951 resultados para Aged, 80 and over


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In a prospective study the functional results after dissection or preservation of the serratus anterior muscle in the postero-lateral standard thoracotomy were evaluated. In 14 patients of our clinic with dissection and suture and in 14 patients with preservation of the serratus muscle the muscle function was assessed and compared preoperatively, within the first two post-operative weeks, and three months after the operation by the same physiotherapists. The two groups were blinded in regard to age, original disease, and mode of intervention. We compared the wing position of the scapula in the sitting position and the positioning of the scapula at fixation of the shoulder joint in the sitting and in the supine position. Using a four-grade function assessment scheme, both groups obtained the same functional results. There was no seroma in either group. After 2.8 (2.5 to 3.0) years all the surviving patients described symmetric functional conditions. We therefore conclude that in order to achieve a better view of the operative field the serratus muscle may be dissected close to the origin if it is then readapted.


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AIM: Chronic critical limb ischemia (CLI) often requires venous bypass grafting to distal arterial segments. However, graft patency is influenced by the length and quality of the graft and occasionally patients may have limited suitable veins. We investigated short distal bypass grafting from the superficial femoral or popliteal artery to the infrapopliteal, ankle or foot arteries, despite angiographic alterations of inflow vessels, providing that invasive pressure measurement at the site of the planned proximal anastomosis revealed an inflow-brachial pressure difference of <or=10 mmHg. METHODS: Four hundred and twenty-three consecutive infrainguinal bypass grafts were performed for CLI between June, 1999 and November, 2002 at our institution. All patients underwent preoperative clinical examination, arteriography and assessment of the veins by duplex ultrasound. The study group are patients in whom the proximal and distal anastomoses of the bypass are below the femoral bifurcation and the popliteal artery, respectively. Invasive arterial pressure measurements were recorded at the level of the planned proximal anastomosis which was performed at that level if the difference of the inflow-brachial pressure was <or=10 mmHg, irrespective of angiographic alterations of the inflow vessels proximal to the planned anastomosis. All patients had a clinical follow-up included a duplex examination of their graft, at 1 week, 3, 9 and 12 months and, thereafter, annually. No patient was lost to follow-up. RESULTS: Sixty-seven patients underwent 71 short distal bypass grafts in 71 limbs with reversed saphenous vein grafts in 52, in situ saphenous veins in 11, reversed cephalic vein in 1 and composite veins in 7, respectively. Surgical or endovascular interventions to improve inflow were required in 4 limbs (5.6%). The mean follow-up time was 22.5 months and the two-year survival was 92.5%. Primary and secondary patency rates at 2 years were 73% and 93%, respectively, and the limb salvage rate was 98.5%. CONCLUSION: In appropriately selected patients, short distal venous bypass grafts can be performed with satisfactory patency and limb salvage rates even in the presence of morphologic alterations of the inflow vessels providing that these are not hemodynamically significant, or can be corrected intraoperatively.


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Following the decision of the Swiss Association for Home Care Services to adopt the Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI), the RAI-Home Care is gradually implemented in all home care services in Switzerland. Based on a comprehensive geriatric assessment, the RAI not only allows to establish an individualized plan of care, but also generates quality indicators and a case-mix classification system that helps financing and planning resources. This article describes the five steps of the RAI-Home Care process and discusses the strengths, future and limitations of the RAI.


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The transapical transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TA-TAVI) in degenerated aortic bioprosthesis is an emerging therapy for surgically non-amenable patients. However, the presence of different types of aortic bioprostheses (stented and stentless), available in different sizes (19-27 mm), can be at the origin of important mismatches between the malfunctioning, degenerated aortic valves and the inner stent-valves implanted through transapical accesses (23 and 26 mm Edwards Sapien transcatheter stent-valves). We report an emergency TA-TAVI treatment of a severely regurgitant degenerated 23 mm Mitroflow aortic bioprosthesis (Sorin Group, Milano, Italy) implanted seven years earlier in an 80-year-old lady, and we reviewed the current available literature about transapical 'valve-in-valve' procedures to analyze the hemodynamic results and the ideal 'prosthesis-to-prosthesis' match.


