767 resultados para Burrowing Frog
ZusammenfassungrnAlle bekannten Exemplare der Amphibien-Gruppe Microsauria des mitteleuropäischen Rotliegend wurden untersucht sowie – für die kladistische Untersuchung – ihre nächsten Verwandten. Im Saar-Nahe-Becken sind vier Arten aus zwei Microsauria-Gattungen nachzuweisen: Batropetes niederkirchensis n. sp., Batropetes palatinus n. sp., Batropetes appelensis n. sp. und Altenglanerpeton schroederi n. sp.. Aus dem Döhlen-Becken bei Dresden stammt Batropetes fritschi.rnDie Rekonstruktionen legen nahe, dass die in Seeablagerungen gefundenen Batropetes-Arten kleine, terrestrisch lebende Microsaurier waren, die sich von Insekten oder deren Larven ernährten. Ihre mittlere Gesamtlänge beträgt fast 8 cm, ihr Rumpf ist auffallend kurz mit je nach Art 17 oder 19 Präsakralwirbeln. Sie besitzen große von Wülsten umgebene Augenöffnungen, ein großes Pinealforamen, drei längs angeordnete Grübchen auf den Frontalia, dreispitzige Zähne, einen zahnlosen Gaumen und vier kurze kräftige Extremitäten. Becken- und Schultergürtel sind komplett verknöchert, außer den bei Batropetes appelensis und Batropetes fritschi knorpeligen Coracoid-Anteilen. Die Batropetes-Arten unterscheiden sich bezüglich Form, Proportionen bzw. Verknöcherungsgrad einiger Knochen im cranialen und postcranialen Skelett. rnDie kladistischen Untersuchungen ergeben für die Arten der monophyletische Gattung Batropetes, dass Batropetes appelensis den übrigen Arten gegenübersteht und Batropetes palatinus mit Batropetes fritschi eine Schwestergruppe zu Batropetes niederkirchensis bildet. Mit den etwas jüngeren texanischen Gattungen Carrolla und Quasicaecilia bildet Batropetes die monophyletische Familie Brachystelechidae. rnAltenglanerpeton schroederi, nur durch ein schlecht erhaltenes Exemplar überliefert, besitzt einen massiv gebauten Schädel, kaum länger als breit mit annähernd dreieckigem Umriss, ohne Anzeichen für Seitenlinien, mit kleiner rundlicher Orbita, sehr breiter Interorbitalregion und bis weit vor die Orbita reichendem Jugale. Sein langer Rumpf umfasst mindestens 30 lepospondyle Präsakralwirbel. Wegen der unvollkommenen Entwicklung der Gliedmaßen kann diese Art nicht auf vier Beinen gelaufen sein und lebte möglicherweise in der Laubschicht wühlend oder in Sümpfen. Altenglanerpeton ist keiner bestimmten Microsauria-Familie zuzuordnen und steht den Pantylidae, Gymnarthridae, Goniorhynchidae und Ostodolepidae am nächsten, wobei zu letzteren die meisten morphologischen Ähnlichkeiten bestehen.rnAußerdem sind mit isolierten Einzelknochen, insbesondere Wirbeln, Microsauria und andere Gruppen lepospondyler Amphibien ohne Bestimmung der Gattung und Art aus wenigen stratigraphischen Niveaus des Saar-Nahe-Beckens überliefert. rn
