1000 resultados para Brain microdialysis
The postsynaptic density protein PSD-95 is a major element of synapses. PSD-95 is involved in aging, Alzheimer's disease (AD) and numerous psychiatric disorders. However, contradictory data about PSD-95 expression in aging and AD have been reported. Indeed in AD versus control brains PSD-95 varies according to regions, increasing in the frontal cortex, at least in a primary stage, and decreasing in the temporal cortex. In contrast, in transgenic mouse models of aging and AD PSD-95 expression is decreased, in behaviorally aged impaired versus unimpaired rodents it can decrease or increase and finally, it is increased in rodents grown in enriched environments. Different factors explain these contradictory results in both animals and humans, among others concomitant psychiatric endophenotypes, such as depression. The possible involvement of PSD-95 in reactive and/or compensatory mechanisms during AD progression is underscored, at least before the occurrence of important synaptic elimination. Thus, in AD but not in AD transgenic mice, enhanced expression might precede the diminution commonly observed in advanced aging. A two-compartments cell model, separating events taking place in cell bodies and synapses, is presented. Overall these data suggest that AD research will progress by untangling pathological from protective events, a prerequisite for effective therapeutic strategies.
The neuroprotective effect of neuropeptide Y (NPY) receptor activation was investigated in organotypic mouse hippocampal slice cultures exposed to the glutamate receptor agonist alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA). Exposure of 2-week-old slice cultures, derived from 7-day-old C57BL/6 mice, to 8 microm AMPA, for 24 h, induced degeneration of CA1 and CA3 pyramidal cells, as measured by cellular uptake of propidium iodide (PI). A significant neuroprotection, with a reduction of PI uptake in CA1 and CA3 pyramidal cell layers, was observed after incubation with a Y(2) receptor agonist [NPY(13-36), 300 nm]. This effect was sensitive to the presence of the selective Y(2) receptor antagonist (BIIE0246, 1 microm), but was not affected by addition of TrkB-Fc or by a neutralizing antibody against brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Moreover, addition of a Y(1) receptor antagonist (BIBP3226, 1 microm) or a NPY-neutralizing antibody helped to disclose a neuroprotective role of endogenous NPY in CA1 region. Cultures exposed to 8 microm AMPA for 24 h, displayed, as measured by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, a significant increase in BDNF. In such cultures there was an up-regulation of neuronal TrkB immunoreactivity, as well as the presence of BDNF-immunoreactive microglial cells at sites of injury. Thus, an increase of AMPA-receptor mediated neurodegeneration, in the mouse hippocampus, was prevented by neuroprotective pathways activated by NPY receptors (Y(1) and Y(2)), which can be affected by BDNF released by microglia and neurons.
The aim of this work was to study the distribution and cellular localization of GLUT2 in the rat brain by light and electron microscopic immunohistochemistry, whereas our ultrastructural observations will be reported in a second paper. Confirming previous results, we show that GLUT2-immunoreactive profiles are present throughout the brain, especially in the limbic areas and related nuclei, whereas they appear most concentrated in the ventral and medial regions close to the midline. Using cresyl violet counterstaining and double immunohistochemical staining for glial or neuronal markers (GFAp, CAII and NeuN), we show that two limited populations of oligodendrocytes and astrocytes cell bodies and processes are immunoreactive for GLUT2, whereas a cross-reaction with GLUT1 cannot be ruled out. In addition, we report that the nerve cell bodies clearly immunostained for GLUT2 were scarce (although numerous in the dentate gyrus granular layer in particular), whereas the periphery of numerous nerve cells appeared labeled for this transporter. The latter were clustered in the dorsal endopiriform nucleus and neighboring temporal and perirhinal cortex, in the dorsal amygdaloid region, and in the paraventricular and reuniens thalamic nuclei, whereas they were only a few in the hypothalamus. Moreover, a group of GLUT2-immunoreactive nerve cell bodies was localized in the dorsal medulla oblongata while some large multipolar nerve cell bodies peripherally labeled for GLUT2 were scattered in the caudal ventral reticular formation. This anatomical localization of GLUT2 appears characteristic and different from that reported for the neuronal transporter GLUT3 and GLUT4. Indeed, the possibility that GLUT2 may be localized in the sub-plasmalemnal region of neurones and/or in afferent nerve fibres remains to be confirmed by ultrastructural observations. Because of the neuronal localization of GLUT2, and of its distribution relatively similar to glucokinase, it may be hypothesized that this transporter is, at least partially, involved in cerebral glucose sensing.
