848 resultados para Career Aspirations


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This paper presents a case study of an elite female coach and her career termination from a 20+ year career following a critical life incident. A novel autobiographical approach was adopted whereby the participant undertook expressive writing to describe her experiences prior to, during, and following coaching an athlete at the 2012 Summer Olympic Games. Thematic analysis indicated seven phases related to the participant’s experiences of the critical incident: Build up to the event, the event, the aftermath, recovery and reflection on the event, sampling of new avenues, enlightenment, and career re-birth. The findings reinforce the high demands placed upon elite coaches, the subsequent threats to physical and mental well-being, and the importance of having robust psychological skills and suitable social support to cope with these demands. Implications for preparing and supporting coaches for successful career transition are discussed.


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Given the nature of employment relationships today, service organizations can strengthen the organization commitment levels and reduce the turnover intentions of its professionals through providing job features important to their careers. These features include opportunities to perform challenging work, experience trusting relationships with customers/clients, and obtain extrinsic rewards. Using a sample of alumni from a hospitality business program, hypotheses that these features impact organizational commitment and turnover intentions, partially through strengthening professionals' career commitment, are developed and tested. Findings suggest that challenging work opportunities impact these attitudes both directly and indirectly. So too trusting relationships with customers and clients indirectly impact organization commitment and intent to turnover (ITO). Results also suggest that, as a whole, satisfaction with extrinsic rewards has no effect. However, an analysis of multigroup mediation results revealed that for professionals working in professional service firms, satisfaction with pay reduces both attitudes. Implications for research in organization commitment and ITO, specifically the role and impact of career-based antecedents, are discussed.


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A general guide and sourcebook of resources on looking for professional positions, including setting up interviews, polishing interview skills, compiling resumes and other job-search skills.


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The purpose of this research is to gain a deeper understanding of how materialistic aspirations are related to distinct aspects of psychological well-being. Research has consistently found a negative relationship between materialistic goals and well-being, but a review of the literature identified that the measures of well- being used in the majority of studies were measures of what Keyes (2002) describes as “subjective well-being” or “hedonic happiness”. Criticisms of these types of measures are that they fixate too much on the momentary experience of pleasure and don’t take into account what is meaningful and or what contributes to long lasting fulfilment. Very little research was found investigating the impact of materialism on “eudaimonic” well-being, which is found through doing what is worthwhile and realising ones potential and has been found to have a longer lasting impact on overall well-being (Huta & Ryan, 2010). To address this gap in the literature, a convenience sample of 113 adult subjects in the UK were recruited through Facebook and asked to respond to the Aspiration Index and the Psychological wellbeing scale. The relative importance placed on extrinsic (materialistic) and intrinsic aspirations was compared to the six dimensions of psychological well-being. In line with previous research, higher importance placed on materialistic aspirations for wealth, status and image were found to be negatively correlated with all aspects of psychological well-being. However, the strongest and only statistically significant negative correlation was between extrinsic aspirations and positive relations with others (r = -.256, p< 0.01). Positive relationships with other people form a central component of many theories of well- being and so this negative relationship may help to explain why materialistic aspirations are so consistently found to be negatively correlated to a variety of measures of well-being. Further research is needed to explore this relationship as no causation could be inferred.


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How can you make sure that the graduates you employ are ‘career competent’? Are they prepared for your workplace when they arrive? How can you develop their competency?


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Le programme Climat municipalités, mis en place dans le cadre du Plan d’action 2006-2012 sur les changements climatiques du Québec, permettra à cinq grandes villes et agglomérations québécoises de se doter d’un plan d’adaptation aux changements climatiques, deux étant déjà finalisés. L’objectif général de cet essai est d’analyser l’avancement et le succès des stratégies adaptatives employées par ces organismes municipaux, en considérant deux facteurs primordiaux, soit les pluies intenses et les vagues de chaleur. Cette actualisation du portrait adaptatif de Trois-Rivières, Sherbrooke, Québec, Montréal et Laval est donc réalisée tout en faisant ressortir les besoins qui restent à combler. Des mesures d’adaptation provenant de l’étranger et potentiellement applicables dans une ou plusieurs de ces cinq villes sont exposées. Également, des critiques émanant des différentes parties prenantes impliquées dans le programme Climat municipalités sont rassemblées dans le but de rendre ce programme encore plus efficace et de simplifier les démarches des prochaines collectivités qui y prendront part. Neuf interventions inspirées de l’international sont attribuées aux cinq grandes villes ayant déjà un plan de lutte aux changements climatiques en précisant un contexte d’insertion permettant de répondre convenablement à leurs besoins adaptatifs propres. Les conclusions de cette recherche portent une attention particulière aux mesures à court terme et démontrent que les prochaines municipalités qui développeront un plan officiel mèneront leur démarche à bien si elles se fondent sur l’expérience des organismes déjà impliqués dans un processus semblable au niveau québécois ou mondial. Les communes gagneraient à partager leurs impressions avec les autres parties prenantes du programme dans une optique d’amélioration continue et à analyser scrupuleusement chaque mesure d’adaptation avant son adoption. Au lieu d’investir dans un plan officiel relativement onéreux, les collectivités moins populeuses ont avantage à incorporer à leur plan d’urbanisme des interventions augmentant leur résilience, par le biais de réglementations et de politiques municipales et de plans d’action locaux ou régionaux. L’adaptation face aux défis qui accompagnent les changements climatiques est un enjeu qui doit être discuté non seulement aux niveaux planétaire, national et provincial, mais aussi grandement au niveau municipal vu sa proximité aux citoyens.


