979 resultados para B-Functions


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Organic microcavity light-emitting diodes typically exhibit a blueshift of the emitting wavelength with increasing viewing angle. We have modeled the shift of the resonance wavelength for several metal mirrors. Eight metals (Al, Ag, Cr, Ti, Au, Ni, Pt, and Cu) have been considered as top or bottom mirrors, depending on their work functions. The model fully takes into account the dependence of the phase change that occurs on reflection on angle and wavelength for both s and p polarization, as well as on dispersion in the organic layers. Different contributions to the emission wavelength shift are discussed. The influence of the thickness of the bottom mirror and of the choice and thickness of the organic materials inside the cavity has been investigated. Based on the results obtained, guidelines for a choice of materials to reduce blueshift; are given. (C) 2002 Optical Society of America.


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We investigate spectral functions extracted using the maximum entropy method from correlators measured in lattice simulations of the (2+1)-dimensional four-fermion model. This model is particularly interesting because it has both a chirally broken phase with a rich spectrum of mesonic bound states and a symmetric phase where there are only resonances. In the broken phase we study the elementary fermion, pion, sigma, and massive pseudoscalar meson; our results confirm the Goldstone nature of the π and permit an estimate of the meson binding energy. We have, however, seen no signal of σ→ππ decay as the chiral limit is approached. In the symmetric phase we observe a resonance of nonzero width in qualitative agreement with analytic expectations; in addition the ultraviolet behavior of the spectral functions is consistent with the large nonperturbative anomalous dimension for fermion composite operators expected in this model.


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Input-driven models provide an explicit and readily testable account of language learning. Although we share Ellis's view that the statistical structure of the linguistic environment is a crucial and, until recently, relatively neglected variable in language learning, we also recognize that the approach makes three assumptions about cognition and language learning that are not universally shared. The three assumptions concern (a) the language learner as an intuitive statistician, (b) the constraints on what constitute relevant surface cues, and (c) the redescription problem faced by any system that seeks to derive abstract grammatical relations from the frequency of co-occurring surface forms and functions. These are significant assumptions that must be established if input-driven models are to gain wider acceptance. We comment on these issues and briefly describe a distributed, instance-based approach that retains the key features of the input-driven account advocated by Ellis but that also addresses shortcomings of the current approaches.


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Infection with group A streptococci (GAS) can lead to rheumatic fever (RF) and rheumatic heart disease (RHD) which are a major health concern particularly in indigenous populations worldwide, and especially in Australian Aboriginals. A primary route of GAS infection is via the upper respiratory tract, and therefore, a major goal of research is the development of a mucosal-based GAS vaccine, The majority of the research to date has focused on the GAS M protein since immunity to GAS is mediated by M protein type-specific opsonic antibodies. There are two major impediments to the development of a vaccine-the variability in M proteins and the potential for the induction of an autoimmune response. To develop a safe and broad-based vaccine, we have therefore focused on the GAS M protein conserved C-region, and have identified peptides, J8 and the closely related J8 peptide (J14), which may be important in protective immunity to GAS infection. Using a mucosal animal model system, our data have shown a high degree of throat GAS colonisation in B10.BR mice 24 h following intranasal immunisation with the mucosal adjuvant, cholera toxin B subunit (CTB), and/or diptheria toxoid (dT) carrier, or PBS alone, and challenge with the M1 GAS strain. However, GAS colonisation of the throat was significantly reduced following intranasal immunisation of mice with the vaccine candidate J8 conjugated to dT or J14-dT when administered with CTB. Moreover, J8-dT/CTB and J14-dT/CTB-immunised mice had a significantly higher survival when compared to CTB and PBS-immunised control mice. These data indicate that immunity to GAS infection can be evoked by intranasal immunisation with a GAS M protein C-region peptide vaccine that contains a protective B cell epitope and lacks a T cell autoepitope. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Sonic Hedgehog is a secreted morphogen involved in patterning a wide range of structures in the developing embryo. Disruption of the Hedgehog signalling cascade leads to a number of developmental disorders and plays a key role in the formation of a range of human cancers. The identification of genes regulated by Hedgehog is crucial to understanding how disruption of this pathway leads to neoplastic transformation. We have used a Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) responsive mouse cell line, C3H/10T1/2, to provide a model system for hedgehog target gene discovery. Following activation of cell cultures with Shh, RNA was used to interrogate microarrays to investigate downstream transcriptional consequences of hedgehog stimulation. As a result 11 target genes have been identified, seven of which are induced (Thrombomodulin, GILZ, BF-2, Nr4a1, IGF2, PMP22, LASP1) and four of which are repressed (SFRP-1, SFRP-2, Mip1-gamma, Amh) by Shh. These targets have a diverse range of putative functions and include transcriptional regulators and molecules known to be involved in regulating cell growth or apoptosis. The corroboration of genes previously implicated in hedgehog signalling, along with the finding of novel targets, demonstrates both the validity and power of the C3H/10T1/2 system for Shh target gene discovery.