Islet-brain 1 (IB1) was recently identified as a DNA-binding protein of the GLUT2 gene promoter. The mouse IB1 is the rat and human homologue of the Jun-interacting protein 1 (JIP-1) which has been recognized as a key player in the regulation of c-Jun amino-terminal kinase (JNK) mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways. JIP-1 is involved in the control of apoptosis and may play a role in brain development and aging. Here, IB1 was studied in adult and developing mouse brain tissue by in situ hybridization, Northern and Western blot analysis at cellular and subcellular levels, as well as by immunocytochemistry in brain sections and cell cultures. IB1 expression was localized in the synaptic regions of the olfactory bulb, retina, cerebral and cerebellar cortex and hippocampus in the adult mouse brain. IB1 was also detected in a restricted number of axons, as in the mossy fibres from dentate gyrus in the hippocampus, and was found in soma, dendrites and axons of cerebellar Purkinje cells. After birth, IB1 expression peaks at postnatal day 15. IB1 was located in axonal and dendritic growth cones in primary telencephalon cells. By biochemical and subcellular fractionation of neuronal cells, IB1 was detected both in the cytosolic and membrane fractions. Taken together with previous data, the restricted neuronal expression of IB1 in developing and adult brain and its prominent localization in synapses suggest that the protein may be critical for cell signalling in developing and mature nerve terminals.
Aggregating cultures of mechanically dissociated fetal brain cells provide an excellent system for neurobiological studies of cellular growth and differentiation, but, in common with almost all culture systems, they have the disadvantage that crude serum is required in the medium. Although several cell lines have either been adapted to serum-free conditions or grown normally in serum-free media supplemented with hormones, trace elements and defined serum components, this approach has never been applied to differentiating primary cells of the central nervous system. We now describe the successful cultivation of aggregating fetal rat brain cells in a chemically defined, serum-free medium.
Inflammatory mechanisms are known to contribute to the pathophysiology of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Since bradykinin is one of the first mediators activated during inflammation, we investigated the role of bradykinin and its receptors in posttraumatic secondary brain damage. We subjected wild-type (WT), B(1)-, and B(2)-receptor-knockout mice to controlled cortical impact (CCI) and analyzed tissue bradykinin as well as kinin receptor mRNA and protein expression up to 48 h thereafter. Brain edema, contusion volume, and functional outcome were assessed 24 h and 7 days after CCI. Tissue bradykinin was maximally increased 2 h after trauma (P<0.01 versus sham). Kinin B(1) receptor mRNA was upregulated up to four-fold 24 h after CCI. Immunohistochemistry showed that B(1) and B(2) receptors were expressed in the brain and were significantly upregulated in the traumatic penumbra 1 to 24 h after CCI. B(2)R(-/-) mice had significantly less brain edema (-51% versus WT, 24 h; P<0.001), smaller contusion volumes ( approximately 50% versus WT 24 h and 7 d after CCI; P<0.05), and better functional outcome 7 days after TBI as compared with WT mice (P<0.05). The present results show that bradykinin and its B(2) receptors play a causal role for brain edema formation and cell death after TBI.
