1000 resultados para Acordo preferencial de comércio
One of the existing business models is the family business. This paper deals with the structure of family businesses. With the purpose to analyzing the input and output processes of goods, and management behavior in decision-making, looking for the professionalization of the family business administration. This paper is a case study in a construction materials shop, with an applied research due to their nature, according to his purpose takes the characteristic of exploratory research, using interviews, observation and analysis of company data. During the analysis of processes in the company were noted some shortcomings. Given this fact, made the comparison with the theories found, proposals were generated improvements to be accomplished within the company structure
We know that the Earth goes through natural cycles that influence its climate and the development of their societies. In recent decades, climate changes and nature began to call world attention to the unbridled exploitation that was carried by the current economic system, causing unrest among scientific, social, political and economic world. The theory that man causes a warming in global temperatures by the release of greenhouse gases made the headlines of major newspapers in the world. From there, it was only a matter of time before environmental concerns became ownership of capital by its excessive appropriation. The fear of nuclear threat by the bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki left in fanfare the world, which together with the devastating impact of the exploitation of man and nature gave birth to the Environmental Revolution, a way of trying to change the development patterns of the time and behavior of the population. However, based on the historical form of capitalist domination, this was another measure that was apossada the economic system being transformed into economic value and political exchange. The origin of the conventions, meetings, conferences, parliaments set up to discuss environmental issues, eventually became forums of political and economic talks focused on environmental governance, valuing an asset that is public and everyone. Environmental and climate issue now has a value, thus turning the agenda on the agenda of the United Nations (UN) for its political and economic regulation in the form of global agreement. Given the need for understanding the climate issue, was born the Conference of the Parties (COPs), a regulatory body for climate negotiations, surrounded interests, complexities, conflicts and disagreements between the parties countries, which becomes clear when we analyze their agreements...
Las ramas de actividades comerciales y de servicios, especialmente aquellos relacionados con el sector industrial y sector agroindustrial, tanto que está a cargo de capital extranjero como aquellos gestionados por capital local, pueden ser considerados como responsables de la reestructuración de la ciudad. Este trabajo tiene por objetivo analizar la localización dinámica de los segmentos de actividades de comercio y servicios de consumo productivo que son relevantes para la comprensión de las nuevas relaciones de consumo. Observar las formas de organización de la comercialización de bienes y servicios, y consumo productivo que son representativos de la época actual, considerando los procesos de descentralización y centralización espacial que marcan las estrategias de las empresas en la ciudades medias
In this work, we address the informational Density Index (IDI) a methodological Option How To be used on the Research Procedures Analysis of Commerce Geography. The IDI and an indicator of Technological Complexity level of economic activities and a review and made a database from CNEFE / NCEA, where the first signifies the National Register of Establishments for statistical purposes and the second means a National Classification Economic Activities. Elaborated with emphasis on discussion of between center and centrality relations, wish to present a constitution of a data base on level sampling with an analysis elaboration do IDI from the criteria: home-page and e - commerce. This methodology helps us understand how polycentric structures, locational enterprise well as a reflection on the middle cities using a through the analysis on city of São Carlos/SP. Where we see the establishments with greater and lesser content as well as its geographical distribution, noting of according to the criteria listed number of establishments with IDI 0 very relevant. Our analysis as well as such divisions that meet greater index, so, IDI 2 like to financial activities. Also present at methodological level the city of São José do Rio Preto/SP paragraph seizure of care when working there in database
Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
The Brazilian market in the XIX century: an approach through the cabotage commerce. The maritime commerce consisted of the main way of circulation of the goods between the Brazilian provinces until the second half of century XIX. Although the relatively big importance of the flows of commerce with the exterior, we note significant exchange of goods by sea between the Brazilian regions since the colonial period. A part of these exchanges derived from products destined in last instance to the foreigner or imported of the exterior. However, another part elapsed of national goods that had not arrived at be exported to the international market. Many goods for the colonial and imperial consumption had circulated by the Brazilian coasts in expressive sums. From the information raised for the imperial period, especially the decades of 1860 and 1870, we verify that most of the goods commercialized between the provinces consisted of national products destined to the internal consumption.