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Activation of cyclin B-Cdc2 is an absolute requirement for entry into mitosis, but other protein kinase pathways that also have mitotic functions are activated during G(2)/M progression. The MAPK cascade has well established roles in entry and exit from mitosis in Xenopus, but relatively little is known about the regulation and function of this pathway in mammalian mitosis. Here we report a detailed analysis of the activity of all components of the Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK pathway in HeLa cells during normal G(2)/M. The focus of this pathway is the dramatic activation of an endomembrane-associated MEK1 without the corresponding activation of the MEK substrate ERK. This is because of the uncoupling of MEK1 activation from ERK activation. The mechanism of this uncoupling involves the cyclin B-Cdc2-dependent proteolytic cleavage of the N-terminal ERK-binding domain of MEK1 and the phosphorylation of Thr(286). These results demonstrate that cyclin B-Cdc2 activity regulates signaling through the MAPK pathway in mitosis.


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Intervalley interference between degenerate conduction band minima has been shown to lead to oscillations in the exchange energy between neighboring phosphorus donor electron states in silicon [B. Koiller, X. Hu, and S. Das Sarma, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 027903 (2002); Phys. Rev. B 66, 115201 (2002)]. These same effects lead to an extreme sensitivity of the exchange energy on the relative orientation of the donor atoms, an issue of crucial importance in the construction of silicon-based spin quantum computers. In this article we calculate the donor electron exchange coupling as a function of donor position incorporating the full Bloch structure of the Kohn-Luttinger electron wave functions. It is found that due to the rapidly oscillating nature of the terms they produce, the periodic part of the Bloch functions can be safely ignored in the Heitler-London integrals as was done by Koiller, Hu, and Das Sarma, significantly reducing the complexity of calculations. We address issues of fabrication and calculate the expected exchange coupling between neighboring donors that have been implanted into the silicon substrate using an 15 keV ion beam in the so-called top down fabrication scheme for a Kane solid-state quantum computer. In addition, we calculate the exchange coupling as a function of the voltage bias on control gates used to manipulate the electron wave functions and implement quantum logic operations in the Kane proposal, and find that these gate biases can be used to both increase and decrease the magnitude of the exchange coupling between neighboring donor electrons. The zero-bias results reconfirm those previously obtained by Koiller, Hu, and Das Sarma.


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Due to their spatial structure virus-like particles (VLPs) generally induce effective immune responses. VLPs derived from the small envelope protein (HBsAg-S) of hepatitis B virus (HBV) comprise the HBV vaccine. Modified HBsAs-S VLPs, carrying the immunodominant hypervariable region (HVR1) of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) envelope protein E2 within the exposed 'a'-determinant region (HBsAg/HVR1-VLPs), elicited HVR1-specific antibodies in mice. A high percentage of the human population is positive for anti-HBsAg antibodies (anti-HBs), either through vaccination or natural infection. We, therefore, determined if pre-existing anti-HBs could influence immunisation with modified VLPs. Mice were immunised with a commercial HBV vaccine, monitored to ensure an anti-HBs response, then immunised with HBsAg/HVR1-VLPs. The resulting anti-HVR1 antibody titre was similar in mice with or without pre-existing anti-HBs. This suggests that HBsAg/HVR1-VLPs induce a primary immune response to HVR1 in anti-HBs positive mice and, hence, they may be used successfully in individuals already immunised with the HBV vaccine. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Dizygotic twinning in humans is influenced by genetic factors suggesting inherited variation affects follicle development and predisposes to double ovulations. In a previous study, we conducted a detailed examination of follicle development and variation in hormone concentrations during the menstrual cycle in mothers of DZ twins (MODZT) compared with an age-matched control group of mothers of singletons. We did not detect differences in FSH concentrations between mothers of twins and mothers of singletons. Serum inhibin concentrations were measured by a radioimmunoassay that did not distinguish between dimeric inhibin A and B forms and free inhibin alpha subunit. We therefore analyzed the samples from this study with specific assays to determine whether concentrations of inhibin A and B were different between MODZT and controls and therefore contribute to the twinning phenotype. There were no significant differences between MONT with single ovulations and control women in inhibin A and B concentrations during the cycle, including the critical period for the selection of the dominant follicle. These data suggest that the genetic cause of twinning is not associated with changes in FSH concentrations or recognised feedback mechanisms regulating FSH release.


