Lune. The report looks at Hydrological and meteorological data, site visits made during the year, communications and reports, Capital works and purchases, Stock assessment, monitoring and specific investigations, Fisheries Management advice, Fish kills and rescues, Fish rearing and stocking. It also looks at rod and net catches for salmon and sea trout, micro-tag returns, the drought, the results of the 1995 objectives set the year before and the key objectives for 1996.
The purpose of this report is to record key events and achievements of the NRA Central Area Fisheries Function in 1996. Rivers are Ribble, Hodder and Lune. The report looks at Hydrological and meteorological data, site visits made during the year, promotional events that it was involved with; communications and reports, Capital works and purchases, Stock assessment, monitoring and specific investigations, Fisheries Management advice, Fish kills and rescues, Fish rearing and stocking. It also includes catch data for net and rod catches for Salmon and Sea trout; the results of the objectives made last year and key objectives for next year.
From 2001 to 2006, 71 pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs) were deployed on five species of pelagic shark (blue shark [Prionace glauca]; shortfin mako [Isurus oxyrinchus]; silky shark [Carcharhinus falciformis]; oceanic whitetip shark [C. longimanus]; and bigeye thresher [Alopias superciliosus]) in the central Pacific Ocean to determine species-specific movement patterns and survival rates after release from longline fishing gear. Only a single postrelease mortality could be unequivocally documented: a male blue shark which succumbed seven days after release. Meta-analysis of published reports and the current study (n=78 reporting PSATs) indicated that the summary effect of postrelease mortality for blue sharks was 15% (95% CI, 8.5–25.1%) and suggested that catch-and-release in longline fisheries can be a viable management tool to protect parental biomass in shark populations. Pelagic sharks displayed species-specific depth and temperature ranges, although with significant individual temporal and spatial variability in vertical movement patterns, which were also punctuated by stochastic events (e.g., El Niño-Southern Oscillation). Pelagic species can be separated into three broad groups based on daytime temperature preferences by using the unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic averaging clustering on a Kolmogorov-Smirnov Dmax distance matrix: 1) epipelagic species (silky and oceanic whitetip sharks), which spent >95% of their time at temperatures within 2°C of sea surface temperature; 2) mesopelagic-I species (blue sharks and shortfin makos, which spent 95% of their time at temperatures from 9.7° to 26.9°C and from 9.4° to 25.0°C, respectively; and 3) mesopelagic-II species (bigeye threshers), which spent 95% of their time at temperatures from 6.7° to 21.2°C. Distinct thermal niche partitioning based on body size and latitude was also evident within epipelagic species.
The coastal Pacific Ocean off northern and central California encompasses the strongest seasonal upwelling zone in the California Current ecosystem. Headlands and bays here generate complex circulation features and confer unusual oceanographic complexity. We sampled the coastal epipelagic fish community of this region with a surface trawl in the summer and fall of 2000–05 to assess patterns of spatial and temporal community structure. Fifty-three species of fish were captured in 218 hauls at 34 fixed stations, with clupeiform species dominating. To examine spatial patterns, samples were grouped by location relative to a prominent headland at Point Reyes and the resulting two regions, north coast and Gulf of the Farallones, were plotted by using nonmetric multidimensional scaling. Seasonal and interannual patterns were also examined, and representative species were identified for each distinct community. Seven oceanographic variables measured concurrently with trawling were plotted by principal components analysis and tested for correlation with biotic patterns. We found significant differences in community structure by region, year, and season, but no interaction among main effects. Significant differences in oceanographic conditions mirrored the biotic patterns, and a match between biotic and hydrographic structure was detected. Dissimilarity between assemblages was mostly the result of differences in abundance and frequency of occurrence of about twelve common species. Community patterns were best described by a subset of hydrographic variables, including water depth, distance from shore, and any one of several correlated variables associated with upwelling intensity. Rather than discrete communities with clear borders and distinct member species, we found gradients in community structure and identified stations with similar fish communities by region and by proximity to features such as the San Francisco Bay.
The dusky rockfish (Sebastes variabilis) has recently been resurrected as a distinct species in the genus Sebastes. Reproductive biology and growth were examined for this redescribed species in the central Gulf of Alaska. Age and length at 50% maturity were 9.2 years and 365 mm fork length, respectively, which are lower than previously reported. Fertilized ova and eyed embryos were observed in April and evidence of postparturition was not observed until May. The gonadosomatic index decreased with the onset of postparturition in May. Von Bertalanffy growth parameters for female dusky rockfish, estimated from the maturity samples, were significantly different from growth parameters derived from Gulf of Alaska fishery-independent survey data.
