982 resultados para Azevedo, Arthur, 1855-1908
The letter discusses the latest book of Mark Twain, printed after his death, "The Mysterious Stranger".
The letter mentions a debate that Arthur will be involved in and Eleanor Celeste jokes about which side she will favour.
The letter mentions a train from Newark to Princeton. She writes "Shall keep all news until I see you". The second part of the letter is written another day and describes the time she spent with Arthur.
The letter discusses more studies in French. She is learning grammar from a textbook and reading a book written in French entitled "En France".
The letter begins with a retelling of the days activities (washing, cleaning etc.). The second part of the letter mentions the Normans (Canadians). He is connected to a steamship company that travels the St. Lawrence shipping timber. The Normans know of Colonel McCormick and are familiar with Shelter Bay. The letter is labelled number 54.
The letter mentions it was recently Eleanor Celeste's birthday and Arthur had sent her a gift, a book, but he had previously given her the same book. She asks if she would be able to exchange it for another one.
The letter discusses that this is to be the day that Arthur will be told of his commissions.
The letter discusses the upcoming eye operation for Mrs. Reynolds (E.C. Schmon's mother). The second letter mentions her sister is ill and needs tending to while her mother is not able to wait on her. The letter is labelled number 105.
The letter reads:" The sixth of February. Artie dear, I am going to be a real good girl and not make you read a long letter, when your thoughts are so completely occupied with "war". Newark is also greatly excited. All arrangements for the mobilization of the militia forces have been made, and in case of any local uprisings, two hundred policemen are to be added to the force. Of course everyone is thinking the worst at present, but I cannot help but believe that in a few months, people will feel like kicking themselves, for having done an unnecessary amount of worrying. (Let us hope so). If nothing unforeseen occurs, I am going to take the "Congressional limited" to Washington, Wednesday the twenty first. Saw in the paper that the public ceremonies of inauguration are to be eliminated, or I would go down the following week. Don't think to steadily about the war. It's bad for the head. Affectionately, Lessie."
The letter mentions some men that may be returning the United States and some that have returned. This letter is labelled number 138.
The letter is written by, presumably, Arthur Schmon's sister. It is signed "Goodnight - Lovingly your sis". In the letter, she describes a sermon E.C. Schmon has just attended. A farewell sermon preached by a doctor who will be going to work for the YMCA.
There are two letters included, one from Eleanore Celeste, the second letter from Arthur Schmon's parents. The first letter from E.C. mentions that she is staying at Arthur's parents home for the night so that she can attend a party close by. The second letter is written by his mother (as mentioned in the letter from E.C.) and reads: " Arthur dear, We are very glad to have Celeste with us tonight. It takes a little of our blues away. I am so disappointed that you are not coming home right away, but I hope and pray that our Heavenly Father will watch over you and bring you safely back to us. We will pray for you. Your loving Mother and Father.
Eleanore Celeste begins by discussing her birthday gifts she received from friends and family. There is talk that Arthur might soon be release from the army. She also mentions she is teaching higher grades and she finds it "very hard". The children of celebrities in Newark attend the school she is currently placed. The letter is labelled number 242.
The letter begins by describing her Red Cross uniform to be worn during the Xmas campaign. She also mentions an outing to see a show "Glorianna", then dancing at Murrays, then Hunter Island Inn for dinner. This letter is labelled number 202.
The letter describes pictures Eleanore Celeste had received from Arthur. The second part of the letter discusses a trip to the Metropolitan to see three one act Italian operas. The singers mentioned are Farrar and Amato. She also discusses a fur coat that Arthur is planning to buy for her as a gift. The letter is labelled number 90.