704 resultados para Boat


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This study was undertaken in Napoleon gulf, and part of the off shore area of Lake Victoria Uganda in the landing site of Lufu in Buvuma district in the month of October 2015 for three days of sampling. It was conducted in four landing sites; Busana, Kikondo from Buikwe district and Lufu landing site from Buvuma district. The main aim was to determine the effect of Lampara net on the catch rate and size of the Rastrineobola argentae (mukene) harvested on Lake Victoria using various mesh sizes. The study focused on the 5mm and 10 mm mesh sizes of the Lampara net. A total of 109 boats were sampled; from the 5 mm mesh sizes indicated catch rates of 78-200 kg/boat/day and yet for 10 mm mesh size was at 248 kg/boat day. Statistical tests were carried out on the these two mesh sizes using One way Anova and indicated in catches was (Anova F=7.476; P<0.05) and for the price values was (Anova F=5.488 ; P<0.05). This is an indication that despite the fact that the mukene fishery is on the increase, a time will come when it also be depleted so a need to use the rightful fishing gear of 10mm mesh size is advisable for the biodiversity conservation.


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This report presents information on the development of a system for commercial harvesting of Rastrineobola argentea (Mukene) in Lake Victoria. The objective of this work is to develop a system for commercial Harvesting of Mukene with: •Targeted output above 1,000 kg per working night per boat. •Target area to be off shore waters of Lake Victoria. •Drying under hygienic conditions for production of high quality poultry and animal feeds. •Supply to be continuous with predicable prices


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Trabalho de Projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação - Especialização em Supervisão Pedagógica


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Several recent offsite recreational fishing surveys have used public landline telephone directories as a sampling frame. Sampling biases inherent in this method are recognised, but are assumed to be corrected through demographic data expansion. However, the rising prevalence of mobile-only households has potentially increased these biases by skewing raw samples towards households that maintain relatively high levels of coverage in telephone directories. For biases to be corrected through demographic expansion, both the fishing participation rate and fishing activity must be similar among listed and unlisted fishers within each demographic group. In this study, we tested for a difference in the fishing activity of listed and unlisted fishers within demographic groups by comparing their avidity (number of fishing trips per year), as well as the platform used (boat or shore) and species targeted on their most recent fishing trip. 3062 recreational fishers were interviewed at 34 tackle stores across 12 residential regions of Queensland, Australia. For each fisher, data collected included their fishing avidity, the platform used and species targeted on their most recent trip, their gender, age, residential region, and whether their household had a listed telephone number. Although the most avid fishers were younger and less likely to have a listed phone number, cumulative link models revealed that avidity was not affected by an interaction of phone listing status, age group and residential region (p > 0.05). Likewise, binomial generalized linear models revealed that there was no interaction between phone listing, age group and avidity acting on platform (p > 0.05), and platform was not affected by an interaction of phone listing status, age group, and residential region (p > 0.05). Ordination of target species using Bray-Curtis dissimilarity indices found a significant but irrelevant difference (i.e. small effect size) between listed and unlisted fishers (ANOSIM R < 0.05, p < 0.05). These results suggest that, at this time, the fishing activity of listed and unlisted fishers in Queensland is similar within demographic groups. Future research seeking to validate the assumptions of recreational fishing telephone surveys should investigate fishing participation rates of listed and unlisted fishers within demographic groups.


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The defeat of South Vietnam in 1975 transformed Vietnamese men into fleeing refugees, boat people, and state-sponsored asylees. Writing against the popular and scholarly representations of Vietnamese refugee men as incapacitated objects of rescue, this paper provides an in-depth analysis of the intimate, insightful, and intense portrayal of Vietnamese masculinities in lê thi diem thúy’s novel, The Gangster We Are All Looking For. Focusing on the “sad and broken” father in the novel, the article conceptualizes his bouts of domestic violence neither as a private family matter nor an example of individual failing, but as a social, historical, and transnational affair that exposes the conditions—war, urban neglect, poverty—under which Vietnamese masculinity is continually produced, negotiated and transformed.


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In this image, guests are readying for a boat trip in the Cedar Point lagoon circa 1910. The statue at right was one of a number of statues owner George a Boeckling purchased at the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair. He installed them throughout the Cedar Point grounds. Some are still on display in the park. Note the electric transmission poles to the left in the picture.


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The canals and lagoons dug by George Boeckling in 1905 were put to a new use in 1964 when the Western Cruise opened at Cedar Point. Guests were taken on a boat ride through the early history of Ohio, complete with animated Indians, snarling cougars, and frontier settlers. The ride operated at the park through the 2011 season. The area was then used for the Dinosaurs Alive attraction.


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This picture shows the men of the Detroit Dredging Company hand digging lagoons for owner George A. Boeckling at Cedar Point. The lagoon network would be used for transportation so that visitors could reach the boat docks at the Hotel Breakers. They also made it possible to carry coal to the new electric power station. Visitors could also enjoy traveling the lagoons by themselves.


