950 resultados para ALEPH training sessions
This paper builds on the experience of the on-going, mainly ethnographic, research project called Teacher training in’ multicultural’ Sweden. Class, gender and ethnicity. In this multi-disciplinary project a number of scholars conduct research through participant observation in, and through the study and analysis of documents from, a number of teacher training colleges in Sweden. In this paper I will use empirical material gathered from two teacher training colleges to discuss this basic issue. One college is situated in a suburb outside Stockholm and it consciously portrays itself as a college for ‘multicultural’ students who will later teach in ‘multicultural’ suburbs. The other college is situated in a small town and although ‘multiculturalism’ is seen as important in the educational system students with mainly ‘Swedish’ background are recruited. In the first college ‘differences’ are lauded and students are encouraged to ponder upon and develop their ethnic profile. In the second ‘similarities’ are more taken for granted. I will argue, however, that within these colleges ‘differences’ and ’similarities’ are not only discussed but actually created against a backdrop of macro-constraints which are not much scrutinized within these colleges.
Issues Paper: Practice Learning
Reforming Professional Training - A Consultation Paper
Flexible Training Strategy (National Task Force on Medical Staffing) The Flexible Training Strategy, while endorsing flexible/part-time options recognises that the preferred option for the majority of doctors-in-training and consultants is most likely to continue to be full-time training and work. Click here to download PDF
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Click here to download Strategic Review of Medical Training and Career Structure Interim Report PDF 44kb Click here to download Strategic Review of Medical Training and Career Structure Terms of Reference PDF 59KB
Reducing comparative optimism regarding risk perceptions in traffic accidents has been proven to be particularly difficult (Delhomme, 2000). This is unfortunate because comparative optimism is assumed to impede preventive action. The present study tested whether a road safety training course could reduce drivers' comparative optimism in high control situations. Results show that the training course efficiently reduced comparative optimism in high control, but not in low control situations. Mechanisms underlying this finding and implications for the design of road safety training courses are discussed.
The Minister for Health decided, in July 2013, to establish a Working Group, chaired by Professor Brian MacCraith, President of DCU, to carry out a strategic review of medical training and career structure. The Working Group will examine and make high-level recommendations relating to training and career pathways for doctors with a view to: From January-April 2014, the Working Group prioritised work on career structures and pathways following completion of specialist training in order to report to the Minister for Health on these issues in this report. Download the Report (PDF, 800 kb) Â
 Final report of the Strategic Review Working Group chaired by Professor Brian MacCraith (President, DCU) This final report focuses on issues relating to strategic medical workforce planning and career planning and mentoring supports for trainee doctors and makes recommendations. It also addresses specific issues in relation to the specialties of public health medicine, general practice and the community-based aspects of psychiatry.  Download the report here. Â
This project intends to build on the success in equipping individuals with mental health problems, who are obese, with the skills necessary to make healthier lifestyle choices.Particpants will work as a group and support each other. A range of sessions were held on health issues of importance to clients (stress, exercise, mental health) through information workshops, training, pharmacy clinics, cooking etc. For the participants involved in the project their confidence has grown and they are able to share their learning with others at the centre. The clients are aware of other services and how to access them. The pharmacist role played a visit to the doctors to help clients get the best out of their appointment. The mental health of those involved has also imporved and has spurred them on to make changes in their overall lifestyle.
AMH, founded in 1963, one of the largest regional voluntary sector organization in NI, has provided a range of services for people with mental health difficulties and learning disabilities. AMH Ards offers a range of person centred activities eg training in IT, administration, catering, literacy and numeracy, crafts etc. They have completed 2 Level 2 applications. This Level 3 application will endeavor to build on the success of the second project, encouraging and building capacity for people to identify their own health needs, enable them to benefit from a range of support services, including pharmacy available to them. In addition, it will continue to educate and involve pharmacists in the road to mental health recovery. 4 programmes (7 weeks long ï¿_ 3 with the pharmacist) will be delivered each year (2 at each of the centers in Ards and Bangor). This more formal programme will be supplemented by ongoing support, staff training (2 sessions) and 4 informal drop in sessions and more general health events. At all of these sessions, the pharmacists will either lead on or attend.