959 resultados para Anastomose Cirúrgica


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The intervertebral disc disease is considered a major neurological disorder involving the spinal cord, being a disease commonly seen in dogs in clinical practice of small animals. The pathophysiology of most discopathies have not been fully elucidated, but it is known that the symptoms observed will depend on the severity of spinal cord compression and location of spinal injury, ranging from localized pain to complete paralysis. Through a detailed clinical examination and laboratory tests, we choose the most appropriate treatment for each patient, which can be conservative, through the use of anti-inflammatories, analgesics and acupuncture or surgical, through decompression techniques. Acupuncture, therapeutic method of ancient Chinese medicine, uses the stimulation of specific points on the body in order to balance the body's physiological. The action mechanism of acupuncture in discopathies has not been fully elucidated, but its analgesic effects, anti-inflammatory and restoration of sensory and motor function are known, showing results as good as surgical therapy


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The canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor (TVT) is a neoplasm of round cells that primarily affects the external genitalia of both male and female dogs with high casuistry. Its transmission occurs by the tumor cells’ implementation in the mucous membranes during the coitus or in other body parts through licking, scratching or direct contact with the tumor. The clinical manifestations vary according to the location. Despite being a malignant neoplasm, TVT’s metastatic potential is low. The diagnosis is based on macroscopic characteristics, clinical signs, cytology and/or histopathology exam, among which cytology is considered the best method. There are several treatment protocols for the TVT, among which, surgical excision, radiotherapy, immunotherapy and chemotherapy. Chemotherapy with vincristine sulfate is the elected treatment. However, more and more new alternatives have been developed, as the usage of natural products, homeopathy and ivermectina. They can be used as a unique treatment to neoplasm or combined to the chemotherapy in order to decrease the dose and the application number of the chemotherapic and its side effects


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Astrocitomas difusos são o tipo de tumor cerebral primario mais comum em adultos. O glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) é o astrocitoma mais frequente e letal. Pacientes diagnosticados com GBM geralmente morrem em aproximadamente 14 meses apesar do tratamento normalmente adotado. O tratamento consiste em remoção cirúrgica do tumor, radioterapia e quimioterapia com o agente alquilante temozolomida (TMZ). Entretanto, devido a elevada resistência desse tumor à radioterapia e quimioterapia, na maioria dos casos ocorre recidiva do tumor algumas semanas após a cirurgia. Baseado nesse prognóstico pobre e na elevada resistência das células de GBM à quimioterapia, a busca por novos fármacos a fim de aumentar as chances de sobrevivência e a qualidade de vida dos pacientes, é de extrema importância. Nitensidina A é um alcaloide guanidínico isolado da planta típica do cerrado brasileiro Pterogyne nitens, que demonstrou notável efeito citotóxico em células de câncer cervical. A fim de analisar o potencial da nitensidina A como antineoplásico foram realizados ensaios de citotoxicidade desta substância e da TMZ. Os resultados mostraram que a nitensidina A apresenta efeito citotóxico em concentração muito inferior à TMZ. Os resultados também demonstram que dentre as células analisadas, a RO é a célula não tumoral mais resistente a ambas as substâncias e, dentre as células tumorais, a célula mais sensível e a mais resistente são, respectivamente, U87MG e U343MG. Estes resultados indicam que a nitensidina A tem um potencial terapêutico promissor para este tipo tumoral. Experimentos adicionais estão em andamento para investigar esta hipótese


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This study aims, by a literature review, to evaluate the effects of the phacoemulsification surgery into the endothelial cells of the cornea, especially on dogs. The phacoemulsification is a surgical technique of cataract surgery, and presents a series of factors pre, trans and post operation that can affect the cornea endothelium. Knowing that the cornea transparency is essential to the preservation of the visual acuity, and that the endothelium cells do not demonstrate an adequate regeneration, it is important to the surgeon to be aware of these factors in order to avoid or to minimize them. Among then can be mentioned: previous diseases, surgical and chemical trauma, intra-ocular lens, uveitis etc. As consequence, a reduction on the number of endothelium cells and edema can be observed, which can lead to a loss of vision by definitive cornea opacity or to late visual recuperation


