965 resultados para Baur, Ferdinand Christian, 1792-1860.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Este trabalho analisa os jornais O Baurú (publicado entre 1906 e 1924), da cidade de Bauru, e O Operário (publicado entre 1909 e 1913), de Sorocaba, com ênfase no período entre 1909 e 1913, para identificar em que medida os dois veículos representavam políticas correntes entre os operários no período (anarquismo, socialismo e anticlericalismo, por exemplo), e faziam parte da experiência comunicacional do início de século XX, na qual segmentos operários e aliados puderam atuar diretamente na produção impressa, visando à organização política de classe
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Biblical justifications for a vegetarian diet seem to meet with much adversity within mainstream American culture. Texts suggesting that people were intended to be vegetarians can be found in the Bible. However, this interpretation of Biblical texts has not been widely accepted by Protestant Christianity. This research attempts to identifY social and religious characteristics of people who are vegetarian. Fundamentalism, denomination, belief in the inerrancy of the Bible, and strength of belief in Christianity are examined as factors related to supporting vegetarianism. The General Social Survey's data from 1993 and 1994 were used in this study. The data were analyzed using frequencies, means, cross tabulations. correlations, and regressions. The sample was 57% female and 87% white, the mean age was 46 and the average level of education was 13 years. The study found that, among the independent variables. belief in animal rights, rather than any specific religious views, had the strongest influence on vegetarianism.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The tropical fat snook Centropomus parallelus is a species of recognized ecological importance and with a high economical potential for fisheries and aquaculture. The investigations of digestive tube morphology in association with their feeding abilities are fundamental to improve techniques for aquaculture feeding procedures. Sudan black staining and Perl`s method were used to evaluate their absorption capacity of fat and protein respectively. The Sudan black stain was performed 12 h after the ingestion of lipids. The lipids are intensely absorbed in the ceca epithelium and less intensely in the intestine and rectum. The Perl`s method was performed 12 h after the ingestion of ferritin. The proteins are absorbed only in the rectum. This is the first description of fat and protein absorption ability by the digestive tube of fat snook. These data enhance the possibility of the addition of macromolecules in rations that can show a diversity of physiological effects. The histological implications of each segment of the digestive tube in association with fish biology are further discussed. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
[ES] Este trabajo tiene como propósito realizar una primera aproximación al proceso histórico de ocupación de la geografía árida de Norteamérica (1860-1960) que integra la frontera norte de México con el sureste de los Estados Unidos. Se hace énfasis en el impacto general que en este proceso jugó la revolución industrial y tecno-científica que la acompañó y específicamente el papel desempeñado de la Gran Hidráulica en la explotación de los recursos hídricos a gran escala, habilitando el desarrollo productivo y social. Como parte del cambio histórico se expone también la emergencia de un moderno marco jurídico-institucional en torno al agua. Se cierra con la exposición de dos casos regionales para mostrar las crecientes rivalidades por los recursos hídricos ante sus nuevos usos modernos y su explotación intensiva, así como las diferentes modalidades de gestión resultantes y sus impactos en el largo plazo. [EN] This work aims to make a first approach to the historical process of occupation of the arid geography of North America (1860-1960) that integrates the northern border of Mexico with the southeast of the United States. Emphasis on the general impact that this process played the industrial and technoscientific revolution that accompanied it and specifically the role of the great hydraulic in the exploitation of large-scale water resources, enabling productive and social development. As part of the historic change is also the emergence of a modern legal- institutional framework around water. It closes with the exhibition of two regional cases to show the growing rivalries for water resources to its new modern uses and its intensive exploitation, as well as the different forms of management resulting and their impacts in the long term.
[ES]Con el trabajo de investigación que presentamos tratamos de abordar la organización y gestión administrativa de la institución parroquial a través del estudio y análisis de los libros contables, la normativa aplicada, correspondencia y demás documentos relacionados con la administración de la parroquia, con el objeto de poner de manifiesto su estructura organizativa, el método contable aplicado, los cambios organizativos y su incidencia en los registros contables.