895 resultados para Cardiovascular risk factor
BACKGROUND Low testosterone, acute and chronic stress and hypercoagulation are all associated with hypertension and hypertension-related diseases. The interaction between these factors and future risk for coronary artery disease in Africans has not been fully elucidated. In this study, associations of testosterone, acute cardiovascular and coagulation stress responses with fibrinogen and von Willebrand factor in African and Caucasian men in a South African cohort were investigated. METHODS Cardiovascular variables were studied by means of beat-to-beat and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. Fasting serum-, salivary testosterone and citrate coagulation markers were obtained from venous blood samples. Acute mental stress responses were evoked with the Stroop test. RESULTS The African group demonstrated a higher cardiovascular risk compared to Caucasian men with elevated blood pressure, low-grade inflammation, chronic hyperglycemia (HbA1c), lower testosterone levels, and elevated von Willebrand factor (VWF) and fibrinogen levels. Blunted testosterone acute mental stress responses were demonstrated in African males. In multiple regression analyses, higher circulating levels of fibrinogen and VWF in Africans were associated with a low T environment (R(2) 0.24-0.28; p≤0.01), but only circulating fibrinogen in Caucasians. Regarding endothelial function, a low testosterone environment and a profile of augmented α-adrenergic acute mental stress responses (diastolic BP, D-dimer and testosterone) were associated with circulating VWF levels in Africans (Adj R(2) 0.24; p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS An interdependence between acute mental stress, salivary testosterone, D-dimer and vascular responses existed in African males in their association with circulating VWF but no interdependence of the independent variables occurred with fibrinogen levels.
AIMS The genetic polymorphism of apolipoprotein E (APOE) has been suggested to modify the effect of smoking on the development of coronary artery disease (CAD) in apparently healthy persons. The interaction of these factors in persons undergoing coronary angiography is not known. METHODS AND RESULTS We analysed the association between the APOE-genotype, smoking, angiographic CAD, and mortality in 3263 participants of the LUdwigshafen RIsk and Cardiovascular Health study. APOE-genotypes were associated with CAD [ε22 or ε23: odds ratio (OR) 0.56, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.43-0.71; ε24 or ε34 or ε44: OR 1.10, 95% CI 0.89-1.37 compared with ε33] and moderately with cardiovascular mortality [ε22 or ε23: hazard ratio (HR) 0.71, 95% CI 0.51-0.99; ε33: HR 0.92, 95% CI 0.75-1.14 compared with ε24 or ε34 or ε44]. HRs for total mortality were 1.39 (95% CI 0.39-0.1.67), 2.29 (95% CI 1.85-2.83), 2.07 (95% CI 1.64-2.62), and 2.95 (95% CI 2.10-4.17) in ex-smokers, current smokers, current smokers without, or current smokers with one ε4 allele, respectively, compared with never-smokers. Carrying ε4 increased mortality in current, but not in ex-smokers (HR 1.66, 95% CI 1.04-2.64 for interaction). These findings applied to cardiovascular mortality, were robust against adjustment for cardiovascular risk factors, and consistent across subgroups. No interaction of smoking and ε4 was seen regarding non-cardiovascular mortality. Smokers with ε4 had reduced average low-density lipoprotein (LDL) diameters, elevated oxidized LDL, and lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2. CONCLUSION In persons undergoing coronary angiography, there is a significant interaction between APOE-genotype and smoking. The presence of the ε4 allele in current smokers increases cardiovascular and all-cause mortality.