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CD40 has emerged as a key signaling pathway for the function of B cells, monocytes, and dendritic cells (DC) in the immune system, and plays a major role in inflammatory pathways of nonhemopoletic cells. CD40 is expressed by monocytes and DC and is up-regulated when DC migrate from the periphery to draining lymph nodes (DLN) in response to microbial challenge. CD154 signaling by MHC-restricted, activated CD4* T cells induces differentiation of DC, as defined by an increased surface expression of MHC, costimulatory, and adhesion molecules. Thus, CD40 functions in the adaptive immune response as a trigger for the expression of costimulatory molecules for efficient T-cell activation. CD40 ligation of DC also has the capacity to induce high levels of the cytokine IL-12, which polarizes CD4(+) T cells toward a T helper 1 (Th1) type, enhances proliferation of CD8(+) T cells, and activates NK cells. CD40 may also play an important role in the decision between tolerance and immunity and the generation of regulatory CD4(+) T cells that are thought to maintain peripheral self-tolerance in vivo.


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Background Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) is a ligand-activated transcription factor known to be central to both adipose tissue development and insulin action. Growth of adipose tissue requires differentiation of preadipocytes with acquisition of specific cellular functions including insulin sensitivity, leptin secretion and the capacity to store triglyceride. Dietary fatty acids and members of the thiazolidinedione class of compounds have been reported to influence adipogenesis at the transcriptional level. Here, we compare the effects of a dietary fatty acid, linoleic acid, and a thiazolidinedione, rosiglitazone, on biochemical and functional aspects of human preadipocyte differentiation in vitro . Materials and methods Human omental and subcutaneous preadipocytes were subcultured 2-3 times and subsequently differentiated for 21 days in the presence of either linoleic acid or rosiglitazone. Differentiation was assessed using a number of biochemical and functional parameters. Results Omental and subcutaneous preadipocytes differentiated in the presence of linoleic acid showed marked cytoplasmic triacylglycerol accumulation however, no biochemical markers of differentiation (LPL expression, G3PDH gene expression and enzyme activity and leptin expression or secretion) were detected. In contrast, treatment of these cells with rosiglitazone induced full biochemical differentiation as judged by all markers assessed, despite comparatively little lipid accumulation. The rosiglitazone effects were subcutaneous depot-specific. Cells treated with linoleic acid showed decreased glucose uptake cf rosiglitazone-treated cells. A luciferase reporter assay demonstrated that rosiglitazone potently activates h-peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma while linoleic acid had no effect. Conclusions These studies demonstrate that (a) human preadipocytes have the potential to accumulate triacylglycerol irrespective of their stage of biochemical differentiation; (b) while omental preadipocytes are refractory to biochemical differentiation in vitro , they are able to accumulate triacylglycerol; and (c) rosiglitazone and linoleic acid may exert their effects via different biochemical pathways.


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Deterioration of concrete or reinforcing steel through excessive contaminant concentration is often the result of repeated wetting and drying cycles. At each cycle, the absorption of water carries new contaminants into the unsaturated concrete. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) is used with large concrete samples to observe the shape of the wetting profile during a simple one-dimensional wetting process. The absorption of water by dry concrete is modelled by a nonlinear diffusion equation with the unsaturated hydraulic diffusivity being a strongly nonlinear function of the moisture content. Exponential and power functions are used for the hydraulic diffusivity and corresponding solutions of the diffusion equation adequately predict the shape of the experimental wetting profile. The shape parameters, describing the wetting profile, vary little between different blends and are relatively insensitive to subsequent re-wetting experiments allowing universal parameters to be suggested for these concretes.