859 resultados para Antropologia Cultural e Social


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The Hutchison Family Papers consist of diaries, journals, speeches, correspondence, genealogical material and financial papers, concerning the personal and business affairs of a Rock Hill family. Subjects include post-colonial life in the Carolinas, the antebellum plantation system in South Carolina, post-Civil War cotton farming, especially the Rock Hill Cotton Mill, and Rock Hill during World War I. There is also material concerning relations and negotiations with the Catawba Indians by David Hutchison who was one of several commissioners designated by the South Carolina legislature to investigate Catawba land claims and leasing practices; and historical sketches of Glencairn Garden, the White House and the Oakland Avenue Presbyterian Church, all located in Rock Hill, South Carolina. There are also included in the “General Correspondence and Related Papers” series such records as: last will and testament, inventory lists, certificates of indentured servants, legislative acts, (eg. 1840 Treaty with the Catawba Indians) and other similar documents. Correspondents include Jude Grimke, A.E. Hutchison, David Hutchison, Hiram Hutchison, James Moore, John N. Morehead and Thomas Spratt.


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The concept of metacontingency was taught to undergraduate students of Psychology by using a "game" simulation proposed originally by Vichi, Andery and Glenn (2009). Twenty-five students, distributed into three groups were exposed to six experimental sessions in which they had to make bets and divide the amounts gained. The three groups competed against each other for photocopies quotas. Two contingencies shifted over the sessions. Under Contingency B, the group would win points only if in the previous round each member had received the same amount of points and under Contingency A, winning was contingent on an unequal distribution of the points. We observed that proportional divisions predominated independent of the contingency in course. The manipulation of cultural consequences (winning or losing points) produced consistent modifications in two response categories: 1) choices of the value bet in each round, and 2) divisions of the points among group members. Controlling relations between cultural consequences and the behavior of dividing were statistically significant in one of the groups, whereas in the other two groups controlling relations were observed only in Contingency B. A review of the reinforcement criteria used in the original experiment is suggested.


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Between April 1997 and November 1999, I followed eight socially excluded female drug users in an attempt to describe their lives and living conditions. The study employs an ethnographic approach with the focus being directed at the specific woman and her life in relation to the social context where this life is lived. The study’s objective has been to describe the lives and living conditions of the eight drug-using women, as well as the extent of the opportunities available to them, as being determined by mechanisms of social exclusion. Their lives are understood on the basis of a feminist and social constructionist perspective where perceptions of ‘the drug-abusing woman’ are regarded as the result of constructions of gender and deviance. The theoretical perspectives proceeds from the idea that one is not born a woman but rather becomes one. The fundamental idea is that women become women by means of processes of femininisation, in the context of which certain ways of interpreting and presenting oneself as a woman are regarded as good and others as bad. Our images of ‘the female drug addict’ are based on how we define and interpret deviance and on the cultural and social thought and behaviour patterns we ascribe to people on the basis of bodily differences. It is images of ‘the good woman’ that defines what we regard as characteristic of ‘the bad woman’ and vice versa. The findings are organised into three main topics: femininity, living conditions and social control. The main findings are: The women described themselves as women by relating to normative messages about how women “are and should be”, and their drug use constituted a means of coping with life from their social position. Their life revolved to a large extent around money via a constant struggle to find enough to cover the rent, food and other basic necessities. And finally, how the women’s relations to societal institutions were formed by their social position as ‘female drug addicts’ and how the asymmetry of these relations produced certain fixed patterns of action for the parties involved.


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Starting from the contexts on which the researches about migrant minors and adolescents have been concentrated so far, school, free time, friends, family, society integration, this work puts attention on gender dimension, supporting the ideas that socialization is a life-long process, that gender and gender roles are a cultural construction and the subject has multiple identities. The research aim to understand if being male or female, related with ethnic and cultural origin, influences the identity construction, the gender belonging and roles, the behaviours, in a different way, in interaction with the different everyday contexts. The research points out how being male or female affects: - daily choices, expectations and behaviours inside peer group, family and school; - future expectations as adult inside family, work and society; - idea about the adolescence and the self-decription as adolescent, female, male and immigrant. The analysis highlights that the gender belonging, as the ethnic and cultural belonging, doesn’t drive behaviours, attitudes, expectations totally to tradition or totally to “western way”, in the different everyday contexts. There is rather a combination of these ways, choosing the one or the other way in the different contexts according to be in a position in which there are more or less contacts with the society they live in. Differently, the self perception as adolescent and as individual is relatively independent from gender and ethniccultural belonging, over which prevail the idea of “ peer normality”. Above all, it is important to put in evidence that they are experiencing a very high level of complexity and change as adolescent and migrant or migrant’ son. Personal, cultural and social transitions can explain a large part of variability and our difficulty to construct high defined classifications.


