975 resultados para Binding energies and masses


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The air fluorescence detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory is designed to perforin calorimetric measurements of extensive air showers created by Cosmic rays of above 10(18) eV. To correct these measurements for the effects introduced by atmospheric fluctuations, the Observatory contains a group Of monitoring instruments to record atmospheric conditions across the detector site, ail area exceeding 3000 km(2). The atmospheric data are used extensively in the reconstruction of air showers, and are particularly important for the correct determination of shower energies and the depths of shower maxima. This paper contains a summary of the molecular and aerosol conditions measured at the Pierre Auger Observatory since the start of regular operations in 2004, and includes a discussion of the impact of these measurements oil air shower reconstructions. Between 10(18) and 10(20) eV, the systematic Uncertainties due to all atmospheric effects increase from 4% to 8% in measurements of shower energy, and 4 g cm(-2) to 8 g cm(-2) in measurements of the shower maximum. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Solvatochromic and ionochromic effects of the iron(II)bis(1,10-phenanthroline)dicyano (Fe(phen)(2)(CN)(2)) complex were investigated by means of combined DFT/TDDFT calculations using the PBE and B3LYP functionals. Extended solvation models of Fe(phen)(2)(CN)(2) in acetonitrile and aqueous solution, as well as including interaction with Mg(2+), were constructed. The calculated vertical excitation energies reproduce well the observed solvatochromism in acetonitrile and aqueous solutions, the ionochromism in acetonitrile in the presence of Mg(2+), and the absence of ionochromic effect in aqueous solution. The vertical excitation energies and the nature of the transitions were reliably predicted after inclusion of geometry relaxation upon aqueous micro- and global solvation and solvent polarization effect in the TDDFT calculations. The two intense UV-vis absorption bands occurring for all systems studied are interpreted as transitions from a hybrid Fe(II)(d)/cyano N(p) orbital to a phenanthroline pi* orbital rather than a pure metal-to-ligand-charge transfer (MLCT). The solvatochromic and ionochromic blue band shifts of Fe(phen)(2)(CN)(2) were explained with preferential stabilization of the highest occupied Fe(II)(d)/cyano N(p) orbitals as a result of specific interactions with water solvent molecules or Mg(2+) ions in solution. Such interactions occur through the CN(-) groups in the complex, and they have a decisive role for the observed blue shifts of UV-vis absorption bands.


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New basis sets of the atomic natural orbital (ANO) type have been developed for the lanthanide atoms La-Lu. The ANOs have been obtained from the average density matrix of the ground and lowest excited states of the atom, the positive ions, and the atom in an electric field. Scalar relativistic effects are included through the use of a Douglas-Kroll-Hess Hamiltonian. Multiconfigurational wave functions have been used with dynamic correlation included using second-order perturbation theory (CASSCF/CASPT2). The basis sets are applied in calculations of ionization energies and some excitation energies. Computed ionization energies have an accuracy better than 0.1 eV in most cases. Two molecular applications are inluded as illustration: the cerium diatom and the LuF3 molecule. In both cases it is shown that 4f orbitals are not involved in the chemical bond in contrast to an earlier claim for the latter molecule.


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Molecular orbital calculations were carried out on a set of 28 non-imidazole H(3) antihistamine compounds using the Hartree-Fock method in order to investigate the possible relationships between electronic structural properties and binding affinity for H3 receptors (pK(i)). It was observed that the frontier effective-for-reaction molecular orbital (FERMO) energies were better correlated with pK(i) values than highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) energy values. Exploratory data analysis through hierarchical cluster (HCA) and principal component analysis (PCA) showed a separation of the compounds in two sets, one grouping the molecules with high pK(i) values, the other gathering low pK(i) value compounds. This separation was obtained with the use of the following descriptors: FERMO energies (epsilon(FERMO)), charges derived from the electrostatic potential on the nitrogen atom (N(1)), electronic density indexes for FERMO on the N(1) atom (Sigma((FERMO))c(i)(2)). and electrophilicity (omega`). These electronic descriptors were used to construct a quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) model through the partial least-squares (PLS) method with three principal components. This model generated Q(2) = 0.88 and R(2) = 0.927 values obtained from a training set and external validation of 23 and 5 molecules, respectively. After the analysis of the PLS regression equation and the values for the selected electronic descriptors, it is suggested that high values of FERMO energies and of Sigma((FERMO))c(i)(2), together with low values of electrophilicity and pronounced negative charges on N(1) appear as desirable properties for the conception of new molecules which might have high binding affinity. 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Eukaryotic cells prevent copper-induced, free radical damage to cell components by employing copper-binding proteins and transporters that minimize the likelihood of free copper ions existing in the cell. In the cell, copper is actively transported from the cytoplasm during the biosynthesis of secreted coppercontaining proteins and, as a protective measure, when there is an excess of copper. In humans, this is accomplished by two related copper-transporting ATPases (ATP7A and ATP7B), which are the affected genes in two distinct human genetic disorders of copper transport, Menkes disease (copper deficiency) and Wilson disease (copper toxicosis). The study of these ATPases has revealed their molecular mechanisms of copper transport and their roles in physiological copper homeostasis. Both ATP7A and ATP7B are expressed in specific brain regions and neurological abnormalities are important clinical features in Menkes and Wilson disease.