Viele Tiere wie etwa Geckos oder Laubfrösche können mittels ihrer Haftscheiben an Oberflächen kleben. Diese Haftscheiben ermöglichen es den Tieren, sich während ihrerrnFortbewegung an Oberflächen anzuheften und wieder zu lösen unabhängig von denrnvorherrschenden Umweltbedingungen. Frösche besitzen mikro- und nanostrukturierternsowie charakteristisch geformte Haftscheiben an Finger- und Zehenenden. Ihre besonderernevolutionäre Errungenschaft, sich stark und zugleich reversibel in sowohl trockenen alsrnauch feuchten Umgebungen anzuhaften, hat die Wissenschaft zur Nachahmung und Untersuchungrndieser Strukturen inspiriert. Zum besseren Verständnis der Mechanismen vonrnAnhaftung und Loslösung bei Laubfröschen wurden weiche, elastische und mikrostrukturierternOberflächen hergestellt, indem PDMS (Polydimethylsiloxan) auf einer Siliziummaskernmit Hexagonstruktur aufgetragen und vernetzt wurde. Dadurch wurden Anordnungenrnvon hexagonalen Mikrosäulen mit spezifischen geometrischen Eigenschaften undrnunterschiedlichen Kontaktgeometrien (normale, flache Form, T-Form und konkave Formrnder Säulenenden) erhalten. Um den Einfluss der van-der-Waals, hydrodynamischen,rnKapillar-und Adhäsionskräfte zu verstehen, wurden verschiedene experimentelle Ansätzernverfolgt: Die auf eine einzelne Säule wirkenden Adhäsionskräfte wurden mittelsrnRasterkraftmikroskopie gemessen. Dazu wurden speziell hergestellte kolloidale Sensorenrnverwendet. Diese Experimente wurden sowohl mit als auch ohne Flüssigkeitsfilm auf derrnSäule durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigten den Beitrag von Kapillarkraft und direktenrnKontaktkräften zur Adhäsionskraft bei Vorliegen eines Flüssigkeitsfilms. Die Adhäsionrnfiel umso größer aus, je weniger Flüssigkeit zwischen Sensor und Säule vorhanden war.rnIm Falle einer trockenen Adhäsion zeigte die Säule mit T-Form die höchste Adhäsion. Darndie Haftscheiben der Laubfrösche weich sind, können sie dynamisch ihre Form ändern,rnwas zu einer Änderung der hydrodynamischen Kraft zwischen Scheibe und Oberflächernführt. Der Einfluss der Oberflächenverformbarkeit auf die hydrodynamische Kraft wurderndaher am Modellsystem einer Kugel untersucht, welche sich einer weichen und ebenenrnOberfläche annähert. Dieses System wurde sowohl theoretisch über die Simulation finiterrnElemente als auch experimentell über die Messung mit kolloidalen Sonden untersucht.rnSowohl experimentelle Ergebnisse als auch die Simulationen ergaben eine Abnahme derrnhydrodynamischen Kraft bei Annäherung des kolloidalen Sensors an eine weiche undrnelastische Oberfläche. Beim Entfernen der Sensors von der Oberfläche verstärkte sichrndie hydrodynamische Anziehungskraft. Die Kraft, die zur Trennung eines Partikels von einer Oberfläche in Flüssigkeit notwendig ist, ist für weiche und elastischen Oberflächenrngrößer als für harte Oberflächen. In Bezug zur Bioadhäsion bei Laubfröschen konnternfestgestellt somit festgestellt werden, dass sich der hydrodynamische Anteil zur feuchtenrnBioadhäsion aufgrund der weichen Oberfläche erhöht. Weiterhin wurde der Einflussrndes Aspektverhältnisses der Säulen auf die Reibungskraft mittels eines kolloidalen Sensorsrnuntersucht. Gestreckte Säulen zeigten dabei eine höhere Reibung im Vergleich zu.rnSäulen mit einem gestreckten Hexagon als Querschnitt.
