969 resultados para Boating injuries.
RESUMO: A entorse do tornozelo é uma das lesões músculo-esqueléticas mais comuns. A limitação da amplitude de dorsiflexão tem sido demonstrada como uma das consequências desta lesão, bem como um dos factores contribuintes para a recorrência. Vários estudos têm demonstrado que o membro lesado de indivíduos com história de entorse, apresenta uma falha posicional anterior do peróneo. Um estudo realizado em cadáveres revelou que um deslizamento póstero-superior ao nível da articulação tibioperoneal inferior pode contribuir para aumentar a amplitude de dorsiflexão. Está descrita uma técnica de terapia manual que realiza o deslizamento póstero-superior do maléolo lateral associada ao movimento activo de flexão dorsal (MWM). No entanto, não existe, até à data, nenhum estudo que investigue a efectividade desta MWM em indivíduos com limitação da FD e história de entorse unilateral do tornozelo. Desenho de estudo: Ensaio clínico aleatorizado e controlado por placebo, duplamente cego. Objectivos: Avaliar os efeitos imediatos da MWM na articulação tibio-peroneal inferior na amplitude de flexão dorsal e no deslizamento posterior do astrágalo em indivíduos com história de entorse unilateral do tornozelo e limitação da flexão dorsal. O protocolo experimental foi aplicado uma única vez e os seus efeitos comparados com uma intervenção placebo. Metodologia: Uma amostra de 30 indivíduos com história de entorse unilateral e limitação da amplitude de flexão dorsal foi aleatoriamente distribuído por dois grupos: grupo MWM e grupo placebo. Foram avaliados o deslizamento posterior do astrágalo e a avaliação da amplitude de flexão dorsal em carga. As avaliações foram realizadas imediatamente antes e após a intervenção. Resultados: Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os grupos na avaliação inicial (baseline). A realização da one-way ANCOVA revelou que, imediatamente após a intervenção, se verificou um aumento na amplitude de flexão dorsal no grupo MWM (aumento de 1.37 cm (DP, 0.97) significativamente superior ao grupo placebo (diminuição de 0.15cm (DP, 0.63) (P<.001). O deslizamento posterior do astrágalo aumentou 1.51º (DP, 1.77) no grupo MWM, no entanto este aumento não foi significativamente superior ao aumento de 0.76º (DP, 1.26) do grupo placebo (P=.113). Conclusão: Os resultados sugerem que a MWM na articulação tibioperoneal inferior produziram um efeito significativo na amplitude de flexão dorsal embora o mesmo não se tenha verificado no deslizamento posterior do astrágalo. Estes resultados fornecem evidência preliminar para a efectividade da MWM como intervenção em indivíduos com história de entorse unilateral e limitação da amplitude de flexão dorsal.---------------ABSTRACT:Background: Ankle sprains are one of the most common musculo-skeletal injuries. Impaired dorsiflexion range of motion has been shown to be one of the consequences of this injury, as well as one of the contributing factors to recurrence. Several studies have shown the presence of an anterior positional fault of the fibula in injuried ankles. A cadaveric study revealed that a posterosuperior glide of the distal tibiofibular may contribute to improve dorsiflexion. There is a manual therapy technique which provides a posterosuperior glide of the lateral malleolus combined with dorsiflexion active movement (MWM). However, there was no study, until now, that investigated the effectiveness of this MWM in individuals with impaired dorsiflexion and history of unilateral ankle sprain. Design: Double-blind randomized placebo controlled trial. Objectives: To determine the immediate effects of a distal tibiofibular MWM in ankle dorsiflexion and talar posterior glide in patients with history of unilateral ankle sprain and limitation of dorsiflexion. The treatment technique was used as a single treatment against a placebo group. Methods: A sample of 30 subjects with a history of unilateral ankle sprain and limitation of dorsiflexion were randomized into two groups: distal tibiofibular MWM or a placebo group. The outcome measures used in this study were the posterior talar glide and weight-bearing (WB) ankle dorsiflexion range of motion. The measures were taken before and immediately after the intervention. Results: No significant differences were found in baseline measures between groups. A one-way ANCOVA revealed that, immediately after the intervention, there was an improvement in ankle dorsiflexion in the MWM group (increase of 1.37 cm (SD, 0.97) significantly superior to the placebo group (decrease of 0.15cm (SD, 0.63) (P<.001). Posterior talar glide increased by 1.51º (SD, 1.77) for the MWM group, which was more than 0.76º (SD, 1.25) for the placebo intervention although there wasn’t a significant difference between groups (P=.113). Conclusion: This investigation’s findings suggest that an inferior tibio-fibular MWM produced a significant effect on WB dorsiflexion range of motion and posterior talar glide. These results provide preliminary evidence for the efficacy of mobilisations with movement in the management of individuals with history of unilateral ankle sprain and limitation of dorsiflexion.
