999 resultados para Assisted cases


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Instead of standard rigid thoracoscopes, we used a modified gastroscope for video assistance during 12 minimally invasive left internal mammary harvesting. Flexibility and remote control of its last centimeters give to the gastroscope a total freedom of movements, and perfect positioning in every direction. The scope is equipped with cold light, a suction canal and an irrigation canal, which allow for in situ washing without needing to remove it from the thoracic cavity. Thanks to these advantages, vision and lighting are always perfect.


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A-8a Summary of Food Stamp Errors Active and Negative Cases, Apr. 2004 - Sept. 2004


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A-7 Statistical Report On FIP Applications And Cases Discontinued, June 2005


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A-8a Summary of Food Stamp Errors Active and Negative Cases, Oct. 2004 - Mar. 2005


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A-7 Statistical Report On FIP Applications And Cases Discontinued, July 2005


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PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical and subjective outcomes after arthroscopic-assisted double-bundle posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) reconstruction. METHODS: A series of 15 patients with grade III isolated chronic PCL tears underwent double-bundle PCL reconstruction. Of these patients, 8 (53%) had simultaneous fractures. The mean time from accident to surgery was 10.8 months (range, 8 to 15 months). The mean age at the time of surgery was 28.2 years (range, 17 to 43 years). All of the patients reported knee insecurity during activities of daily living or light sporting activities, with associated anterior knee pain in 5 patients. Preoperatively, posterolateral or posteromedial corner injuries were ruled out through accurate clinical examination. The knees were assessed before surgery and at a mean follow-up of 3.2 years (range, 2 to 5 years) with a physical examination, 4 different rating scales, and stress radiographs obtained with a Telos device (Telos, Marburg, Germany). RESULTS: Postoperative physical examination revealed a reduction of the posterior drawer and tibial step-off in all cases, although the posterior laxity was not completely normalized. Nevertheless, the patients were subjectively better after surgery. The subjective International Knee Documentation Committee score was significantly ameliorated. With regard to the objective International Knee Documentation Committee score, 6 knees (40%) were graded as abnormal because of posterior displacement of 6 mm or greater on follow-up stress radiographs with the Telos device. On the Lysholm knee scoring scale, the score was excellent in 13% of patients and good in 87%. The mean score on the Hospital for Special Surgery knee ligament rating scale was 85.8. The Tegner activity score showed an amelioration after surgery, but no patient resumed his or her preinjury level of activities. The postoperative stress radiographs revealed an improvement in posterior instability of 50% or more in all but 3 knees (20%). CONCLUSIONS: Our technique of double-bundle PCL reconstruction produced a significant reduction in knee symptoms and allowed the patients to return to moderate or strenuous activity, although the posterior tibial translation was not completely normalized and our results appear to be no better than the results of single-bundle PCL reconstruction. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level IV, therapeutic case series.


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Expressions relating spectral efficiency, power and Doppler spectrum are derived for low-power Rayleighfaded wireless channels with proper complex signaling. Noside information on the state of the channel is assumed at the receiver. Rather, periodic reference signals are postulated inaccordance with the functioning of most wireless systems. In contrast with most previous studies, which relied on block-fading channel models, a continuous-fading model is adopted. This embeds the Doppler spectrum directly in thederived expressions thereby imbuing them with practical significance.


