982 resultados para Amaro Vieira


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The 75 valid species of the genus Bursaphelenchus are listed together with their synonyms. Diagnostic characters and their states are discussed and illustrated. Tabular and traditional text keys are provided for the genus. Two new subspecies are proposed to distinguish populations of B. piniperdae and B. poligraphi, as described by Rühm (1956), from the original descriptions of these species published by Fuchs (1937). Known records of Bursaphelenchus species with their associated natural vectors, plants and plant families are given. Dendrograms of species relationships (UPGMA, standard distance: mean character difference) based on combined taxonomic characters and also on spicule characters only, are provided. Discussion as to whether the species groups are natural or artificial (and therefore purely diagnostic) is based on their relationships in the dendrogram and the vector and associated plant ranges of the species. Of the six species groups distinguished, two appear to represent natural assemblages, these being the xylophilus-group (with ten species) and the hunti-group (seven species), of which two, B. cocophilus and B. dongguanensis, form the cocophilus-cluster which is separated on the dendrogram from the main clusters. The remaining four species groups appear to be artificial and purely diagnostic in function, namely the aberrans-group (four species); the eidmanni-group (six species); the borealis-group (five species), and the piniperdae-group (43 species). Two new subspecies, both in the piniperdae-group, viz. B. piniperdae ruehmpiniperdae n. subsp. and B. poligraphi ruehmpoligraphi n. subsp., are proposed and diagnosed from B. piniperdae piniperdae and B. poligraphi poligraphi the respective type subspecies. Bursaphelenchus dongguanensis is regarded as being a valid member of the genus and its transfer to Parasitaphelenchus is rejected.


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The pinewood nematode (PWN), Bursaphelenchus xylophilus , is a major pathogen of conifers, which impacts on forest health, natural ecosystem stability and international trade. As a consequence, it has been listed as a quarantine organism in Europe. A real-time PCR approach based on TaqMan chemistry was developed to detect this organism. Specific probe and primers were designed based on the sequence of the Msp I satellite DNA family previously characterized in the genome of the nematode. The method proved to be specific in tests with target DNA from PWN isolates from worldwide origin. From a practical point of view, detection limit was 1 pg of target DNA or one individual nematode. In addition, PWN genomic DNA or single individuals were positively detected in mixed samples in which B. xylophilius was associated with the closely related non-pathogenic species B. mucronatus , up to the limit of 0.01% or 1% of the mixture, respectively. The real-time PCR assay was also used in conjunction with a simple DNA extraction method to detect PWN directly in artificially infested wood samples. These results demonstrate the potential of this assay to provide rapid, accurate and sensitive molecular identification of the PWN in relation to pest risk assessment in the field and quarantine regulation.


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In continental Portugal no information is available concerning the occurrence of entomopathogenic nematodes. During a survey in several different habitats from the southern regions of the country, several isolates where identified as Steinernema feltiae. This represents the first report of an entomopathogenic nematode genus for continental Portugal.


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A survey for Bursaphelenchus nematodes, associated with different conifer trees, was conducted in several forest areas in the northern regions of Turkey. Only pine trees (Pinus nigra, P. pinaster and P. sylvestris) yielded Bursaphelenchus specimens. Nematodes were identified using several morphological diagnostic characters of the genus (male spicule structure, number of lateral incisures, number and distribution of the male papillae, presence of female vulval flap), and confirmed by using RFLP analysis of the internal transcriber spacer (ITS) regions of ribosomal DNA. Three different species were identified from several sampled areas, namely B. mucronatus, B. pinophilus and B. sexdentati, representing a first report of the last two species for Turkey. The association of B. pinophilus with black pine (P. nigra) is herein reported for the first time.


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Because of globalization and removal of geographical barriers, frequent biological invasions of introduced species become an urgent environmental problem. According to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), precise identification of dangerous aggressive species at the early stages of their invasion to new regions is the most important component of the environmental control and monitoring. To resist the potential environmental hazard, the precise data are required on the current distribution and history of expansion of pests that are of global economic importance.


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The vulval pattern of six species of the genus Bursaphelenchus (B. abruptus, B. conicaudatus, B. fraudulentus, B. luxuriosae, B. mucronatus and B. xylophilus) was studied using scanning electron microscopy. A terminology for the vulval region structures observed is proposed herein and illustrated by micrographs and line drawings. It was shown that, of the studied species, only B. mucronatus and B. xylophilus share an identical morphology of the vulval region, all other species differing significantly from each other and from both B. mucronatus and B. xylophilus. This study indicates the diagnostic potential for variation in vulval morphology within Bursaphelenchus and it is recommended that such features are recorded in all future descriptions.


