930 resultados para Alternate Forms
The present study analyzes residential models in coastal areas with large influxes of tourism, the sustainability of their planning and its repercussion on urban values. The project seeks to establish a methodology for territorial valuation through the analysis of externalities that have influenced urban growth and its impact on the formation of residential real estate values. This will make it possible to create a map for qualitative land valuation, resulting from a combination of environmental, landscape, social and productive valuations. This in turn will establish a reference value for each of the areas in question, as well as their spatial interrelations. These values become guidelines for the study of different territorial scenarios, which help improve the sustainable territorial planning process. This is a rating scale for urban planning. The results allow us to establish how the specific characteristics of the coast are valued and how they can be incorporated into sustainable development policies.
This paper describes a new category of CAD applications devoted to the definition and parameterization of hull forms, called programmed design. Programmed design relies on two prerequisites. The first one is a product model with a variety of types large enough to face the modeling of any type of ship. The second one is a design language dedicated to create the product model. The main purpose of the language is to publish the modeling algorithms of the application in the designer knowledge domain to let the designer create parametric model scripts. The programmed design is an evolution of the parametric design but it is not just parametric design. It is a tool to create parametric design tools. It provides a methodology to extract the design knowledge by abstracting a design experience in order to store and reuse it. Programmed design is related with the organizational and architectural aspects of the CAD applications but not with the development of modeling algorithms. It is built on top and relies on existing algorithms provided by a comprehensive product model. Programmed design can be useful to develop new applications, to support the evolution of existing applications or even to integrate different types of application in a single one. A three-level software architecture is proposed to make the implementation of the programmed design easier. These levels are the conceptual level based on the design language, the mathematical level based on the geometric formulation of the product model and the visual level based on the polyhedral representation of the model as required by the graphic card. Finally, some scenarios of the use of programmed design are discussed. For instance, the development of specialized parametric hull form generators for a ship type or a family of ships or the creation of palettes of hull form components to be used as parametric design patterns. Also two new processes of reverse engineering which can considerably improve the application have been detected: the creation of the mathematical level from the visual level and the creation of the conceptual level from the mathematical level. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction
One of the key scrutiny issues of new coming energy era would be the environmental impact of fusion facilities managing one kg of tritium. The potential change of committed dose regulatory limits together with the implementation of nuclear design principles (As Low as Reasonably achievable - ALARA -, Defense in Depth -D-i-D-) for fusion facilities could strongly impact on the cost of deployment of coming fusion technology. Accurate modeling of environmental tritium transport forms (HT, HTO) for the assessment of fusion facility dosimetric impact in Accidental case appears as of major interest. This paper considers different short-term releases of tritium forms (HT and HTO) to the atmosphere from a potential fusion reactor located in the Mediterranean Basin. This work models in detail the dispersion of tritium forms and dosimetric impact of selected environmental patterns both inland and in-sea using real topography and forecast meteorological data-fields (ECMWF/FLEXPART). We explore specific values of this ratio in different levels and we examine the influence of meteorological conditions in the HTO behavior for 24 hours. For this purpose we have used a tool which consists on a coupled Lagrangian ECMWF/FLEXPART model useful to follow real time releases of tritium at 10, 30 and 60 meters together with hourly observations of wind (and in some cases precipitations) to provide a short-range approximation of tritium cloud behavior. We have assessed inhalation doses. And also HTO/HT ratios in a representative set of cases during winter 2010 and spring 2011 for the 3 air levels.