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Oncology is presenting an important role in clinical practice as a speciality in recent years in Veterinary Medicine. Mammary gland tumors are detected mainly in old and middleaged bitches that are sexually intact or spayed and the caudal abdominal and inguinal mammary glands are the most affected and they present a percentage up to 75% of malignancy. The majority of dogs with mammary neoplasms are clinically healthy at the time of diagnosis and the tumors can be identified by the owner or a professional during a routine physical examination. Cytological examination of fine needle aspirates can be performed. This procedure is easy and low cost and some criteria that may indicate malignancy are evaluated, however to obtain a definitive diagnosis is performed histopathology of the excised tissue or from biopsy. Regional lymph nodes are the first lymph node to receive lymphatic drainage from the neoplasm. They are at the highest risk of regional metastasis, while the lung is the most common site for distant metastasis. Determining the clinical stage enables the definition of the extension of the tumor. As a consequence, this allows a prognosis to be established and treatment to be planned. The type of therapy to be chosen incites controversy since there are numerous treatment options described, but the surgery is the chosen treatment. However, surgery is not always effective for malignant tumors, and recurrences may occur and in these cases, auxiliary chemotherapy treatments are used. The prognosis for animals that have mammary tumors depends on several factors, such as: size, stage, type of tumor cells and clinical behavior of the tumor, age and medical condition of the animal, and presence of metastasis. Because of this, more detailed studies are needed based on epidemiological surveys in order to provide more informations about risk factors, prevalence and follow-up after treatment of mammary... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The Rooming favors the permanence of the mother with the newborn, thus establishing a stronger link between the mother and baby, in addition, care assistance and guidance are essential to both through the health care team because they recognize the moments critical that their interventions are necessary to ensure the health of both. The educational lecture was an option to have the opportunity to assist, guide and answer possible questions that may arise for mothers, and also to assess the knowledge of puéperas regarding the care of babies and self care. There was participation from 40 patients. In the study methodology was developed a questionnaire containing two subjects (self-care and care for newborns) was given to patients before and after the lecture held by the author in a rooming Maternity HC de Botucatu. The results were analyzed statistically and studied by the author, allowing note that many significant results were obtained after the lecture, which we realize that the same intervention on self-care was significant in respect of: bleeding, infection in the genital tract and urinary tract, surgical dehiscence , care of the lower limbs and constipation, how to care for the newborn was the significance to the questions about the hygiene of the umbilical stump, cramps, hunger, weeping and pacifiers. In the pre-lecture questions 73.00% of 27.00% were right and wrong. Our conclusion is that the mothers have a high level of prior knowledge and educational lectures enriches their knowledge in a creative and participatory


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Endoscopy of the gastrointestinal tract is a specialized minimally invasive diagnostic method and with both diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities. It is divided into two major groups, the rigid and flexible endoscopy. The first most widely used for visualization of body cavities that do not have a light, like the chest, for example, and the second for those with light as the gastrointestinal tract. In Brazil there are few professionals, veterinary hospitals or clinics that offer this type of service. Thus, endoscopy is an area of expertise of the veterinarian who is in huge expansion and has shown great applicability with excellent results in both clinical medicine and surgical small animals


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The wide variety of materials and auxiliaries both in hemostasis and in the use of several surgical techniques is in ascendancy. Many experimental studies have been done in order to reduce costs and surgical time, besides, provide less chance of infection during surgery. This paper aims to present a literature review about the use of nylon cable ties in major surgical procedures performed both in small and large animals


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The gastric dilatation- volvulus (GDV) is an acute and potentially lethal disease, characterized by increased size of the stomach associated with mesenteric rotation on its axis, which affects mainly large breed dogs and giants with deep and narrow chest. The diagnosis is made from the history, physical examination, clinical signs and radiographic evaluation. It is an emergency that requires immediate therapy and consists on protocols to treat shock, gastric decompression, surgical repositioning of the stomach, gastropexy and intensive post-operative care. Despite the significant progress in the elucidation of pathophysiological events, risk factors and treatment, there was almost no progress in determining the root causes of this disease. A significant advance was recently described in the literature on this topic is the technique of gastropexy laparoscopy. Instruct the owners of the high risk breeds is extremely important to avoid situations in which the severity of the illness make the surgical treatment impracticable and the animal’s condition irreversible


