998 resultados para Achim-Uesen


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Microfacies analyses and X-ray fluorescence scanning (µ-XRF) at sub-mm resolution were conducted on the varved Mid- to Late Holocene interval of two sediment profiles from pre-alpine Lake Ammersee (southern Germany). The coring sites are located in a proximal (AS10prox) and distal (AS10dist) position towards the main tributary River Ammer, in 1.8 km distance from each other. To shed light on sediment distribution within the lake, particular emphasis was (1) the detection of intercalated detrital layers and their micro-sedimentological features, and (2) intra-basin correlation of these event deposits. Detrital layers were dated by microscopic varve counting, verified by accelerator mass spectrometry 14C dating of terrestrial plant macrofossils. Since ~5500 varve years (vyr) BP, in total 1573 detrital layers were detected in either one or both of the investigated sediment profiles. Based on their microfacies, geochemistry, and proximal-distal deposition pattern, detrital layers were interpreted as River Ammer flood deposits. Earlier studies on flood layer seasonality have proven that flood layer deposition occurs predominantly during spring and summer, the flood season at Lake Ammersee. Most prominent features of the record are the onset of regular flood layer deposition at ~5500 vyr BP in AS10prox and ~ 2800 vyr BP in AS10dist as well as three major increases in mean flood layer thickness at ~5500, 2800, and 400 vyr BP. Integrating information from both sediment profiles allowed to interpret these changes in terms of shifts towards higher mean flood intensity. Proposed triggering mechanisms are gradual reduction in Northern Hemisphere orbital summer forcing and superimposed centennial-scale solar activity minima. Likely responses to this forcing are enhanced equator-to-pole temperature gradients and changes in synoptic-scale atmospheric circulation. The consequences for the Ammersee region are more intense cyclones leading to extremer rainfall and flood events in spring and summer.


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The microfabric of 11 mudrock specimens from ODP Site 808 (Nankai accretionary prism) was quantitatively analyzed using X-ray texture goniometry and optical petrography. The objectives of the study were to learn about rock strain and to detect a component of bulk lateral shortening in the deformation of the mudstones. Strain evaluation is based on the predictions of March theory, and on distortions of initially homogeneous marker particle distributions (the Fry technique). The main results are as follows. The specimens underwent a strain path of progressive flattening, which is closely related to loss of pore space by vertical loading. A component of bulk lateral shortening is detectable in the top 550 mbsf at Site 808, but compared with the amount of uniaxial vertical shortening, its relative magnitude is probably small. Moreover, it cannot be said with confidence whether this is caused by toe contraction of the accretionary wedge or by gravitationally induced downslope movement of the sediment pile. The mudstones examined were deposited in a marine environment with an oxic bottom water column. Micropore collapse is an important fabric building mechanism, but below 400 mbsf its effects are at least partly overridden by recrystallization of smectite. We conclude that mud microfabrics are not very precise deformation gauges, but can be used for rough estimations of strain.


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To gain insights into the mechanisms of abrupt climate change within interglacials, we have examined the characteristics and spatial extent of a prominent, climatically induced vegetation setback during the Holsteinian interglacial (Marine Isotope Stage 11c). Based on analyses of pollen and varves of lake sediments from Dethlingen (northern Germany), this climatic oscillation, here termed the "Older Holsteinian Oscillation" (OHO), lasted 220 years. It can be subdivided into a 90-year-long decline of temperate tree taxa associated with an expansion of Pinus and herbs, and a 130-year-long recovery phase marked by the expansion of Betula and Alnus, and the subsequent recovery of temperate trees. The climate-induced nature of the OHO is corroborated by changes in diatom assemblages and ?18O measured on biogenic silica indicating an impact on the aquatic ecosystem of the Dethlingen paleolake. The OHO is widely documented in pollen records from Europe north of 50° latitude and is characterized by boreal climate conditions with cold winters from the British Isles to Poland, with a gradient of decreasing temperature and moisture availability, and increased continentality towards eastern Europe. This pattern points to a weakened influence of the westerlies and/or a stronger influence of the Siberian High. A comparison of the OHO with the 8.2 ka event of the Holocene reveals close similarities regarding the imprint on terrestrial ecosystems and the interglacial boundary conditions. Hence, in analogy to the 8.2 ka event, a transient, meltwater-induced slowdown of the North Atlantic Deep Water formation appears as a plausible trigger mechanism for the OHO. If correct, meltwater release into the North Atlantic may be a more common agent of abrupt climate change during interglacials than previously thought. We conclude that meltwater-induced climate setbacks during interglacials preferentially occurred when low rates of summer insolation increase during the preceding terminations facilitated the persistence of large-scale continental ice-sheets well into the interglacials.