El actual proyecto consiste en la creación de una interfaz gráfica de usuario (GUI) en entorno de MATLAB que realice una representación gráfica de la base de datos de HRTF (Head-Related Transfer Function). La función de transferencia de la cabeza es una herramienta muy útil en el estudio de la capacidad del ser humano para percibir su entorno sonoro, además de la habilidad de éste en la localización de fuentes sonoras en el espacio que le rodea. La HRTF biaural (terminología para referirse al conjunto de HRTF del oído izquierdo y del oído derecho) en sí misma, posee información de especial interés ya que las diferencias entre las HRTF de cada oído, conceden la información que nuestro sistema de audición utiliza en la percepción del campo sonoro. Por ello, la funcionalidad de la interfaz gráfica creada presenta gran provecho dentro del estudio de este campo. Las diferencias interaurales se caracterizan en amplitud y en tiempo, variando en función de la frecuencia. Mediante la transformada inversa de Fourier de la señal HRTF, se obtiene la repuesta al impulso de la cabeza, es decir, la HRIR (Head-Related Impulse Response). La cual, además de tener una gran utilidad en la creación de software o dispositivos de generación de sonido envolvente, se utiliza para obtener las diferencias ITD (Interaural Time Difference) e ILD (Interaural Time Difference), comúnmente denominados “parámetros de localización espacial”. La base de datos de HRTF contiene la información biaural de diferentes puntos de ubicación de la fuente sonora, formando una red de coordenadas esféricas que envuelve la cabeza del sujeto. Dicha red, según las medidas realizadas en la cámara anecoica de la EUITT (Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica de Telecomunicación), presenta una precisión en elevación de 10º y en azimut de 5º. Los receptores son dos micrófonos alojados en el maniquí acústico llamado HATS (Hats and Torso Simulator) modelo 4100D de Brüel&Kjaer. Éste posee las características físicas que influyen en la percepción del entorno como son las formas del pabellón auditivo (pinna), de la cabeza, del cuello y del torso humano. Será necesario realizar los cálculos de interpolación para todos aquellos puntos no contenidos en la base de datos HRTF, este proceso es sumamente importante no solo para potenciar la capacidad de la misma sino por su utilidad para la comparación entre otras bases de datos existentes en el estudio de este ámbito. La interfaz gráfica de usuario está concebida para un manejo sencillo, claro y predecible, a la vez que interactivo. Desde el primer boceto del programa se ha tenido clara su filosofía, impuesta por las necesidades de un usuario que busca una herramienta práctica y de manejo intuitivo. Su diseño de una sola ventana reúne tanto los componentes de obtención de datos como los que hacen posible la representación gráfica de las HRTF, las HRIR y los parámetros de localización espacial, ITD e ILD. El usuario podrá ir alternando las representaciones gráficas a la vez que introduce las coordenadas de los puntos que desea visualizar, definidas por phi (elevación) y theta (azimut). Esta faceta de la interfaz es la que le otorga una gran facilidad de acceso y lectura de la información representada en ella. Además, el usuario puede introducir valores incluidos en la base de datos o valores intermedios a estos, de esta manera, se indica a la interfaz la necesidad de realizar la interpolación de los mismos. El método de interpolación escogido es el de la ponderación de la distancia inversa entre puntos. Dependiendo de los valores introducidos por el usuario se realizará una interpolación de dos o cuatro puntos, siendo éstos limítrofes al valor introducido, ya sea de phi o theta. Para añadir versatilidad a la interfaz gráfica de usuario, se ha añadido la opción de generar archivos de salida en forma de imagen de las gráficas representadas, de tal forma que el usuario pueda extraer los datos que le interese para cualquier valor de phi y theta. Se completa el presente proyecto fin de carrera con un trabajo de investigación y estudio comparativo de la función y la aplicación de las bases de datos de HRTF dentro del marco científico y de investigación. Esto ha hecho posible concentrar información relacionada a través de revistas científicas de investigación como la JAES (Journal of the Audio Engineering Society) o la ASA (Acoustical Society of America), además, del IEEE ( Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) o la “Web of knowledge” entre otras. Además de realizar la búsqueda en estas fuentes, se ha optado por vías de información más comunes como Google Académico o el portal de acceso “Ingenio” a los todos los recursos electrónicos contenidos en la base de datos de la universidad. El estudio genera una ampliación en el conocimiento de la labor práctica de las HRTF. La mayoría de los estudios enfocan sus esfuerzos en mejorar la percepción del evento sonoro mediante su simulación en la escucha estéreo o multicanal. A partir de las HRTF, esto es posible mediante el análisis y el cálculo de datos como pueden ser las regresiones, siendo éstas muy útiles en la predicción de una medida basándose en la información de la actual. Otro campo de especial interés es el de la generación de sonido 3D. Mediante la base de datos HRTF es posible la simulación de una señal biaural. Se han diseñado algoritmos que son implementados en dispositivos DSP, de tal manera que por medio de retardos interaurales y de diferencias espectrales es posible llegar a un resultado óptimo de sonido envolvente, sin olvidar la importancia de los efectos de reverberación para conseguir un efecto creíble de sonido envolvente. Debido a la complejidad computacional que esto requiere, gran parte de los estudios