AIMS Cystatin C is a well established marker of kidney function. There is evidence that cystatin C concentrations are also associated with mortality. The present analysis prospectively evaluated the associations of cystatin C with all-cause and cardiovascular (CV) mortality in a well-characterized cohort of persons undergoing angiography, but without overt renal insufficiency. METHODS Cystatin C was available in 2998 persons (mean age: 62.7 ± 10.5 years; 30.3% women). Of those 2346 suffered from coronary artery disease (CAD) and 652 (controls) did not. Creatinine (mean ± SD: 83.1 ± 47.8 vs. 74.1 ± 24.7 μmol/L, p = 0.036) but not Cystatin C (mean ± SD: 1.02 ± 0.44 vs. 0.92 ± 0.26 mg/L, p = 0.065) was significantly higher in patients with CAD. After a median follow-up of 9.9 years, in total 898 (30%) deaths occurred, 554 (18.5%) due to CV disease and 326 (10.9%) due to non-CV causes. Multivariable-adjusted Cox analysis (adjusting for eGFR and established cardiovascular risk factors, lipid lowering therapy, angiographic coronary artery disease, and C-reactive protein) revealed that patients in the highest cystatin C quartile were at an increased risk for all-cause (hazard ratio (HR) 1.93, 95% CI 1.50-2.48) and CV mortality (HR 2.05 95% CI 1.48-2.84) compared to those in the lowest quartile. The addition of cystatin C to a model consisting of established cardiovascular risk factors increased the area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve for CV and all-cause mortality, but the difference was statistically not significant. However, reclassification analysis revealed significant improvement by addition of cystatin C for CV and all-cause mortality (p < 0.001), respectively. CONCLUSION The concentration of cystatin C is strongly associated with long-term all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in patients referred to coronary angiography, irrespective of creatinine-based renal function.
AIMS The aim of the study was to examine whether differences in average diameter of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles were associated with total and cardiovascular mortality. METHODS AND RESULTS We studied 1643 subjects referred to coronary angiography, who did not receive lipid-lowering drugs. During a median follow-up of 9.9 years, 398 patients died, of these 246 from cardiovascular causes. We calculated average particle diameters of LDL from the composition of LDL obtained by β-quantification. When LDL with intermediate average diameters (16.5-16.8 nm) were used as reference category, the hazard ratios (HRs) adjusted for cardiovascular risk factors for death from any cause were 1.71 (95% CI: 1.31-2.25) and 1.24 (95% CI: 0.95-1.63) in patients with large (>16.8 nm) or small LDL (<16.5 nm), respectively. Adjusted HRs for death from cardiovascular causes were 1.89 (95% CI: 1.32-2.70) and 1.54 (95% CI: 1.06-2.12) in patients with large or small LDL, respectively. Patients with large LDL had higher concentrations of the inflammatory markers interleukin (IL)-6 and C-reactive protein than patients with small or intermediate LDL. Equilibrium density gradient ultracentrifugation revealed characteristic and distinct profiles of LDL particles in persons with large (approximately even distribution of intermediate-density lipoproteins and LDL-1 through LDL-6) intermediate (peak concentration at LDL-4) or small (peak concentration at LDL-6) average LDL particle diameters. CONCLUSIONS Calculated LDL particle diameters identify patients with different profiles of LDL subfractions. Both large and small LDL diameters are independently associated with increased risk mortality of all causes and, more so, due to cardiovascular causes compared with LDL of intermediate size.
BACKGROUND Strategies to improve risk prediction are of major importance in patients with heart failure (HF). Fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF-23) is an endocrine regulator of phosphate and vitamin D homeostasis associated with an increased cardiovascular risk. We aimed to assess the prognostic effect of FGF-23 on mortality in HF patients with a particular focus on differences between patients with HF with preserved ejection fraction and patients with HF with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). METHODS AND RESULTS FGF-23 levels were measured in 980 patients with HF enrolled in the Ludwigshafen Risk and Cardiovascular Health (LURIC) study including 511 patients with HFrEF and 469 patients with HF with preserved ejection fraction and a median follow-up time of 8.6 years. FGF-23 was additionally measured in a second cohort comprising 320 patients with advanced HFrEF. FGF-23 was independently associated with mortality with an adjusted hazard ratio per 1-SD increase of 1.30 (95% confidence interval, 1.14-1.48; P<0.001) in patients with HFrEF, whereas no such association was found in patients with HF with preserved ejection fraction (for interaction, P=0.043). External validation confirmed the significant association with mortality with an adjusted hazard ratio per 1 SD of 1.23 (95% confidence interval, 1.02-1.60; P=0.027). FGF-23 demonstrated an increased discriminatory power for mortality in addition to N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (C-statistic: 0.59 versus 0.63) and an improvement in net reclassification index (39.6%; P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS FGF-23 is independently associated with an increased risk of mortality in patients with HFrEF but not in those with HF with preserved ejection fraction, suggesting a different pathophysiologic role for both entities.