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BACKGROUND: Evidence regarding the effectiveness of oral vitamin B12 in patients with serum vitamin B12 levels between 125-200 pM/l is lacking. We compared the effectiveness of one-month oral vitamin B12 supplementation in patients with a subtle vitamin B12 deficiency to that of a placebo. METHODS: This multicentre (13 general practices, two nursing homes, and one primary care center in western Switzerland), parallel, randomised, controlled, closed-label, observer-blind trial included 50 patients with serum vitamin B12 levels between 125-200 pM/l who were randomized to receive either oral vitamin B12 (1000 μg daily, N = 26) or placebo (N = 24) for four weeks. The institution's pharmacist used simple randomisation to generate a table and allocate treatments. The primary outcome was the change in serum methylmalonic acid (MMA) levels after one month of treatment. Secondary outcomes were changes in total homocysteine and serum vitamin B12 levels. Blood samples were centralised for analysis and adherence to treatment was verified by an electronic device (MEMS; Aardex Europe, Switzerland). Trial registration: ISRCTN 22063938. RESULTS: Baseline characteristics and adherence to treatment were similar in both groups. After one month, one patient in the placebo group was lost to follow-up. Data were evaluated by intention-to-treat analysis. One month of vitamin B12 treatment (N = 26) lowered serum MMA levels by 0.13 μmol/l (95%CI 0.06-0.19) more than the change observed in the placebo group (N = 23). The number of patients needed to treat to detect a metabolic response in MMA after one month was 2.6 (95% CI 1.7-6.4). A significant change was observed for the B12 serum level, but not for the homocysteine level, hematocrit, or mean corpuscular volume. After three months without active treatment (at four months), significant differences in MMA levels were no longer detected. CONCLUSIONS: Oral vitamin B12 treatment normalised the metabolic markers of vitamin B12 deficiency. However, a one-month daily treatment with 1000 μg oral vitamin B12 was not sufficient to normalise the deficiency markers for four months, and treatment had no effect on haematological signs of B12 deficiency.


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PURPOSE: To report the sudden onset of reversible Charles Bonnet syndrome precipitated byacute severe anemia. METHODS: The charts of three patients (Usher syndrome, bilateral macular degeneration, and bilateral retinal vein occlusion) with acute Charles Bonnet syndrome in the setting of severe anemia were reviewed. RESULTS: Anemia resulted from bladder surgery, recto-colitis, and severe urinary tract infection. Hemoglobin ranged from 78 to 86 g/L. Decreased visual acuity and formed visual hallucinations (giants, flowers, animals) were present in all three patients. Rapid reversal of Charles Bonnet syndrome and visual acuity improvement followed blood transfusion. CONCLUSIONS: Acute severe anemia can precipitate Charles Bonnet syndrome, which may be reversible by blood transfusion.


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The gracilis free flap is a workhorse in plastic surgery. We present a modified technique that relies on a single horizontal thigh-lift-type approach, which (1) gives wide pedicle exposure, (2) provides material for skin grafting, and (3) allows for distal flap transection without an additional incision. Eighteen gracilis free flaps were performed from 2007 to 2009 for lower extremity reconstruction. Complete flap survival was observed in 17 patients with one partial necrosis distally. Our approach allowed access to divide the distal gracilis tendon without a second incision in all cases. The mean scar length was 16 ± 3 cm and no hypertrophic scars were observed. In 15 patients, no visible scar was observed in the upright position, and in three patients, the scar was visible dorsally (2 ± 1 cm). No sensory deficits were observed 6 months postoperatively. In addition, the split-thickness skin graft harvested from the skin paddle was sufficient to cover all defects.