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Four-lane undivided roadways in urban areas can experience a degradation of service and/or safety as traffic volumes increase. In fact, the existence of turning vehicles on this type of roadway has a dramatic effect on both of these factors. The solution identified for these problems is typically the addition of a raised median or two-way left-turn lane (TWLTL). The mobility and safety benefits of these actions have been proven and are discussed in the “Past Research” chapter of this report along with some general cross section selection guidelines. The cost and right-of-way impacts of these actions are widely accepted. These guidelines focus on the evaluation and analysis of an alternative to the typical four-lane undivided cross section improvement approach described above. It has been found that the conversion of a four-lane undivided cross section to three lanes (i.e., one lane in each direction and a TWLTL) can improve safety and maintain an acceptable level of service. These guidelines summarize the results of past research in this area (which is almost nonexistent) and qualitative/quantitative before-and-after safety and operational impacts of case study conversions located throughout the United States and Iowa. Past research confirms that this type of conversion is acceptable or feasible in some situations but for the most part fails to specifically identify those situations. In general, the reviewed case study conversions resulted in a reduction of average or 85th percentile speeds (typically less than five miles per hour) and a relatively dramatic reduction in excessive speeding (a 60 to 70 percent reduction in the number of vehicles traveling five miles per hour faster than the posted speed limit was measured in two cases) and total crashes (reductions between 17 to 62 percent were measured). The 13 roadway conversions considered had average daily traffic volumes of 8,400 to 14,000 vehicles per day (vpd) in Iowa and 9,200 to 24,000 vehicles per day elsewhere. In addition to past research and case study results, a simulation sensitivity analysis was completed to investigate and/or confirm the operational impacts of a four-lane undivided to three-lane conversion. First, the advantages and disadvantages of different corridor simulation packages were identified for this type of analysis. Then, the CORridor SIMulation (CORSIM) software was used x to investigate and evaluate several characteristics related to the operational feasibility of a four-lane undivided to three-lane conversion. Simulated speed and level of service results for both cross sections were documented for different total peak-hour traffic, access densities, and access-point left-turn volumes (for a case study corridor defined by the researchers). These analyses assisted with the identification of the considerations for the operational feasibility determination of a four -lane to three-lane conversion. The results of the simulation analyses primarily confirmed the case study impacts. The CORSIM results indicated only a slight decrease in average arterial speed for through vehicles can be expected for a large range of peak-hour volumes, access densities, and access-point left-turn volumes (given the assumptions and design of the corridor case study evaluated). Typically, the reduction in the simulated average arterial speed (which includes both segment and signal delay) was between zero and four miles per hour when a roadway was converted from a four-lane undivided to a three-lane cross section. The simulated arterial level of service for a converted roadway, however, showed a decrease when the bi-directional peak-hour volume was about 1,750 vehicles per hour (or 17,500 vehicles per day if 10 percent of the daily volume is assumed to occur in the peak hour). Past research by others, however, indicates that 12,000 vehicles per day may be the operational capacity (i.e., level of service E) of a three-lane roadway due to vehicle platooning. The simulation results, along with past research and case study results, appear to support following volume-related feasibility suggestions for four-lane undivided to three-lane cross section conversions. It is recommended that a four-lane undivided to three-lane conversion be considered as a feasible (with respect to volume only) option when bi-directional peak-hour volumes are less than 1,500 vehicles per hour, but that some caution begin to be exercised when the roadway has a bi-directional peak-hour volume between 1,500 and 1,750 vehicles per hour. At and above 1,750 vehicles per hour, the simulation indicated a reduction in arterial level of service. Therefore, at least in Iowa, the feasibility of a four-lane undivided to three-lane conversion should be questioned and/or considered much more closely when a roadway has (or is expected to have) a peak-hour volume of more than 1,750 vehicles. Assuming that 10 percent of the daily traffic occurs during the peak-hour, these volume recommendations would correspond to 15,000 and 17,500 vehicles per day, respectively. These suggestions, however, are based on the results from one idealized case xi study corridor analysis. Individual operational analysis and/or simulations should be completed in detail once a four-lane undivided to three-lane cross section conversion is considered feasible (based on the general suggestions above) for a particular corridor. All of the simulations completed as part of this project also incorporated the optimization of signal timing to minimize vehicle delay along the corridor. A number of determination feasibility factors were identified from a review of the past research, before-and-after case study results, and the simulation sensitivity analysis. The existing and expected (i.e., design period) statuses of these factors are described and should be considered. The characteristics of these factors should be compared to each other, the impacts of other potentially feasible cross section improvements, and the goals/objectives of the community. The factors discussed in these guidelines include • roadway function and environment • overall traffic volume and level of service • turning volumes and patterns • frequent-stop and slow-moving vehicles • weaving, speed, and queues • crash type and patterns • pedestrian and bike activity • right-of-way availability, cost, and acquisition impacts • general characteristics, including - parallel roadways - offset minor street intersections - parallel parking - corner radii - at-grade railroad crossings xii The characteristics of these factors are documented in these guidelines, and their relationship to four-lane undivided to three-lane cross section conversion feasibility identified. This information is summarized along with some evaluative questions in this executive summary and Appendix C. In summary, the results of past research, numerous case studies, and the simulation analyses done as part of this project support the conclusion that in certain circumstances a four-lane undivided to three-lane conversion can be a feasible alternative for the mitigation of operational and/or safety concerns. This feasibility, however, must be determined by an evaluation of the factors identified in these guidelines (along with any others that may be relevant for a individual corridor). The expected benefits, costs, and overall impacts of a four-lane undivided to three-lane conversion should then be compared to the impacts of other feasible alternatives (e.g., adding a raised median) at a particular location.