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the single greatest cause of death in the United States, accounting for nearly 2400 deaths each day. It is estimated that 79.4 million American adults have some form of the disease, and CVD mortality rates are greater than those of cancer, chronic lower respiratory diseases, accidents and diabetes mellitus combined. Psychosocial stress is a nontraditional risk factor for CVD, and can contribute to the clustering of traditional risk factors as well as to vascular manifestations of the disease. The Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique has been researched as a cost effective intervention aimed at decreasing psychosocial stress. This literature review attempts to analyze randomized controlled clinical trials of TM on cardiovascular disease outcomes. Eleven studies met inclusion criteria and are described below, with statistically significant positive outcomes observed in each study. Studies are grouped by primary outcome reported in the categories of cardiovascular function, blood pressure, and exercise tolerance. The TM intervention significantly decreased insulin resistance, heart rate variability, and carotid intima media thickness and improved exercise tolerance compared to control groups. Seven studies also reported significant decreases in blood pressure among hypertensive and normotensive subjects. Five studies focused solely on African American subjects, a population that has disproportionately higher rates of CVD and hypertension, and found significant improvements in CVD outcomes. Further research is recommended to establish the efficacy of TM on CVD outcomes. Future trials should include larger sample populations, wider ethnic distributions of subjects, and longer follow-up to ascertain the impact of this particular stress reduction technique on cardiovascular disease.^
The pattern of change in cardiovascular risk factors, blood pressure (SBP and DBP) and plasma total cholesterol (TC), over time, their tracking and their relation to anthropometric measurements during the first year of life were investigated. Also, the effect of breast feeding on TC and the relationship of blood pressure measurements and family history of CVD risk factors were examined. One hundred five newborn term, healthy infants who were seen at a pediatric clinic in The Woodlands, Texas were followed longitudinally from 2 weeks to 1 year of age. TC, blood pressure, weight and length of the infants were measured at age 2 weeks, and again at 2, 4, 6, 9 and 12 months. In addition, family history, maternal and paternal, of CVD risk factors was obtained. Data analyses included only 40 infants who completed one year of follow up.^ At 2 weeks of age, the median value for TC was 23 mg/dl higher for females than for males. This difference disappeared as infants got older. For males, most of the increase in TC median levels, from 114 to 137 mg/dl, occurred between the ages of 2 weeks and 2 months, whereas for the female group, TC levels increased moderately, about 10 mg/dl, between 9 and 12 months of age. Tracking of TC was examined by using Spearman's correlation analysis. There were strong correlations between measurements taken as early as 2 weeks of age with later measurements. These correlations were stronger and more significant for males than for females (for males, r varied between 0.51 to 0.70, whereas for females, r varied between 0.11 to 0.70). The association of body measurements with TC is no more than modest and is closer for female infants than for male infants. Analysis, also, showed that infants who received breast milk had a TC mean value 47 mg/dl higher than that for infants who received formula milk only during the period of breast feeding and this difference disappeared by age 12 months.^ In both genders, most of the increase in blood pressure (about 10-15 mmHg in both SBP and DBP) occurred during the first 4 months of life. Most of the increase for male infants occurred during the first 2 months of life, while for females, the increase in SBP and DBP was between the age of 2 and 4 months. Neither SBP nor DBP track well during the first year of life and most of the correlations between measurements at different ages were not significant for either gender. The cross-sectional relationship of blood pressure measurements and selected body measurements was assessed. For females, only at age of 12 months did DBP have positive and significant correlations with weight, length and Quetelet index (r = 0.57, 0.60 and 0.57, respectively). There were no significant correlations between blood pressure and body measurements for males. Finally, analysis showed that maternal history of CV risk factors was significantly related to SBP in the female infant group, but not for males. For DBP, neither maternal nor paternal history was related. ^
La enfermedad cardiovascular es la primera causa de morbi-mortalidad en los países industrializados. El síndrome metabólico, caracterizado por hipertensión, dislipidemia, obesidad e hiperglucemia, constituye el principal factor de riesgo para la enfermedad cardiovascular. El tejido adiposo visceral juega un papel fundamental en este proceso, dado que secreta una variedad de sustancias biológicamente activas denominadas adipoquinas o adipocitoquinas, tales como leptina, resistina, adiponectina, factor de necrosis tumoral alfa (TNFa), y visfatina entre otras. La visfatina es una citoquina descubierta recientemente y su rol en la enfermedad cardiovascular es controversial y aún no ha sido completamente dilucidado. Estudios realizados en humanos y en modelos experimentales en animales sugieren que la visfatina tendría un papel muy importante en las patologías asociadas a la enfermedad cardiovascular. Esta revisión intenta mostrar los últimos avances sobre el rol de la visfatina y las principales adipocitoquinas en las patologías cardiovasculares y el síndrome metabólico.