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INTRODUCTION AND GOALS: Genus Bursaphelenchus includes several pests of the world importance for the rural economy, the most dangerous are the Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (the pinewood nematode caused decline of the pine trees in south Asia and in one spot area in Europe, Portugal, Peninsula de Setubal) and the Bursaphelenchus cocophilus, causing the decline of coco-palm plantations in Carribean and Latin American regions. The peculiarity of the host-parasite association of the genus that the nematode life cycle includes three trophic components: plant (mostly a tree), insect vector and a fungus. Goals of the presentation is to list all species of the world fauna and all efficient diagnostic characters, then create the identification tool and analyze the similarity of species and possible ways and causes of the host-parasite evolution of the group. RESULTS: Complete list of species with synonymy and a catalogue of all efficient diagnostic characters with their states, selected from papers of the most experienced taxonomists of the genus, are given for the genus Bursaphelenchus. List of known records of Bursaphelenchus species with names of natural vectors and plants and their families is given (for world pests the most important groups of trees and insects are listed). The tabular, traditional and computer-aided keys are presented. Dendrograms of species relationships (UPGMA, standard distance: mean character difference) based on all efficient taxonomic characters and separately on the spicule characters only, are given. Discussion whether the species groups are natural or purely diagnostic ones is based on the relationships dendrograms and the vector and associated plant ranges of Bursaphelenchus species; the xylophilus species group (B. xylophilus, B. abruptus, B. baujardi, B. conicaudatus, B. eroshenkii, B. fraudulentus, B. kolymensis, B. luxuriosae; B. mucronatus), the hunti group (B. hunti, B. seani, B. kevini and B. fungivorus) are probably the natural ones. CONCLUSIONS: The parasitic nematode association includes three trophic components: plant, insect vector and fungus. The initial insect-plant complex Scolytidae-Pinaceae is changeable and only in rare occasions the change of the preferred vector to Cerambycidae (the xylophilus group), Hymenoptera (the hunti group) led to formation of the natural species-groups. From the analysis it is clear that although the vector range is changeable it is comparatively more important for the evolution of the genus Bursaphelenchus than associations with plants at the family level. Data on the fungi species (3rd component in natural Bursaphelenchus associations) are insufficient for the detailed comparative analysis.


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The pinewood nematode (PWN), Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, the causal agent of pine wilt disease (PWD), is a serious pest and pathogen of forest tree species, in particular among the genus Pinus. It was first reported from Japan in the beginning of the XXth century, where it became the major ecological catastrophe of pine forests, with losses reaching over 2 million m3/ year in the 1980s. It has since then spread to other Asian countries such as China, Taiwan and Korea, causing serious losses and economic damage. In 1999, the PWN was first detected in the European Union (EU), in Portugal, and immmediately prompted several government (national and EU) actions to assess the extent of the nematode’s presence, and to contain B. xylophilus and its insect vector (Monochamus galloprovincialis) to an area with a 30km radius in the Setúbal Peninsula, 20 km south of Lisbon. International wood trade, with its political as well as economic ramifications, has been seriously jeopardized. The origin of the population of PWN found in Portugal remains elusive. Several hypotheses may be considered regarding pathway analysis, basically from two general origins: North America or the Far East (Japan or China). World trade of wood products such as timber, wooden crates, palettes, etc… play an important role in the potential dissemination of the pinewood nematode. In fact, human activities involving the movement of wood products may be considered the single most important factor in spreading of the PWN. Despite the dedicated and concerted actions of government agencies, this disease continues to spread. Very recently (2006), in Portugal, forestry and phytosanitary authorities (DGRF and DGPC) have announced a new strategy for the control and ultimately the erradication of the nematode, under the coordination of the national program for the control of the pinewood nematode (PROLUNP). Research regarding the bioecology of the nematode and insect as well as new detection methods, e.g., involving real-time PCR, has progressed since 1999. International agreements (GATT, WTO) and sharing of scientific information is of paramount importance to effectively control the nematode and its vector, and thus protect our forest ecosystems and forest economy.


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The scanning electron microscope (SEM) has been a major tool in detailed morphological observations of plant parasitic nematodes during the last 30 years, efficiently complementing light microscopical (LM) studies. Nematodes are extremely difficult to observe and characterize due to their small size (aprox. 1 mm long) and paucity of morphological characters, so detailed surface observations of several organs and nematode regions are of the highest value. Among plant parasitic nematodes, one of the most devastating species is the “pinewood nematode” (PWN), Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, which has been a major problem for forest species, and in particular pines, in Asia (Japan, China, Korea) and has been recently detected in the European Union (Portugal). B. xylophilus belongs to a closely related, morphologically similar group of species, within the genus Bursaphelenchus, and designated by the “xylophilus group”. SEM has become a crucial tool in observing several genital characters of males and females, such as male genital papillae, male copulatory spicules, female vulval flap and female genital papillae.s In this presentation, we will show how SEM has been utilized to observe and characterize the shape of the vulval flap, the presence/ absence of papillae near the flap, and confirm the presence and the arrangement of the male genital papillae. LM is also used in this work to show its value as a complementary tool to SEM, in both genital characteristics and other, general, characters of the genus Bursaphelenchus, such as the male bursa and cephalic region.