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Rhotekin belongs to the group of proteins containing a Rho-binding domain that are target peptides (effectors) for the Rho-GTPases. We previously identified a novel cDNA with homology to human rhotekin and in this study we cloned and characterized the coding region of this novel 12-exon gene. The ORF encodes a 609 amino-acid protein comprising a Class I Rho-binding domain and pleckstrin homology (PH) domain. Cellular cDNA expression of this new protein, designated Rhotekin-2 (RTKN2), was shown in the cytosol and nucleus of CHO cells. Using bioinformatics and RTPCR we identified three major splice variants, which vary in both the Rho-binding and PH domains. Real-time PCR studies showed exclusive RTKN2 expression in pooled lymphocytes and further purification indicated sole expression in CD4pos T-cells and bone marrow-derived B-cells. Gene expression was increased in quiescent T-cells but negligible in activated proliferating cells. In malignant samples expression was absent in myeloid leukaemias, low in most B-cell malignancies and CD8pos T-cell malignancies, but very high in CD4pos/CD8pos T-lymphoblastic lymphoma. As the Rho family is critical in lymphocyte development and function, RTKN2 may play an important role in lymphopoiesis.


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Students who are strong in logical-mathematical intelligence have a natural advantage in learning and understanding chemistry, which is full of abstractions that are remote from the material world. Simulations provide more-inclusive learning activities for students who are weak in logical-mathematical intelligence.

A second advantage of using simulations is that they are not limited by (for example) the quantised energies, integral masses and discrete expectation values of real atoms and molecules. Numerical experiments can be used to investigate the effect of continuously varying atomic mass, bond distance or any other property, from one value to another.

Finally, students are more familiar with spreadsheets than more advanced mathematical packages such as MathCAD, MAPLE, Mathematica and other symbolic algebra software. Use of these advanced packages presents additional learning hurdles for students and should be used only for advanced classes. Furthermore, spreadsheets are capable of a level of sophistication that is greater than commonly expected. This can be achieved without the use of MACROs.

Examples from the author's teaching are used to discuss the advantages of spreadsheet simulations for learning chemistry.


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Aim: This study investigated the effects of endurance training status and sex differences on skeletal muscle Na+,K+-pump mRNA expression, content and activity. Methods: Forty-five endurance-trained males (ETM), 11 recreationally active males (RAM), and nine recreationally active females (RAF) underwent a vastus lateralis muscle biopsy. Muscle was analysed for Na+,K+-pump α1, α2, α3, β1, β2 and β3 isoform mRNA expression (real-time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction), content ([3H]-ouabain-binding site) and maximal activity (3-O-methylfluorescein phosphatase, 3-O-MFPase). Results: ETM demonstrated lower α1, α3, β2 and β3 mRNA expression by 74%, 62%, 70% and 82%, respectively, than RAM (P < 0.04). In contrast, [3H]-ouabain binding and 3-O-MFPase activity were each higher in ETM than in RAM, by 16% (P < 0.03). RAM demonstrated a 230% and 364% higher α3 and b3 mRNA expression than RAF, respectively (P < 0.05), but no significant sex differences were found for α1, α2, β1 or β2 mRNA, [3H]-ouabain binding  or 3-O-MFPase activity. No significant correlation was found between years of endurance training and either [3H]-ouabain binding or 3-O-MFPase activity. Significant but weak correlations were found between the number of training hours per week and 3-O-MFPase activity (r = 0.31, P < 0.02) and between incremental exercise V O2(peak) and both   [3H]-ouabain binding (r = 0.33, P < 0.01) and 3-O-MFPase activity (r = 0.28, P < 0.03). Conclusions: Isoform-specific differences in Na+,K+-pump mRNA expression were found with both training status and sex differences, but only training status influenced Na+,K+-pump content and maximal activity in human skeletal muscle.


