992 resultados para 7038-507


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Objectives: to define in patients undergoing surgery for mitral regurgitation (MR) the risk of thrombo-embolic complications, particularly ischemic stroke (IS) compared to that in the general population. Background: MR is frequent, occurs mostly in the elderly and guidelines recommend surgery in asymptomatic patients but IS risks are unknown. Methods: in 1344 patients (65±12 years) consecutively operated for MR (procedures: 897 valve repair, MRep; 447 valve replacement, 231 mechanical, MVRm; 216 biological, MVRb), thrombo-embolic complications particularly IS (diagnosed by a neurologist) during follow-up were assessed early (<30 days), mid-term (30-180 days) and long-term (180 days). Results: IS occurred in 130 patients and IS or transient ischemic attack in 201. IS rates were 1.9±0.4% and 2.7±0.5%, at 30 and 180 days and 8.1±0.8% at 5 years. IS rates were lowest after MRep vs. MVRb and MVRm (6.1±0.9, 8±2.1 and 16.1±2.7% at 5 years, p<0.001). Comparison to IS expected rates in the population showed high risk within 30 days of surgery (Risk-ratio 41[26-60], p<0.001 but p>0.10 between procedures) and moderate risk after 30 days (risk-ratio 1.7 overall, p<0.001; 1.3 for MRep, p=0.07; 0.98 for MVRb, p=0.95; 4.8 for MVRm, p<0.001). Beyond 180 days, IS risk declined further and was not different from the general population for MRep (1.2, p=0.30) and for MVRb (0.9, p=0.72). Risk of IS or transient ischemic attack was higher than the general population in all groups up to 180 days. The risk of bleeding beyond 30 days was lowest in MRep vs. MVRb and MVRm (7±1, 14±4 and 16±3% at 10 years, p<0.001). Conclusion: thrombo-embolic complications after MR surgery are both reason for concern and encouragement. IS risk is notable early, irrespective of the procedure performed, but long-term is not higher than in the general population after MRep and MVRb. Preference for MRep should be emphasized and trials aimed at preventing IS should be conducted to reduce the thrombo-embolic and hemorrhagic risk in patients undergoing surgery for MR.


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Zusammenfassung Zur Weiterentwicklung derResonanzionisations-Massenspektrometrie (RIMS) für dieUltra-Spurenanalyse von Plutonium wurde im Rahmen dieserArbeit eine neue RIMS-Apparatur konzipiert und aufgebaut.Erstmals wurden bei der spektroskopischen Untersuchung vonPlutonium schmalbandige kontinuierliche Laser verwendet. Eswurdenumfangreiche Messreihen durchgeführt, um denResonanzionisationsprozess von Plutonium mit kontinuierlichenLasern zuspezifizieren und möglichst effiziente Anregungsleitern für dieResonanzionisation zu ermitteln. Ein maßgeblicherBestandteil derExperimente war in diesem Zusammenhang die Untersuchung vonautoionisierenden Zuständen. Für die zwei bestenAnregungsleiternwurden Sättigungsintensitäten, Linienbreiten sowieHyperfeinstruktur- und Isotopeneffekte vermessen. Mit denErkenntnissen aus diesen Voruntersuchungen konnten genaueIsotopenverhältnisbestimmungen durchgeführt werden. DieEffizienzdes Gesamtsystems wurde mit Hilfe von synthetischen Probenbestimmt. Alle Messungen wurden wegen der hohen Aktivität undRadiotoxizität von Plutonium mit vergleichsweise geringenTeilchenzahlen durchgeführt. Unterschiedliche Laserionisationsverfahren mit kontinuierlicheroder/und gepulster Laseranregung wurden hinsichtlich ihrerrelativen Effizienz und Selektivität direkt miteinanderverglichen. Weiterhin wurde ein sehr effizientes drei-Stufen, zwei-FarbenAnregungsschema für die gepulste Resonanzionisation vonPlutoniumuntersucht, welches u. a. auf einem Zwei-Photonenübergang ineinenautoionisierenden Zustand beruht. Schließlich wurden mit demetablierten RIMS-Verfahren eine Vielzahl von Umweltmessungendurchgeführt und es wurde an der Weiterentwicklung und derQualitätssicherung des Verfahrens gearbeitet.


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Questa relazione è frutto di un lavoro sperimentale svolto su diversi campioni di taralli del commercio forniti da un'azienda del settore, prodotti mediante ricette simili ed omogenei per dimensioni. Le attività di ricerca sono state focalizzare su: I) l'individuazione e la valutazione dei principali descrittori sensoriali in grado di caratterizzare la tipologia di prodotto; II) lo svolgimento di un'analisi sensoriale discriminante per verificare l'esistenza di differenze significativamente rilevabili tra taralli dello stesso tipo ma conservati per tempi differenti (0, 6, 12 mesi), al fine di fornire indicazioni utili per la definizione corretta della shelf-life del prodotto; III) la determinazione di specifici parametri fisici relazionati con l'apparenza e la texture dei taralli, per verificare la possibilità di utilizzare tali dati sia come supporto alla fase di allenamento del gruppo di assaggiatori, sia come approccio rapido per la valutazione della qualità e della freschezza di tali prodotti. Per la realizzazione degli obiettivi appena esposti, é stata applicata la tecnica QDA®. I dati delle singole sedute di analisi sono stati monitorati mediante PanelCheck. E' stato svolto un test triangolare attraverso cui definire se i taralli differenti per tempo di conservazione risultino significativamente discriminati per le caratteristiche sensoriali. Parallelamente alla QDA® e sullo stesso set di campioni, sono state applicate alcune analisi fisiche concernenti la valutazione dell’aspetto visivo e della texture del prodotto. Per la valutazione strumentale dell’apparenza dei campioni di taralli, si sono acquisite le immagini relative ai campioni oggetto di studio mediante un sistema di acquisizione e, successivamente, elaborate attraverso Image Pro - Plus v 6.2, per determinare elementi utili alla discriminazione dei campioni in esame. Per quanto concerne la determinazione della caratteristiche strutturali dei taralli è stato utilizzato il Texture Analyzer ed impiegato un test di penetrazione. E' stata infine condotta, mediante tecniche statistiche, un’analisi congiunta dei dati sensoriali e fisici.