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Fisheries activities are the main source of livelihood for the communities that live at Lake Edward fish landing sites. The landing sites include: Kazinga, Katwe, Kayanja, Kishenyi Rwenshama and Katunguru and are located within Queen Elizabeth Conservation Area (QECA). In spite of being the main source of livelihood, 74% of the respondents in a 2013 survey reported that catches for the main targeted fish species namely: Bagrus docmak (Semutundu), Oreochromis niloticus (Tilapia) and Protopterus aethiopicus (Mamba) were declining due to overfishing and catching of immature fish by the rapidly increasing population. Lake Edward Frame surveys had shown that the number of fishing crafts increased from 302 in 2008 to 330 in 2011, while the number of fishers increased from 355 to 600 during the same period. Between 2008 and 2010, catch per boat, for Bagrus docmak (Semutundu) declined from 5.25 kg to 4.04 kg and for Protopterus aethiopicus (Mamba) from 2.63 kg to 1.03kg. It has been suggested that reducing pressure on the lake should be handled using different approaches, one of which is introduction of programs for enhancing livelihood options which do not conflict with conservation of Queen Elizabeth Conservation Area (QECA). The main goal of this study was therefore to identify, prioritize and pilot livelihood options at selected landing sites of Lakes Edward and George.


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The Moreton Bay prawn trawl fishery is one of Queensland’s oldest commercial fisheries, but is currently economically unsustainable. The fishery is characterized by a mix of large and small vessels, with the small vessels facing different licensing and boat replacement restrictions to the large. Industry have proposed the removal of the current two-for-one boat replacement policy that affects the smaller vessels to encourage investment and replacement by larger vessels, although there is concern by managers about the impact of this on total fishing effort and sustainability of the stocks, despite the existence of a total cap in vessel capacity units. We estimate the impact of removing the boat replacement policy for the smaller vessels on fleet performance and total fishing effort, and find that removing the boat replacement policy is unlikely to result in a substantial increase in fishing effort due to the existence of a vessel unitization scheme.


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O imposex em gastrópodes (Acanthina monodon, Oliva peruviana e Xanthochroid Cassidyformis) e os níveis de butilestânicos (BTs) em sedimentos superficiais e tecidos foram avaliados em três áreas sob a influência das atividades marítimas ao longo da costa central do Chile. As concentrações mais elevadas de TBT foram observadas na baia de São Vicente (Concepción), atingindo 122,3 ng Sn g-1 em sedimentos superficiais e 59,7 ng Sn g-1 em tecidos de gastrópodes, enquanto em Valparaiso variou de 7,4 a 15,8 ng Sn g-1 em biota. As menores concentrações de TBT em sedimentos foram detectadas em Coquimbo (<2 ng Sn g- 1 ), que pode ser atribuída a um menor tráfego de embarcações (provavelmente usando produtos livres de TBT) associado à dinâmica local. Apesar de DBT e MBT serem os analitos predominantes, aportes recentes de TBT foram evidentes em algumas áreas. Na verdade, os barcos de pesca pode ser uma fonte relevante, uma vez que estes predominaram nos locais mais contaminados. Além disso, a ausência de diferenças significativas entre os níveis BTs de ambos os sexos de A. monodon sugere que os tecidos de sexos distintos podem ser indistintamente utilizados para estudos futuros de contaminação. A incidência de Imposex foi detectada em 11 dos 15 locais amostrados, indicando que os níveis ambientais de TBT tem sido suficiente para induzir efeitos deletérios sobre os organismos expostos. Assim, os impactos causados pelo TBT nas zonas costeiras do Chile foram detectáveis e consistentes com outros estudos realizados na América do Sul. Este problema ambiental pode ser, provavelmente, devido a falta de regulamentação proibindo o uso de tintas antiincrustantes a base de TBT, indicando que esta pode ser a realidade das demais áreas do Chile sob influência de atividades marítimas.


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Presenting acoustic information has become increasingly interesting for technique training and control in various sports. In elite rowing, acoustic feedback is a new and promising application to optimize the boat's forward motion. This paper describes the potential of acoustic information which represents the movement-relevant information on the boat's forward motion for rowing and its implementation as online acoustic feedback during on-water training sessions. The first significant results were encouraging and support the intention to implement the acoustic information regularly into training processes for elite athletes. © Faculty of Education. University of Alicante.


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The present investigation examined the assemblages of brachyuran crabs in three bays of southeastern So Paulo State, analyzing the numbers of species and individuals, biomass, and diversity. The crabs were collected monthly in Ubatumirim, Ubatuba, and Mar Virado bays in the Ubatuba region over 2 years (1998 and 1999). In each bay, six tows were made from a fishing boat. A total of 39,820 specimens, representing 11 super families, 39 genera, and 65 species of brachyurans, were obtained. The mean number of specimens and biomass varied seasonally, which can be mainly related with the population tendencies of two dominant species in the area (Callinectes ornatus and Hepatus pudibundus). The highest numbers of individuals and species were found in Ubatuba Bay, followed by Ubatumirim and Mar Virado. The highest diversity index was estimated for Ubatumirim (H' = 2.44), followed by Ubatuba (H' = 2.37) and Mar Virado (H' = 1.86). In general, the coastal region supported high abundance and species richness concerning brachyurans, with high diversity indices, probably because of its more-heterogeneous substrate, which may afford more refuges for certain species. These results suggested that environmental conditions in this area, although they showed certain differences, are favorable for the establishment and development of a diverse brachyuran guild.