Die vorliegende Dissertation ist eine molekulargenetische Studie an humanem neolithischem Skelettmaterial. Im zentralen Blickpunkt stand die Bestimmung der Variabilität der mitochondrialen Haplogruppen einer frühneolithischen Stichprobe aus drei unterschiedlichen Kulturkreisen, welche die Linearbandkeramik (LBK und AVK), die Körös-Kultur und eine Sammelkategorie osteuropäischer spätmeso- und frühneolithischer Kulturen umfasste. Im Vergleich dieser Gruppen untereinander sowie mit Rezentdaten moderner Populationen aus vergleichbaren Gebieten Mittel- und Osteuropas sowie dem Nahen Osten sollten bestehende Modelle und Hypothesen zur Neolithisierung Mitteleuropas geprüft werden. Insgesamt konnte für 43 neolithische Individuen aus 16 Fundorten der reproduzierbare Nachweis endogener DNA erbracht werden. Eine eindeutige Haplogruppenbestimmung konnte durch die Sequenzierung vier überlappender Fragmente der mitochondrialen Hypervariablen Region I sowie durch RFLP-Analyse zusätzlicher charakteristischer Nukleotidpositionen für alle 43 Individuen durchgeführt werden. Die neolithischen Individuen der Linearbandkeramik sowie der Körös-Kultur zeigten eine hohe Diversität an bekannten europäischen Haplogruppen, wohingegen die kleinere Stichprobe aus dem Gebiet Osteuropas eine auffällige Homogenität aufwies. Neben Frequenzunterschieden zur modernen mitteleuropäischen Bevölkerung war innerhalb der LBK/AVK-Stichprobe eine hohe Frequenz der Haplogruppe N1a festzustellen, welche nicht in den beiden anderen neolithischen Stichproben zu finden war und auch in der heutigen Rezentbevölkerung Eurasiens und Nordafrikas nur mit einer durchschnittlichen Frequenz von 0,2% vertreten ist. Innerhalb der Individuen der Körös-Kultur fanden sich zwei Haplotypen, welche heute nicht in Europa bekannt sind, dagegen jedoch in Süd- bzw. Nordostasien gehäuft vorkommen. Die Ergebnisse der aDNA-Analysen bestätigten im Wesentlichen das komplexe Bild der Neolithischen Transition in Mitteleuropa und konnten die, für diesen Raum postulierte, Hypothese der leap frog colonization weitestgehend unterstützen. Auch für den geographischen Vergleichsraum des nördlichen Osteuropa konnten Parallelen zur etablierten Sichtweise der archäologischen Forschung zu diesem Gebiet und den vorliegenden Ergebnissen der aDNA-Analysen aufgezeigt werden. Die zeitlich verzögerte Annahme der neolithischen Lebensweise im waldreichen nördlichen Osteuropa spiegelt sich in der reduzierten Diversität an mtDNA-Haplogruppen wider. Die vorliegende Dissertation konnte nicht nur durch die Ergebnisse der Haplogruppen-Bestimmung, sondern vor allem durch die umfangreichen und elaborierten Reproduktions- und Authentifizierungprotokolle deutlich machen, dass der Nachweis von humaner alter DNA trotz der allgegenwärtigen, methodenimmanenten Kontaminationsgefahr unter streng kontrollierten Bedingungen möglich ist. Gleichermaßen konnte veranschaulicht werden, dass die aDNA-Analyse wertvolle Hinweise auf das genetische status quo einer Population liefern kann, welche nicht bzw. nur in sehr eingeschränkten Maße von rezenten DNA-Daten abgeleitet werden können. Als sekundäres Ergebnis erlaubte der bislang größte vorliegende Datensatz von ~2500 Klonsequenzen zudem einen detaillierten Einblick in Häufigkeiten und Verteilungsmuster von post mortem Sequenzveränderungen. Es konnten für den mitochondrialen Bereich der Nukleotidpositionen 15997-16409 so genannte hot bzw. cold spots definiert werden, welche für die Auswertung und Interpretation von zukünftigen Sequenzierungen der Hypervariablen Region I des mt-Genoms von entscheidender Bedeutung sein werden.
The synthesis and preclinical evaluation of [(99m)Tc]Demomedin C in GRPR-expressing models are reported. Demomedin C resulted by coupling a Boc-protected N(4)-chelator to neuromedin C (human GRP(18-27)), which, after (99m)Tc-labeling, afforded [(99m)Tc]Demomedin C. Demomedin C showed high affinity and selectivity for the GRPR during receptor autoradiography on human cancer samples (IC(50) in nM: GRPR, 1.4 ± 0.2; NMBR, 106 ± 18; and BB(3)R, >1000). It triggered GRPR internalization in HEK-GRPR cells and Ca(2+) release in PC-3 cells (EC(50) = 1.3 nM). [(99m)Tc]Demomedin C rapidly and specifically internalized at 37 °C in PC-3 cells and was stable in mouse plasma. [(99m)Tc]Demomedin C efficiently and specifically localized in human PC-3 implants in mice (9.84 ± 0.81%ID/g at 1 h pi; 6.36 ± 0.85%ID/g at 4 h pi, and 0.41 ± 0.07%ID/g at 4 h pi block). Thus, human GRP-based radioligands, such as [(99m)Tc]Demomedin C, can successfully target GRPR-expressing human tumors in vivo while displaying attractive biological features--e.g. higher GRPR-selectivity--vs their frog-homologues.
