691 resultados para ARN polymérase


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Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients often have gastrointestinal symptoms which may result in malnutrition and a negative impact on their quality of life. Modulation of the gut microbiota can be a strategy to promote host health and homeostasis. Case report: The authors present a case of chronic diarrhea in a hemodialysis (HD) patient with an unknown etiology. After about one year and several failed interventions, synbiotic therapy was performed. The diarrhea episodes ceased after three months of daily supplementation and both biochemical and nutritional parameters improved. Synbyotic therapy promoted clinical benefits in this patient. Discussion: Therefore, this simple therapy may be a promising alternative in CKD and it should be tested in larger studies.


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El uso de la nutrición parenteral domiciliaria (NPD) en pacientes que no pueden alcanzar sus requerimientos nutricionales por la vía enteral está aumentando en los últimos años, permitiendo la normalización del estilo de vida de los pacientes. Entre las patologías que más frecuentemente precisan de la NPD en España destacan la neoplasia y la isquemia mesentérica. Sin embargo, la NPD constituye uno de los pilares básicos del tratamiento de enfermedades mucho menos frecuentes como es el caso de la esclerosis peritoneal encapsulante. A continuación presentamos el caso de un paciente diagnosticado de esclerosis peritoneal encapsulante con soporte NPD de más de 7 años de NPD con un catéter central de inserción periférica (PICC) para la NPD sin complicaciones y pudiendo realizar su actividad laboral habitual. Dado lo excepcional del caso lo remitimos para su publicación.


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Introducción: la composición lipídica de las fórmulas de nutrición parenteral (NP) se postula como posible factor de evolución clínica. Objetivo: evaluar las diferencias en eficacia y seguridad de dos emulsiones lipídicas en NP. Material y métodos: estudio clínico prospectivo de pacientes posquirúrgicos sometidos a NP durante más de 7 días en un periodo de 2 años. Se administraron de forma indistinta 2 tipos de emulsiones lipídicas: enriquecida con ácidos grasos omega 3 (SMOFlipid Fresenius Kabi®) o con ácido oleico omega 9 (Clinoleic Baxter®). Se analizaron variables epidemiológicas, analíticas, complicaciones infecciosas y mortalidad. Resultados: se estudió un total de 154 pacientes con edad media de 64,36 ± 13,73 años, de los que 95 eran hombres (61%), 78 (51%) recibieron SMOFlipid® y 76 (49%) Clinoleic®. La estancia media fue de 16,91 ± 4,23 días, la duración de la NP 9,68 ± 3,25 días y la mortalidad del 11%. Se diagnosticaron 58 (37%) infecciones. No existieron diferencias significativas en cuanto a los parámetros analíticos lipídicos, hepáticos o nutricionales (medidos al inicio y al 7.º día) ni en su evolución (estancia media, complicaciones infecciosas ni mortalidad) entre los dos grupos de pacientes. Conclusión: los pacientes sometidos a NP presentan similares características evolutivas con independencia de la emulsión lipídica utilizada. La bibliografía actual apunta a un beneficio de la disminución del aporte de ácidos grasos omega 9, pero no se han encontrado diferencias significativas entre las fórmulas comparadas.


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Objective: We investigate the influence of caloric and protein deficit on mortality and length of hospital stay of critically ill patients. Methods: A cohort prospective study including 100 consecutive patients in a tertiary intensive care unit (ICU) receiving enteral or parenteral nutrition. The daily caloric and protein deficit were collected each day for a maximum of 30 days. Energy deficits were divided into critical caloric deficit (≥ 480 kcal/day) and non-critical caloric deficit (≤ 480 kcal/day); and in critical protein deficit (≥ 20 g/day) and non-critical protein deficit (≤ 20 g/day). The findings were correlated with hospital stay and mortality. Results: The mortality rate was 33%. Overall, the patients received 65.4% and 67.7% of the caloric and protein needs. Critical caloric deficit was found in 72% of cases and critical protein deficit in 70% of them. There was a significant correlation between length of stay and accumulated caloric deficit (R = 0.37; p < 0.001) and protein deficit (R = 0.28; p < 0.001). The survival analysis showed that mortality was greater in patients with both critical caloric (p < 0.001) and critical protein deficits (p < 0.01). The Cox regression analysis showed that critical protein deficit was associated with higher mortality (HR 0.25, 95% CI 0.07-0.93, p = 0.03). Conclusions: The incidence of caloric and protein deficit in the ICU is high. Both caloric and protein deficits increase the length of hospital stay, and protein deficit greater than 20 g/day is an independent factor for mortality in critical care unit.


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Introduction: Enteral nutrition is an important therapy for severely critically ill patients. The timing and amount of energy have been highly debated. Objective: The aim of the present study was to directly compare the timing and the caloric targets in critically ill patients. Methods: Retrospective cohort study conducted at a single center, comparing timing and caloric goal for critically ill patients. Patients were stratified according to the start of nutritional therapy (24, 48, or more than 48 h) and the amount of energy delivered (target adequacy of previously calculated percentage in the first week). Statistical analysis was performed using parametric and non-parametric tests for independent samples and logistic regression. The results were expressed as mean ± standard deviation or incidence and percentage. Results and discussion: There were no differences in major clinical outcomes in relation to the achievement of percentage of caloric goal at the end of the first week of the study. The beginning of caloric intake on the first day of hospitalization was associated with reduced mortality in the intensive care unit, but not with hospital mortality. The strategy of an early and limited amount of calories seems to be associated with a better outcome. Prospective studies evaluating and comparing these strategies are recommended.