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PURPOSE: Thirty to forty percent of patients with recurrent gastrointestinal perforation/anastomotic leakage or acute necrotizing pancreatitis develop intra-abdominal invasive candidiasis (IC). A corrected Candida colonization index (CCI) > or =0.4 is a powerful predictor of IC. Fluconazole prevents intra-abdominal IC in this setting, but azole-resistant Candida species are emerging. The aim of this study was to explore the efficacy and safety of caspofungin for prevention of intra-abdominal IC in high-risk surgical patients. METHODS: Prospective non-comparative single-center study in consecutive adult surgical patients with recurrent gastrointestinal perforation/anastomotic leakage or acute necrotizing pancreatitis. Preventive caspofungin therapy (70 mg, then 50 mg/day) was given until resolution of the surgical condition. Candida colonization index and CCI, occurrence of intra-abdominal IC and adverse events were monitored. RESULTS: Nineteen patients were studied: 16 (84%) had recurrent gastrointestinal perforation/anastomotic leakage and 3 (16%) acute necrotizing pancreatitis. The median duration of preventive caspofungin therapy was 16 days (range 4-46). The colonization index decreased significantly during study therapy, and the CCI remained <0.4 in all patients. Caspofungin was successful for prevention of intra-abdominal IC in 18/19 patients (95%, 1 breakthrough IC 5 days after inclusion). No drug-related adverse event requiring caspofungin discontinuation occurred. CONCLUSION: Caspofungin may be efficacious and safe for prevention of intra-abdominal candidiasis in high-risk surgical patients. This needs to be further investigated in randomized trials.


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The authors evaluated ten years of surgical reanimation in the University Centre of Lausanne (CHUV). Irreversible coagulopathy (IC) is the predominant cause of death for the polytraumatized patient. Acidosis, hypothermy, and coagulation troubles are crucial elements of this coagulopathy. The authors looked for a criterion allowing the identification of dying of IC. In a retrospective study, laboratory results of pH, TP, PTT, thrombocyte count and the need for blood transfusion units were checked for each major step of the primary evaluation and treatment of the polytraumatized patients. These results were considered as critical according to criteria of the literature (30). The authors conclude that the apparation of a third critical value may be useful to identify the polytraumatized patient at risk of dying of IC status. This criterion may also guide the trauma team in selecting a damage control surgical approach (DCS). This criterion was then introduced into an algorithm involving the Emergency Department, the operating room and the Intensive Care Unit. This criterion is a new tool to address the patient at the crucial moment to the appropriate hospital structure.


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OBJECTIVE: To study a new technic of laser treatment of macular holes. METHODS: 21 eyes with stage II-IV macular hole were treated with Argon-green laser. Pigment epithelium in the area of the hole was whitened with spots of 100-200 microns, 100-300 mW. We expected this treatment to create a cellular proliferation that could close and contract the hole. Follow-up after treatment ranged from 3 to 24 months (mean: 9.3 months). RESULTS: Within one month after treatment, the macular hole was closed in 7 eyes (33%) and partially closed in 5 eyes (24%). The visual acuity increased from 1 to 5 lignes (ETDRS chart) in 9 eyes (43%), it remained the same in 9 eyes (43%) and decreased from 1 to 2 lignes in 3 eyes (14%). CONCLUSION: Laser treatment of macular holes seems to be effective and could be proposed as an alternative to the patients who cannot be operated on by vitrectomy and gas tamponade.


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Mirror behaviors in advanced dementia are: the mirror sign of Abely and Delmas, where the patient stares at his face (environment-driven behavior of Lhermitte); non recognition of the self in the mirror (autoprosopagnosia and/or delirious auto-Capgras); mirror agnosia of Ramachandran and Binkofski where the patient do not understand the concept of mirror and its use; the psychovisual reflex, or reflex pursuit of the eyes when passively moving a minrror in front of a patient (intact vision); mirror writing (procedural learning). We describe four demented patients with mirror behaviors assessing brain mechanisms of self recognition, social brain and mental and visuo-spatial manipulation of images and objects.