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Nos peixes, durante a vida reprodutiva o desenvolvimento gonadal é cíclico e anual. As gônadas passam por alterações de forma, de tamanho, de cor e de textura que são utilizadas como parâmetros para a sua classificação macroscópica. Porém, o desenvolvimento das células germinativas, nem sempre é consoante com essa classificação e, machos e fêmeas nem sempre parecem concatenados. Novas propostas de classificação vêm surgindo na tentativa de compatibilizar as informações macroscópicas e histológicas, considerando a atividade do epitélio germinativo de machos e fêmeas. Ocorre, no entanto, que essas propostas vêm sendo desenvolvidas em estudos com Perciformes marinhos. Aqui, tomando-se como modelo o Characiformes, Schizodon nasutus e o Perciformes, Plagioscion squamosissimus analisou-se comparativamente o ciclo reprodutivo de ambas as espécies, frente às classificações tradicionais e às novas propostas de classificação adicionadas das características histológicas das gônadas, e pode-se perceber que a análise macroscópica das gônadas, muitas vezes, não corresponde a sua verdadeira fase do ciclo reprodutivo, analisado microscopicamente. Isso se dá porque muitas das características cruciais para distinção das fases não são visíveis a olho nu, como folículos atrésicos, maturação do oócito ou anastomose de túbulos ou lóbulos testiculares. Assim, para determinação das fases reprodutivas, deve-se sempre contar com a análise microscópica e, no presente estudo, foi considerado que a melhor classificação para tal é a proposta de Brown-Peterson e colaboradores (2009), que divide o ciclo reprodutivo em seis fases reprodutivas, bastante detalhadas. A partir da descrição do ciclo reprodutivo feminino e masculino em S. nasutus e P. squamosissimus, os dados foram correlacionados com o índice gonadossomático, determinando, assim, que o período... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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One of the main causes of incapacity in athletes, be they human or equines, is the occurrence of intra-articular lesions. The equines are each time more required in his athletic performance, resulting in intense stress to the structures that composes the locomotor device. The leading cause of human and equine athlete’s functional incapacity is the intra-articular disorders. One of the greatest advances in sports medicine was the development of arthroscopy as a minimal invasive intra-articular surgery. The defining characteristic of diagnostic or surgical arthroscopy is featured by minimal tissue damage and broad inspection of internal structures inside the joint associated with low morbidity and complications. The advantages of surgical arthroscopy over traditional surgery are well known: limited hospitalization, early return to competition, lower risks of post-operative joint rigidity, magnification of inspected structures, joint lavage associated or not with removal of potentially dangerous substances. Arthroscopy cannot replace conventional methods and must not do so; however, the intrinsic limitations of conventional diagnostic techniques, such as radiology and synovial fluid analysis, must be kept in mind, particularly in evaluating damage to cartilage and the synovial membrane. Arthroscopy has now become the accepted method of performing all joint surgery, however it is mainly used for radical surgery, such as osteochondral fragment removal, surgical curettage and arthroplasty


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The World Health Organization (WHO) has created a program “Safe Surgery Saves Lives”, focusing on reduce and minimize life threatening or cause serious risk to health for patients submitted to a surgery. This primary goal for this presented study is to apply the checklist from the WHO´s program for children´s surgery in a public university hospital, located in the countryside of São Paulo State, Brazil. Having the responses from professionals surgery´s team, there is an opportunity for evaluation of the features and easiest parts, which are filled in a quickly and in a easy way; focus, supporting and assistance; issues, such as lack of time for filling in, and viability of application of this protocol considering the improvement of the cross functions relationship, and quality of services, providing better assistance and support to the patient


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The study was performed to verify if there are changes in salivary pH in patients with hyperhidrosis who were treated by Videothoracoscopic Sympathectomy. Twelve patients underwent sympathectomy with clamping the sympathetic chain along the vertebrae T2, T3 and T4, under inhalation and intravenous general anesthesia and with drainage of pneumothorax through probe N° 16. These patients had their saliva collected 1 day before and 7 days after surgery for measurement of pH by the colorimetric method with indicator paper. All patients showed no sign or symptom of hyperhidrosis in the immediate postoperative period, which demonstrates the success of sympathetic denervation on these levels. No patient had compensatory sweating and there was no post-operatively surgical complication. No drug or substance has been administered to patients for the study. The pH results obtained were analyzed using test ´´t´´ Student. Although the average pH in samples obtained after surgery was lower than the preoperative, the test revealed no statistically significant difference (p = 0.181). It is concluded that sympathectomy, an excellent therapeutic and definitive method for hyperhidrosis, does not alter the salivary pH, and so, did not influence the cariogenic process


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Urolithiasis occurs with relatively frequency among the diseases that affect the urinary tract of dogs. It`s fundamental that samples of the uroliths are sent for analysis, because, in agreement with the mineral composition of the urolith and also its location, the choice is made between the surgical treatment or the clinical dissolution. Cystotomy is the surgical technique more accomplished in the bladder of small animals, due to its simplicity, when in comparison with other procedures for removal of calculi. With the aid of lithotripsy and endoscopy, the surgical interventions in the urinary treatment tend to be less and less invasive, minimizing the risks of subsequent complications. Chances of recurrence of the urolithiasis are usually larger in patients submitted to the surgical intervention. Besides, the time elapsed among regressive episodes is larger after the clinical dissolution


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Pythiosis is caused by the oomycetous Pythium insidiosum and affect domestic and wild animals and man. The presence of water and vegetal material is fundamental for its life cycle in nature. The biflagellate zoospore are the infective form of this pathogen. The lesions are generally of granulomatous aspect, which frequently may be contaminated by secondary bacterial infection in skin and subcutaneous tissue. Dissemination to systemic tissues may also occur and it may be due to the spread of the pathogen from cutaneous lesions, as well as a primary source of infection. Clinical signs depend on the affected tissue. Diagnosis of pythiosis is based on the clinical manifestations, histopathological sections and culture of the pathogen. Serological tests may also be employed and more recently molecular biology has been introduced as a sensitive, specific and a rapid method for conclusive diagnosis. Treatment is often difficult and extensive surgery procedures are required, however, depending on the anatomic region and size of the lesion, such procedure is unfeasible and relapses are frequent. Due to the climate changes, which has contributed to increase the incidence of pythiosis, it is necessary the search for new therapeutic protocols