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Background: cognitive impairment is one of the non motor features widely descripted in parkinsonian syndrome, it has been related to the motor characteristics of the parkinsonian syndrome, associated with neuropsychiatric dysfunction and the characteristic sleep and autonomic features. It has been shown to be highly prevalent at all disease stages and to contribute significantly to disability. Objectives: aim of this study is to evaluate longitudinally the cognitive and behavioral characteristics of patients with a parkinsonian syndrome at onset; to describe the cognitive and behavioral characteristics of each parkinsonian syndrome; to define in PD patients at onset the presence of MCI or Parkinson disease dementia; to correlate the cognitive and behavioral characteristics with the features of the parkinsonian syndrome and with the associated sleep and autonomic features. Results: we recruited 55 patients, 22 did not present cognitive impairment both at T0 and at T1. 18 patients presented a progression of cognitive impairment. Progressive cognitively impaired patients were older and presented the worst motor phenotype. Progression of cognitive impairment was not associated to sleep and autonomic features. Conclusion: the evaluation of cognitive impairment could not be useful as a predictor of a correct diagnosis but each non motor domain will help to clarify and characterize the motor syndrome. The diagnosis of parkinsonian disorders lies in building a clinical profile in conjunction with other clinical characteristics such as mode of presentation, disease progression, response to medications, sleep and autonomic features.


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The purpose of the present retrospective study was to evaluate the post-traumatic healing of the pulp and periodontium of 32 permanent teeth with horizontal root fractures. Twenty-nine patients, 8-48 years old, who presented at our department with a root fracture between January 2001 and April 2007, participated in the study. Root-fractured teeth with a loosened or dislocated coronal fragment were repositioned and splinted for 14-49 days (average: 34 days). In cases of severe dislocation of the coronal fragment, prophylactic endodontic treatment was performed. Follow-up examinations were conducted routinely after 1,2,3,6, and 12 months. For this study, follow-up took place for up to 7 years post trauma. Of 32 root-fractured teeth, 29 (91%) survived. 10 teeth (31%) exhibited pulpal healing; 13 teeth (41%) were prophylactically endodontically treated within 2 weeks of injury. At the fracture line, interposition of calcified tissue was evident in 6 teeth (19%), and interposition of granulation tissue was observed in 8 teeth (25%). The prognosis of the root-fractured teeth was good, and one-third of the teeth with root fractures possessed a vital pulp at the final examination.


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Low back pain (LBP) is the most prevalent health problem in Switzerland and a leading cause of reduced work performance and disability. This study estimated the total cost of LBP in Switzerland in 2005 from a societal perspective using a bottom-up prevalence-based cost-of-illness approach. The study considers more cost categories than are typically investigated and includes the costs associated with a multitude of LBP sufferers who are not under medical care. The findings are based on a questionnaire completed by a sample of 2,507 German-speaking respondents, of whom 1,253 suffered from LBP in the last 4 weeks; 346 of them were receiving medical treatment for their LBP. Direct costs of LBP were estimated at 2.6 billion and direct medical costs at 6.1% of the total healthcare expenditure in Switzerland. Productivity losses were estimated at 4.1 billion with the human capital approach and 2.2 billion with the friction cost approach. Presenteeism was the single most prominent cost category. The total economic burden of LBP to Swiss society was between 1.6 and 2.3% of GDP.


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Nearly 500 brown dwarfs have been discovered in recent years. The majority of these brown dwarfs exist in the solar neighborhood, yet determining their fundamental properties (mass, age, temperature & metallicity) has proved to be quite difficult, with current estimates relying heavily on theoretical models. Binary brown dwarfs provide a unique opportunity to empirically determine fundamental properties, which can then be used to test model predictions. In addition, the observed binary fractions, separations, mass ratios, & orbital eccentricities can provide insight into the formation mechanism of these low-mass objects. I will review the results of various brown dwarf multiplicity studies, and will discuss what we have learned about the formation and evolution of brown dwarfs by examining their binary properties as a function of age and mass.


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The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of iodinated contrast agents on the formation of DNA double-strand breaks in vitro in lymphocytes and to verify these results in patients undergoing diagnostic computed tomography examinations. Blood samples were irradiated in vitro in the presence of iodinated X-ray contrast agent. Controls were irradiated without contrast agent. Fourteen patients were investigated using contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT), and 14 other patients with unenhanced CT. Blood samples were taken prior to and 5 min and 1, 2 and 24 h after the CT examination. In these blood samples the average number of γH2Ax-foci per lymphocyte was enumerated by fluorescence microscopy. Statistical differences between foci numbers developed in the presence and absence of contrast agent were tested using an independent sample t-test. In vitro foci numbers after irradiation were significantly higher when contrast agent was present during irradiation. In vivo, γH2Ax-foci levels were 58% higher in patients undergoing contrast-enhanced CT compared with those undergoing unenhanced CT. In the presence of iodinated contrast agents DNA, damage is increased and the radiation dose is not the only factor affecting the amount of DNA damage. Individual patient characteristics and biological dosimetry applications, e.g. the analysis of γH2Ax-foci, have to be considered.