coinciden en desarrollar sistemas más eficientes, llegando a objetivos tales como la generación de sonido 3D en tiempo real. ABSTRACT. This project involves the creation of a Graphic User Interface (GUI) in the Matlab environment which creates a graphic representation of the HRTF (Head-Related Transfer Function) database. The head transfer function is a very useful tool in the study of the capacity of human beings to perceive their sound environment, as well as their ability to localise sound sources in the area surrounding them. The binaural HRTF (terminology which refers to the HRTF group of the left and right ear) in itself possesses information of special interest seeing that the differences between the HRTF of each ear admits the information that our system of hearing uses in the perception of each sound field. For this reason, the functionality of the graphic interface created presents great benefits within the study of this field. The interaural differences are characterised in space and in time, varying depending on the frequency. By means of Fourier's transformed inverse of the HRTF signal, the response to the head impulse is obtained, in other words, the HRIR (Head-Related Impulse Response). This, as well as having a great use in the creation of software or surround sound generating devices, is used to obtain ITD differences (Interaural Time Difference) and ILD (Interaural Time Difference), commonly named “spatial localisation parameters”. The HRTF database contains the binaural information of different points of sound source location, forming a network of spherical coordinates which surround the subject's head. This network, according to the measures carried out in the anechoic chamber at the EUITT (School of Telecommunications Engineering) gives a precision in elevation of 10º and in azimuth of 5º. The receivers are two microphones placed on the acoustic mannequin called HATS (Hats and Torso Simulator) Brüel&Kjaer model 4100D. This has the physical characteristics which affect the perception of the surroundings which are the forms of the auricle (pinna), the head, neck and human torso. It will be necessary to make interpolation calculations for all those points which are not contained the HRTF database. This process is extremely important not only to strengthen the database's capacity but also for its usefulness in making comparisons with other databases that exist in the study of this field. The graphic user interface is conceived for a simple, clear and predictable use which is also interactive. Since the first outline of the program, its philosophy has been clear, based on the needs of a user who requires a practical tool with an intuitive use. Its design with only one window unites not only the components which obtain data but also those which make the graphic representation of the HRTFs possible, the hrir and the ITD and ILD spatial location parameters. The user will be able to alternate the graphic representations at the same time as entering the point coordinates that they wish to display, defined by phi (elevation) and theta (azimuth). The facet of the interface is what provides the great ease of access and reading of the information displayed on it. In addition, the user can enter values included in the database or values which are intermediate to these. It is, likewise, indicated to the interface the need to carry out the interpolation of these values. The interpolation method is the deliberation of the inverse distance between points. Depending on the values entered by the user, an interpolation of two or four points will be carried out, with these being adjacent to the entered value, whether that is phi or theta. To add versatility to the graphic user interface, the option of generating output files in the form of an image of the graphics displayed has been added. This is so that the user may extract the information that interests them for any phi and theta value. This final project is completed with a research and comparative study essay on the function and application of HRTF databases within the scientific and research framework. It has been possible to collate related information by means of scientific research magazines such as the JAES (Journal of the Audio Engineering Society), the ASA (Acoustical Society of America) as well as the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and the “Web of knowledge” amongst others. In addition to carrying out research with these sources, I also opted to use more common sources of information such as Academic Google and the “Ingenio” point of entry to all the electronic resources contained on the university databases. The study generates an expansion in the knowledge of the practical work of the HRTF. The majority of studies focus their efforts on improving the perception of the sound event by means of its simulation in stereo or multichannel listening. With the HRTFs, this is possible by means of analysis and calculation of data as can be the regressions. These are very useful in the prediction of a measure being based on the current information. Another field of special interest is that of the generation of 3D sound. Through HRTF databases it is possible to simulate the binaural signal. Algorithms have been designed which are implemented in DSP devices, in such a way that by means of interaural delays and wavelength differences it is possible to achieve an excellent result of surround sound, without forgetting the importance of the effects of reverberation to achieve a believable effect of surround sound. Due to the computational complexity that this requires, a great many studies agree on the development of more efficient systems which achieve objectives such as the generation of 3D sound in real time.