Altered expression of proteins of the fibrinolytic and coagulation cascades in obesity may contribute to the cardiovascular risk associated with this condition. We previously reported that plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) is dramatically up-regulated in the plasma and adipose tissues of genetically obese mice. This change may disturb normal hemostatic balance and create a severe hypofibrinolytic state. Here we show that tissue factor (TF) gene expression also is significantly elevated in the epididymal and subcutaneous fat pads from ob/ob mice compared with their lean counterparts, and that its level of expression in obese mice increases with age and the degree of obesity. Cell fractionation and in situ hybridization analysis of adipose tissues indicate that TF mRNA is increased in adipocytes and in unidentified stromal vascular cells. Transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) is known to be elevated in the adipose tissue of obese mice, and administration of TGF-β increased TF mRNA expression in adipocytes in vivo and in vitro. These observations raise the possibility that TF and TGF-β may contribute to the increased cardiovascular disease that accompanies obesity and related non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, and that the adipocyte plays a key role in this process. The recent demonstration that TF also influences angiogenesis, cell adhesion, and signaling suggests that its exact role in adipose tissue physiology/pathology, may be complex.
Introdução: As doenças cardiovasculares são a principal causa de morte no Brasil e no mundo e apresentam importante contribuição para a carga global de doenças. A dieta tem sido considerada um dos determinantes primários do estado de saúde dos indivíduos, atuando na modulação dos fatores de risco metabólicos para doença cardiovascular. Objetivos: Desenvolver um modelo conceitual para a relação entre fatores de risco metabólicos e investigar sua associação com padrões de dieta de adultos e idosos residentes no município de São Paulo. Métodos: Estudo transversal de base populacional com amostra probabilística de adultos e idosos, residentes em área urbana do município de São Paulo, que participaram do Inquérito de Saúde do Município de São Paulo, realizado em duas fases entre os anos de 2008 e 2011 (estudo ISA Capital 2008). Na primeira fase do estudo, 1.102 adultos e idosos, de ambos os sexos, foram entrevistados no domicílio, por meio da aplicação de questionário estruturado e do recordatório alimentar de 24 horas. Na segunda fase, 642 indivíduos adultos e idosos foram reavaliados quanto ao consumo alimentar por meio da aplicação, por telefone, do segundo recordatório alimentar, e, destes, 592 participaram da coleta domiciliar de amostras de sangue venoso, da medição antropométrica e da aferição da pressão arterial por técnico de enfermagem. Os alimentos relatados em ambos os recordatórios foram agrupados segundo a similaridade do valor nutricional e hábitos alimentares da população, e corrigidos pela variância intrapessoal da ingestão por procedimentos estatísticos da plataforma online Multiple Source Method. Os grupos de alimentos foram analisados por meio de análise fatorial exploratória e confirmatória (manuscrito 1) e por modelos de equações estruturais exploratórios (manuscrito 3), a fim de obter os padrões de dieta. O modelo conceitual da relação entre os fatores de risco metabólicos (leptina sérica, proteína C-reativa de alta sensibilidade sérica, pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica, razão colesterol total/lipoproteína de alta densidade, razão triacilglicerol/lipoproteína de alta densidade, glicemia de jejum plasmática, circunferência da cintura e peso corporal) foi obtido por modelos de equações estruturais estratificados por sexo (manuscrito 2). Por fim, a associação dos padrões de dieta com o modelo conceitual proposto (manuscrito 3) foi investigada por modelos de equações estruturais exploratórios. Índices de qualidade de ajuste foram estimados para avaliar a adequação de todos os modelos. As análises foram realizadas no programa Mplus versão 6.12. Resultados: No manuscrito 1, a análise fatorial exploratória revelou a existência de dois padrões de dieta, os quais apresentaram boa qualidade de ajuste na análise fatorial confirmatória quando aplicados os pontos de corte de cargas fatoriais |0,25| na rotação oblíqua Promax. No manuscrito 2, a relação entre os fatores de risco metabólicos foi diferente entre os sexos. Nas mulheres, a leptina sérica apresentou efeitos indiretos e