1000 resultados para BRASIL - POLÍTICA MILITAR - 2003-2009


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Sri Lanka's participation rates in higher education are low and have risen only slightly in the last few decades; the number of places for higher education in the state university system only caters for around 3% of the university entrant age cohort. The literature reveals that the highly competitive global knowledge economy increasingly favours workers with high levels of education who are also lifelong learners. This lack of access to higher education for a sizable proportion of the labour force is identified as a severe impediment to Sri Lanka‟s competitiveness in the global knowledge economy. The literature also suggests that Information and Communication Technologies are increasingly relied upon in many contexts in order to deliver flexible learning, to cater especially for the needs of lifelong learners in today‟s higher educational landscape. The government of Sri Lanka invested heavily in ICTs for distance education during the period 2003-2009 in a bid to increase access to higher education; but there has been little research into the impact of this. To address this lack, this study investigated the impact of ICTs on distance education in Sri Lanka with respect to increasing access to higher education. In order to achieve this aim, the research focused on Sri Lanka‟s effort from three perspectives: policy perspective, implementation perspective and user perspective. A multiple case study research using an ethnographic approach was conducted to observe Orange Valley University‟s and Yellow Fields University‟s (pseudonymous) implementation of distance education programmes using questionnaires, qualitative interviewing and document analysis. In total, data for the analysis was collected from 129 questionnaires, 33 individual interviews and 2 group interviews. The research revealed that ICTs have indeed increased opportunities for higher education; but mainly for people of affluent families from the Western Province. Issues identified were categorized under the themes: quality assurance, location, language, digital literacies and access to resources. Recommendations were offered to tackle the identified issues in accordance with the study findings. The study also revealed the strong presence of a multifaceted digital divide in the country. In conclusion, this research has shown that iii although ICT-enabled distance education has the potential to increase access to higher education the present implementation of the system in Sri Lanka has been less than successful.


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Neste trabalho comparamos as Curvas IS e de Phillips, derivadas a partir de modelos “tradicionais” e micro-fundamentados. Além disso, estimamos essas curvas para dados trimestrais brasileiros no período de 1994 a 2001. Na estimativa da IS foi usada a técnica de vetores de co-integração, já que esta curva é não balanceada – o hiato do produto é integrado de ordem zero e os regressandos são integrados de ordem um.


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O presente trabalho busca estudar a reestruturação ocorrida no setor elétrico brasileiro na década de 1990 modelo de mercado de energia vigente, com foco na comercialização. Neste contexto, analisam-se os motivos para lacunas de investimento no setor. Além disto, ainda da ótica do investidor, ressaltam-se as questões ambientais tributárias do setor elétrico brasileiro.


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This dissertation evaluates macroeconomic management in Brazil from 1994 to the present, with particular focus on exchange rate policy. It points out that while Brazil's Real Plan succeeded in halting the hyperinflation that had reached more than 2000 percent in 1993, it also caused significant real appreciation of the exchange rate situation that was only made worse by the extremely high interest rates and ensuing bout of severe financial crises in the intemational arena. By the end of 1998, the accumulation of internai and externai imbalances led the authorities to drop foreign exchange controls and allow the currency to float. In spite of some initial scepticism, the flexible rate regime cum inflation target proved to work well. Inflation was kept under control; the current account position improved significantly, real interest rates fell and GDP growth resumed. Thus, while great challenges still lie ahead, the recent successes bestow some optimism on the well functioning of this exchange rate regime. The Brazilian case suggests that successful transition from one foreign exchange system to another, particularly during financial crisis, does not depend only on one variable be it fiscal or monetary. In reality, it depends on whole set of co-ordinated policies aimed at resuming price stability with as little exchange rate and output volatility as possible.