In the last five years, Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) has become the most popular and effective surgical technique for the treatent of Parkinson's disease (PD). The Subthalamic Nucleus (STN) is the usual target involved when applying DBS. Unfortunately, the STN is in general not visible in common medical imaging modalities. Therefore, atlas-based segmentation is commonly considered to locate it in the images. In this paper, we propose a scheme that allows both, to perform a comparison between different registration algorithms and to evaluate their ability to locate the STN automatically. Using this scheme we can evaluate the expert variability against the error of the algorithms and we demonstrate that automatic STN location is possible and as accurate as the methods currently used.
The relationship of rat brain spectrin isoforms to microtubules of newborn and adult animals was studied. Spectrins were minor components in microtubule preparations. The microtubule-associated spectrin is a major calmodulin-binding protein. Radiolabelled brain spectrin(240/235) revealed specific microtubule binding activity in vitro, possibly via a tubulin.
Computational network analysis provides new methods to analyze the brain's structural organization based on diffusion imaging tractography data. Networks are characterized by global and local metrics that have recently given promising insights into diagnosis and the further understanding of psychiatric and neurologic disorders. Most of these metrics are based on the idea that information in a network flows along the shortest paths. In contrast to this notion, communicability is a broader measure of connectivity which assumes that information could flow along all possible paths between two nodes. In our work, the features of network metrics related to communicability were explored for the first time in the healthy structural brain network. In addition, the sensitivity of such metrics was analysed using simulated lesions to specific nodes and network connections. Results showed advantages of communicability over conventional metrics in detecting densely connected nodes as well as subsets of nodes vulnerable to lesions. In addition, communicability centrality was shown to be widely affected by the lesions and the changes were negatively correlated with the distance from lesion site. In summary, our analysis suggests that communicability metrics that may provide an insight into the integrative properties of the structural brain network and that these metrics may be useful for the analysis of brain networks in the presence of lesions. Nevertheless, the interpretation of communicability is not straightforward; hence these metrics should be used as a supplement to the more standard connectivity network metrics.
Aggregating brain cell cultures were used as a model to study the effect of chronic exposure to low levels of lead acetate. Long-term maintenance of cultures could be improved by supplementation of the medium with albumin-bound lipids. Exposure for 9 days to 10(-6)-10(-4) M lead acetate caused a decrease of GABAergic (glutamic acid decarboxylase) and astrocytic (glutamine synthetase) markers which was also found after prolonged treatment (50 days) with 10(-7) M lead acetate. Total protein content and choline acetyltransferase were not changed. The results show that prolonged exposure of aggregating brain cell cultures to a low concentration of lead acetate causes distinct changes of cell type-specific parameters.
Background: Earlier contributions have documented significant changes in sensory, attention-related endogenous event-related potential (ERP) components and θ band oscillatory responses during working memory activation in patients with schizophrenia. In patients with first-episode psychosis, such studies are still scarce and mostly focused on auditory sensory processing. The present study aimed to explore whether subtle deficits of cortical activation are present in these patients before the decline of working memory performance. Methods: We assessed exogenous and endogenous ERPs and frontal θ event-related synchronization (ERS) in patients with first-episode psychosis and healthy controls who successfully performed an adapted 2-back working memory task, including 2 visual n-backworking memory tasks as well as oddball detection and passive fixation tasks. Results: We included 15 patients with first-episode psychosis and 18 controls in this study. Compared with controls, patients with first-episode psychosis displayed increased latencies of early visual ERPs and phasic θ ERS culmination peak in all conditions. However, they also showed a rapid recruitment of working memory-related neural generators, even in pure attention tasks, as indicated by the decreased N200 latency and increased amplitude of sustained θ ERS in detection compared with controls. Limitations: Owing to the limited sample size, no distinction was made between patients with first-episode psychosis with positive and negative symptoms. Although we controlled for the global load of neuroleptics, medication effect cannot be totally ruled out. Conclusion: The present findings support the concept of a blunted electroencephalographic response in patients with first-episode psychosis who recruit the maximum neural generators in simple attention conditions without being able to modulate their brain activation with increased complexity of working memory tasks.