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Background: The different body components may contribute to the development of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus. The aim of the present study was to examine the association of fat mass and fat free mass indices with markers of insulin resistance, independently of each other and giving, at the same time, gender-specific information in a wide cohort of European adolescents. Methods: A cross-sectional study in a school setting was conducted in 925 (430 males) adolescents (14.9 ± 1.2 years). Weight, height, anthropometric, bioimpedance and blood parameters were measured. Indices for fat mass and fat free mass, and homeostatic model assessment (HOMA) were calculated. Multiple regression analyses were performed adjusting for several confounders including fat free mass and fat mass when possible. Results: Indices of fat mass were positively associated with HOMA (all p < 0.01) after adjusting for all the confounders including fat free mass indices, in both sexes. Fat free mass indices were associated with HOMA, in both males and females, after adjusting for center, pubertal status, socioeconomic status and cardiorespiratory fitness, but the associations disappear when including fat mass indices in the adjustment's model. Conclusion: Fat mass indices derived from different methods are positively associated with insulin resistance independently of several confounders including fat free mass indices. In addition, the relationship of fat free mass with insulin resistance is influenced by the amount of fat mass in European adolescents. Nevertheless, future studies should focus not only on the role of fat mass, but also on other body components such as fat free mass because its role could vary depending of the level and distribution of fat mass.


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Anorexia nervosa (AN) is the most prevalent of eating disorders in children and adolescents, and its treatment is long and complex, involving a multidisciplinary team. Nutritional rehabilitation and restoration of a healthy body weight is one of the central goals in the initial stages of inpatient treatment. However, current recommendations on initial energy requirements for these patients are inconsistent, with a clear lack of controlled studies, available scientific evidence and global consensus on the most effective and safe refeeding practices in hospitalized adolescents with anorexia nervosa (AN). Conservative refeeding recommendations have been classically established in order to prevent the refeeding syndrome. Nevertheless, various works have recently appeared advocating a higher initial caloric intake, without observing more complications or refeeding syndrome, and allowing a shorter average stay. We present our experience in the treatment of restricting AN with a conservative progressive treatment. We have obtained good results with this approach, which was well tolerated by patients, with no observing complications. As a consequence, the medical team could establish a pact about the therapeutic goals with the patients in an easier way.


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Introducción: el bajo peso al nacer (BPN) es un factor de riesgo para desarrollar obesidad en la vida adulta. Objetivo: evaluar diferencias en la composición corporal de niños de entre 8 y 10 años de edad con y sin antecedente de BPN. Métodos: fue un estudio observacional, transversal comparativo. Participaron 112 niños (95 con adecuado peso al nacer [APN] y 17 con BPN). Se realizó antropometría (peso, talla, circunferencias de cintura y cadera, pliegue cutáneo de tríceps [PCT] y subescapular [PCSE]). Resultados: se encontró una prevalencia combinada del 41% para sobrepeso y obesidad en ambos grupos de estudio. El porcentaje de grasa corporal total fue menor en las niñas con BPN (no significativo); sin embargo, el indicador PCT-PCSE fue significativamente más alto (p = 0,04) que el de las niñas con APN. En contra de lo esperado, al estratificar según porcentaje de grasa y peso al nacer, se encontró que el grupo con BPN presentó un porcentaje de grasa bajo (p < 0,05) en comparación con el grupo de APN, siendo 6 veces mayor la posibilidad de que un niño con BPN presente porcentaje de grasa total bajo a esta edad. Conclusiones: a estas edades no se encontró mayor porcentaje de grasa en el grupo con BPN en comparación con el de APN; sin embargo, las niñas con BPN presentaron mayor deposición de grasa troncal que las de APN. La deposición de grasa es un indicador que hay que considerar, y no únicamente el índice de masa corporal, en la evaluación nutricia infantil.


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Introducción: los supervivientes de leucemia aguda (LA) infantil presentan un riesgo incrementado de alteraciones metabólicas y cardiovasculares que aumentan su morbimortalidad a largo plazo. Objetivo: estimar la prevalencia de obesidad, resistencia a la insulina, dislipemia e hipertensión arterial como factores de riesgo cardiometabólico (FRCM) en un grupo de supervivientes de LA infantil, y analizar las posibles causas asociadas a su desarrollo. Material y métodos: estudio observacional retrospectivo en 47 supervivientes de LA tratados en un periodo de 4 años, que recibieron seguimiento durante 10 años. Resultados: el 40% de los participantes presentaron al menos un FRCM durante el seguimiento, siendo la dislipemia (aumento LDL) el más frecuente (38,3%), seguido de obesidad/sobrepeso (31,9%) y HTA sistólica (23,4%). El sexo femenino se estableció como factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de todos ellos (RR 1,6; RR 3,16; RR 1,69; p < 0,05). Ningún superviviente desarrolló diabetes mellitus, pero sí resistencia a la insulina el 19,4%. Los pacientes con leucemias de peor pronóstico presentaron mayor riesgo de desarrollar obesidad, resistencia a la insulina y aumento de LDL (RR 3,56; RR 4,08; RR 2,53; p < 0,05). Los pacientes tratados con trasplante de progenitores hematopoyéticos presentaron mayor riesgo de obesidad, aumento de LDL e HTA sistólica (RR 2,86; RR 2,39; RR 3,12; p<0,05). La radioterapia se asoció de igual modo con un incremento de resistencia a la insulina e hipertensión arterial sistólica (RR 2,47; RR 2,53; p < 0,05). Conclusiones: existe un aumento en la prevalencia de obesidad/sobrepeso, dislipemia, resistencia a la insulina y alteración de la tensión arterial sistólica en supervivientes de leucemia aguda infantil a lo largo del tiempo, especialmente en aquellos con enfermedades y tratamientos más agresivos.