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Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar o desempenho do Governo, frente às crises econômicas ocorridas nos últimos 30 anos do século XX e traçar um paralelo entre as conseqüências das medidas tomadas nestes planos e a hipótese de Thomas Sargent (1982) mais tarde comentada por Franco (1995), sobre as quatro hiperinflações do período pós-primeira guerra mundial. Esta análise considera fatos históricos e decisões da cúpula econômica do governo, com destaque para a eficiência das ações tomadas por ocasião dos Planos Cruzado e Real. Um primeiro capítulo apresenta uma introdução aos fatos históricos da conjuntura econômica dos governos no período analisado e faz um resumo descritivo das hipóteses de Sargent. No segundo capítulo um detalhamento e análise do Plano Cruzado e suas conseqüências na variação de alguns índices econômicos, como inflação, taxa de juros, câmbio, déficit público, crescimento, etc. Em um terceiro Capítulo, idêntica abordagem sobre o Plano Real e seus resultados. No quarto capítulo, apresento a conclusão dos estudos, inclusive analisando os resultados obtidos frente aos arcabouços teóricos. O foco deste estudo sobre os Planos Cruzado e Real, passando à margem de outros quatro planos, deve-se ao fato peculiar desses dois planos partirem, praticamente, das idéias de uma mesma equipe, com André Lara Rezende, Pérsio Arida, Francisco Lopes, Edmar Bacha, Eduardo Modiano, entre outros e terem chagado a resultados completamente diferentes.


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Esse artigo usa uma metodologia de decomposição tendência-ciclo para estimar o produto potencial brasileiro e investigar a importância relativa dos choques permanentes e transitórios. Conclui-se que os primeiros explicam quase que 100% da variância do produto privado. A partir desta evidência, investiga-se a existência de relações de longo prazo entre o produto potencial e diversos possiveis determinantes do crescimento a longo prazo, como investimentos externos, escolaridade média e taxa de analfabetismo da população econolTÚcamente ativa. Conclui-se que as duas primeiras possuem uma relação de longo prazo com o produto potencial, e que a elasticidade de longo prazo é não desprezível. A luz desta evidência, discute-se questões de política econômica.


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This paper contributes to the debate on whether the Brazilian public debt is sustainable or not in the long run by considering threshold effects on the Brazilian Budget Deficit. Using data from 1947 to 1999 and a threshold autoregressive model, we find evidence of delays in fiscal stabilization. As suggested in Alesina (1991), delayed stabilizations reflect the existence of political constraints blocking deficit cuts, which are relaxed only when the budget deficit reaches a sufficiently high level, deemed to be unsustainable. In particular, our results suggest that, in the absence of seignorage, only when the increase in the budget deficit reaches 1.74% of the GDP will fiscal authorities intervene to reduce the deficit. If seignorage is allowed, the threshold increases to 2.2%, suggesting that seignorage makes government more tolerant to fiscal imbalances.


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The aim of this paper is to assess the progress of the banking sector before and shortly after the Real Plan. We began by assessing the drop in the inflation revenues (negative real interest rates paid by the excess of demand deposits over total reserve requirements) as a result of the change in inflation from 40% a month for the pre-Real Plan period to a monthly average of 3.65% (IGP-DI), between July 1994 and May 1995. Then, using the financial statement data of a group of 90 banks, we attempt to estimate the net losses due to the inflation drop analyzing the profitability and other parameters of the banking industry. The calculations are made separately for private, state and federal banks. A later analysis on performance using information given to CVM (Securities Exchange Commission) by the six major private banks in the country is also discussed herein.


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Este texto se divide em duas partes. Na primeira, estuda-se empiricamente a queda na demanda por moeda ocorrida entre 1979 e 1983, salientando-se o papel desempenhado neste processo pelo surgimento de inovações financeiras e aumento de liquidez de ativos (ditos) não monetários. Neste ponto destaca-se a relativa ineficácia de um combate a inflação,baseado exclusivamente no controle da expansão de M1 . Em seguida, desenvolve-se um modelo que tenta captar os efeitos sobre a inflação o nível de atividade econômica, decorrentes da utilização, por parte dos agentes econômicos, de ativos indexados como reserva de liquidez alternativa a M1 . Conclui-se que o aumento de liquidez de ativos considerados não monetários protege o produto dos choques de oferta, conferindo-lhe uma maior estabilidade a ser paga pela exposição da inflação aos choques de oferta e demanda.


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