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Empirical evidence attests the impact that career image has on objective career success, yet little is known of how career practitioners conceptualise and operationalise this information. This article presents the quantitative findings of an online survey of career practitioners (n=399, 74% female, 89% white, 75% from the UK) exploring their attitudes and practices towards issues of appearance and attractiveness. Career practitioners who participated in this survey acknowledged that beauty, self-presentation and interpersonal skills influence career success, and 96% of them considered conversations about career image as part of their professional remit. The career practitioners felt relatively comfortable and well informed in their discussions in this arena, but would welcome further guidance and training to inform their practice. Ethical and practical implications for the profession are considered.


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This article describes the purpose and activities of the project Promoting Mathematics Education in Rural Areas of Costa Rica. The activity has focused on two objectives. First, supporting and monitoring students who have expressed interest in studying a mathematics teacher. To achieve this, it has been working with students who have an ideal profile for the career, mainly from rural areas. The second objective is to conduct training workshops for high school in-service teachers, to strengthen and improve their knowledge in the area of mathematics. Among the results of the project, it can be highlighted a significant increase in the enrollment of students in the career of Mathematics Education in 2010 and 2011, and the training processes in the field of Real Functions of Real Variable and Geometry at different regional areas mostly rural as Aguirre, Sarapiquí, Coto, Buenos Aires, Limón, Cañas, Pérez Zeledón, Nicoya, Los Santos, Turrialba, Puriscal, Desamparados, San Carlos, Puntarenas, Limón, Liberia, Santa Cruz y Upala.


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Men constitute 11 per cent of Scotland’s nursing workforce, yet they make up 27.6 per cent of senior management.


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Framed on a wider project on Individual Human Resource Management and Development (HRMD), this project aims to explore Individual Career Management and Development (CMD) as an emergent professional field of HRMD.


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Succinctly defines the terms "accreditation" and "recertification" in order to locate the reader (a) on the theme to develop. Also describes the process of self-assessment of Librarianship and Documentation Race towards the re-accreditation, focusing primarily on results obtained in the development of self-evaluation reports of the various sectors that make up the School. Finally, presents some conclusions both about the overall process of the various reports as described.


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Despite the increase, in recent years, of women’s participation in the labour market, sex discrimination remains a reality in most work organisations. In this matter, academic organisations are no exception. Evidence of sex inequalities is well documented in the literature. At the individual level, inequalities are partly explained by family responsibilities mainly held by women. Having to spend a considerable amount of time in home and children related activities women are left with less time available for scientific work than their male colleagues. With the purpose of understanding how academics experience the relationship between work and family, 32 in-depth interviews were conducted among Portuguese academics of both sexes in one particular university. The findings confirmed that work-family conflict is stronger among female faculty than among their male counterparts. Additionally, the prejudice against maternity and the way it is compatible with a successful career appears to survive the new gender relations. Difficulties felt by female academics could be minimised by the introduction of «family-friendly» policies and the development of a positive organisational climate towards maternity and family issues.


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Career decision-making self-efficacy and the Big Five traits of neuroticism, extraversion, and conscientiousness were examined as predictors of career indecision in a sample of 181 undergraduates. Participants completed an online survey. I predicted that the Big Five traits and career decision-making self-efficacy would (a) interrelate moderately and (b) each relate significantly and moderately to career indecision. In addition, I predicted that career decision-making self-efficacy would partially mediate the relationships between the Big Five traits and career indecision, while the Big Five traits were predicted to moderate the relationship between career decision-making self-efficacy and career indecision. Finally, I predicted that career decision-making self-efficacy would account for a greater amount of unique variance in career indecision than the Big Five traits. All predicted correlations were significant. Career decision-making self-efficacy fully mediated the relationship of Extraversion to career indecision and partially mediated the relationships of Neuroticism and Conscientiousness to career indecision. Conscientiousness was found to moderate the relationship of career decision-making self-efficacy to career indecision such that the negative relation between self-efficacy and career indecision was stronger in the presence of high conscientiousness. This study builds upon existing research on the prediction of career indecision by examining potential mediating and moderating relationships.