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Through this research I have tried to demonstrate how the evolution of the newest marketing strategies - that work towards engaging relationships with consumers, thus building an emotional connection between the brand and the user- can be considered as a response to the evolution of young audiences and consumers. More specifically, I have analized product placement as a cultural and social phenomena above all, and not only as an economical one, thus demonstrating all the social and cultural practices that this tool implies. The approach I have chosen to do so, is historical-analytical, particularly focusing on the evolution of the society and of the consumer, especially for what teenagers (both as audiences and as consumers) are concerned.


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Quelle est la différence entre un flibustier et un pirate ? Ce projet de recherche est basé sur cette question enfantine. En fait, les historiens contemporains, qui ont consacré de nombreuses pages à la « piraterie » et à la « flibuste » de l’âge moderne, n’ont pas réussi à répondre à cette – apparemment – simple question. Les reconstructions et les théories développées, en fait, ont assimilé ces deux phénomènes, en traitant les deux termes comme de simples synonymes. Mais, si cela peut être considéré comme vrai aujourd’hui, il n'était pas au cours des XVIIème et XVIIIème siècles. À l'époque, pirate était équivalent de « hostis humani generis », et comme tel craint et persécuté. Les flibustiers, au contraire, ont été considérés comme l’un des groupes les plus importants dans les premiers établissements des îles de la Mer des Caraïbes. En outre, le terme flibustier, dans la correspondance des gouverneurs français, se réfère à un élément considéré comme essentiel pour la réussite du processus de construction de la colonie, et également cruciale pour la consolidation des établissements américains. C’est donc la relation spéciale entre les flibustiers et le Nouveau Monde est l’objet de cette thèse. En utilisant une approche historico-culturel, on a essayé de contextualiser le phénomène de la flibuste dans le « processus d’américanisation » des premières communautés européennes en Amérique. La relation étroite entre les colons des établissements français de Saint-Domingue (aujourd’hui Haïti) et les nombreux espaces - économique, militaire, diplomatique, social, humain - des Caraïbes a fait des flibustiers un élément fortement « américanisé ». Grâce à la lecture des documents d'archives et les mémoires des années entre 1684 et 1727, on a reconstruit la dynamique de la relation entre ce groupe et le contexte américain, avec une attention particulière à la dynamique culturelle et sociale.


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La tesi di dottorato ha come oggetto il pensiero sociologico di Georg Simmel con particolare riferimento alla sua interpretazione nei diversi indirizzi di ricerca della sociologia relazionale contemporanea. In particolare, si propone una rilettura del contributo simmeliano alla luce del paradigma relazionale della sociologia di Pierpaolo Donati. Il lavoro di ricerca è stato condotto secondo una rigorosa ricognizione testuale dell’opus simmeliano e della bibliografia critica internazionale sull'argomento in oggetto. A partire dalla nozione di relazione sociale, si dipana l’analisi della proposta sociologica simmeliana: il termine tedesco Wechselwirkung (azione reciproca) racchiude la complessa semantica con cui assume senso l’intera teoria sociologica simmeliana. Simmel è il primo "sociologo relazionale", come sostenuto da Donati, e in questa ricerca si cerca di mostrare le evidenze della validità di tale asserzione. Nella formulazione simmeliana si trovano importanti indizi teorici che permettono di rielaborare la relazione nei termini di una “forma sociale vitale”. Questo significa che la relazione sociale trova la sua ragion d’essere in quanto fenomeno umano che si determina a partire dalle nozioni di “spirito” (Geist) e “vita”(Leben). Nel primo capitolo si chiarisce la natura di questa relazione sociale in rapporto alle varie proposte sociologiche relazionali in campo internazionale. Nel secondo capitolo si analizza in maniera critica la (ri)formulazione simmeliana della relazione come scambio (nella forma simbolica del denaro) e le interpretazioni relazionali che si sono succedute a partire da questo cambio di rotta. Nel terzo capitolo vengono passate in rassegna le principali figure relazionali (la vita della metropoli, la moda, il conflitto, il povero, lo straniero) con le quali si confronta il sociologo berlinese. Nel quarto capitolo si propone di rileggere fenomeni sociali e culturali come forme relazionali in riferimento alla sfera dell’arte e della teologia (religione).


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L’attività di ricerca è focalizzata sull’analisi delle normative in materia di contratto di lavoro a termine in Italia, Francia e Spagna. Si tratta di Stati che, al pari del nostro, fanno un grandissimo uso di tale fattispecie, divenuta nei fatti il principale canale di ingresso nel mondo del lavoro, con percentuali complessive di rapporti a tempo determinato anche superiori a quelle italiane. Il confronto con due Paesi a noi vicini da un punto di vista giuridico, culturale e sociale è servito allo scopo di valutare la razionalità e l’opportunità delle profonde modifiche apportate alla disciplina generale da parte del decreto-legge n. 34/2014 (c.d. Decreto Poletti) ed ancora prima dalla riforma del sistema risarcitorio ad opera della legge n. 183/2010. Per ciascun ordinamento sono prese in considerazione le regole finalizzate alla tutela dei diritti dei lavoratori a termine, nonché gli orientamenti giurisprudenziali che hanno contribuito, specie in materia di non discriminazione, ad implementare il livello di protezione della posizione dei lavoratori stessi. Specifica attenzione viene dedicata, inoltre, alla disciplina del pubblico impiego, settore in cui si riscontra spesso un uso distorto delle assunzioni a tempo determinato, come testimoniano le vicende degli agents contractuels francesi e dei lavoratori c.d. indefinidos no fijos de plantilla. La conclusione della tesi è affidata allo studio del contenzioso originato dai tre Stati avanti alla Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione Europea, al fine di isolare eventuali momenti di sintesi delle differenze delle rispettive regolamentazioni. L’elemento aggregante che affiora dai dicta del supremo organo di giustizia comunitario è il principio di stabilità dell’impiego, la cui portata generale e trasversale può essere utile al fine di orientare l’attività produttiva e interpretativa delle norme nazionali nella direzione di un’implementazione delle tutele spettanti ai prestatori di lavoro a termine.