CsTx-1, the main neurotoxic acting peptide in the venom of the spider Cupiennius salei, is composed of 74 amino acid residues, exhibits an inhibitory cysteine knot motif, and is further characterized by its highly cationic charged C terminus. Venom gland cDNA library analysis predicted a prepropeptide structure for CsTx-1 precursor. In the presence of trifluoroethanol, CsTx-1 and the long C-terminal part alone (CT1-long; Gly-45-Lys-74) exhibit an α-helical structure, as determined by CD measurements. CsTx-1 and CT1-long are insecticidal toward Drosophila flies and destroys Escherichia coli SBS 363 cells. CsTx-1 causes a stable and irreversible depolarization of insect larvae muscle cells and frog neuromuscular preparations, which seem to be receptor-independent. Furthermore, this membranolytic activity could be measured for Xenopus oocytes, in which CsTx-1 and CT1-long increase ion permeability non-specifically. These results support our assumption that the membranolytic activities of CsTx-1 are caused by its C-terminal tail, CT1-long. Together, CsTx-1 exhibits two different functions; as a neurotoxin it inhibits L-type Ca(2+) channels, and as a membranolytic peptide it destroys a variety of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell membranes. Such a dualism is discussed as an important new mechanism for the evolution of spider venomous peptides.
The astacins are a subfamily of the metzincin superfamily of metalloproteinases. The first to be characterized was the crayfish enzyme astacin. To date more than 200 members of this family have been identified in species ranging from bacteria to humans. Astacins are involved in developmental morphogenesis, matrix assembly, tissue differentiation and digestion. Family members include the procollagen C-proteinase (BMP1, bone morphogenetic protein 1), tolloid and mammalian tolloid-like, HMP (Hydra vulgaris metalloproteinase), sea urchin BP10 (blastula protein) and SPAN (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus astacin), the 'hatching' subfamily comprising alveolin, ovastacin, LCE, HCE ('low' and 'high' choriolytic enzymes), nephrosin (from carp head kidney), UVS.2 from frog, and the meprins. In the human and mouse genomes, there are six astacin family genes (two meprins, three BMP1/tolloid-like, one ovastacin), but in Caenorhabditis elegans there are 40. Meprins are the only astacin proteinases that function on the membrane and extracellularly by virtue of the fact that they can be membrane-bound or secreted. They are unique in their domain structure and covalent subunit dimerization, oligomerization propensities, and expression patterns. They are normally highly regulated at the transcriptional and post-translational levels, localize to specific membranes or extracellular spaces, and can hydrolyse biologically active peptides, cytokines, extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins and cell-surface proteins. The in vivo substrates of meprins are unknown, but the abundant expression of these proteinases in the epithelial cells of the intestine, kidney and skin provide clues to their functions.