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The relationships between the spatial and temporal variations in the abundance of the shrimp Nematopalaemon schmitti and water temperature, salinity, and texture and organic-matter content of the sediment, were analysed in Ubatumirim, Ubatuba and Mar Virado bays on the northern coast of São Paulo, Brazil. Sampling was carried out monthly, from January 1998 through December 1999, from a shrimp boat equipped with double-rig nets, along six transects in each bay. In total, 2 116 specimens of N. schmitti were caught. Their distribution differed among bays, transects and seasons (ANOVA, p < 0.05). Highest total abundance was found in areas of high organic-matter content, in substrate composed mainly of very fine sand and silt and clay, and during winter and autumn. Although multiple regression analysis showed no significant relationship (p > 0.05), observations suggest that water temperature, sediment texture, organic-matter content, and the presence of biodetritus and plant fragments, provided favourable environmental conditions for the establishment of N. schmitti in the region.


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Permitindo uma forma de habitar lugares de grande relação com a água, erguem-se um pouco por todo o mundo, sobre as águas de rios, barragens e lagos estruturas palafíticas. Em Portugal, em 1964 na aldeia da Carrasqueira, extremo sul do estuário do Sado, um cais palafítico começava a ser construído por pescadores-agricultores, que ali viviam, para combater mudanças de maré e aceder tanto a água como a terra. O barco, o abrigo e o caminho são os três elementos fundamentais da arquitetura palafítica aqui encontrada, em que a qualidade da água e da terra são determinantes para o assentamento da estrutura neste local. O rio Sado define-se como o limite geográfico e paisagístico da ocupação, é gerador de características únicas que permitem o desenvolvimento de um novo tipo de habitar que surge sobretudo de uma aproximação ao local e aos materiais que dele provêm. A Carrasqueira traduz o paradigma de uma cultura em adaptação contínua às circunstâncias adversas do meio ambiente. A pouca informação sobre o cais e a unicidade construtiva encontrado na estrutura, faz com que seja de elevada pertinência o estudo, sob o ponto de vista construtivo, da arquitetura palafítica da vila piscatória da Carrasqueira, enquanto matéria mutável sensível às mudanças ambientais e espontâneas. Pretende-se clarificar e identificar as singularidades da arquitetura de expressão espontânea da Carrasqueira, intrinsecamente ligada tanto à água do rio Sado, como à terra que a limita e corporiza. Para o estudo construtivo serão elaborados:  Mapas de desenvolvimento do cais;  Um registo fotográfico das estruturas;  Desenhos, realizados originalmente no decorrer desta investigação no local, de forma a criar um maior entendimento da forma de construção entre as diferentes peças e partes de cada uma das estruturas.  Construção de uma estrutura palafítica.  Vídeo, enquanto registo das fases do trabalho prático mostra parte do trabalho desenvolvido no processo construtivo. A produção dos documentos mencionados testemunha um tipo de vida invulgar na História da Arquitetura Portuguesa. O contacto com locais, pescadores, trabalhadores e gentes da terra também ajudará a entender os sistemas construtivos utilizados, pelo conhecimento construtivo por experiência própria, e proximidade das matérias-primas; ABSTRACT: Allowing life in floodplain areas, palaffitic structures take advantage from water, and appear a bit all over the world. The stilts portray a way of living changing and giving identity to the places and population. In Portugal, 1964 year, in Carrasqueira village, located on the southwest Sado’s river, facing the river side and land, a palaffitic piers was built, to fight the tide changing and allowed the population to get as close as they could to water and reach the land easier when they were coming from the fishing activity. The continuously adaptation of lifestyle in order to follow and adjust themselves to nature shows how strong and unique this culture and people are. The boat, the shelter and the paths are the three fundamental elements used in Carrasqueira’s palaffitic architecture. Water and land, construction and nature, this beautiful balance is only possible because of the river and its qualities. Also the time roles an important paper in the process, it changes with the growing of the main materials. This investigation has the goal to study the palaffitic piers of Carrasqueira by the constructivist point of view, as a spontaneous structure that began with the available materials and was continuously changing and adjusting to fit the land, the lifestyle and the needs of the population that was living there. Clarifying and identifying the singularities of this construction is what the study wants to achieve. Maps, photography’s and intensive drawings will be making on the process. A palaffitic structure will be build and the part of the building process will be available for watch on a short-video, filmed by then. The contact with locals will probably assume the biggest part of the work in main to understand their way of thinking and the process of their work.