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BACKGROUND: Minimally invasive surgery (MIS) for late-presenting congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) has been described previously, but few neonatal cases of CDH have been reported. This study aimed to report the multicenter experience of these rare cases and to compare the laparoscopic and thoracoscopic approaches. METHODS: Using MIS procedures, 30 patients (16 boys and 14 girls) from nine centers underwent surgery for CDH within the first month of life, 26 before day 5. Only one patient had associated malformations. There were 10 preterm patients (32-36 weeks of gestational age). Their weight at birth ranged from 1,800 to 3,800 g, with three patients weighing less than 2,600 g. Of the 30 patients, 18 were intubated at birth. RESULTS: The MIS procedures were performed in 18 cases by a thoracoscopic approach and in 12 cases by a laparoscopic approach. No severe complication was observed. For 20 patients, reduction of the intrathoracic contents was achieved easily with 15 thoracoscopies and 5 laparoscopies. In six cases, the reduction was difficult, proving to be impossible for the four remaining patients: one treated with thoracoscopy and three with laparoscopy. The reasons for the inability to reduce the thoracic contents were difficulty of liver mobilization (1 left CDH and 2 right CDH) and the presence of a dilated stomach in the thorax. Reductions were easier for cases of wide diaphragmatic defects using thoracoscopy. There were 10 conversions (5 laparoscopies and 5 thoracoscopies). The reported reasons for conversion were inability to reduce (n = 4), need for a patch (n = 5), lack of adequate vision (n = 4), narrow working space (n = 1), associated bowel malrotation (n = 1), and an anesthetic problem (n = 1). Five defects were too large for direct closure and had to be closed with a patch. Four required conversion, with one performed through video-assisted thoracic surgery. The recurrences were detected after two primer thoracoscopic closures, one of which was managed by successful reoperation using thoracoscopy. CONCLUSIONS: In the neonatal period, CDH can be safely closed using MIS procedures. The overall success rate in this study was 67%. The indication for MIS is not related to weeks of gestational age, to weight at birth (if >2,600 g), or to the extent of the immediate neonatal care. Patients with no associated anomaly who are hemodynamically stabilized can benefit from MIS procedures. Reduction of the herniated organs is easier using thoracoscopy. Right CDH, liver lobe herniation, and the need for a patch closure are the most frequent reasons for conversion.


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Introduction: Pulmonary fat embolism (PFE) can be a cause of death in cases with trauma, during orthopedic surgery and also in non-traumatic conditions, such as burns, pancreatitis, fatty liver or sickle cell disease. As PMA becomes more widespread, it is important to determine how it affects the diagnosis of PFE. Aims: The aim of this study was to determine if the oily contrast liquid used in PMA induces artefactual PFE, if such artefacts differ from original PFE and if PFE can be detected and graded before PMA. Material and methods: Cases of adults without signs of postmortem change and for which an autopsy with angiography was performed were selected for this study. Pulmonary biopsies of each lung were taken before and after the angiography as were fragments of each lung with a twin-edged knife during the autopsy. The samples were examined under the microscope without fixation or staining and after an Oil-Red O staining. PFE was graded according to Falci et al. Results: Non-artefactual (original) PFE was diagnosed in 4 cases on pre-PMA biopsies. As expected, structures with the aspect of PFE were present in all cases after angiography. The microscopical aspect of original and PMA induced PFE was identical. Grading of the PFE according to Falci et al. was depending on the quality of the biopsies. Conclusions: PMA with oily contrast induces artefactual PFE that cannot be visually differentiated from original PFE. Original PFE can however be diagnosed with pre-angiography biopsies. In order to assure the diagnosis and correct grading of PFE, the quality of the biopsy should be checked before PMA with oily contrast.