Heavy metal-rich copper mine tailings, called stamp sands, were dumped by mining companies directly into streams and along the Lake Superior shoreline, degrading Keweenaw Peninsula waterways. One of the largest disposal sites is near Gay, Michigan, where tailings have been moved along the shoreline by currents since mining ceased. As a result, the smallest sand particles have been washed into deeper water and are filling the interstitial spaces of Buffalo Reef, a critical lake trout spawning site. This research is the first to investigate if stamp sand is detrimental to survival and early development of eggs and larvae of lake sturgeon, lake trout, and Northern leopard frogs, and also examines if the presence of stamp sands influences substrate selection of earthworms. This study found that stamp sand had significantly larger mean particle sizes and irregular shapes compared to natural sand, and earthworms show a strong preference for natural substrate over any combination that included stamp sand. Additionally, copper analysis (Cu2+) of surface water over stamp sand and natural sand showed concentrations were significantly higher in stamp sand surface water (100 μg/L) compared to natural sand surface water (10 μg/L). Frog embryos had similar hatch success over both types of sand, but tadpoles reared over natural sand grew faster and had higher survival rates. Eggs of lake sturgeon showed similar hatch success and development over natural vs. stamp sand over 17 days, while lake trout eggs hatched earlier and developed faster when incubated over stamp sand, yet showed similar development over a 163 day period. Copper from stamp sand appears to impact amphibians more than fish species in this study. These results will help determine what impact stamp sand has on organisms found throughout the Keweenaw Peninsula which encounter the material at some point in their life history.
The primary goal of this project was to launch a pilot population study in the spring-fed wetland area southwest of Montana Tech to establish baseline data on density, distribution, abundance, and diversity of amphibians in the area. The current confirmed species at the select site is the Columbia spotted frog (Rana luteiventris). Based on preliminary habitat assessment and existing literature, other species possibilities included the long-toed salamander (Ambrystoma macrodactylum) boreal chorus frog (Pseudacris maculata), the Rocky Mountain tailed frog (Ascaphus montanus), and the leopard frog (Rana pipiens), (Werner et al. 2004) though the latter species is considered unlikely based on the specie’s declining status (Werner 2003; Werner et al. 2004). The project’s secondary goal was to collect basic habitat and environmental data: vegetation, precipitation, temperature. The third goal was to explore correlations between species prevalence and environmental data to expand the scientific understanding of population dynamics in the field of amphibian studies (see: Ferner, 2007; Dodd, 2010).
For low-energy organisms such as bivalves, the costs of thermal compensation of biological rates (synonymous with acclimation or acclimatization) may be higher than the benefits. We therefore conducted two experiments to examine the effect of seasonal temperature changes on behaviour and oxygen consumption. In the first experiment, we examined the effects of seasonal temperature changes on the freshwater bivalve Anodonta anatina, taking measurements each month for a year at the corresponding temperature for that time of year. There was no evidence for compensation of burrowing valve closure duration or frequency, or locomotory speed. In the second experiment, we compared A. anatina at summer and winter temperatures (24 and 4°C, respectively) and found no evidence for compensation of the burrowing rate, valve closure duration or frequency, or oxygen consumption rates during burrowing, immediately after valve closure or at rest. Within the experimental limits of this study, the evidence suggests that thermal compensation of biological rates is not a strategy employed by A. anatina. We argue that this is due to either a lack of evolutionary pressure to acclimatize, or evolutionary pressure to not acclimatize. Firstly, there is little incentive to increase metabolic rate to enhance predatory ability given that these are filter feeders. Secondly, maintained low energetic demand, enhanced at winter temperatures, is essential for predator avoidance, i.e. valve closure. Thus, we suggest that the costs of acclimatization outweigh the benefits in A. anatina.