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O objectivo do estudo centrou-se na avaliação da dinâmica de nemátodes fitoparasitas, e relação com alguns parâmetros físico-químicos, num terreno utilizado para produção de beterraba sacarina, na zona de Coruche. Com o intuito de acompanhar o processo de crescimento da cultura, o estudo foi efectuado de Janeiro a Junho de 2003. Recorreu-se a métodos standard para a amostragem, extracção e observação dos nemátodes. Empregaram-se comparações estatísticas entre a sua presença e distribuição. As relações entre fitoparasitas e vários parâmetros físico-químicos do seu habitat foram verificadas por análise de componentes principais (PCA), análise canónica de correspondência (CCA) e correlações. Em virtude das acções causadas pelas práticas agrícolas, a comunidade decresceu de Janeiro a Abril, aumentando até Junho com o início do processo de rega. O número de nemátodes do género Meloidogyne foi significativamente superior, secundado por Helicotylenchus e Tylenchus. As correlações entre indivíduos e parâmetros ambientais indicam que, aparte a influência directa do hospedeiro, o cálcio, o potássio e o azoto influenciaram as relações de abundância entre os géneros.


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Com o desenvolvimento das tecnologias de computação, o acesso à informação digital nos diversos domínios científicos tem revolucionado e facilitado a obtenção e utilização rápida de dados biológicos. Nos últimos anos, várias bases de dados (catálogos electrónicos) têm sido desenvolvidas, servindo de portal à biodiversidade existente em diversas áreas do globo (ex. Fauna Europaea, Tree of Life). Este tipo de informação permite a manutenção e a catalogação da biodiversidade existente a nível global; particularmente a biodiversidade de florestas, áreas cultivadas, ecossistemas aquáticos, bem como de espécies exóticas/invasivas encontradas nos diversos ecossistemas. Em 1999, foi detectada pela primeira vez, em Portugal e na Europa, o nemátode da madeira do pinheiro (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, espécie de quarentena e classificada como A1 pela EPPO), associado ao pinheiro bravo (Pinus pinaster). Na sequência deste trabalho foram desenvolvidas diversas bases de dados, nomeadamente para as espécies do género Bursaphelenchus e outros géneros com espécies de elevado interesse económico (Aphelenchoides, Dolichodorus); bem como para outros grupos de espécies com especial interesse biológico (Laimaphelenchus, Parasitaphelenchus). A reunião deste tipo de informação possibilita a construção de matrizes, e a determinação dos caracteres diagnósticos mais importantes para a identificação das espécies, posteriormente utilizados na elaboração de chaves electrónicas politómicas (com base no sistema PICKEY, Dianov & Lobanov). A utilização e versatilidade deste sistema, nomeadamente para o diagnóstico e a identificação de nemátodes fitoparasitas de elevado interesse económico, é demonstrada como exemplo


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The pinewood nematode, is the causal agent of pine wilt disease, a serious threat to native pine forest in eastern Asia (Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan) and some parts of North America (USA, Canada and Mexico). In 1999, this nematode was found and identified for the first time in Portugal and in Europe. The detection of this quarantine pest in Portugal has indicated the need to know more about the distribution of Bursaphelenchus spp. in coniferous trees in Europe in order to describe the geographic range of the species and to act quickly in case of the nematode’s unwanted introduction into other European regions. Pine forest has a wide distribution in Turkey that increases the number of susceptible host trees for pinewood nematode. Because of these resaons, some regions of Turkey were surveyed for the presence of the nematode. Three different species of Bursaphelenchus were found. However, B. xylophilus was not detected. The detection of B. mucronatus, very similar to B. xylophilus biologically and morphologically, is very important. The presence of this species indicates that B. xylophilus could spread easly in conifer forests of Turkey. A study was conducted to determine the pathogenicity of B. mucronatus and 80% of seedlings of P. sylvestris were wilted. Biological characteristics of M. galloprovincialis were compared with M. carolinensis, Nort American vector, and some of them were found to be similar.