RESUMO: Introdução: A dor e disfunções do movimento no complexo articular do ombro (CAO) são comuns e debilitantes. O uso de exercícios segundo os pressupostos de estabilidade dinâmica (ED), com auxílio de Biofeedback electromiográfico (BEMG) tem vindo a ser referido, como uma forma de aumentar a efectividade da intervenção nas disfunções do complexo articular do ombro (DCAO)Objectivo Principal: Estudar os efeitos de um protocolo de intervenção, com BEMG, cujas finalidades foram abolir a dor, aumentar a funcionalidade e a ED da omoplata, em utentes com DCAO. Objectivos secundários: Comparar os subgrupos e quanto às características, resultados, tempos de intervenção total e até atingir critérios de alta; Comparar os resultados nos momentos inicial e final. Métodos: Foi realizado um coorte clínico, longitudinal, retrospectivo, observacional, analítico. A amostra foi constituída por 82 sujeitos, divididos em dois subgrupos (n=53 SCSA e n=29 IGU). Os instrumentos de medida utilizados foram a EVA, o DASH, o SPADI e o BEMG. Foi seguido o protocolo de ED proposto por Santos e Matias (2007), de acordo com as 3 fases de intervenção por eles descritas, realizando uma sessão semanal, monitorizando exercícios que seguem estes princípios, com BEMG. Foram avaliadas as variáveis dor, postura, padrão de recrutamento, controlo motor, posição inicial da omoplata (PIO), amplitudes articulares (AA’s), força muscular (FM) e postura. Para analisar os dados, recorreu-se a estatística descritiva e inferencial. Resultados: A intervenção foi efectiva na abolição da dor no momento (0,43 para 0,00/10EVA no subgrupo SCSA e 0,66 para 0,00/10EVA no subgrupo IGU) na pior dor (5,47/10EVA para 0,06/10EVA no subgrupo SCSA e 5,28/10 para 0,14/10 no subgrupo IGU), no aumento da função (28,57 para 0,66/100DASH e 39,00 para 0,63/100SAPDI no subgrupo SCSA e 25,80 para 0,38/100DASH e 28,19 para 0,39/100 no subgrupo IGU) e no aumento da ED da omoplata com normalização do padrão de recrutamento, controlo motor, PIO dentro do espectro de normalidade e boa capacidade de controlar a sua posição, ao longo do movimento do membro superior (MS). A intervenção proporcionou, ainda a normalização das AA’s, FM e autocorrecção postural. O tempo médio de intervenção foi de 6,45semanas no subgrupo SCSA e 5,83sem no subgrupo IGU. Estes resultados são semelhantes comparativamente a estudos que utilizaram uma intervenção baseada nos mesmos princípios (Matias e Cruz, 2004; Cunha e Matias, 2006; Santos e Matias, 2007; Rodrigues e Matias, 2009). Conclusão: O protocolo de intervenção aplicado, com uso de exercícios baseados nos princípios da ED e uso de BEMG, permitiu o alcance dos objectivos, junto de utentes com DCAO (SCSA e IGU). Verificou-se que, independentemente da condição, os resultados foram idênticos em ambos subgrupos, não apresentando diferenças significativas entre as variáveis de medida final, o tempo total de intervenção e os tempos até atingir os critérios de alta, expecto para a Dor, sendo este superior no subgrupo SCSA.---------------------------------------- ABSTRACT:Introduction: Movement disorders and pain in the shoulder joint complex (SJC) are common and debilitating. The use of exercises under the premises of dynamic stability (DS), with the aid of electromyographic biofeedback (EMGBF) has been mentioned as a way to increase the effectiveness of the intervention in disorders of the shoulder joint complex (DSJC) Main Objective: To evaluate the results of an intervention protocol, with EMGBF whose aims were to abolish the pain, increase functionality and DS of the scapula in patients with DSJC. Objectives: To compare the subgroups and the characteristics, outcomes, and total intervention times to reach discharge criteria; to compare the results at the beginning and at the end. Methods: We conducted a