The amazing evolution of technology, ruled by information, is an incubator where, to give several specific examples, we have witnessed the birth and development of electronic mail, medical tele-assistance and e-learning, as well as various forms of cyberspatial communication,such as the immensely popular social networks and blogs.
Nowadays, treatment of food allergy only considered the avoidance of the specific food. However, the possibility of cross-reactivity makes this practice not very effective. Immunotherapy may exhibit as a good alternative to food allergy treatment. The use of hypoallergenic molecules with reduced IgE binding capacity but with ability to stimulate the immune system is a promising tool which could be developed for immunotherapy. In this study, three mutants of Pru p 3, the principal allergen of peach, were produced based on the described mimotope and T cell epitopes, by changing the specific residues to alanine, named as Pru p 3.01, Pru p 3.02, and Pru p 3.03. Pru p 3.01 showed very similar allergenic activity as the wild type by in vitro assays. However, Pru p 3.02 and Pru p 3.03 presented reduced IgE binding with respect to the native form, by in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo assays. In addition, Pru p 3.03 had affected the IgG4 binding capacity and presented a random circular dichroism, which was reflected in the nonrecognition by specific antibodies anti-Pru p 3. Nevertheless, both Pru p 3.02 and Pru p 3.03 maintained the binding to IgG1 and their ability to activate T lymphocytes. Thus, Pru p 3.02 and Pru p 3.03 could be good candidates for potential immunotherapy in peach-allergic patients.
Presenter, student and teacher evaluation forms for the 6th Annual Lincoln University Sonia Kovalevsky Math for Girls Day program flyer on April 29, 2011.
Presenter, student and teacher evaluation forms for the 9th Annual Lincoln University Sonia Kovalevsky Math for Girls Day program flyer on April 25, 2014.
Inositol polyphosphate 4-phosphatase (4-phosphatase) is an enzyme that catalyses the hydrolysis of the 4-position phosphate from phosphatidylinositol 3,4-bisphosphate [PtdIns(3,4)P2]. In human platelets the formation of this phosphatidylinositol, by the actions of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase), correlates with irreversible platelet aggregation. We have shown previously that a phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate 5-phosphatase forms a complex with the p85 subunit of PI 3-kinase. In this study we investigated whether PI 3-kinase also forms a complex with the 4-phosphatase in human platelets. Immunoprecipitates of the p85 subunit of PI 3-kinase from human platelet cytosol contained 4-phosphatase enzyme activity and a 104-kDa polypeptide recognized by specific 4-phosphatase antibodies. Similarly, immunoprecipitates made using 4-phosphatase-specific antibodies contained PI 3-kinase enzyme activity and an 85-kDa polypeptide recognized by antibodies to the p85 adapter subunit of PI 3-kinase. After thrombin activation, the 4-phosphatase translocated to the actin cytoskeleton along with PI 3-kinase in an integrin- and aggregation-dependent manner. The majority of the PI 3-kinase/4-phosphatase complex (75%) remained in the cytosolic fraction. We propose that the complex formed between the two enzymes serves to localize the 4-phosphatase to sites of PtdIns(3,4)P2 production.