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The mechanical behavior of the plate boundary fault zone is of paramount importance in subduction zones, because it controls megathrust earthquake nucleation and propagation as well as the structural style of the forearc. In the Nankai area along the NanTroSEIZE (Kumano) drilling transect offshore SW Japan, a heterogeneous sedimentary sequence overlying the oceanic crust enters the subduction zone. In order to predict how variations in lithology, and thus mechanical properties, affect the formation and evolution of the plate boundary fault, we conducted laboratory tests measuring the shear strengths of sediments approaching the trench covering each major lithological sedimentary unit. We observe that shear strength increases nonlinearly with depth, such that the (apparent) coefficient of friction decreases. In combination with a critical taper analysis, the results imply that the plate boundary position is located on the main frontal thrust. Further landward, the plate boundary is expected to step down into progressively lower stratigraphic units, assisted by moderately elevated pore pressures. As seismogenic depths are approached, the décollement may further step down to lower volcaniclastic or pelagic strata but this requires specific overpressure conditions. High-taper angle and elevated strengths in the toe region may be local features restricted to the Kumano transect.


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The first 1400-year floating varve chronology for north-eastern Germany covering the late Allerød to the early Holocene has been established by microscopic varve counts from the Rehwiese palaeolake sediment record. The Laacher See Tephra (LST), at the base of the studied interval, forms the tephrochronological anchor point. The fine laminations were examined using a combination of micro-facies and ?-XRF analyses and are typical of calcite varves, which in this case provide mainly a warm season signal. Two varve types with different sub-layer structures have been distinguished: (I) complex varves consisting of up to four seasonal sub-layers formed during the Allerød and early Holocene periods, and, (II) simple two sub-layer type varves only occurring during the Younger Dryas. The precision of the chronology has been improved by varve-to-varve comparison of two independently analyzed sediment profiles based on well-defined micro-marker layers. This has enabled both (1) the precise location of single missing varves in one of the sediment profiles, and, (2) the verification of varve interpolation in disturbed varve intervals in the parallel core. Inter-annual and decadal-scale variability in sediment deposition processes were traced by multi-proxy data series including seasonal layer thickness, high-resolution element scans and total organic and inorganic carbon data at a five-varve resolution. These data support the idea of a two-phase Younger Dryas, with the first interval (12,675 - 12,275 varve years BP) characterised by a still significant but gradually decreasing warm-season calcite precipitation and a second phase (12,275 - 11,640 varve years BP) with only weak calcite precipitation. Detailed correlation of these two phases with the Meerfelder Maar record based on the LST isochrone and independent varve counts provides clues about regional differences and seasonal aspects of YD climate change along a transect from a location proximal to the North Atlantic in the west to a more continental site in the east.


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We tested the ability of a small dynamic penetrometer, Nimrod, to infer geotechnical properties of sediment mixtures in the inner shelf. The penetrometer is light and easy to operate, and its operation by scuba divers ensures a greater degree of precision than ship-based penetrometer deployments. We have studied selected positions along a sorted bedform (~ 100 m wide) on the continental shelf off the Coromandel Peninsula close to Tairua, North Island of New Zealand, and additionally took sediment samples at the exact positions of penetrometer impact, also by scuba divers. The derived dynamic penetrometer signatures (i) measured deceleration of the probe and estimated quasi-static bearing capacity as a measure of sediment strength, (ii) reflected changes in grain-size distribution ranging from very fine to very coarse sands, and (iii) revealed the uppermost seafloor stratification (top layer 2-6 cm) potentially being an indicator for sediment dynamics. In this manner, the device proved to be suitable for spatially fine-scaled surveys using divers' support and might deliver complementary information about sediment dynamics, in this case sorted-bedform maintenance.


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Dynamic penetrometer data obtained with the Nimrod penetrometer (MARUM). Data is presented as (i) penetration depth (including for different layers if present), (ii) measured deceleration and (iv) estimated quasi-static bearing capacity including range of uncertainty due to the processing method. Lat/Long coordinates are given.


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