clinical cohort, longitudinal, retrospective, observational analysis. The sample consisted of 82 subjects, divided into two subgroups (n = 53 shoulder impingement syndrome SIS n = 29 shoulder joint instability SJI). The measurement instruments used were the VAS, DASH, SPADI, and EMGBF. It was followed the DS protocol proposed by Santos and Matias (2007), according to the three phases of intervention, described by performing a weekly session, monitoring exercises that follow these principles, with EMGBF. The variables were pain, posture, recruitment pattern, motor control, the initial position of the scapula (IPS), range of motion (ROM), muscular strength (MS) and posture. To analyze the data, we used the descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: The intervention was effective in abolishing the pain at the time (0.43 to 0.00/10 VAS in the SIS subgroup and 0.66 to 0.00/10 VAS in the SJI subgroup) in worst pain (5.47 to 0,06/10 VAS in the SIS subgroup and 5.28/ to 0.14/10 VAS in the SJI subgroup), increasing the function (28,57 to 0,66/100 DASH and 39,00 to 0,63/100 SAPDI in the SIS subgroup and 25,80 to 0,38/100 DASH and 28,19 to 0,39/100 SPADI in the SJI subgroup) and the increase in DS of the scapula with normalization of the pattern recruitment, motor control, IPS within the spectrum of normalcy and good ability to control its position along the movement of the upper limb (UL). The intervention provided, although the normalization of ROM, MS and self-correcting posture. The average length of intervention was 6.45 weeks in the SIS subgroup and 5.83 in the IS subgroup. These results are comparable with similar studies that used an intervention based on the same principles (Matias e Cruz, 2004; Cunha e Matias, 2006; Santos e Matias, 2007; Rodrigues e Matias, 2009). Conclusion: The intervention protocol implemented with the use of exercises based on the principles of DS and the use of EMGBF was effective, allowing the accomplishment of goals, in patients with DSJC (SIS and SJI). It was found that, regardless of condition, the results were identical in both groups, showing no significant differences between the variables of the final measure, the total time of intervention and the times to reach discharge criteria, except for pain, which was higher in the SIS subgroup.
Nesta Dissertação ir-se-á avaliar o desempenho de algumas ligações existentes nos veículos pesados de passageiros, através do Regulamento Eurocódigo 3. Nos últimos anos ocorreram diversos acidentes envolvendo este tipos de veículos, em que os mesmos causaram vítimas mortais e feridos graves. Serão testadas por simulação numérica algumas ligações pertencentes a elementos constituintes da superestrutura, em que esta é normalmente afectada com a ocorrência de acidentes. Assim sendo, o estudo de nós de ligação tem uma importância fulcral para que uma superestrutura suporte situações extremas e que resista a solicitações externas aplicadas. Iniciou-se esta Dissertação com o estudo da sinistralidade e de acidentes que envolvem veículos pesados de passageiros. No capítulo 2 abordou-se um programa que promove simulações numéricas de acidentes e estudo do comportamento dos passageiros em caso de acidente, sendo referido o Regulamento que homologa os veículos pesados de passageiros e os seus principais métodos. Abordaram-se os principais constituintes da estrutura de um veículo pesado de passageiros. No capítulo 3, é referido o Eurocódigo 3 em termos do estudo das ligações tubulares usadas neste tipo de veículos. No capítulo 4, fez-se o estudo e selecção de elementos a utilizar para a simulação numérica de casos preconizados pelo Eurocódigo 3 e estudaram-se três tipos de ligações que são usadas na construção da superestrutura deste tipo de veículos, tendo-se retirado conclusões deste estudo.