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OBJECTIVE: To present a series of localized fibrous tumours of the pleura (LFTP), to define the clinical and histopathological diagnostic criteria of this tumour, and to determine the optimal treatment and follow-up. METHODS: Review of the charts of the patients with the diagnosis of LFTP (formerly called benign fibrous mesothelioma), as well as of all the histological sections, including immunohistochemical stains. Review of the literature with special emphasis on the clinical and histological criteria of malignancy. RESULTS: During the last 30 years, we found 15 patients with a complete clinical chart and histological material, particularly paraffin blocks of the tumour. The mean age was 57 years (range 27-79). Eight patients were asymptomatic, and the remaining seven presented with non-specific symptoms. All but one had complete resection of the tumour, including partial lung resection in two and partial chest wall resection in three. The diagnosis was confirmed by histological review in 15 cases. Immunohistochemical stainings showed positivity for vimentin in all cases, for CD 34 in 80%, but were consistently negative for cytokeratins. Nine tumours were histologically classified as malignant. Among them, five recurred, two of which were responsible for death. One benign tumour recurred after 1 year, and was treated successfully by repeat resection and radiotherapy. Overall, 13 patients (86%) were alive with no evidence of disease between 10 months and 27 years after the first resection. CONCLUSIONS: LFTP is a rare tumour which has a benign clinical course in over 80% of the cases, and is asymptomatic in half the patients. The diagnosis is difficult to establish before operation. Treatment consists of complete resection including adjacent structures if necessary. The clinical behaviour of LFTP cannot be predicted on the basis of histological aspects only. If histologically malignant tumours are more prone to recurrence and poor outcome, broad-based and locally invasive tumours bear a higher risk of recurrence. Long term follow-up is therefore mandatory in all cases in order to perform early re-resection when recurrence occurs.


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Background. This study is an evaluation of the vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) therapy for the treatment of severe intrathoracic infections complicating lung resection, esophageal surgery, viscera perforation, or necrotizing pleuropulmonary infections.Methods. We reviewed the medical records of all patients treated by intrathoracic VAC therapy between January 2005 and December 2008. All patients underwent surgical debridement-decortication and control of the underlying cause of infection such as treatment of bronchus stump insufficiency, resection of necrotic lung, or closure of esophageal or intestinal leaks. Surgery was followed by intrathoracic VAC therapy until the infection was controlled. The VAC dressings were changed under general anesthesia and the chest wall was temporarily closed after each dressing change. All patients received systemic antibiotic therapy.Results. Twenty-seven patients (15 male, median age 64 years) underwent intrathoracic VAC dressings for the management of postresectional empyema (n = 8) with and without bronchopleural fistula, necrotizing infections (n = 7), and intrathoracic gastrointestinal leaks (n = 12). The median length of VAC therapy was 22 days (range 5 to 66) and the median number of VAC changes per patient was 6 (range 2 to 16). In-hospital mortality was 19% (n = 5) and was not related to VAC therapy or intrathoracic infection. Control of intrathoracic infection and closure of the chest cavity was achieved in all surviving patients.Conclusions. Vacuum-assisted closure therapy is an efficient and safe adjunct to treat severe intrathoracic infections and may be a good alternative to the open window thoracostomy in selected patients. Long time intervals in between VAC changes and short course of therapy result in good patient acceptance. (Ann Thorac Surg 2011;91:1582-90) (C) 2011 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons


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This paper lays down some theoretical framework for further research to be made on the subject of how identity of young Slovenian and Catalan users is forming within the social networking website Facebook. The author pursues his interest based on observation of how communicationand thus interaction between users is changing and how this is reflected in everyday practices. In so doing he tries to identify the connections between the individual, society and technology, asthese are more and more interwoven, and we cannot think one without the other in thecontemporary globalised world.