To study the fate of the yolk glycoproteins found in eggs and embryos of the sea urchin, S. purpuratus, a polyclonal antibody to a 90-kDa polymannose glycoprotein was prepared. lmmunoblot analysis of total proteins over the course of development showed that this antibody recognized a family of glycoproteins. Concomitant with the disappearance of the major 160-kDa egg yolk glycoprotein during embryogenesis, glycoproteins with a lower molecular mass appeared. These glycoproteins (115, 108, 90, 83, and 68 kDa) were purified and peptide mapping revealed that they were cleavage products derived from the major yolk glycoprotein. The antibody identified a homologous set of yolk glycoproteins with similar molecular masses in the embryos of three other species in the class Echinoidea: L. pictus, A. punctulata, and D. excentricus. However, eggs from other echinoderm classes and from chicken, frog, fruit fly, and nematode did not contain any cross-reactive molecules. Cross-reactivity within the class Echinoidea was not due to a common carbohydrate epitope, because the antibody recognized the glycoproteins even after the N-linked, polymannose carbohydrate side chains were enzymatically removed. The major yolk glycoprotein (160-170 kDa) from each of the three sea urchin species was purified and analyzed, revealing striking similarities in pI and in amino acid and monosaccharide composition. Peptide mapping showed that the 160-kDa glycoprotein from the four echinoids are structurally homologous. The major yolk glycoprotein appeared to be proteolyzed by a thiol protease, which could be activated in yolk particles prepared from unfertilized eggs by low pH. Immunolocalization by electron microscopy in S. purpuratus showed that the yolk glycoproteins remained within the yolk platelet throughout embryonic development, and that externalization of the glycoproteins was not detectable. The yolk glycoprotein precursor began to be synthesized in premetamorphosis larvae, and continued in adult males and females. Both the yolk glycoproteins and the yolk platelets disappeared during larval development. This disappearance has special significance because there were no yolk proteins in the direct developing sea urchin, H. erthryogramma, which bypasses larval development and metamorphoses directly into an adult. ^
Histone gene expression is replication-independent during oogenesis and early embryogenesis in amphibians; however, it becomes replication-dependent during later embryogenesis and remains replication-dependent through adulthood. In order to understand the mechanism for this switch in transcriptional regulation of histone gene expression during amphibian development, linker-scanning mutations were made in a Xenopus laevis H2B histone gene promoter by oligonucleotide site-directed mutagenesis and assayed by microinjection into oocytes and embryos. The Xenopus H2B gene has a relatively simple promoter containing several transcriptional regulatory elements, including TFIID, CCAAT, and ATF motifs, required for maximal transcription in both oocytes and embryos. Factors binding to the CCAAT and ATF motifs are present in oocytes and embryos and increase slightly in abundance during early development. A sequence (CTTTACAT) in the frog H2B promoter resembling the conserved octamer motif (ATTTGCAT), the target for cell-cycle regulation of a human H2B gene, is additionally required for maximal H2B transcription in frog embryos. Oocytes and embryos contain multiple octamer-binding proteins that are expressed in a sequential manner during early development. Sequences encoding three novel octamer-binding proteins were isolated from Xenopus cDNA libraries by virtue of their similarity with the DNA binding (POU) domain of the ubiquitously expressed transcription factor Oct-1. The protein encoded by one of these genes, termed Oct-60, was localized mainly in the cytoplasm of oocytes and was also present in early embryos until the gastrula stage of development. Proteins encoded by the other two genes, Oct-25 and Oct-91, were present in embryos after the mid-blastula stage of development and decreased by early neurula stage. The activity of the Xenopus H2B octamer motif in embryos is not specifically associated with increased binding by Oct-1 or the appearance of novel octamer-binding proteins but requires the presence of an intact CCAAT motif. We found that synergistic interactions among promoter elements are important for full H2B promoter activity. The results suggest that transcription of the Xenopus H2B gene is replication-dependent when it is activated at the mid-blastula stage of development and that replication-dependent H2B transcription is mediated by Oct-1. ^
Genes of the basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor family have been implicated in many different developmental processes from neurogenesis to myogenesis. The recently cloned bHLH transcription factor, paraxis, has been found to be expressed in the paraxial mesoderm of the mouse suggesting a role for paraxis in the development of this mesodermal subtype which gives rise to the axial muscle, skeleton, and dermis of the embryo. In order to perform in vivo gain of function assays and obtain a better understanding of the possible roles of paraxis in mesodermal and somitic development, we have successfully identified homologues of paraxis in the frog, Xenopus laevis, where the process of mesodermal induction and development is best understood. The two homologues, Xparaxis-a and Xparaxis-b, are conserved with respect to their murine homologue in structure and expression within the embryo. Xparaxis genes are expressed immediately after gastrulation in the paraxial mesoderm of Xenopus embryos and are down regulated in the myotome of the mature somite with continued expression in the undifferentiated dermatome. Overexpression of Xparaxis-b in Xenopus embryos caused defects in the organization and morphology of the somites. This effect was not dependent on DNA binding of Xparaxis but is likely