Inhalation injuries are currently the factor most responsible for mortality in thermally injured patients. Inhalation injuries may occur independently, but generally occur together with skin burn. Smoke inhalation affects all levels of the respiratory system and the extent of the inhalation injury depends on the duration, exposure, amount and toxicity of the fume temperature, concentration and solubility of toxic gases, the occurrence of the accident in a closed space and pre-existing diseases. Smoke inhalation also induces changes in the systemic organs with the need for more fluid for resuscitation. Systemic vasoconstriction, with an elevation in systemic vascular resistance, a fall in myocardial contractility and a great increase in lymphatic flow in soft tissue are the most important changes in systemic organs. On admission of a burn patient there is a high suspicion of inhalation injury when there are signs and symptoms such as hoarseness, strides, dyspnea, carbonaceous sputum, anxiety or disorientation, with or without face burns. The patient with these findings has partial airway obstruction and there is substantial risk complete airway obstruction occurring of secondary to the edema. Patients with suspected inhalation injury should be intubated so as to maintain airway patency and avoid a total obstruction. This group of patients frequently develop respiratory failure with the need for mechanical ventilatory support. Nosocomial infections, sepsis and multiple organ system failure may occur. Late complications of inhalation injury are tracheitis, tracheal stenosis or tracheomalacia and chronic airway disease, which is relatively rare. Early diagnosis of inhalation injury and treatment in a Burn Unit by a group of highly motivated clinicians and a good team of nurses is essential in order to decrease the morbidity and mortality related to inhalation injury.
Injuries caused by venomous and poisonous aquatic animals may provoke important morbidity in humans. The phylum Echinoderma include more than 6000 species of starfish, sea urchins, sand dollars, and sea cucumbers some of which have been found responsible for injuries to humans. Initial injuries by sea urchins are associated with trauma and envenomation, but later effects can be observed. Sea urchin granuloma is a chronic granulomatous skin disease caused by frequent and successive penetration of sea urchin spines which have not been removed from wounds. The authors report a typical case of sea urchin granuloma in a fisherman and its therapeutic implications.
OBJECTIVE: To report a full-term newborn infant that developed a sepsis associated to meningitis caused by Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C on the 14th day of life. CASE DESCRIPTION: The patient was a term female infant, born to a mother with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, with birth weight of 2,610g, Apgar Score 1, 4 and 8, who needed mechanical ventilation for 24 hours. On the 7th day of life, the neonate was discharged from the hospital with good overall condition. On the 15th day of life, the newborn infant presented fever and respiratory failure. The cerebrospinal fluid showed 1042 cells/mm³, with neutrophilic predominance, protein of 435 mg/dL, and glucose < 10 mg/dL. The blood and the cerebrospinal fluid cultures were positive for Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C. The neonate was hospitalized, needing mechanical ventilation and vasoactive drugs, and received 21 days of crystalline penicillin. After hospital discharge, there were no signs of neurological sequels and the infant was able to be breastfed. The case report presents a unique situation: an uncommon etiology of neonatal meningitis and favorable evolution, despite neurological sequels reported in the literature. This report emphasizes the need to prevent the premature exposure of newborn infants to pathological agents, especially if they presented birth injuries and/or are preterm, due to their lack of immunological capacity.
Brown widow spider (Latrodectus geometricus) venom (BrWSV) produces few local lesions and intense systemic reactions such as cramps, harsh muscle pains, nausea, vomiting and hypertension. Approximately 16 protein bands under reducing conditions and ~ 14 bands under non-reducing conditions on a 12.5% sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were observed. Neurotoxic clinical manifestations were confirmed in vivo, while proteolytic activity was demonstrated on gelatine film. Severe ultrastructural damages in mice skeletal muscles were observed at 3, 6, 12 and 24 h postinjection with at total of 45 µg of venom protein. Infiltration of eosinophils and ruptures of the cellular membranes were observed in the muscles along with swelling of the nuclear cover and interruption of the collagen periodicity. Altered mitochondrias and autophage vacuoles, nuclear indentation and mitochondria without cristae, slight increment of intermyofibrillar and subsarcolemic spaces and myelinic figures formation were also observed. In the capillary, endothelial membrane unfolding into the lumen was noticed; along with myelinic figures compatible with a toxic myopathy. Swollen sarcotubular systems with lysis of membrane, intense mitochondria autophagia and areas without pinocytic vesicles were observed. Swollen mitochondria surrounded by necrotic areas, myofibrillar disorganization and big vacuolas of the sarcotubular system, degenerated mitochondrium with formation of myelinic figure was seen. Glycogenosomes with small particulate, muscle type glycogen was noticed. Autophagic vacuole (autophagolysosomes) and necrotic areas were also noticed. These damages may be due to interactive effects of the multifactorial action of venom components. However, Latrodectus geometricus venom molecules may also be utilized as neuro therapeutic tools, as they affect neuronal activities with high affinity and selectivity. To our knowledge, the present study is the first ultrastructural report in the literature of muscle injuries and neurological and proteolytic activities caused by BrWSV.