We examined the effect of habitat and shrimp trawl bycatch on the density, size, growth, and mortality of inshore lizardfish (Synodus foetens), a nonexploited species that is among the most widespread and abundant benthic fishes in the north central Gulf of Mexico. Results of quarterly trawl sampling conducted from spring 2004 through spring 2005 revealed that inshore lizardfish are most abundant on sand habitat, but larger fish are more common on shell rubble habitat. There was no significant difference in fish density between habitats exposed to shrimp trawling on the open shelf versus those habitats within a permitted artificial reef zone that served as a de facto no-trawl area; this finding indicates that either inshore lizardfish experienced minimal effects from trawling or, more likely, that fish moved between trawled and nontrawled habitats. Exploitation ratio (bycatch mortality/total morality) estimates derived from catch curve analysis ranged from 0.43 inside the artificial reef zone to 0.55 outside the reef zone, thus indicating that inshore lizardfish are subject to significant fishing mortality in the north central Gulf of Mexico despite the lack of a directed fishery for the species. We infer from this result that effects of shrimp trawl bycatch may be significant at the population level for nonexploited species and that a broader ecosystem-scale examination of bycatch effects is warranted.
We demonstrate the influence of the relative humidity (RH) on the wavelength of fiber Bragg grating sensors (FBGS), performing tests with five FBGS at different humidity and temperature conditions. These tests were performed in a climate chamber whose RH changes according to a scheduled profile from 30% to 90%, in steps of 10%. These profiles were repeated for a wide range of temperatures from 10 degrees C to 70 degrees C, in steps of 10 degrees C. Two different types of instrumentation methods have been tested, spot welding and epoxy bonding, in two different materials, steel and carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP). We discuss the results for each type of sensor and instrumentation method by analyzing the linearity of the Bragg wavelength with RH and temperature.
Fish-habitat associations were examined at three spatial scales in Monterey Bay, California, to determine how benthic habitats and landscape configuration have structured deepwater demersal fish assemblages. Fish counts and habitat variables were quantified by using observer and video data collected from a submersible. Fish responded to benthic habitats at scales ranging from cm’s to km’s. At broad-scales (km’s), habitat strata classified from acoustic maps were a strong predictor of fish assemblage composition. At intermediate-scales (m’s−100 m’s), fish species were associated with specific substratum patch types. At fine-scales (<1 m), microhabitat associations revealed differing degrees of microhabitat specificity, and for some species revealed niche separation within patches. The use of habitat characteristics in ecosystembased management, particularly as a surrogate for species distributions, will depend on resolving fish-habitat associations and habitat complexity over multiple scales.
Understanding the interactions between kelp beds and nearshore fish is essential because anthropogenic changes and natural variability in these beds may affect available habitat for fishes. In this study fish communities were investigated in south-central Alaska kelp beds characterized by a range of substrate complexity and varying densities of both perennial understory kelps and annual canopy kelps. Many of the observed fish species, as well as understory and canopy kelps, were positively associated with structurally complex substratum. Targeted canopy and understory kelp beds supported seasonal populations of adult and juvenile Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus), rockfishes (Sebastes spp.), and year-round populations of greenlings (Hexagrammos spp.). Monthly changes in kelp and fish communities ref lected seasonal changes; the densities of some species were greatest during periods with higher temperatures. This work illustrates the importance of structurally complex kelp beds with persistent understory kelp populations as important fish habitat for several commercially and recreationally important fishes.
Because of a lack of fishery-dependent data, assessment of the recovery of fish stocks that undergo the most aggressive form of management, namely harvest moratoriums, remains a challenge. Large schools of red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) were common along the northern Gulf of Mexico until the late 1980s when increased fishing effort quickly depleted the stock. After 24 years of harvest moratorium on red drum in federal waters, the stock is in need of reassessment; however, fisherydependent data are not available in federal waters and fishery-independent data are limited. We document the distribution, age composition, growth, and condition of red drum in coastal waters of the north central Gulf of Mexico, using data collected from a nearshore, randomized, bottom longline survey. Age composition of the fishery-independent catch indicates low mortality of fish age 6 and above and confirms the effectiveness of the federal fishing moratorium. Bottom longline surveys may be a cost-effective method for developing fishery-independent indices for red drum provided additional effort can be added to nearshore waters (<20 m depth). As with most stocks under harvest bans, effective monitoring of the recovery of red drum will require the development of fishery-independent indices. With limited economic incentive to evaluate non-exploited stocks, the most cost-effective approach to developing such monitoring is expansion of existing fishery independent surveys. We examine this possibility for red drum in the Gulf of Mexico and recommend the bottom longline survey conducted by the National Marine Fisheries Service expand effort in nearshore areas to allow for the development of long-term abundance indices for red drum.