due to its dimerization with other bHLH factors. Co-injections with XE12 did not diminish the effects indicating that the defects were not the result of limiting amounts of XE12. We also demonstrated that Xparaxis does not cause obvious defects in the cell adhesions and movements required for proper mesoderm patterning during gastrulation. The paraxis proteins also lacked the ability to activate transcription as GAL4 fusion proteins in a GAL4 reporter assay, indicating that the genes may function more as modulators of the activity of dimerization partners than as positively acting cell determination factors. In agreement with this, Xparaxis is regulated in response to other pathways of bHLH gene action, in that XE12 can activate Xparaxis-b, in vivo. In addition we show regulation of Xparaxis in response to mMyoD induced myogenesis pathways, again suggesting Xparaxis plays an important role in the patterning and organization of the paraxial mesoderm. ^
Temperature plays a critical role in determining the biology of ectotherms. Many animals have evolved mechanisms that allow them to compensate biological rates, i.e. adjust biological rates to overcome thermodynamic effects. For low energy-organisms, such as bivalves, the costs of thermal compensation may be greater than the benefits, and thus prohibitive. To examine this, two experiments were designed to explore thermal compensation in Unio tumidus. Experiment 1 examined seasonal changes in behaviour in U. tumidus throughout a year. Temperature had a clear effect on burrowing rate with no evidence of compensation. Valve closure duration and frequency were also strongly affected by seasonal temperature change, but there was slight evidence of partial compensation. Experiment 2 examined oxygen consumption during burrowing, immediately following valve opening and at rest in summer (24 °C), autumn (14 °C), winter (4 °C), and spring (14 °C) acclimatized U. tumidus. Again, there was little evidence of burrowing rate compensation, but some evidence of partial compensation of valve closure duration and frequency. None of the oxygen compensation rates showed any evidence of thermal compensation. Thus, in general, there was only very limited evidence of thermal compensation of behaviour and no evidence of thermal compensation of oxygen compensation rates. Based upon this evidence, we argue that there is no evolutionary pressure for these bivalves to compensate these biological rates. Any pressure may be to maintain or even lower oxygen consumption as their only defence against predation is to close their valves and wait. An increase in oxygen consumption will be detrimental in this regard so the cost of thermal compensation may outweigh the benefits.
In order to maintain pond-breeding amphibian species richness, it is important to understand how both natural and anthropogenic disturbances affect species assemblages and individual species distributions both at the scale of individual ponds and at a larger landscape scale. The goal of this project was to investigate what characteristics of ponds and the surrounding wetland landscape were most effective in predicting pond-breeding species richness and the individual occurrence of wood frog (Rana sylvatica), bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) and pickerel frog (Rana palustris) breeding sites in a beaver-modified landscape and how this landscape has changed over time. The wetland landscape of Acadia National Park was historically modified by the natural disturbance cycles of beaver (Castor cazadensis), and since their reintroduction to the island in 1921, beaver have played a large role in creating and maintaining palustrine wetlands. In 2000 and 2001, I studied pond-breeding amphibian assemblages at 71 palustrine wetlands in Acadia National Park, Mount Desert Island, Maine. I determined breeding presence of 7 amphibian species and quantified 15 variables describing local pond conditions and characteristics of the wetland landscape. I developed a priori models to predict sites with high amphibian species and used model selection with Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC) to identify important variables. Single species models were also developed to predict wood frog, bullfrog and pickerel frogs breeding presence. The variables for wetland connectivity by stream corridors and the presence of beaver disturbance were the most effective variables to predict sites with high amphibian richness. Wood frog breeding was best predicted by local scale variables describing temporary, fishless wetlands and the absence of active beaver disturbance. Abandoned beaver sites provided wood frog breeding habitat (70%) in a similar proportion to that found in non beaver-influenced sites (79%). In contrast, bullfrog breeding presence was limited to active beaver wetlands with fish and permanent water, and 80% of breeding sites were large (≥2ha in size). Pickerel frog breeding site selection was predicted best by the connectivity of sites in the landscape by stream corridors. Models including the presence of beaver disturbance, greater wetland perimeter and greater depth were included in the confidence set of pickerel frog models but showed considerably less support. Analysis of historic aerial photographs showed an 89% increase in the total number of ponded wetlands available in the landscape between the years of 1944 and 1997. Beaver colonization generally converted forested wetlands and riparian areas to open water and emergent wetlands. Temporal colonization of beaver wetlands favored large sites low in the watersheds and sites that were impounded later were generally smaller, higher in the watershed, and more likely to be abandoned. These results suggest that beaver have not only increased the number of available breeding sites in the landscape for pond-breeding amphibians, but the resulting mosaic of active and abandoned beaver wetlands also provides suitable breeding habitat for species with differing habitat requirements.