In the present study the frequencies of immunity against hepatitis B (HB) and of potentially contaminating accidents among medical students of a Brazilian public university were evaluated. Of all the 400 students who should have been immunized, 303 (75.7%), 66.3% of whom were women, answered an anonymous, self-administered questionnaire. Serum anti-HBs were determined in 205 of them and titers > 10 UI/L were considered to be protective. A total of 86.8% of students had received three doses of HB vaccine. The frequency of immunity among women (96.4%) was higher (p = 0.04) than that among men (87.7%). Among those who did not have immunity, 12/13 (92.3%) had been vaccinated before entering medical school. Only 11% of the students with complete vaccination had previously verified serological response to the vaccine. A total of 23.6% reported having been somehow exposed to blood or secretions. Among final-year students, this frequency was 45.0%, being similar among men (47.8%) and women (43.2%). Of all these accidents, 57.7% were due to body fluids coming in contact with mucosa and 42.3% due to cut and puncture accidents. The results from this study show that: 1) the frequency of immunity against HB is high among the evaluated medical students, although verification of response to vaccination is not a concern for them; 2) anti-HBs titers should be verified after complete vaccination and on a regular basis, especially by men; and 3) the frequency of potentially contaminating accidents is high.
Envenomation by coral snakes (Micrurus sp.) is one of the most dangerous injuries in America and it is considered as a serious medical emergency, however bites by these snakes appear to be rare. We analyzed epidemiological data, clinical signs and antivenom use in Argentina during the period between 1979-2003. During this period of study 46 non-fatal Micrurus bites were reported. The majority of cases were men from 31 to 40 years old. Bites occurred primarily in spring and summer. Most cases were reported from the northeast and northwest provinces of the country. The bites were mostly located on hands or feet and occurred mostly during agricultural activities and so mainly involved farmers. Only four cases occurred as a result of handling snakes. The median time it took for antivenom to be administrated was 60 minutes after the bite, and the median number of vials applied was 2. Local pain was mentioned and edema was reported in 41% of patients. All patients recovered without sequelae. This study showed a low incidence of Micrurus bites and low severity of envenomation. However, although no deaths have been reported during the last 30 years, given the toxicity of the venom of Micrurus snakes, the risk of severe envenomation should be considered.
The authors report a case of bilateral Tinea nigra plantaris treated through a double-blind study with the topical antifungal agents Isoconazole and Terbinafine. The objective of the study was to clinically compare the efficacy of these two topical antifungal agents on days 10, 20 and 30 of the treatment. No significant clinical differences were found, as all the plantar lesions regressed completely by the end of the treatment. Our conclusion was that in the case reported, the topical antifungal agents Isoconazole and Terbinafine demonstrated identical efficacy as a clinical cure. We also suggest the inclusion of injuries caused by arthropods of the Diplopoda Class in the differential diagnosis of Tinea nigra plantaris, due to the persistent acral hyperpigmentation.
INTRODUCTION: There is much controversy regarding the current indications and contraindications for digital replantation. PRESENTATION OF CASE: Three patients with absolute contraindications for digital replantation according to classical criteria are presented (Case 1: multilevel amputation of the hand and fingers; Case 3: avulsion of the thumb; Case 4: index amputation proximal to the insertion of the flexor digitorum superficialis). In addition a patient with a very distal digital amputation (Case 2), whose indication for replantation is controversial is also presented. In all cases, the patients were replanted and showed good functional and aesthetical results. DISCUSSION: Most authors advocate that the classical indications for replantation have been validated by experience, are predicated on the potential for long-term function, and should be followed in most if not all cases. However, some surgeons have been adopting a more liberal attitude with good results. CONCLUSION: The clinical cases presented in this paper suggest that the standard criteria for digital replantation should not be followed rigidly but instead should be regarded as a general guide.