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By the use of the yeast two-hybrid screen we have identified two proteins that interacted with UCH37: S14, which is a subunit of PA700 and a novel protein, UIP1 (UCH37 interacting protein 1). The interaction of UCH37 with S14 or UIP1 was confirmed by in vitro binding assay and in vivo co-immunoprecipitation analysis. The C-terminal extension of UCH37 is essential for interaction with S14 or UIP1 as shown by the yeast two-hybrid assay and the in vitro binding assay. Furthermore, UIP1 blocked the interaction between UCH37 and S14 in vitro.


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Inhibitory neurons exert control the expression of many aspects of behaviour by regulating the effectiveness of excitatory neural function. By comparison with excitatory neural systems, relatively little is known about the development of inhibitory neurons and the influence which these neurons exert on the development of other neural systems. Two issues which relate to the development of inhibitory neurons are of particular interest. First, a paradox arises when inhibitory neurons are considered in terms of modern models of synaptic development which involve activity-dependent mechanisms of synaptic plasticity. Second, there is some evidence that inhibitory neurotransmitters may act in a special trophic manner during the early development of nervous systems. Investigations of these issues would be greatly facilitated in a neural system in which it was possible to experimentally control aspects of the development of individual pre- and postsynaptic cells. The aim of the results presented in this thesis was to characterise the normal development of one such system: the GABAergic inhibitory system of the Australian freshwater crayfish, Cherax destructor. The ontogeny of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA across the embryonic period of 30% to 100% development was investigated using immunohistochemical techniques. GABA-like immunoreactive cells and fibres were first detected in the embryonic brain region. The expression of GABA-like immunoreactivity progressed along a rostro-caudal gradient, with GABA-like immunoreactive cells being detected in the most anterior thoracic ganglia at 45% development and in all ganglia by 65% development. GABA-like immunoreactive fibres were evident in peripheral nerves as early as 55% development and ramified extensively throughout the neuropil of the nervous system by 65% development. By contrast, immunoreactivity to the primary excitatory neurotransmitter, glutamate, was not detected until 60-65% development. Glutamate-like immunoreactivity at 60-65% development was evident only in the form of punctate staining in the midline of the ventral nerve cord. Cell body staining was observed only at 90% development and was restricted to only a few cells on the periphery of the ventral nerve cord. Radio-labelled ligand binding methods and autoradiography were used to study the expression of putative GABA receptors in the Cherax embryos from 30% to 100% development. Specific binding was evident in the earliest embryos studies at 30% development. There was an initial increase in binding from 30% to 40% development, followed by a dramatic drop to almost zero binding at 50-55% development. This was followed by a gradual increase in binding levels with age, reaching a plateau at 85% development. Preliminary pharmacological evaluation of binding indicated that at least three GABA receptor types were expressed during embryonic development. Methods for culturing, dissociated neural tissues explanted form Cherax embryos at 85% development were established. The success of cultures was demonstrated by neurite extension, and neuronal networks in which neurons appeared to form connections with other neurons and with explanted muscle cells after two days in culture. Immunohistochemical studies demonstrated that some explanted neurons expressed GABA-like immunoreactivity within two days of explanting. These studies have provided a comprehensive description of the development of GABAergic neurons and their receptors in Cherax destructor embryos. The very early expression of GABA-like immunoreactivity, coupled with the early onset of specific GABA binding, strongly indicates that the GABAergic neurons are functional and able to exert an effect on other cells during much of the period of nervous system development in crayfish embryos. These results support the hypothesis that inhibitory neurons may play an important role as regulators of the overall process of assembly and maturation of the nervous system and provide a substantial basis for future experimental studies in which the specific action of inhibitory neurons on the development of discrete components of the crayfish nervous system may be investigated.