positivos, mediados pelo peso corporal e pela circunferência da cintura, em todos os fatores de risco avaliados. Já nos homens, a leptina sérica apresentou efeitos diretos e positivos sobre a proteína C-reativa de alta sensibilidade e efeitos indiretos e positivos (mediados pelo peso corporal e pela circunferência da cintura) sobre a razão triacilglicerol/lipoproteína de alta densidade, colesterol total/lipoproteína de alta densidade e glicemia de jejum plasmática. No manuscrito 3, foram obtidos três padrões de dieta, dos quais o Tradicional apresentou relação direta e negativa com a leptina sérica e relação indireta e negativa com o peso corporal e a circunferência da cintura, bem como com os demais fatores de risco metabólicos. Já o padrão Prudente apresentou relação direta e negativa com a pressão arterial sistólica, enquanto o padrão Moderno não se associou aos fatores de risco metabólicos investigados. Conclusão: Diferenças nos padrões de dieta de acordo com o tipo de rotação fatorial empregada foram observadas. A relação entre os fatores de risco metabólicos para doença cardiovascular foi distinta entre homens e mulheres, sendo a leptina um dos possíveis hormônios envolvidos. Os padrões de dieta Tradicional e Prudente associaram-se inversamente com os fatores de risco metabólicos, desempenhando uma importante estratégia de prevenção e controle às doenças cardiovasculares no país.
Elevated homocysteine (hyperhomocysteinaemia) in renal patients is a major concern for physicians. Although cause and effect between homocysteine and cardiovascular disease (CVD) has not been established in either the general population or renal patients, there is much evidence that this relationship does exist. Purported mechanisms that may explain this effect include increases in endothelial injury, smooth muscle cell proliferation, low-density lipoprotein oxidation and changes in haemostatic balance. Renal patients have a much greater incidence of hyperhomocysteinaemia and this may be explained by decreases in either the renal or extrarenal metabolism of the compound. We conclude that data from long-term placebo-controlled trials are urgently required to determine whether hyperhomocysteinaemia in renal patients is a cause of CVD events and requires therapeutic targeting.
Skeletal muscle and nuclear hormone receptors: Implications for cardiovascular and metabolic disease
Skeletal muscle is a major mass peripheral tissue that accounts for similar to 40% of the total body mass and a major player in energy balance. It accounts for > 30% of energy expenditure, is the primary tissue of insulin stimulated glucose uptake, disposal, and storage. Furthermore, it influences metabolism via modulation of circulating and stored lipid (and cholesterol) flux. Lipid catabolism supplies up to 70% of the energy requirements for resting muscle. However, initial aerobic exercise utilizes stored muscle glycogen but as exercise continues, glucose and stored muscle triglycerides become important energy substrates. Endurance exercise increasingly depends on fatty acid oxidation (and lipid mobilization from other tissues). This underscores the importance of lipid and glucose utilization as an energy source in muscle. Consequently skeletal muscle has a significant role in insulin sensitivity, the blood lipid profile, and obesity. Moreover, caloric excess, obesity and physical inactivity lead to skeletal muscle insulin resistance, a risk factor for the development of type II diabetes. In this context skeletal muscle is an important therapeutic target in the battle against cardiovascular disease, the worlds most serious public health threat. Major risk factors for cardiovascular disease include dyslipidemia, hypertension, obesity, sedentary lifestyle, and diabetes. These risk factors are directly influenced by diet, metabolism and physical activity. Metabolism is largely regulated by nuclear hormone receptors which function as hormone regulated transcription factors that bind DNA and mediate the pathophysiological regulation of gene expression. Metabolism and activity, which directly influence cardiovascular disease risk factors, are primarily driven by skeletal muscle. Recently, many nuclear receptors expressed in skeletal muscle have been shown to improve glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, and dyslipidernia. Skeletal muscle and nuclear receptors are rapidly emerging as critical targets in the battle against cardiovascular disease risk factors. Understanding the function of nuclear receptors in skeletal muscle has enormous pharmacological utility for the treatment of cardiovascular disease. This review focuses on the molecular regulation of metabolism by nuclear receptors in skeletal muscle in the context of dyslipidemia and cardiovascular disease. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Objective. Evidence exists for an association between migraine and ischaemic stroke, but there is uncertainty about whether migraine is a risk factor for subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH). Methods. A multi-centre, population-based, case-control study using cases of first-ever SAH during 1995-98 and matched controls in four study centres in Australia and New Zealand. Self- or proxy-reported history, frequency and characteristics of headaches, classified according to 1988 International Headache Society diagnostic criteria. Results. 206 of 432 (48%) cases and 236 of 473 (50%) controls had a history of headaches. The frequency and characteristics of headaches were similar between the two groups. No association was found in logistic regression analyses for history or frequency of headaches, or migraine headaches. Conclusions. No evidence was found for an association between recurrent headaches and SAH. Such information is important for counselling patients and families about the significance of past and ongoing headaches in relation to this illness. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective: To determine the differences in number of years lived free of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and number of years lived with CVD between men and women who were obese, pre-obese, or normal weight at 45 years of age. Research Methods and Procedures: We constructed multistate life tables for CVD, myocardial infarction, and stroke, using data from 2551 enrollees (1130 men) in the Framingham Heart Study who were 45 years of age. Results: Obesity and pre-obesity were associated with fewer number of years free of CVD, myocardial infarction, and stroke and an increase in the number of years lived with these diseases. Forty-five-year-old obese men with no CVD survived 6.0 years [95% confidence interval (CI), 4.1; 8.1] fewer than their normal weight counterparts, whereas, for women, the difference between obese and normal weight subjects was 8.4 years (95% CI: 6.2; 10.8). Obese men and women lived with CVD 2.7 (95% CI: 1.0; 4.4) and 1.4 years (95% CI: -0.3; 3.2) longer, respectively, than normal weight individuals. Discussion: In addition to reducing life expectancy, obesity before middle age is associated with a reduction in the number of years lived free of CVD and an increase in the number of years lived with CVD. Such information is paramount for preventive and therapeutic decision-making by individuals and practitioners alike.
BACKGROUND: Coronary heart disease has been a major cause of mortality in Australian adults, but the rate has declined by 83% from the 1968 peak by the year 2000. The study objective is to determine the contribution of changes in population risk factors - mean serum cholesterol and diastolic blood pressure and tobacco smoking prevalence - to the decline in coronary heart disease mortality in Australia over three decades. METHODS: Coronary heart disease deaths (International Classification of Disease-9, 410-414) and population by year, age group and sex were obtained from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Risk factor levels were obtained from population surveys and estimated average annual changes by period were used to calculate average annual 'attributable' proportional declines in CHD mortality by period (age 35-64 years). RESULTS: Over the period 1968-2000, 74% of male decline and 81% of the female decline in coronary heart disease mortality rate was accounted for by the combined effect of reductions in the three risk factors. In males 36% of the decline was contributed by reductions in diastolic blood pressure, 22% by cholesterol and 16% by smoking. For females 56% was from diastolic blood pressure reduction, 20% from cholesterol and 5% from smoking. Effects of reductions in serum cholesterol on coronary heart disease mortality occurred mainly in the 1970s. Declines in diastolic blood pressure had effects on coronary heart disease mortality over the three decades, and declines in tobacco smoking had a significant effect in males in the 1980s. CONCLUSION: Most of the spectacular decline in coronary heart disease mortality over the last three decades in Australia can be ascribed to reductions in population risk factors from primary and secondary prevention.