Part 1: 1881-1888 On Some Points in the Etiology and Pathology of Ulcerative Endocarditis, 1881 On Certain Parasites in the Blood of the Frog, 1883 The Third Corpuscle of the Blood, 1883 On the Use of Arsenic in Certain Forms of Anaemia, 1886 Antifebrin, 1887 Case of Arterio-Venous Aneurism of the Axillary Artery and Vein of Fourteen Year's Duration, 1887 Typhilitis and Appendicitis, 1888 Part 2: 1889-1892 Annual Address - License to Practice 1889 Case of Syphiloma of the Cord of the Cauda Equina-Death From Diffuse Central Myelitis, 1889 On a Case of Simple Idiopathic Muscular Atrophy, Involving the Face and the Scapulo-Humeral Muscles, 1889 Note on Intra-Thoracic Growths Developing from the Thyroid Gland, 1889 On the Value of Laveran's Organisms in the Diagnosis of Malaria, 1889 On the Form of Convulsive Tic Associated with Corprolalia, Etc., 1890 A Case of Sensory Aphasia Word-blindness with Hemianopsia, 1891 Rudolf Virchow: The Man and the Student, 1891 The Healing of Tuberculosis, 1892 The Cold-Bath Treatment of Typhoid Fever, 1892 Part 3: 1893 Remarks on the Varieties of Chronic Chorea, and a Report Upon Two Families of the Hereditary Form, With One Autopsy, 1893 Note on Arsenical Neuritis Following the use of Fowler's Solution, 1893 Note on a Remarkable House Epidemic of Typhoid Fever, 1893 Cases of Sub-Phrenic Abscess, 1893 On Sporadic Cretinism in America, 1893 Notes on Tuberculosis in Children, 1893 Part 4: 1849-1895 Parotitis in Pneumonia, Case of Pericarditis Treated by Incision and Drainage, 1894 The Army Surgeon, 1894 Introductory Remarks to Course of Clinical Demonstrations on Typhoid Fever, 1894 Cancer of the Stomach with Very Rapid Course, 1895 Case of Sporadic Cretinism (Infantile Myxcedema) Treated Successfully with Thyroid Extract, 1895 Visible Contractile Tumour of the Pylorus Following Ulcer of the Stomach, 1895 On the Association of Enormous Heart Hypertrophy, Chronic Proliferative Peritonitis, and Recurring Ascites, with Adherent Pericardium, 1895 Teaching and Thinking the Two Functions of a Medical School, 1895 The Practical Value of Laveran's Discoveries, 1895 Part 5 1896 Addison's Disease, 1896 On Six Cases of Addison's Disease, 1896 Hemiplegia in Typhoid Fever Thomas Dover (of Dover's Powder) Physician and Buccaneer, 1896 John Keats The Apothecary Poet, 1896 On The Classification of the Tics or Habit Movements, 1896 The Cerebral Complication of Raynaud's Disease, 1896 Part 6: 1897 On Certain Features in the Prognosis of Pneumonia, 1897 Clinical Lecture on Mitral Stenosis - Sudden Death - Ball Thrombus in the Left Auricle, 1897 The Diagnosis of Malarial Fever, 1897 The Functions of a State Faculty (President's Address), 1897 A Clinical Lecture on The Ball-Valve Gall-Stone in the Common Duct, 1897 Pneumonia (Review of Cases studied), 1897 Internal Medicine as a Vocation, 1897 Back Notes