A cross-sectional study was conducted to assess the frequencies and characteristics of occupational exposures among medical and nursing students at a Brazilian public university, in addition to their prevention and post-exposure behavior. During the second semester of 2010, a self-administered semi-structured questionnaire was completed by 253/320 (79.1%) medical students of the clinical course and 149/200 (74.5%) nursing students who were already performing practical activities. Among medical students, 53 (20.9%) suffered 73 injuries, which mainly occurred while performing extra-curricular activities (32.9%), with cutting and piercing objects (56.2%), in the emergency room (39.7%), and as a result of lack of technical preparation or distraction (54.8%). Among nursing students, 27 (18.1%) suffered 37 injuries, which mainly occurred with hollow needles (67.6%) in the operating room or wards (72.2%), and as a result of lack of technical preparation or distraction (62.1%). Among medical and nursing students, respectively, 96.4% and 48% were dissatisfied with the instructions on previously received exposure prevention; 48% and 18% did not always use personal protective equipment; 67.6% and 16.8% recapped used needles; 49.3% and 35.1% did not bother to find out the source patient's serological results post-exposure; and 1.4% and 18.9% officially reported injuries. In conclusion, this study found high frequencies of exposures among the assessed students, inadequate practices in prevention and post-exposure, and, consequently, the need for training in “standard precautions” to prevent such exposures.
In the American continent, honeybee envenomation is a public health problem due to the high incidence and severity of the cases. Despite its medical importance, there is a lack of epidemiological studies on this topic in Brazil, especially referring to the Northeastern states. The present study has aimed to describe the epidemiological features of honeybee envenomation cases in the state of the Ceará, Northeastern Brazil, from 2007 to 2013. Data were collected from the Injury Notification Information System database of the Health Department of Ceará. A total of 1,307 cases were analyzed. Cases were shown to be distributed in all the months of the studied years, reaching higher frequencies in August. The majority of cases occurred in urban areas and involved men aged between 20 and 29 years. Victims were mainly stung on the head and torso, and they received medical assistance predominantly within 3 hours after being stung. Local manifestations were more frequent than systemic ones. Most cases were classified as mild and progressed to cure. The high number of honeybee sting cases shows that Ceará may be an important risk area for such injuries. Moreover, the current study provides data for the development of strategies to promote control and prevention of bee stings in this area.
Neste trabalho estudam-se os factores determinantes do desenvolvimento de atelectasias pulmonares em traumatizados cranio-encefálicos, os efeitos deletérios consequentes ao seu aparecimento, a prioridade absoluta a atribuir à prevenção do seu estabelecimento e referem-se os óptimos resultados alcançados com uma terapêutica de urgência que é ao mesmo tempo simples e rápida, com poucos efeitos colaterais potenciais, e que consiste fundamentalmente na utilização combinada da aspiração e drenagem das secreções intrabrônquicas, alternando com insuflações manuais com Ambu através de sonda nasotraqueal.
A retrospective survey done from 1987 till 1990 revealed that 23 patients bitten by pigs sought medical help at a teaching hospital in Uberlândia, in southeastern Brazil. Most cases (21) were from Uberlândia. The cases were evenly distributed by month and by year; most of them (14/16; 87.5%) occurred between 7. OOa.m. and 7.00 p. m. The male to female ratio was 6.7:1. Age ranged from 6 to 73 (mean 38.95 ± SD 22.06, median 36). The bites were more common on the upper limbs, particularly on the forearms. In 11(47.8%) cases the injury was described as deep. In most cases where information was available the injury was related to capture, transport or immobilisation ofthe pigfor slaughter. The following medical procedures were performed: local cleansing in 19(82.6%) cases, rabies vaccine (12; 52.2%), antirabies serum (2; 8.7%), suturing (6; 26.1%) and tetanus vaccine (12; 52.2%). There was no case of infection at the bite site, neither of rabies or tetanus. By our data, the annual incidence of pig bite in Uberlândia can be estimated to be about 1.5/100.000.