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RNA polymerase II (pol II) transcription termination requires co-transcriptional recognition of a functional polyadenylation signal, but the molecular mechanisms that transduce this signal to pol II remain unclear. We show that Yhh1p/Cft1p, the yeast homologue of the mammalian AAUAAA interacting protein CPSF 160, is an RNA-binding protein and provide evidence that it participates in poly(A) site recognition. Interestingly, RNA binding is mediated by a central domain composed of predicted -propeller-forming repeats, which occurs in proteins of diverse cellular functions. We also found that Yhh1p/Cft1p bound specifically to the phosphorylated C-terminal domain (CTD) of pol II in vitro and in a two-hybrid test in vivo. Furthermore, transcriptional run-on analysis demonstrated that yhh1 mutants were defective in transcription termination, suggesting that Yhh1p/Cft1p functions in the coupling of transcription and 3'-end formation. We propose that direct interactions of Yhh1p/Cft1p with both the RNA transcript and the CTD are required to communicate poly(A) site recognition to elongating pol II to initiate transcription termination.


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This dataset is comprised of a spreadsheet of simulation result files, cross-section geometries of stamped parts, strain results of cross-section of stamped parts, simulation data (strain stress displacement energies), and variation data of material properties of a single coil. This data is a collection of both experimental and simulation results from industrial and laboratory stamping of advanced high strength steels (AHSS). The steels that were stamped were a typical high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steel, a transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP) steel, a super HSLA steel, and a dual phase (DP) steel. The selected part was an automatic Ford Falcon front cross-member component using the Ford Geelong stamping plant. The variation of the material and stamped parts was also collected.


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Background: Non alcoholic steatohepatitis is hypothesised to develop via a mechanism involving fat accumulation and oxidative stress. The current study aimed to investigate if an increase in oxidative stress was associated with changes in the expression of liver fatty acid binding protein in a rat model of non alcoholic steatohepatitis and whether cocoa supplementation attenuated those changes.

Methods: Female Sprague Dawley rats were fed a high fat control diet, a high fat methionine choline deficient diet, or one of four 12.5% cocoa supplementation regimes in combination with the high fat methionine choline deficient diet.

Results: Liver fatty acid binding protein mRNA and protein levels were reduced in the liver of animals with fatty liver disease when compared to controls. Increased hepatic fat content was accompanied by higher levels of oxidative stress in animals with fatty liver disease when compared to controls. An inverse association was found between the levels of hepatic liver fatty acid binding protein and the level of hepatic oxidative stress in fatty liver disease. Elevated NADPH oxidase protein levels were detected in the liver of animals with increased severity in inflammation and fibrosis. Cocoa supplementation was associated with partial attenuation of these pathological changes, although the severity of liver disease induced by the methionine choline deficient diet prevented complete reversal of any disease associated changes. Red blood cell glutathione was increased by cocoa supplementation, whereas liver glutathione was reduced by cocoa compared to methionine choline deficient diet fed animals.

Conclusion: These findings suggest a potential role for liver fatty acid binding protein and NADPH oxidase in the development of non alcoholic steatohepatitis. Furthermore, cocoa supplementation may have be of therapeutic benefit in less sever forms of NASH.


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 Calculated energy profiles for the reactions of neutral Nb2 and Nb3 metal clusters with CO, D2, N2, and O2 are presented. In each reaction path, both a physisorption energy minimum, where the reactant remains intact, and a chemisorption energy minimum, where the reactant has dissociated, are calculated and linked by saddle points. We calculate branching ratios for the forward (dissociative) and reverse reactions which we compare with the experimental kinetic data. It is found that a combination of average thermal energies and barrier heights leads to wide variation in branching ratios which compares favourably to previously determined experimental reaction rates.


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A family of conformationally preorganized, [n]polynorbornane-based anion hosts 1a,b–6a,b have been synthesized. The series includes receptors with 4, 8, and 12 H-bond donors. Using 1H NMR titration techniques, evaluation of the new hosts against a series of alkyl and aryl dicarboxylates as well as a range of phosphoanionic species has revealed that the tris(thioureido) hosts (in particular 3a) are capable of regioselectively binding dicarboxylates and pyrophosphate (H2PPi2–).