OBJETIVO: Descrever os índices articulatórios quanto aos diferentes tipos de erros e verificar a existência de um tipo de erro preferencial em crianças com transtorno fonológico, em função da presença ou não de histórico de otite média. MÉTODOS: Participaram deste estudo prospectivo e transversal, 21 sujeitos com idade entre 5 anos e 2 meses e 7 anos e 9 meses com diagnóstico de transtorno fonológico. Os sujeitos foram agrupados de acordo com a presença do histórico otite média. O grupo experimental 1 (GE1) foi composto por 14 sujeitos com histórico de otite média e o grupo experimental 2 (GE2) por sete sujeitos que não apresentaram histórico de otite média. Foram calculadas a quantidade de erros de fala (distorções, omissões e substituições) e os índices articulatórios. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística. RESULTADOS: Os grupos GE1 e GE2 diferiram quanto ao desempenho nos índices na comparação entre as duas provas de fonologia aplicadas. Observou-se em todas as análises que os índices que avaliam as substituições indicaram o tipo de erro mais cometido pelas crianças com transtorno fonológico. CONCLUSÃO: Os índices foram efetivos na indicação da substituição como o erro mais ocorrente em crianças com TF. A maior ocorrência de erros de fala observada na nomeação de figuras em crianças com histórico de otite média indica que tais erros, possivelmente, estão associados à dificuldade na representação fonológica causada pela perda auditiva transitória que vivenciaram.
Grapholita molesta (Busck) es una plaga que tiene como principal hospedero el duraznero donde produce daños en brotes y frutos. El estudio de características físicoquímicas, en dichos órganos vegetales (pH, sólidos solubles, acidez y contenido de vitamina C) puede brindar información sobre los hábitos alimentarios de dicha plaga. Los objetivos del trabajo fueron: 1) Determinar características físico-químicas como pH, sólidos solubles, acidez y vitamina C en brotes y frutos de duraznero (cvs. Bowen y Fortuna) durante el período vegetativo y 2) Establecer la influencia de las características investigadas en relación con los daños producidos por la especie, en el mismo monte frutal, hasta la cosecha de los frutos. El máximo daño, en brotes y en frutos, se observó hacia el final de la evaluación, previo a la cosecha. Teniendo en cuenta las determinaciones analíticas de brotes y frutos y la evaluación de sus daños, la plaga puede alcanzar un desarrollo óptimo cuando el pH está comprendido entre 3.76 y 5.93, el contenido de sólidos solubles entre 6 y 12 %, la acidez oscila entre 0.17 a 0.39 g%g de ácido cítrico y el contenido de vitamina C está comprendido entre 7.05 y 61.9 mg%g.
Este artigo analisa como a mídia impressa brasileira noticia o comércio clandestino do misoprostol, o principal medicamento para aborto. Foram recuperadas 1.429 notícias, de 220 veículos de informação impressos e eletrônicos, entre 2004 e 2009. A análise foi realizada em 524 notícias de 62 veículos impressos regionais e nacionais. O misoprostol é pauta permanente, mas o enquadramento das notícias é policial, diverso do aborto como uma questão religiosa, política e de saúde pública que domina a mídia brasileira. O misoprostol está inserido no mercado ilegal de medicamentos de gênero, tais como os para emagrecimento, disfunção erétil ou anabolizantes. Sessenta e quatro (12%) notícias impressas apresentam histórias de vida de mulheres que abortaram com o misoprostol. As mulheres têm de 13 a 46 anos e sua inserção de classe demarca diferentes experiências de aborto. Três personagens foram identificados nos itinerários de aborto: amigas, intermediários e médicos. As histórias de aborto tardio são confundidas com a tipificação penal do infanticídio e são casos-limite para a narrativa midiática.
This article focuses on some aspects of the agrarian history of Soledade, a town in the north of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. Our aim is to understand how this area was in many ways affected by the Land Law of 1850, particularly in economic and social terms. Population growth, arrival of European immigrants and increasing privatization of the commons contributed for the increasing of land prices in the region during the second half of the 19 th century. Understanding this situation as a great opportunity to make money, some landowners, directly or through a colonization company, allotted and sold the land they had previously acquired through the Land Law of 1850
This article focuses on some aspects of the agrarian history of Soledade, a town in the north of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. Our aim is to understand how this area was in many ways affected by the Land Law of 1850, particularly in economic and social terms. Population growth, arrival of European immigrants and increasing privatization of the commons contributed for the increasing of land prices in the region during the second half of the 19 th century. Understanding this situation as a great opportunity to make money, some landowners, directly or through a colonization company, allotted and sold the land they had previously acquired through the Land Law of 1850
This article focuses on some aspects of the agrarian history of Soledade, a town in the north of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. Our aim is to understand how this area was in many ways affected by the Land Law of 1850, particularly in economic and social terms. Population growth, arrival of European immigrants and increasing privatization of the commons contributed for the increasing of land prices in the region during the second half of the 19 th century. Understanding this situation as a great opportunity to make money, some landowners, directly or through a colonization company, allotted and sold the land they had previously acquired through the Land Law of 1850