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This research was based on the results of a case study of a large confectionery factory in the Russian city of Samara. The concept of paternalism is clear in many features of the life of Russian enterprises, including the rhetoric and strategy of the management, relationships within the labour force and the stereotypical expectations of workers. The concept also has a much wider bearing, embracing the spheres of state policy, the social, and family relationships, that is every sphere of social life in which the patriarchal, communal, stereotyped way of thinking of the Soviet people is reproduced. A substantial proportion of the state's role in providing social protection for the population is carried out through enterprises. In spite of low salaries and the absence of career opportunities, female workers were as strongly attached to the enterprise as to their homes. Romanov's research showed how the development of capitalism in industries in Russia is destroying the cultural and social identities of female workers and is contributing to gender inequality. Interpersonal relations are becoming increasingly utilitarian and distant and the basic features of the patriarchal type of administrative control are becoming blurred. This control is becoming more subtle, but gender segregation is preserved in the new framework and indeed becoming more obvious, being reproduced both at the departmental level and in the hiring policy of the enterprise as a whole.


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Central Eastern Europe, the research area this paper is concerned with, is a region characterized by a high diversity of languages and cultures. It is, at the same time, an area where political, cultural and social conflicts have emerged over time, nowadays especially in border zones, where people of different ethnic, cultural or linguistic background live. In this context, it is important for us researchers to get balanced interview data, and consequently we very often have to conduct interviews in several different languages and within changing cultural contexts. In order to avoid "communication problems" or even conflictual (interview) situations, which might damage the outcome of the research, we are thus challenged to find appropriate communication strategies for any of these situations. This is especially difficult when we are confronted with language or culture-specific terminology or taboo expressions that carry political meaning(s). Once the interview data is collected and it comes to translating and analysing it, we face further challenges and new questions arise. First of all, we have to decide what a good translation strategy would be. Many words and phrases that exist in one language do not have an exact equivalent in another. Therefore we have to find a solution for translating these expressions and concepts in a way that their meanings do not get "lost by translation". In this paper I discuss and provide insights to these challenges by presenting and discussing numerous examples from the region in question. Specifically, I focus on the deconstruction of the meaning of geographical names and politically loaded expressions in order to show the sensitivities of language, the difficulties of research in multilingual settings and with multilingual data as well as the strategies or "ways out" of certain dilemmas.


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One factor that is investigated as a possible clue to etiological factors in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is season of birth. Season of birth effects could be the result of temperature, toxins, dietary changes, viral infections, and cultural or social factors that change seasonally (Bolton, Pickles, Harrington, Macdonald, & Rutter, 1992). A number of studies have looked for season of birth effects in ASD with no conclusive results. The current study analyzed season of birth effects in a sample of 441 children diagnosed with ASD. Analysis was also repeated after excluding prematurely born children from the data. Level of functioning and gender effects were tested by breaking the sample into a number of sub-groups. While there were no season of birth effects in the sample of all children with ASD when compared to children without ASD in either the entire sample or the non-premature sample, there were significant differences in the season of birth of low functioning children with ASD when compared with high functioning children with ASD.


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The objective of this cross sectional pilot study was to understand the cultural and social influences associated with the participation and retention of Mexican American parents in research studies. Mexican American parent's participation is limited due to cultural barriers that researchers may not recognize. Successful recruitment and retention of participants is a critical element for prevention research, particularly for groups that are underrepresented and carry a high burden of disease (Dunika, Garza, Roosa, & Stoerzinger, 1997). ^ The goal of this pilot study was to increase the understanding of research participation, recruitment and retention strategies among Mexican American adults using an instrument based on the Health Belief Model. This instrument was used to assess the cultural beliefs of Mexican American adults toward research participation. The dependent variable (research scenarios indexed by invasiveness) for each participant was compared to the independent variable (HBM scores) using chi-square analysis to see how the Health Belief Model constructs of perceived threat, perceived barriers, cues to action and perceived benefits are associated with how willing the participants are to participate in different risk levels of research. Descriptive statistics were used to assess the items on the instrument regarding acculturation, demographics, and sample size. ^ This study expands on current knowledge of research participation and retention strategies and methods involving the Mexican American parents. Using data from this study, researchers can observe relevant patterns from the participant's responses.^