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Nematodes are the most abundant metazoans, comprising more than 80% of all animals alive today. Since 1743, when Needham (Needham, 1743) described the first nematode, approximately 20,000 - 30,000 species have been named, with estimates of species remaining to be described ranging from 100,000 to 1 million (Blaxter, 2004; De Ley, 2000). Unfortunately, the taxonomic community is woefully inadequate for this task. The number of taxonomists currently describing new species of nematodes around the world is less than 100, and significant increases are not expected. If each of these taxonomists were able to describe 10 new species every year, it would take between 100 to 1,000 years to name these yet to be described species.


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Pine wilt disease (PWD) is one of the most damaging events affecting conifer forests (in particular Pinus spp.), in the Far East (Japan, China and Korea), North America (USA and Canada) and, more recently, in the European Union (Portugal). In Japan it became catastrophic, damaging native pine species (Pinus thunbergii and P. densiflora), and becoming the main forest problem, forcing some areas to be totally replaced by other tree species. The pine wilt nematode (PWN) Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, endemic, with minor damage, to North America, was introduced in Japan in the early XX century and then spread to Asia (China and Korea) in the 1980s. In 1999 it was detected for the first time in Portugal, where, due to timely detection and immediate government action, it was initially (1999-2008) contained to a small area 30 km SE of Lisbon. In 2008, the PWN spread again to central Portugal, the entire country now being classified as “affected area”. Being an A1 quarantine pest, the EU acted to avoid further PWN spreading and to eradicate it, by actions including financial support for surveyes and eradication, annual inspections and research programs. Experience from control actions in Japan included aerial spraying of insecticides to control the insect vector (the Cerambycid beetle Monochamus alternatus), injection of nematicides to the trunk of infected trees, slashing and burning of large areas out of control, beetle traps, biological control and tree breeding programs. These actions allowed some positive results, but also unsuccessful cases due to the PWN spread and virulence. Other Asian countries also followed similar strategies, but the nematode is still spreading in many regions. In Portugal, despite lower damage than Asia, PWD is still significant with high losses to the forestry industry. New ways of containing PWD include preventing movement of contaminated wood, cutting symptomatic trees and monitoring. Despite a national and EU legislative body, no successful strategy to control and eventually eradicate the nematode and the disease will prevail without sound scientific studies regarding the nematode and vector(s) bioecology and genetics, the ecology and ecophysiology of the pine tree species, P. pinaster and P. pinea , as well as the genomics and proteomics of pathogenicity (resistance/ susceptibility).


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Os nemátodes são um grupo de invertebrados, não segmentados que formam um Filo (Nematoda) bem definido e claramente distinto dos outros grupos de organismos. Este Filo constitui um dos grupos animais mais disseminados no planeta, e em termos de número de indivíduos os nemátodes são o grupo animal mais abundante na Terra: quatro em cada cinco animais da Biosfera são nemátodes. Apesar de microscópicos, os animais multicelulares que constituem este grupo são capazes de explorar uma enorme variedade de habitats, nos mares, nas águas doces, nos solos, como parasitas de animais ou de plantas, ou mesmo em condições extremas, como nos solos secos da Antárctida ou em fontes termais (Baldwin et al. 1999). A actual informação sobre a nematofauna do arquipélago dos Açores encontra-se fraccionada e espalhada em diversas publicações científicas, mas igualmente em dados ainda não publicados (Sturhan, comunicação pessoal). Entre as diversas publicações de nemátodes para os Açores, há que salientar os trabalhos realizados por Sturhan (1973, 1975, 1983) e Macara (1994), que muito contribuíram para o conhecimento e distribuição actual das espécies de vida livre e parasitas de plantas; bem como os trabalhos de Afonso-Roque (1995) e Casanova et al. (1996) relativamente a espécies parasitas de animais, reportadas para as diferentes ilhas do arquipélago. A lista de nemátodes apresentada neste capítulo, tem como base as publicações conhecidas para o arquipélago (ver listagem de publicações até 2010 em www. naturdata.com), bem como o registo de espécies assinaladas pela primeira vez para o arquipélago (Sturhan, comunicação pessoal). A classificação utilizada baseia-se na recente revisão da sistemática e filogenia proposta por De Ley & Blaxter (2002) para todo o Filo, até ao nível da Família. A classificação dos restantes taxa segue o critério utilizado para a fauna terrestre da Fauna Europaea (http://www. faunaeur.org). É apresentada a distribuição das espécies nas nove ilhas dos Açores, usando-se a seguinte simbologia: COR – Corvo; FLO – Flores; FAI – Faial; PIC – Pico; GRA – Graciosa; SJG – São Jorge; TER – Terceira; SMG – São Miguel e SMR – Santa Maria.